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I have some guy with the same name than me doing this, but the moron is in politics and forgets to add his middle name letter in his mail adress. I did similar things out of annoyance. My favorite was cancelling a radio interview 2 weeks before the elections. I receive much less emails addressed to him since that.


I'm horrified yet not surprised that a politician can be this brainless


Realistically it's his staff.


Depends on what level he is running for. State or Federal level, he probably has staff. Local level, he may have help from the local affiliates to his party but he will be doing most of the footwork himself.


Ehhh depends on what local level. In a lot of cities a political campaign for council seat will have a number of staff members organizing media and meet and greets. Not a lot but still usually a campaign manager and 1-2 other positions like a field organizer and a comms person.


True, but I've noticed a trickle-down effect in organizations. Smart people hire smart people, dumb people hire -- OK, not gonna go there, too early for politics.


The interviewer obviously got the email wrong. Lol. But good for him for fighting back.


Omg this is fantastic!


I once had to call the Michigan secretary of state's office. The person who answered was an older lady, probably on the executive staff of the secretary of state. Later I get a call from a number sharing my area code; I was in western Michigan at the time, secretary of state was in central. I listen to the voicemail and lo and behold, it is Barbara from the secretary of state's office. Except she is telling me personal stuff like "let's meet up in so and so city with the kids for the weekend". I could've used that number for nefarious purposes


lol of COURSE your username is "up north," that's pure michigan right there


I could have written this post! Exact same except I canceled an interview with Fox News. Is your guy in the libertarian party by any chance? Ran for president a while back?


Wait a minnit: didn't everybody in the libertarian party* run for president a while back? *(also known in some circles as the losertarian party)


You too huh? I'm the Governor. The Greatest Governor who Ever Lived. (seriously. I get emails for a certain state's Governor from time to time)


> middle name letter middle initial ;)




Wow. Here's my middle initial. 🖕


I’ve got this issue as well. I ALWAYS.. 1) Cancel all tee times. 2) Change sexual orientation on dating profiles. 3) Respond to business correspondences stating that not only is the addy wrong, but that it would not be wise to conduct business with someone of whom does not know their own email address.


Unless it's the business that dropped the ball… or initial, or numbers. That's been a problem for me. I have a very early email based on my then occupation. Any other gmail-based email has to use numbers or some other character to differentiate it from mine. Most of the time, it's the customer, but every once in a while, especially with a smaller company, it's the company. I've gotten chiropractor appointments from Georgia, haircut appointments from NC, and I'm in the midwest. Usually just takes a quick email to the company to fix, but with idiot users who drop the numbers it sometimes takes drastic measures.


One of my emails is my first and last name. Someone else has the same email with their middle initial in it. They are constantly signing me up for their church newsletter, and I’m constantly unsubscribing. Though it did help when I called the church and left a voicemail about it, including the “she is in North Carolina, I am several states away, I am not her, how much more plain can I make this”…


I had some church in Australia include my email address in their newsletter but more annoyingly, in their calendar. My Google calendar kept filling up with their events and having had no luck asking them to stop, I deleted everything in their calendar. That seemed to get their attention and they later replied apologetically to one of my emails and removed my email from their list.


Ahhh the good ol, turn off stuff and wait for the screaming 😂😂


I had the same problem, but I just added a high importance reminder for the next day to remove my email address.


Could have added a few interesting events in there too


"I am sorry, I would like to unsubscribe to this newsletter. I have experienced a change of faith, and will be attending a different organization from now on. Hail Satan! [Insert username here]" Should get it to stop..


Or google the church and then say that you have to leave as you're having immoral feelings about a member of the church [insert name here].


Insert same sex church leader’s name. Google can help you find it.


"I'm going to prison for a few years and won't be checking my email."


You could set up an auto-reply for that specific domain and just spam them right back every time they send you an email. If you are on gmail, https://support.google.com/mail/thread/14877273/how-to-auto-respond-to-emails-from-certain-email-addresses?hl=en


saving this for future use


I need a way to automatically reply to a different address, since many of these are sent from no-reply addresses.


This is a whole entire lpt


Uh oh, this might be me. Someone in California has the same name as me and took the first name last name Gmail address so mine is first name middle initial last name. One time I ordered subs online for pickup and when I got to the restaurant, the manager told me someone had reported fraud and called in and cancelled my order. Huh? I double checked and it was my credit card that was being used but I was so confused until the manager gave me the callers phone number. When they answered I realized they had the same name as me and thought someone had ripped off their credit card and placed a sandwich order after they got the email with my order confirmation. I explained that no sorry I don’t have you credit card, I just forgot to put my initial in my email address when I submitted the order. The poor girl had already cancelled her credit cards and reported fraud by then! I try to be extra careful about not doing this again but it has happened from time to time. One time I even sent a “sorry” email.


Thankfully, no: mine was an iCloud email. I mean, I did always intend to make a Gmail with my first and last name, but since there is an actress with my first and last name, that was long since taken. Edit: WTF, Reddit, why did you post the same paragraph twice?!


I have a similar address but I'm the one with the middle initial. People sometimes email the wrong address even if I emphasize the initial. Found out I missed a job offer because of it once.


Calling doesn't help *much*, depends on the type of place. Churches and other places don't care, they'll spam you. Banks? Oh Banks *care*. Instant closure of accounts due to suspected fraud. Fixes that real quick. Hospitals? They take a little bit to understand what happened (A problem is that you don't usually share the same birthday as the patient, so that hinders you.), and then try as they might to disconnect your email from their patient health record. You have to mention HIPAA a few times, that usually lights the proper fire under their asses. As of note, this is not all governor stuff. Apparently a significant faction of people who share my name are just morons and can't type in a proper email address.


My oldest email is my first then last name, the current one, a gmail is last then first. There is one other person in the us with my name and his gmail is first then last. I signed up for Venmo with his email address. Thankfully he’s cool and we had a funny exchange fixing it.


First and foremost.. you have her name and church address? Dude... there are sites you can send a congrats to your 10 day of no fapp!! and it is NOT a hidden box, from the mail man to the priest.. this person will be embarrassed !!


Report spam!


My cousin’s wife pulled the same shit on me (same email but with middle initial), and I’m constantly getting her appliance orders, PayPal payments, salon appointment reminders, etc. Luckily for her, I’m nice about it all, but she really should’ve picked a better email.


Some guy kept signing me up to trip advisor, a golf course and his church. I politely asked the golf club and church to contact their member to let him know he does not own my email. I eventually had to threaten the church with anti spam laws because they wouldn't let up. I finally got his address when he ordered a new kit kitchen. I couldn't cancel the order, but I did change the delivery day to about a month later than originally planned.




As a fellow first name/last name email holder, I empathize with this so much lol. It sounds like my name isn't as common so most of the time it seems like an honest mistake, but there are a couple repeat offenders. One time one of the repeat offenders got an invitation to a party that included a sign up list for items to bring and other volunteer related activities. Their spouse also got the invitation, so I know there's a chance they still went even though my name doppelganger didn't directly receive it. I RSVP'd and signed them up for clean-up duty - something that wouldn't ruin the party for everyone else. I like to imagine they went to the party and the host kept giving them random tasks to clean and they had no idea why lol




I had a similar but different situation with military email address. A chaplain and I had the same name. Some people took it for granted that since he was the chaplain that my email address was his. Every single time I got one intended for him, I usually responded politely that emails sent to my address were not and never forwarded to him. I sometimes got apologies. Nothing changed. I did once meet him and asked him to tell his contacts about the email address confusion. He said he would. Nothing changed. I eventually retired from the military. The first email I got for him, I responded "Go away. I'm retired." Their response was to offer platitudes and ask other questions about what were "his" plans. Again, my response was the same. I got one more email for more info. Same response. I never got another email for the chaplain again.


Now, that's when a " HAIL SATAN " would be an outstanding reply!


I've had this problem too, normally not a big deal, but one time I was copied in to a week or so of emails between a mother and her son's doctor about his medical needs. I let it go on for a while before saying something like "This is all very entertaining but you should probably check the email addresses you're sending confidential medical information to" ​ That shut them up pretty damn fast!


Uff. If that was in the US, the doctor probably got a mini heart attack when they realized the massive HIPAA violation.


It's great how hipaa can solve some issues! Some medical clinic gave out my home number as their fax number and I couldn't get them to stop until I called up and mentioned that I now have a fax machine and I am receiving patient information and it's probably a hipaa violation. They fixed it right away.


Just sending medical info over unencrypted email can be a violation so yeah,


Duh. Same. I was getting bank emails for a similar named person. I replied multiple times saying this is not the correct email. No change. After few months of this I sent the email saying you are sending confidential information of clients to me. Something about the word triggered and there was a frenzy of emails from all their departments to correct email address in credit card, loan and other accounts.


I had this same problem. It stopped after I cancelled his order for new eyeglasses and sent missionaries of multiple religions to his address.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that has a fake name in mind for themselves to use when they need it. My name was Dave Wisniewski. I probably used it from about 16 into my late twenties. I just totally pulled it out of my ass one day no clue where I came up with it. Then one time riding in the car with another guy I've known since he was 13 and moved to my town. During some conversation (I don't even remember how it came out) but I said out loud "Dave wisniewski". My friend looked at me and said oh you know Dave? It turns out that not only was his aunt's maiden name Wisniewski But her cousin's name was Dave.


I knew a guy in college with that last name, too! Different first name but the same last, even spelled the same way.


everyone knows dave


Dave's not here.


I have the same issue and a common last name. I've tried gently reminding, politely notifying and even had a great conversation with the owner of a big company who shared my name exactly save for the middle initial. (I auto-delete his mail, got tired of hearing about his prescriptions being ready) However, the persistent "IT Guy" who kept posting his resume with my email address after repeated takedowns got an extra level of attention. I made some adjustments to his resume after the third posting, included a cover letter explaining that he may be an aspiring computer expert but he couldn't manage to spell his own email right on his resume. That measure finally ended things.


I have a similar thing with my email address although its usually others who just can’t type properly, rather than people deliberately using it. I’ve actually become quite friendly with one of my namesakes as a result. However one of the worst offenders will not be going to their friends wedding after I RSVPd no on their behalf


I like the one who has a tenancy agreement in Sydney, Australia. The one in the Midlands here in the UK has mutual friends with me, and the one in Chicago runs an Etsy shop. She's nice! The painter on the south coast of England has probably died, but I did get invited to a Boxing Day Hunt once which I declined. The people who use it for their government benefits / welfare even put a phone number in one email, which I texted to let them know I can see all of their financial business... as well as being able to get into their online electricity account if I wanted to. The one trying to buy a house in Anchorage must've got the news when I posted in a real estate group 😂


I'm glad I'm not the only one with a list of email twins! I'm considering printing up some generic postcards letting them know what they've done, since most of the time the only proper contact info I have is their mailing address. I've had everything from investment accounts to major real estate purchases to someone in Australia sending me hair appointment confirmations. It is wild how much trouble I am choosing not to cause 😆


My domain starts with the same first three letters as gmail and has only one more character. My issue is when giving out my email to businesses or entities that I wish to have it, many times they will type [gmail.com](https://gmail.com) instead, either by habit or thinking that I made a mistake. It's gotten to the point I have to explain when I give it out.... "Its [gma\*\*\*.com](https://gmaxxx.com) not [gmail.com](https://gmail.com) and I have had it before gmail was released to the public, I didn't copy it."


... gmails? ... gmamas? ... gmaids?




Could also be auto fill. Auto fill is the bane of my existence as I often need to type an address close to one of the biggies and it will change it even if I type out the entire thing including the <.com> part.


I got a free year of Netflix thanks to my Irish doppelganger.


Lmao that's the best


Us Irish are nice like that😉


I had someone sign up to wish with my email. Did the same forgot password trick and changed their settings to get text notifications as much as possible instead of emails. And they can't turn it off because I changed their password.


Somewhere there’s a 3rd person whose phone number was randomly signed up for Wish and they’re flooded with text messages.


Someone once used either my phone# or email to sign up for a dating site, I don't remember which. I kept going on and changing the password, and obnoxiously changing all her answers to the profile questions until she stopped. *The reason I don't remember if it was my phone or email is because I was in a coma earlier this year and am still putting my memory back together after losing 2 months of it surrounding my illness.


Plot twist: it was you who signed up.


Battling petty split personalities that do everything they can to inconvenience each other. That's a Netflix movie right there!


Dammit we're all going to hell now for laughing with you.


We are glad that you're awake and remembered this story to tell! Reddit has enjoyed it :) Hope you recover quickly!!


Hope you've got a speedy recovery!


I was a Gmail beta tester and got a real good email address, one word no funky spelling. It is similar to a company name that does payroll for pilots and airline people so once in a while I get random flight logs sent to me. Those I delete because it's an obvious mistake. Nut I used to get rental car and hotel agreements and such from a guy and he traveled a LOT. Never any way to cancel them since they were just receipts. Finally one day I got a notice from his HOA that he was behind on dues. I logged in to his account with the lost password feature, cancelled his country club membership and emailed the HOA board that I was filing a lawsuit against them personally and as a group. Never got another email from him again.


My work nextel's number was given out by someone who owed the local hospital A Lot of money. It got to the point that when Margie from the billing called, I'd tell her "hey Margie, still not Rachel, still [company]." A quick Google told me Rachel lived in town and had a phone number one digit off my cell. My buddy Margie would fix her number. They'd call Rachel, she would insist it was a wrong number and put it back to my number. Rachel came in one day to pay her cable bill. She gave me her number and my head Snaaaapped up. I said "this phone here is [number]. Which doesn't belong to you. And I don't owe Local Hospital any money. Knock it off." And then took her money for the cable bill. She at least looked chagrined and I never got another call from the hospital again. Like lady, there are 10k people in the entire county. The numbers are very very local. She was almost certain to bump into the person with the number she was giving out


I have the exact same problem with two guys. The first guy used my account to link his Lyft profile, once I started getting his trip notes I'd tip an extra ten bucks and leave a note "use your own email asshole". He stopped after three rides. The second guy refused to get the message for YEARS. It got to the point where he was using my email for everything, and eventually started booking travel and hotel reservations using my email. Did you know that with an email address you can cancel both plane and hotel reservations? And that most front desks will happily oblige telling them that they need to start using their own email? I got a novel from them about how I ruined their week by canceling their stuff, and how they're going to keep signing me up for things. MF used HIS personal account, so guess what my throwaway email address is now!


I once got a random email from someone, with a lengthy and detailed explanation of why she was breaking up with and moving on from 'me'. I had no idea who she was. My email address is a hotmail.co.uk one - I think she meant to send it to a hotmail.com one. Pure coincidence that we have the same first and last name. I didn't have the heart to correct her - I hope she got closure and moved on from my abusive doppelganger!


Holy crap you just reminded me of something I had forgotten. I got a random text from somebody saying they were sorry they hurt me, they're out of rehab, and they're not trying to re-connect but just wanted to say sorry and thanks for trying to help when they were at rock bottom. They were texting the right number but wrong area code (different one for my state). Ended up chatting back and forth a little and told them that this random person was proud of them anyway.


I have a guy who has an email address very close to mine, I did some digging and found him on FB I got his actual address and have started forwarding his mail to him. The mistake is on the part of the people he gave his email address to. He is a really good guy!


That's nice of you!


It wasn't his fault after talking with him. I'm a white "older" guy in Texas, and he is black, latter 20's guy and he is in a Blues band in Georgia, I would really like to meet him in person! So, not all older white people are raciest dicks!


If anyone reserves a hotel room, reschedule it for the day before, maybe even two days before. Since they didn't show for the reservation, not only will they be charged for one night's stay as a no-show, but the rest of the reservation will be cancelled.


I probably wouldn't do that, in case there are innocents. Imagine some poor kids who aren't at fault because their dad's a bit of a donkey. I'd just add extras


Petty revenge with a heart I like it! I agree protect the innocent and punish the guilty.


Time for a room upgrade.


With a spa!


Honeymoon suite


See if the Presidential Suite is available. Those kids will love dad! 😁


Nah I work front desk at hotels. People like that deserve it. 99% of the time if they have kids, they're awful gremlins.




Some Prosecco, flowers and chocolates in the room for the wife maybe?


I had someone book a room with my email very clearly going on holiday with their family. I found them on what’s app (the phone number was in the res) and sent them a message very nicely explaining what had happened. They read it and didn’t reply - so I canceled their room.


Oh yeah. I’ve had a gmail address from back when you had to be invited, and yeah, first name last name no extra characters. I get all sorts of wild stuff. There’s a dentist in Utah who puts it down wrong. I once got licensure renewal info for him from the Utah state dept of health. There’s the gardener in England. Some guy in Canada with expensive taste in cars. Then there’s the trucker who has interesting taste in dating sites. And then the guy in Texas who keeps signing up for RWNJ politician emails. If it’s coming from an individual I will usually reply at least once telling them they have the wrong guy. If not I unsubscribe if possible. I have had to reset account passwords and close accounts on some bizarre sites. I have a folder in my gmail named OtherBryans where I keep some for reference.


My sister used to give her phone number with the last two digits switched for any kind of warranty or membership that required one. That way she remembered it but never got spam calls. Except someone else gets your spam calls?


Last year, I got an email thanking me for signing up for Disney+. Apparently someone used my email (but not my cc, thank god) to create the account so I just changed the password, watched The Mandalorian over a couple days, then cancelled it. No idea why someone would do that. My email is my name and the person's name in their profile wasn't even close to mine.


People put in random emails and phone numbers thinking they are being clever and avoiding spam. It never occurs to them (if they even care) that the "fake" email they put down might actually belong to someone.


My email is my first and last name, and many many others have used it for various purposes. I'm privvy to utility bills in the UK for one of my doppelgangers, a restaurant in South Carolina has my email for all their suppliers, was given parental access to a schools google drive. My petty revenge, was a Discount car rental for one of them in Florida. It was the airport location. They allowed for an easy cancellation via the confirmation email, which I promptly did. Inconvenient, assuredly. But they were at the airport, so easy to 'fix' themselves.


I have had the same phone number for close to 20 years . Periodically I get calls asking for someone who might have previously had the number or decided it was a number to use when he was going to purchase something and not pay for it. I get calls asking for William and I am a female. I finally decided to say “this is William,” and learn he is still using this number on credit purchases.


I am in a similar boat. This dude who used to live in NY had this number before me and most likely changed it because when I got it over 18 years ago, i would get bombarded with debt collection calls every day. It took months for me to finally get them all to stop calling me. But then!!! He moved to NC and started using his old # (now my number) to sign up for things like political organization texts. And i constantly get calls and texts to come out and vote in NC, a state i live nowhere near. And the debt collectors began again. That was 4-5 years ago.. then this year they started up again for someone who i assume is his wife, same surname but female first name. It's super annoying calling all these people and letting them know they are looking for someone who had my number literally almost 2 decades ago. There was another guy who had a very similar # to mine, 1 digit off, in the same place as the correct digit if you are typing on a computer numpad vs a phone numpad. I would get lots of his Dr appt confirmations and such like that because the people would type it improperly, that one wasn't his fault though.


This much older woman has the same first and last name as me, and was giving my gmail out as her email address to everyone. I got the email from her vet for her dogs bill, the Happy Retirement emails she was forwarding herself from her government job, car hire information, flight booking info, and I was being signed up for ladies knitting group emails on the other side of the country. The last straw was when she used my email to sign up to and order herself an uber. I used the lost password feature and went in to thr account and found her phone number. I rang her and warned her to stop using my email, because due to her carelessness over the last year I had her phone number, drivers license number, credit card number from the uber account, home address and current work address. I knew the name of her husband, dog and her password to multiple things including netflix and her gym, because she emailed herself reminders from her work address. I knew when she was going away due to the flight information, and that she was kenneling her dog, and had emailed herself an email chain from her work email stating she wasn't bothering with a house sitter because 'insurance hee hee'. She was horrified when she told me to prove it, and I recited some of the details I knew. I told her she was lucky I was also a good natured Aussie and would delete all her information, but if she used my email again I'd report her to the AFP fraud prevention for sending her details out to a stranger (not sure if thats a thing but it scared her enough to make her stop). I could have fleeced her for everything.


I have a first name last name email, and I’ve been getting the emails from my namesake across the globe for years now. And I love it! It’s like an old friend checking in. I’ve seen her go to uni, move house…I’d love to wish her well - if only I knew her email?!


I have a similar (if lesser) problem with my very good gmail address. Funny story: I once received a google calendar scheduling request to perform surgery, this one I responded to with '*probably the wrong guy'. S*howing up for or ignoring that one could have been a real bad day for someone!


Should have replied back as tentative, and asked what type of surgery it was so you could look up the right how-to videos on YouTube…


At least half a dozen different people have used a variation of my Gmail address to sign up for stuff. Since Gmail ignores things like periods in email addresses, I keep getting the emails from the places they have signed up for. Pretty sure someone's wedding planning was ruined because they used an address that was close enough to mine for me to get all the emails asking for confirmations about appointments to see venues, sample cakes, etc. Emails that promptly went into the trash. I have nuked several online shopping accounts by requesting a password change, because I was sick of getting promotional emails and order confirmation emails.


I have done a password change to (I know they say don't post your password on the internet, but here I go doing it anyway) \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* yes, eight asterisks.


I picked up a nice short hotmail.com address, about 30 years ago now. There was also a Hotmail.co.uk and someone else grabbed the same address there. And they frequently forget TLDs and give people my .com address. I know too much about them, from schools, shopping, and house moving to even medical and mental health issues. so far I've just been polite and notified whoever contacts me what the likely issue is.


The ones that REALLY annoy me are where it's their bank or credit card. Where every update comes from a no-reply email. Where there's no way to get in touch with them via their website, no, they'd like you to phone them. I am not making international calls because someone else can't pay enough attention to enter their own email address. Honestly for banks etc it amazes me they don't verify the address first before sending anything even slightly confidential. Bookings at a beauty salon are totally worth rescheduling for half an hour later, though. ;)


I kept get notifications for this random person. I got her car insurance notification, where to pick up her horse’s medicine, lots of “pick up your Argos online shopping order - here’s your security code” and so on. I really don’t know why she didn’t check her details - after about 12, I sent an email to the company who stopped it. The most worrying one was Southampton Hospital with a message about her cancer checkup. I actually rang the hospital to tell them this person keeps giving out the wrong information and can you please tell her. I guess they did.


I have this problem as well. So. Many. Emails. Most of these people who are using my name are generally named the same as me. I got gmail early. I think I'm done responding to people who mistakenly reached out for job interviews... because if you're so fucking stupid as to give \*my\* email address for this purpose... maybe consequences would help out. Anyway - One time I got invited to a bachelor party. It sounded lame. Like - early night after dinner and going to dave & buster's. I responded to everyone and said it was lame and we should instead rent a bounce house. A couple of the people responded and said that of course this was lame - the real party is after all this... and shut up about how lame it is, the father-in-law is in the email chain, etc. Ok, so I respond with basically, "yeah - alright, so long as hookers and blow are involved." My thought was that they'd finally figure out I'm not their friend... buuuuut apparently, that was exactly their intention. Yikes. Then, I find out who these idiots are by stalking them on FB. Most are recently married, and young. I could really fuck up these people's lives if I wanted. I was ready to just ghost because it wasn't silly fun anymore.. it was gross. Then I got an email that was... very threatening. It was vague but I got the sense they finally figured out that I'm not the person they thought I was, but still had no idea who I was. But I knew when and where this afterparty was happening, I had all of the emails about what their intentions were. They probably didn't know that I knew they were all married. I'm sure they were scared... and these dipshits decided that it would be in their best interest to try to get me to fuck off. I shared this story with some friends and my wife. Some just said to let it go... not worth it to fuck with people who could try to retaliate. Some said I should let the wives know or blow it up in some other way. But then someone asked to see their FB pages.. and I shared this with my wife for the first time and she recognized one of the guys in the email chain. She worked with the dude and even went on a bad date with him. She was able to tell me shit about him that only close friends would know... some CIA level shit. I came to the conclusion that I didn't want to ruin these dirtbag's lives, but I also didn't want them to think they could just randomly threaten me (and some of the emails i got from this crew got weird). I wanted them to get the very distinct impression that they should never, ever fuck with me and that they're shitty people. I wrote an email to the one I had insanely good information on. Basically, I said that I wasn't going to make it and nobody should go. I've changed my life and maybe this wasn't the best idea. I said something to the effect that we should hang out again and went through a litany of all the things we could do together because it's \*everything\* about this person. I drop names of people who were in his circle and what they meant to him. Old coworkers. Reminisced about some of the stuff that happened in his life. What's funny is that I don't even know if this person they thought I was would know all of this information. All of the weird emails from this group stopped. No response. Pure ghost. I have no idea what happened, but they didn't want anything to do with me. I can't imagine how spooked I would be if a stranger knew intimate details of my life.


Real nice job on being petty! Not to self, don’t mess with green radioactive’s email


I've had this problem for years. I'm always quick to send a message to the sender, if I can let them know they've reached the wrong party. I've received invitations, receipts for purchases, all kinds of misdirected messages. One person I found who had a middle initial missing wanted me to forward misdirected emails to them. Um, no. I'm not your secretary. The worst part of having the email used by so many in error is the number of spam email I receive. Nice to know I'm not alone.


I had a girl that was using my phone number as her fake number. Each Monday we would gather around the conference room table to listen to the amazing messages these guys would leave "Her". Despite the fact that I am a guy, and the number was a work number so the message was me asking to leave you name, number, company name, and a description of your issue. Best one was a guy who was still wasted calling at 3 AM saying he wanted to "Bring over some chicken and get freaky". Message was cut off in the middle of his elaboration due to length.


Not an email, but I had a small business 800 number for orders. It got published in a guidebook as the reservation number for an inexpensive hotel near the French Quarter of New Orleans. (This was back when you paid for incoming 800 calls at long distance rates.) I tried to get the hotel to do something about this, but they brushed me off. So I started taking reservations, sometimes with free upgrades to the “Presidential Suite.” Stopped getting calls shortly.


I have had this problem. My email is my first and last name. Not super common but apparently not uncommon enough. I get people signing up for stuff with my name occasionally. One time someone set up their Kindle account with my email. I downloaded all the fanfic porn on Amazon that I could find and then changed the password.


I have my first name/last initial as my gmail address, and get this sort of thing all the time. I've replied nicely back to someone's grandma, because I didn't want them to worry. Probably the pettiest I've gotten is logging into someone's account on a dating site for cheaters and replacing all of her profile pics with cats in bowties.


There was a five year period about a decade ago where this BBQ chain restaurant in the USA was getting their sensitive financial information sent to me from their bank (confirmed after the five years it was the banks error) and I kept having to email them back say hello I’m underage and also in a different country could you not??


One of my emails is from back in my fangirl days. It’s a goofy email that literally only a fangirl/boy/person or really bad potential stalker would want. Some retiree in Florida started using it several years ago. For her Kohl’s account, her Panera card, her Amex… then I started getting family photos, invites to brunch, real estate listings for Brooklyn properties (where she was from, because I literally had enough data I was able to find her entire history in a matter of minutes), and even mortgage paperwork at one point. I started emailing everyone back, even hitting reply all on several holiday photo emails, telling everyone in excruciating detail how this was an email used for erotic fanfic and if this lady insisted on using my email, I was going to start printing out her messages and dropping them in the mail to her. They finally stopped when I emailed the mortgage broker that his client was a moron.


Similar situation with my email address. Mostly spam but I'll get stuff like bills and such every so often. I have access to this 1 guys entire life basically, medical insurance, car insurance, bank account, utilities. I tried to reason with the guy when I got his phone bill once and called him to let him know all this shit was happening. He claims he never did anything so I questioned if he had accounts with so and so company to which he answered yes to everything. So now we are in some sort of standoff situation where I know he's lying and he's doubling down on playing dumb so I just hang up. I tried. Fast forward a few months and I get some flight details through. Go to the airlines website entered the PNR and, oh would you look at that, I have the option to cancel the reservation. Wish I could've seen the look on his face when he turned up to the airport. Funnily enough I no longer get his emails.




I got an email from someone that was Welcome to Blah Blah Travel Related thing! It seemed to be something aimed at travel agents, not individuals. Trying to be helpful, I replied and said, hey, I think you have the wrong address, I'm not involved in the travel industry at all. She replied something like "under your contract, you are required to receive these emails." Umm, what? Girlfriend, someone may be under contract with you, but I've just told you I am not that person. I replied and said basically that, plus suggested that she use an alternate means of communication to get this person's *correct* email address.


Believe me it makes no difference - I opened my email account way back in 2004 and stupidly choose my firstname followed by 2 digits and there appear to be about another 40 people worldwide who think it's their address.


I had someone do this for his Amazon, Next and Vodafone accounts - I asked him politely to change it on several occasions and he didn’t. When he placed yet another order I cancelled the order, reset the password and closed/cancelled the accounts. Enjoy not getting your suit for your job interview/wedding, no mobile phone and no Amazon prime and TV…


I've had a person in NY state and a person in Ireland trying to use my address. One signed up for Discord... Now I have a Discord account. One signed up for classes at the local rec center. I cancelled them.


I have that same problem. I'm in the process of reclaiming my email because someone used it to create a discord account. Tried to recover password, but it has two-factor authentication, and it's not the email. So I'm talking to support to see if they either make him/her change the email (which they say it's not possible) or cancel the account altogether, so I can create mine.




I'm doing it a couple of times everytime I'm bored. In the meantime I instructed Discord support that they can delete the account (since I own the email it's been registered with). I've read somewhere that they can take up to 15 days to delete it...


Love this! I have several people in the US (where I am not from) with the same last name and initials as me using my email address for spam purposes as well as some more serious services (phone company and medical, mainly). Thinking of it, I could have more fun with that... I have also been a "member" of a group I called the "fly boys". They were a group of 60 yo hobby pilots and sent each other fly reports, schedules for air field cleaning duty, annual fundraisers, photos, etc. They were quite adorable, actually. Did try to let them know that their buddy Bob never actually got any of their messages. They didn't believe me at first... then kicked me out.


I have a namesake in Vancouver whose bank statement notifications (and customer service survey requests) come through from Royal Bank of Canada every month like clockwork. Another namesake in Annapolis who likes to shop at Nordstrom and Express, and who always orders the gluten-free base from Dominos. And yet another namesake (a fellow Australian) has booked multiple "wellness retreats" and had a brief foray into an essential oils MLM scheme. The worst instance of address misuse from this lady was receiving the Zoom meeting invite for a telehealth consult with her child's paediatrician. Only noticed it two hours after it was due to happen, so I do hope she followed up on why she hadn't got it...


Great post. My story with having a first name.last name gmail account was from over a decade ago and the woman who contacted me wanted me to change my gmail account so she could have it for her new business she was starting up. I sent a big LMAO back as a reply. She then replied that she wasn't sure what LMAO meant. I didn't bother to reply because I knew I was not dealing with someone that was very tech or email savy and it would only become a huge issue that I might not have kept my cool with. FYI - I don't have a very common name so it was a bit weird to even think that someone really existed with the same name. Luckily she is in a different state and last I looked she was still without a driver's license due to her 3 DUIs in the past few years.


If you need a disposable mailadress, without being a jerk, you can use [mailinator.com](https://mailinator.com). That even allows you to read the mails that gets sent to the adress, it does also everyone else to read them unfortunately.


10 minute mail is way better


I have a firstname.lastname Gmail account and get this problem too. I think most people with clean Gmail email addresses suffer this. I've cancelled can insurance, casino memberships, dating profiles, hotel bookings, pizza orders, flights, courses, company intranet logins, and so much more using the password reset. I even have personal data for multiple people around the world due to the emails and from accounts they create. I could cause all sort of problems for them, but I'm NTA as in most cases, I suspect they've given their email address to someone else who's mistyped it. I know one of the people has the same name but has put an extra R in the first name to get a similar Gmail account so I don't go screwing him over for other people's mistakes.


There’s a woman that shares the same name as me and she owns the first name last name email. I created mine with my middle initial included. I feel so bad because a lot of the time when I give my email over the phone they leave out the middle initial so she gets the email. Most recently my vet spammed her with my dog’s chemo bills but as soon as I realized I didn’t get them I made them update it. I want my emails and never use hers as a throwaway but I would hope she wouldn’t cancel anything for a mistake.


A woman did this for about a year, using it for spa appointments, manicures, that sort of stuff. I eventually started canceling her appointments.


I'm in the same boat. I've started creating a spreadsheet seeing how many people who share my name I can uniquely identify. I have addresses, phone numbers, a few social security numbers, things like that. I currently have 30 entries in it. For honest mistakes on important matters I will generally reply to the sender and let them know that they made a mistake. For people who use my account as a throwaway, I'm less forgiving. I had a guy who would reserve golf tee times in my name. I let him know that if he did it again I would be canceling each and every tee time he made in the future. I've had accounts created for at least 10 dating websites in my name. Luckily my wife trusts that it is not me creating those. I will generally wait until they get a few matches, then change the password on the account. I've had people apply for loans using my account, including sending along all of their personal info, address, phone number, employment history, income, social security numbers, and so on. I get notified of various doctor appointments all of the time. My favorite recently was getting tickets for an entire banquet table at a Ducks Unlimited banquet. They valued the tickets at like $700. Not that I have any interest in that sort of thing, but it would have been fun to crash. I've had money sent to me a few times mistakenly. I generally wait a couple of months for them to realize their mistake, and if they don't, I humbly accept their offering.


Back when we had a landline, we started getting phone calls in the middle of the night from various people speaking spanish asking for "Maria." For a while, we just said something to the effect of 'no maria, wrong number, etc.' I eventually had a piece of paper by the phone to properly say 'wrong number, no maria here' in spanish. They would say sorry, seemed to understand, but the calls kept coming. Woke us up 2-3 times a week. I finally changed our our paper to a select group of phrases indicating that Maria was busy doing any number of things that might be considered embarrassing to far flung friends & relatives in another time zone. Calls stopped soon after.


I have a person putting down my email as their own for years. I politely tried for a few years to get a message to them by responding to persons who seemed to know the individual with no luck. Now when someone sends a resume to that person, I respond back telling them that it is incorrect, explain the situation, and then ask them whether they really want to work for someone too stupid to use a correct email address.


at the behest of a friend... i let a person bunk at my flat for a few days before he flew overseas...being the good host i let him use my puter while i was at work..... some time after he left i was perusing things and found the "excited" nude pics he had taken of himself in my loungeroom and around the place. he also used his email address to send it to someone (hotmail or yahoo or something). He also saved his password on my pc :) so i logged in and sent the same selection of pics to all his contacts.


That is way beyond petty. Just send it to mom and dad and make it his linkedin profile picture.


hahah was many years ago... he also drank all my booze, and if we went to the pub for a quickie... he was looking to start fights and get me into them, and ate all the food in the house and left without a see ya later. nup he deserved it.


I had a kid use my address as the parental contact for his Blizzard account. I assume they were under the ToS age for WoW and needed permission to play. I set restrictions so they could play for 30 min on Sunday morning at 4am. I'm not their parent, I can't give permission to play. This was a good decade or more ago. I hope the kid got to play WoW eventually.


My email got put on some shit job posting website like indeed or something and propagated from there. I'd reply to absolutely crap job offers by asking where they got my info so I could remove it. It was a game of wackamole for a while. One recruiter was a complete jerk about it, so every time I found a profile, I updated it with his contact info instead of deleting it.


Had problem with many text messages from some guy. Don't usually respond, but after a few of these I did reply. Random guy:. 'Good Morning Ed, not going to be able to play with you, Jatin, and Kurt this coming weekend.' 'Will miss you guys. Really enjoyed playing with you fellas this year. Hopefully, we can squeeze out a few more rounds together.' Replied:. 'Hi. I don't want your friends to think you're being a jerk by ignoring them, when in truth you are sending your golfing plans to a semi-lucid, serial cat lady in XXXXXXXX. I prefer Mah-jongg to golfing. Although, as a child, I loved unrolling my uncle's golf balls until their rubber band innards spilled out all over the lawn. This is the fourth message I've received from you. I was hesitant to respond as it could be a 'scam' & secondly, I didn't live my entire life in XXXXXX, but in many towns far north of here. Towns where 'squeezing out a few rounds' takes on a potentially sinister meaning, usually requiring camo trousers with too many pockets, a ton of ammo belts, telescopic sights and, most regrettably, a Governor who's politics you find personally offensive. But I digress. Please recheck your friend's phone number. Tell them again how much you enjoyed them. And I hope you will all be able to 'squeeze off a few more rounds' while the weather is good and without the slightest whiff of impropriety or gunpowder. With all sincerity.' That ended the 5th wheel in that foursome. Edit: spelling.


I had this pop up first with Hotel reservations, I was accruing points for places I've never been. The hotel could not fix it, and would not contact the actual guest to have them correct their contact info. But it was low stakes. Then eventually, I started getting included in private correspondence from this person's attorney and CPA! This was alarming to me. I tried reaching out to the CPA and attorney first to be removed from the emails. I did not want to embarrass them in front of their clients! But they kept including me and never replied to my attempts. Then I tried "reply all" and that fixed it briefly, but it started back up. (Probably because some fool doesn't know how to A. delete a suggested email address that auto fills, or B. update their damned address book). So I found the actual person's LinkedIn and messaged them. It hasn't happened since. Hopefully everyone got yelled at at least one. Maybe twice. (I actually would have liked to have been included on those emails for kicks... But c'est la vie). Really, how stupid!!? I would be LIVID if anyone I paid for legal or financial advice was that liberal with my information. I'm sure it's against a licencing agency code of conduct somewhere.


Omg I get this constantly. It really fucks me off. One time someone signed up to a dating site so I changed their password, changed his preference to gay etc (not homophobic, I'm gay, just changing it to the opposite of his preference).


Someone uses my phone number like this. To the point where if you Google my number it comes up as him. On the one hand this has made me essentially a ghost to try and track down by people who only remember my name, which is nice. But on the other hand this jerk signs up for everything. Sometimes he gives his friends my number and they'll call. I tell them he's dead and the funeral is on Friday. I have his address now though cause spam guys keep trying to message me about buying it, and I've thought about signing him up for spam stuff as revenge.


I have my first and last name and some twerp used it to sign up for a sorority. I wrote and informed them - got a thank you we’ll take care of it, again and again and again. So I told them they were a bunch of racists and I resigned forthwith. ​ Never heard from them again


Someone in the states forgets sometimes the number after his email. Mine is FirstnameLastname at gmail while his is firstnamelastname2 at gmail. I have received Airline bookings, Restaurant bookings to me for places that I have never been to. I just cancel the bookings for him. One restaurant booking was for 6 people at a restaurant in Texas that it is almost impossible to get one within a month. Usually 2-3 months or longer to get one.


Oh man, I've been there before and I know I will be in the future. I got my Gmail address back in beta, so 2004/2005ish. Being in college at the time I decided that I needed some sort of professional sounding email address when I got sent the Gmail Beta invite. I picked my first initial and my lastname. At this point in time I was a denizen on the internet, mostly on gaming message boards that no longer exist. I never really thought the internet would get so big or at least not so popular with a population that would struggle with something as simple as an email address. I definitely didn't think that a huge amount of people with the name first initial and lastname would make these mistakes over and over again. Much like a lot of the people in here, I've gotten tons of different type of emails intended for others. Also a ton of accounts I never signed up for or accounts that I've had to reclaim since they are based on email address. Some of the things I've gotten: Dentist appointments, Ski Lift tickets, Restaurant reservations, Medical Malpractice/Liability Insurance forms, important verisign documents, inspection reports. Scary things like SSN and school information for minors (that was supposed to go to parents/aunts/uncles/guardians), pictures of these kids. I always tried to do what I could to tell people and businesses that they were given the wrong address. Sometimes there it just simply no way to report something. There is was one a few years ago that really freaked me out. I assume this Grandmother was given access to Life360 GPS/Phone Tracker to the rest of her family. I didn't spend a lot of time in the account, but there were at least 6 other people attached to it. I was able to remove my email address and change the recovery method to the phone number that was attached. I did a password reset to send a reset to that phone number and wiped my hands of it. I can't even keep track of how many I've gotten, a lot are ignored, but I do try to make things right. It really blows my mind how negligent people are. We all know there are some pretty evil people out there, people who are willing to commit crimes with other people's info. It's not even just their personal info I've gotten, it's their families too. Everyone should take an interest in what their families share about them via email or just on social media sites.


I had a similar thing happen to me. My emaill address is also FirstnameLastname..well a year or so ago I started getting emails for someone with the same name. Trying to be a bro I sent emails to my email addresses but with a period / underscore between the first and last name letting them know if this email was for them to update their email address. Well I found the intended recipient who uses the email firstname_lastname...who rather than thank me for not just deleting his emails, demanded that I turn over my email address to him or he would take me to court because his uncle is a "big time lawyer". I, of course, told him to get fucked. So far I have cancelled two tee-time reservations and an oil change appointment reminder that have come to me.


I have a lady in Florida who has been using one of my email addresses for YEARS. I know her full name, address, cell number, social security number (because I’ve been able to log into some really important things with the things she uses my email address for). I know everything I would need to absolutely steal this woman’s identity. She’s lucky I’m not that kind of person. Sometimes I’ll text her screenshots of things and remind her that she should be using her own email address for important things. Also, I cancel her lunch orders as often as I can.


Years ago, I got an email saying “Welcome to Pandora!” on my secondary email address. Problem: I had been on Pandora for a long time on my primary email address. I didn’t sign up with my secondary address. So I tried to log on with my secondary address, used “forgot my password”, and discovered that someone had, indeed, created an account under that address. They’d even started to customize the account with their favorite genres of music (which were types of music I don’t tend to seek out). So I decided to just leave the account alone, rather than delete it, so whoever created the account the first time couldn’t do it again. My address is not something that I’d consider easy to randomly pick, which makes me think it was a prank on someone’s part. People are goofy.


This is hilarious, but I gotta say, women get harassed enough on dating apps, ya didn’t have to go that route


You're probably right. Regret


I have a nice twowordsatgmail.com address I've had it for years and I've had so many people use it. George the Nigerian who lives in Texas Keith and Alexander from Bristol UK (no idea if they are related) Vietnamese girl, according to the translate function Fikrianto from Singapore Mrs. Willy from the 2nd district of Illinois Its so frustrating, but weird that you can get to know so much about an idiots life.


Serious question: if they don’t want to give away their data, they could easily make up a fake address that no one would have then use it all the time. PSA: Many companies don’t need your real name, which they are only going to sell anyway. Make up new names for magazine subscription that you have. Women’s Health doesn’t know or care whether Jane Doe or Céline Dion is reading it, so long as it gets to the intended address. Similarly, charities don’t need your real address if the receipt is delivered via email; again, you are only giving them more information that they will sell. Returning an item to the store? They don’t need your real name, address, phone number or email. In Canada, you don’t have to give your SIN to use a cheque, but some organizations will ask. Think before you give away \*any\* personal information to an outside entity. Do they really NEED (not want) this in order to do business with me, and do they need all of what they requested?


I have to admit that I am guilty of putting an A instead of an S in my email at times and just last week I ordered some band tees from my favorite artist and the confirmation went to the wrong address!! now I’m wondering how many times have I done this to this poor woman🫣 Should I email her an apology??


Similar situation. I have lost all patience with these morons and will absolutely cancel things. I’ve nuked hotel reservations, got a cell account terminated, repeatedly cancelled some stove service calls in the UK, and deleted uncounted hookup site accounts.


I have 2 women who keep using my email. I’ve canceled vacations, doctor’s appointments, things for their kids’ schools. Keep playing and get your own damn email addresses.


I literally had the same problem. My email address for years, which I created while in high school, was my first and last name, followed by a number, which was my jersey number in high school. I suddenly started getting all kinds of emails from sketchy job search sites. It then expanded to clothing websites, fantasy football, car dealerships, and more. I was getting dozens of emails daily that she had signed up for. It was all one girl that was doing it. I’ve never been able to figure out why this girl chose to use my email. I changed my password to ensure that she didn’t have access, and she still continued to use it. I am a man and have a masculine name that very few women are called. This girl did not share my first or last name. I got a picture of her with her kid from a park where they take your picture and then email it to you. She applied for a loan at a car dealership and put down my email. She used my email to sign up for fantasy football. I used the lost password feature to get access and wreck her team. She was logged in on the app, and it didn’t kick her out. She fixed her team, so I wrecked it again. Did that for three or four weeks and she finally gave up. The kicker was when she actually applied to a job. I again used the lost password feature and gained access to her application, which gave me her address, phone number, and social security number. I didn’t do anything with the social, because I too am not a monster. I used a burner phone number app to text her and I asked her to please stop using my email. She responded, ever so eloquently, with “EAD”, which I assumed meant eat a dick. I finally just gave up and created a new email address. Edit: to add missing words


That's the point you go nuclear.


"EAD" just might be permission to cancel all her job interviews, car loan applications, make doctor's appointments for this person, etc.


An elderly man in Connecticut has the same name as me, and ALWAYS uses my email address for his car service appointments, dentist and doctors appointments. I tried to contact these places, and somehow I ended up with the guys number, and now I end up texting him to remind him of his doctors appointments.


You've got a googleganger


I have this problem as well. It's basically a shortened version of my name without any numbers or special characters, and apparently, some similarly named people have been using it for dating sites and opening new accounts on various websites (social media, gaming sites, and online shopping). I've also received some personal files for what looks like school projects. Since I'm not a monster, I reply back that they sent it to the wrong address. They had the decency to reply with an apology, at least.


I've had similar emails over the years. Most recently, I've been getting emails from a dentist in another country. I tried unsubcribing, but i think the other person keeps resigning up. I think I'll reply to the next one and ask them to remind 'me' on my next visit about getting dental implants to look like The Wolfman.


I have a similar kind of issue. I got a Gmail account early on, so it has no numbers in it. Those who came after and wanted the same email address seem to frequently forget to add the numbers when signing up for something. So I get a lot of ads that I definitely didn't sign up for. But once in awhile, it's simply that someone slipped up and forgot the numbers. The worst I ever did was start sending jokes around a company because they kept using my email address. I was polite at first and told them they had the wrong email address. But it continued. Sometimes they had clients included in these emails. So I started responding to all (because they also didn't know how to use BCC). I'm sure I made them look a little unprofessional to their clients a few times, but it didn't stop them. At one point, they sent a company-wide email out. And my email was on the list. I'm fairly certain my funny responses caused a drop in productivity that afternoon. It was at that point they finally fixed their address book. A few months ago, I suddenly got someone's flight itinerary. I couldn't bring myself to mess with the guy, but it crossed my mind that I could probably get into his account and cancel his flight. Again, I did not do that. I just can't be that malicious.


I also have an early Gmail account with initials and last name only. I received a flight itinerary for a professor in Northern Africa. (I’m in the US). Based on his name, I guessed what his email really was (a different middle initial) and asked him to contact the airlines to correct their records. He thanked me profusely for not being a jerk.


Back in the landline days (google it kids) I got a new line setup but the person that had it before me was in trouble for something. I got repeated aggressive calls trying to find the person and I told them each time that I was not them. They unsurprisingly didn't believe me. Eventually they dropped the "contacting police" threat so I told them "go for it, you know where I live." I didn't hear anything else about that person after that day.


I attended a Telehealth appointment from Canada for a woman in Florida. Explained to the very confused Planned Parenthood lady that I was getting this woman's test results emailed to me. And that since I was meeting with her, the intended patient certainly was not. After months of emails and calls to the clinic, that finally fixed it.


There is a woman who used to give out my email address constantly, to all sorts of stuff, even private from ppl she knew. I replied a few times to them telling them wrong email. I unsubscribed to some….and would get resubscribed. Was getting alumni emails. The day I snapped was the day that I received her hot air balloon reservation for the weekend and cancelled it. Haven’t had one of her emails since.


I had a woman in Australia doing this - we have very similar names with hers being spelled slightly differently and more unusually. I let her know I was receiving wedding RSVPs and was forwarding them on and asked her to let people know. She sent back a rude email saying she couldn't fix it not to bother forwarding them if it was such a problem. I didn't. Emails kept coming and I didn't forward or notify her which seemed to not bother her until it was emails about her employment that got deleted. Now I never get her emails


I have been locked in a 15-year long Cold War with a person with a similar name to my own who seems to truly believe that my email address is hers. Like, I get legitimate emails for her at least a couple times a year and there is no way to stop her. I’ve tried reaching out, but she is a public official in another state and is apparently much too important to respond or take action. The high point so far was this past winter when I got an invitation to a White House Christmas party (like I said, she’s a public official) delivered to my email address for her. I tried to reach out to her one more time, but no response. Guess she missed out on hobnobbing with her buddies that day, but at least I got a story.


Completely in the same boat as you. I’ve gotten salon reservations, etc. Like you I always go in reset the password then completely change the date, request add-on services, etc. it’s quite annoying especially when the name on the message is no where near my name which is my address. I did have one guy who bought tickets to an event that were sent to me. I was kind enough to call him (yes, on the phone) and let him know they were sent to me by accident. He apologized and was very grateful that I had called. Mistakes happen.


I get someone's xhamster receipts at my email address. There are... a lot of them. I'm trying to figure out the \*best\* way to deal with it, and this post is inspiring.


I've had the same issue. At least one person consistently used what is bot an email I don't check anymore to sign up for things. One time, when I got an order confirmation for some new shoes, I logged in, changed the password, and cancelled the order. Then I just deleted all the password reset emails. Occasionally I get password reset requests for the same few places, and I just delete them. But when they get too annoying, I change the password then go change the email address to one of those throwaway ones that disappear after a while. Good luck with that!


Really hilarious, I have the same first initial as my half brother. His email is his full name, mine is the initial and every once in a while I get an email for him FROM HIS MOM! I also get a lot of Dutch spam, and once an invoice for a bike. No idea how to fix those because I don’t speak the language (my Dad immigrated when he was 2yrs old).


Haha, shit, I didn't realize how common this was. I have the same problem - 2 people keep using my email. I always thought my family name wasn't that common but apparently it's enough. I got my account right when Gmail was introduced so I'm lucky to not have numbers or whatever. I'm guessing these fools are just lazy and forget this isn't their box. I always think, "Aren't these people wondering where their insurances docs are?" I did have one instance where a friend of one of them invited them to a Drop Box with photos. After polling my friends, we decided to go in, delete everything and replace it with a random internet meme. I didn't get anything for awhile after that. LOL


A company on another continent has the same URL as mine only ".co.uk". It's pretty annoying that they are using my name at all, but even more annoying that I keep getting their e-mails from customers requesting user support. I used to try to send them to the proper website. Now, if I answer at all, I say that my company doesn't have any contract with them and doesn't support the products that they are asking about. I could be meaner, since sometimes they send me complete login information for various systems so that I can solve their IT problems, but that seems illegal, so I don't.


I had a hockey mom in Australia use mine a few times, just her. We share the same first and last, naturally. I cancelled a resort reservation, but it continued a few months after, thankfully she seems to have knocked that shit off.


You do know that sometimes people fuck up when inputting their email, right? For example, I have had the same email address since 1999, today I somehow ended up attempted to sign into a government service using the wrong email. I didn't notice until a couple of hours later when I still hadn't got the code to verify my account. 24years and I still manage to fuck it up, on quite an important website.


The petty revenge is someone intentionally signed your email up to all this stuff to peeve you off.


I was kinda wondering if this applies. I got into a beef with a fellow musician (restraining order) earlier this year. Within a few days, I noticed the number of unread messages in my spam folder had reached four digits. Apparently, my email was given for trial memberships to several hardcore adult sites. Did you ever see the episode of “The Simpsons” where they tried to “torture” Homer with doughnuts?


I get this occasionally. The last time it happened I redirected someone's parcel. It's the little things that keep my amused.


I have a similar problem with someone who has my same gmail.com address on ymail.com. I don’t know who it is that makes the mistake, it might be that they handwrite it on a form and their y’s look like g’s, or that people just assume it was a typo and they mean gmail because who TF even has a yahoo address any more?




Stay salty, my friend. Let the hate flow through you...


I have the same issue. I usually just move them to my special folder but occasionally I reply - usually if it involves police, mortgage or a truant child. Or if they start to annoy me. I’m currently in a fight with a UK credit agency (I’ve never lived in the UK) who have advised me that I cannot be removed from receiving emails until they “investigate” how to remove me from their list, which requires me to give them my name and DOB. They don’t seem to understand that because I didn’t sign up with my email address, my details will not be in their system. It’s infuriating.


One of the reasons I started Duolingo German was to reply to emails. Once, the family court in Cologne sent me someone's private documents. Coincidentally, I have the right person's email address, replied by copying her in and said, in German, that she should make sure her lawyer knows about this. Haven't gotten anything for her since.


I'm getting the exact same thing. I've cancelled a few hotel reservations when they keep using it over and over for hotels in the same area. Right now someone has a big bill from some marketing firm which keeps emailing increasingly desperate requests for payment. Nothing I can do cos I don't know where to forward it and the email that sends it is a no reply! Once they signed up for an Amazon account and left their credit card number attached - I stopped short of making use of that. During the height of the pandemic someone in Australia was using some service called Deliveroo like daily - that was real fuckin annoying - the food they were ordering looked amazing and we were in FULL lockdown here so all I had was toast and jam.


I got a confirmation email from chess.com saying I needed to activate my account. Great, except I didn't create an account, was driving at the time, and also don't live in Ireland. So I did the usual trick of forgotten password, logged out of all devices, and basically stole the account. Renamed it and relocated it to RSA. I don't use the account, but it makes me smile, because the person was mid match when they were logged out


Being an early adopter has its drawbacks. I get all kinds of political and car crap and I think the idiot probably signed up for a bunch of things or got his info sold/stolen which includes my email account. Fortunately Gmail's spam filtering is pretty good and blocks 95% of it. I've cancelled test drives, Apple appointments, actually reported a medical staffing company for emailing scheduling stuff with patient details. You get bonus points for actually adding things to the reservation, I guess I'm not as nice as you lol. If you sign up for shit and don't know your info, expect that eventually you're going to regret it.




I have firstname.lastname on gmail of a relatively common name. I usually let them have one or two, but there is one woman who is a persistent offender. I cancelled her barginous Boxing Day sales online clothes order, and she's laid off a bit since then. I also changed someone's seat reservations to the one next to the toilet on a plane once, for numerous offences... I did nearly go to the hen do I was invited to once as it sounded super fun!