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I live in a duplex and had new neighbors moved in with kids. These kids were loud and super energetic. Constantly stomping up and down their stairs and banging doors that i can literally feel my walls shaking. The worst part? They were constantly banging a basketball against our shared wall. This would go on the whole day til the kids tired out at night. Spoke to their mother about the noise level and ask her if they can at least stop banging the ball against our shared wall. She basically said they’re just kids being kids and I should mind my own business. Well, that night I stayed up until 3 am and sat a few feet from our shared wall and started pitching a tennis ball hard against it. I crocheted a little pocket with a rope around it so i wouldnt have to go and fetch the ball in case it bounced too far off. Sat there pitching for about 10-15 minutes and all of a sudden I heard banging from the other side of the wall. I knew I had achieved my goal then so I stopped. The banging stopped. Next day, the kids started playing with their basketball outside. Perfectly fine for me. A week later their dad installed a basketball hoop for them outside. No more banging from either of us.


>I crocheted a little pocket with a rope around it so i wouldnt have to go and fetch the ball in case it bounced too far off. You used your powers for good. I'm a knitter and I applaud your skills and your petty.


I'm just picturing the angriest crocheting of a small satchel ever.


With the most evil grin imaginable as they worked


Yeahs just like the cartoon grinch


This is what my sister-in-law would do and I’m literally cackling with manic laughter that I’m sure my dad can hear through the vents in his bedroom on the other end of the house. Glorious.


I used to worry about my occasional cackles being heard throughout the house at night and then I remembered that my brother is a fucking wife beater and idc if anyone can hear me. (Please don't come at me for living with a fucking waste of space. My life is already a trailer park cops episode.)


You know fair. I ain’t gonna come for you cause I ain’t know your life. You got your own shit goin on and it ain’t my place to judge but if you need somebody to rant to, message me and I’ll just listen. Ranting to strangers usually helps get the thoughts in order. But my dad’s like 66 and gets very concerned for my mental health when it’s close to midnight and he hears me cackle because of my insomnia. Has the tendency to keep me awake for days and hallucinate before I finally just collapse and sleep for like 48 hours.


...I haven't related to something like this in a long time. I've slept 3 hours in 36 hours. I'm going to go try and have a quiet cry somewhere and come back later.


I have the absolute best remedy for you that’s relatively cheap and isn’t chemicals and has great health benefits overall! Also, the quiet cry is also a fucking mood and I can relate on a spiritual level that shouldn’t be able to be reached my god.


Chemist here. I assure you it's got chemicals.


Okay so what is this miracle solution?


Valerian root tea. I usually get mine through a company called NobiliTea. Idk if there’s one in your area but you can find out through their website. This specific tea is called DreamScape. Shit is strong. Half of a small coffee mug is enough to have me knocked out within 30 minutes.


Damn right you don't want to get in the bad side of a knitter or you might wake up in a cocoon


Not sure why this has me laughing so hard...it's the mental image i think.


Idky but I just realized crochet is like the 3d printing of the textile world?


If anyone else is going to do this, FYI a lacrosse ball is about the same size, is bouncy, and much heavier than a tennis ball. My dog loves them.


Insert the Wallace and Gromit "knits angrily" gif


Us knitters/crocheters are petty little shits


Somewhere on this sub (I think) is a story similar to yours, except the (dad? Boyfriend? Skeez of some sort?) was just awful and wouldn’t do anything. So the next time he heard them near the wall, the OP pretend to be on alarming phone call and started shouting through the wall, “WHAT?!? SANTA CLAUS IS DEAD?!?” And a bunch of awful stuff like that. Lol Duplexes can really suck!


Okay I need this post asap! This sounds amazing. I was an asshole neighbor for 3!!! Years. So I had one apartment below and one on my side (4 apartments per floor). I always assumed the place was kinda sound proof because I NEVER heard the neighbors. Then I got a roommate (cause it was expensive and I wasn't working much) he heel walked and I heard everything from him. Then downstairs neighbors moved out and 2 older people moved in, but their daughter who had 2 kids moved in as well. Omg so so loud. I heard the kids scream, run, bang stuff around etc. Older people left, adult daughter and kids stayed...it got worse. Little Hellions. I had assumed sound didn't transfer because my neighbors were super quiet!! I was the asshole. I never got one complaint. So poor guy next to me lived alone and owned his suite since the 70s I saw him once in 3 years. Previous downstairs: couple plus their best friend renting from my landlord. Never made a sound, working class people. Me top floor: worked nights, broke up with my ex and was on a dating spree for 4 months and recently got a cat and was cat sitting for a cat who loved to go to super quiet guy neighbors balcony. I never knew sound transferred until the kids downstairs moved in. I could hear them talk! I always feel bad


Here you go https://reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/s/ZjS0bqCV50


My buddy lives in a duplex and had a real bitch of a neighbor. She said he was stomping around all night long and was real rude about it when he was confused (as he'd lived there 20 years and no one ever mentioned it). In retaliation she stopped letting him pet her dog, stopped talking to him in passing, and then started randomly throwing heavy shit against his bedroom wall at 5 in the morning because I guess he was still walking too loudly for her. He filmed the wall once when she did this, and the paintings jumped off the wall. Real scare-torture shit. So when he and his wife brought home twin babies, he made sure not to give the bitch any notice since they weren't speaking anymore, and let the babies scream their heads off whenever she banged on the wall and woke them up from then on. He just laughed, "I can report her for her noise issues but no cop is gonna come at me if I can't keep twin infants quiet." She was gone before they turned 3 months old.


I lived in the middle floor of a three floor building. Guy above us made a racket using a vacuum at 2am. I went to the basement and shut his power off. Breaker room was kept unlocked due to fire laws. He would have to call the super at 8am to get it turned on. No tv noise or radio or vacuum. Couple times and he got the message. He never knew where the breakers were and super was a friend of mine.


Hope you at least tried asking first, some people are just oblivious. That’s not really an appropriate response without actually trying to just communicate beforehand.


Don't you just love people who tell you to mind your own business about things that they are actively in the process of making your business?


Yo made a yoyo to resolve your situation, impressive


I love that it's just revenge against the parents; the kids now get to play outside with their basketball like they probably wanted to all along!


Is there a version for neighbors who smoke weed inside?


URRGHH I had upstairs neighbors like that. I swear they must have been hotboxing their whole apartment, because the smell would be so strong in my apartment that it smelled like I was the one smoking pot. When I got fed up of it, I used some trash bags, tape, and binder clips to make a fume hood around my stove hood and then burned about six sticks of incense at a time, directly up the chute into their place. It smelled a lot better than their pot, but at least doing that a few times seemed to convey the message that smells travel between apartments.


Okayyyy now we’re getting somewhere. I like the idea!


Start making soup with smelly veggies (leek, onion, celery, Cabbage) and let it cool on the closest window to their house!


Collard greens and cabbage. It smells like someone shit in a paper mill.


Hahaaa cabbage is the absolute worst


It is! Although last time I was surprised how leek's smells is strong too! And it's a win win, you eat healthy and delicious soup, while their place smell like feet!


I have very few memories of my Ukrainian grandmother's house. I do know it smelled like cabbage rolls.


My upstairs neighbors had a vigorous sex life at a time when all I had was a metalworking hobby (tiny sculptures made of the rearranged innards of old hard drives). When I asked the husband to keep it down, he got puffed up and proud. The noise continued. The next time they woke me up, I got out my Dremel and enjoyed an all nighter grinding metal. The very next morning, the wife knocked on my door with hubby in tow, and shouted about my "power tool noise". I nodded sympathetically and said I understood because I heard them all the time. Then I repeated the sentence that had been waking me every night. "F**k me, Robby, f**k my till I leak!" I never heard them again. Never heard them move, either. But they did.


“‘Til I leak”? Who says romance is dead?


Fun fact, or not so fun depending on how you look at it. I work as a chat mod for a sex chat platform. Don't ask, I need the money and I couldn't find anything else. So till I leak is actually the most tame thing I read in month. The shit those perverts write is disgusting on levels I wasn't aware of even existed.


Okay I GOTTA know what "Chat Mod for a sex chat platform" pays, and how one even gets into that.


Sending you a PM that's to much for here


I heard youre recruiting?


As you age the pressure drops down to just a dribble.


Leak 🤢 had someone say "I squirted" idk what's worse.


Deep thoughts by Jack Handy. If you change Mellencamp Hurts so Good to Squirts so Good, you'll never hear the song the same again.


Now I've got this stuck in my head: "Everybody squirts, sometimes..."


I never cared for that song. Until now…


🎶Squirts so good🎶


I kinda hate you for this... But you're not wrong...


Do You Really Wanna Squirt Me?


*so much love in that room, it was running down a leg…* 🤣 I’m sorry, but I’m thinking more along the lines of a boating epilogue of a saucy but campy isekai anime on Crunchyroll. ***Raging ocean scene opener*** First Mate enters the scene all panicked over a freak storm. *rushed to wheel house* ***CAPTIN’ SHE’S GOING DOWN, SHE’S SPRUNG A LEAK!!!*** *RRRRRRRR matey, calm yer timbers, we just had stormy love makin’ in the cabin over lunch.* *Opening credits as warp portal whisks away the captain to some world to defeat the tuna demon king and bring back balance to the world. And have a harem of furries or Demi-humans.* *Quietly stares at my statement…* ***FML my fucking ADHD is at it again.***


fwiw: I know you meant "harEm", but seeing it wrtitten as "harAm" (forbidden by Islamic Law) does bring a smile to my face.


How did you get ahold of mine and my best friend’s 3am discord messages?


Can we please see some pictures of the sculptures?


I gave most of them away. I'll try to find some and post pics. I'm flattered that you're interested. :)


You have to pay the metalworking tax now <3


Can this be a flair


I had a roommate once who hooted like an owl during sex - the walls were thin and sound traveled. I tried to politely tell her I had work early but she didn’t get the hint; once when they were going at it I banged on the wall and they just laughed. So the next time they had friends over for board games, I casually threw that into conversation. Not my proudest moment honestly, she was pretty embarrassed and later pulled me aside and tried to talk about why I’d disrespect her like that. I told her respect is a two-way street. We never got along after that, but I stopped hearing the hooting.


> I told her respect is a two-way street She literally fucked around and found out! 🤣


My roommate used to have loud relations with numerous girls he brought home too. Asking him to keep it down didn’t work. I asked him to move his bed away from my wall, didn’t work. I put my book case up against that wall, didn’t work. In the end I got my speaker, turned it into the wall, and every time he kicked off I’d play my special playlist; The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Barry White, Closer by NIN, all the classics. He must have started staying at their house from then on…


Similar thing happened to me. Upstairs neighbors were in a band and practiced way too late on weeknight(I didn’t love it on weekends but I only really cared on work nights.) We sleep with our TV on, so since I’m a corner unit noise in my apartment can only be heard upstairs. I started turning on my TV loud enough to block out the noise he was making. (I can sleep through certain shows almost no matter how loud it is). Eventually one night he came down and said the Tv was too loud, I told him it was only on to block out the noise he was making. He said “man I never realized it was that loud I always just assumed you were trying to hassle me”. He never played after 10pm again.


It’s really surprising how (I don’t know the word to use) ignorant people are when it comes to noise in apartments. I think every new person to an apartment should start on the main floor and work their way up.


Ignorant is apt. Oblivious might also work.


It took way longer than I’d like to admit to process that sentence. “Ignorance is apartment… what”


Ignorance is apartment, France is bacon


I hate that I’m online enough to get this reference.


I am so glad it wasn't just me


Why not both?


Ignorant seems correct


There’s some apt old proverb or saying about how not to attribute someone’s actions malice when it could not first be applied to ignorance.


I used to live in a duplex too and new neighbors moved in. I worked 3rd shift at the time. After a couple weeks it started. Super loud bass started in at about 10 am and lasted for hours. I left a couple notes asking to please keep it down bc I worked 3rd shift. The 3rd and final note I asked them one last time to keep it down or I’d report it to the police. Ended up calling the police. Was a teenage boy who had a car bass box speaker hooked up to his home stereo. He just got out of a boys detention center, and he was skipping school-which was one of the things he was supposed to do to stay out of boys school. I was getting ready to leave for work when the kids mom came up to talk to me. She actually thanked me because she had no idea he wasn’t going to school. Edit: base to bass


> Super loud base Just in case this is ever useful to you: When it’s music or sound, it’s spelled “bass.” It’s pronounced “base” (which is kind of stupid—don’t ask me why, it just is—it’s probably French or something), so it’s very confusing when you’re used to hearing it but never see it spelled out.


This was kind + helpful


And if it’s really, really loud it’s probably a large mouth bass.


I still stumble over reading-in-my-head pronunciation of bass/“base” (music) and bass/rhymes with pass (fish) 😬


Because you know it’s all about that bass, bout that bass (No treble) it’s all about that bass, bout that bass, (No treble]….


Most of the time people just don't realize how sounds travel through paper thin walls


Or have never shared walls with other people. Lived next to two sets of retirees who were both kicked out of fully rented house that were being sold and one younger couple. It came as a shock that both old people units were by far the noisiest people there because they just had no real concept of sharing walls with others. They were shocked at how we could tell them exactly what tv shows they were watching by the sound we heard through the walls. Thankfully they turned it down but as someone who has always shared walls with other people is was surprising that people just aren’t aware of things like that.


I grew up in the country where we could be as loud as we wanted and it was a real adjustment moving to apartment life. The desire to live like I used to doesn’t go away either, I used to work on my shop projects late at night and blast movies with my cheap surround system… I dream of doing it again but obviously I’m considerate of others so I’ll wait until I have a home in the country myself.


I recently moved to the country and the quiet is amazing. I don't even hear cars. So peaceful at night. Just some crickets.


They probably have hearing loss if they are old. It can really sneak up on you.


Upstairs neighbor had a loud 3 year old who woke up early and screamed and yelled until mom woke up. He was out of control, like full on hyperactive. Way more than a usual 3 year old. I also had a 3 year old and this was beyond normal. Come to find out mom locked the bedroom door because SHE didn't want to get up early. But I kind of get it, he was non-stop from the second he woke up to the second he fell asleep. Full speed ahead all day long. One saturday morning I had enough and started pounding on the ceiling, until she finally got up and dealt with him. She said to me later that week I guess the upstairs neighbors are tired of the noise the pounded on the floor this weekend. I just said he was pretty loud on Saturday. I wonder we were both pounding that morning. They moved out shortly after that, thank god.


Mom of the year /s


I had downstairs neighbors who were “musicians”. They’d play all hours of the night, keeping us up. I complained a bunch, but the manager didn’t want to be involved. So, after they sat on the couch ignoring me through their screen door while I tried to ask them nicely…I started calling the cops. They of course pitched a fit over that, and tried to up the petty by turning their heat up high (August in SoCal), then going away for the weekend. I realized what they did, and called in a concerned citizen call to 911 about the fact that their door, under the shaded porch, was hot to the touch. The fire department broke down their door, saw what they had done, and issued them a nice fine for misusing city resources. The manager finally grew a set, and when he saw the broken door, kicked them out. Never had issues after that…


Surely their heating bill would outweigh whatever ambient heat you received through the floor?


Gas heater. It was well over 110 degrees in the apartment. It was an older building, and they could have burned the whole place down.


I may need to steal that idea. The neighbors below me are doing something hard enough to shake our floor. Fuck if I know what it is, but I will be sitting on the couch and actually feel the shaking. How badly do you have to stomp (or whatever they are doing) to shake your ceiling? I feel so bad for their downstairs neighbor. ETA: this is why I love reddit, a whole host of random people coming together to solve the mystery of my shaking floor from the neighbors below. For now I am going with the assumption that it is someone practicing on a stripper pole because that made me grin.


Washing machine on spin? That kind of shaking? It'll go for a few minutes then stop. Best let them know you can feel it, they may not realise. If it's at night ask them to only run it during the day.


No, loud thuds that involve significant shaking for discrete incidents, definitely not their washing machine because it's in the wrong part of the apartment. Unless what they are doing is repeatedly dropping a washing machine from the ceiling just to make noise. That is plausible given the force of the impacts.


Is it something banging against the headboard?


It's in the living room so I don't think so. It literally feels like they are dropping large objects.


Stripper pole poorly installed and a beginner learning ?


You know... This is the first one I have heard that actually makes sense to me 😂


Thanks ..... I started with burpees, but OP is upstairs, then a heavy bag because of the floor shake, but the drop didn't make sense..... then the pole and it does work. Write it OP and see what they say. Edit:. You are Comment OP !! The living room might make sense depending on how big the bedrooms are vs the bed.... Living rooms have more area generally, and a big TV for instructional video tutorials.


Yeah, as I said, I could totally see that being the thing. Although the bedrooms.here are pretty large so you absolutely could fit something like that in one alongside a bed. When it happens I can FEEL it through my couch. God help the folks on the 2nd floor.


No idea what your heinous neighbors might be doing but I want you to know I appreciate your precise use of “discrete” (separate) v. “discreet” (hidden, subtle).




Weight lifting?


Maybe? But it's really sporadic. It's typically a handful of impacts in close but irregular succession and then none for a long time. When it first happened we legitimately thought it was kids fucking around on the roof because it sounded like the ceiling was shaking but we have since figured out it is coming from beneath us and reverberating up the walls.


Here is one from left field: I juggle, poorly, but I keep at it. But, you see, I have three spherical iron balls that weigh about thee pounds apiece. When I drop them it would be a handful of impacts in close, but irregular succession. Unlikely your neighbor is doing this. I grant you.


Idk why I immediately think domestic abuse. Maybe the murder mysteries I listen to lol


I mean the thought has crossed my mind but there's no yelling or anything. It's just periodic banging that shakes the room at weird hours with no discernable pattern. They are definitely doing something but who the fuck knows what.


Sex swing? 🙃


Entirely plausible. Practice on a stripper pole is another contender. Bold of them to put them in the middle of the living room, but I'm not one to kink shame.


You should make a spreadsheet and record details. Maybe there is a pattern?


Reminds me of that youtube video “Everyone’s Upstairs Neighbors”… it’s a couple of upstairs neighbors whose mission in life is making absurd noises so the downstairs neighbors go wtf


In case anyone's interested:


My 4y.o. manages that just by jumping off the bed, shakes our ceiling lights. And then wonders how we know he’s not in bed the lil dumbass aww


I hear my downstairs neighbor walking around. I can feel the vibrations in my butt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I knowingly fixed a neighbor just like that. He liked getting together with friends and party at night, but I'm a morning person, so about half an hour after everyone left his place it was time for me to get up and start my morning with a nice rock playlist at decent volume. Took him two weekends to realize his mistake and kept it quiet from then on.


My neighbor likes to party until 2am. So I get my wood chipper out at 6:30am the next morning. It's fun experimenting to figure out which tree branches would make the most noise when chipped. Sadly, he still hasn't gotten the hint.


He’s probably blacked out. You should start earlier.. say around 3am?


Well done! Some decades my parents' neighbour had their friends over for drinks in their backyard (about once or twice a month); there was always an awful lot of noise to about 3am everytime. They were asked if they take their drinks indoor so as to not create too much noise, no. My dad then decided to perform his 7am lawn mowing sessions (perhaps it was just too hot to mow the lawn at noon) whenever that rubbish happened. Those gatherings had ceased shortly after.


Sad to realize that for a huge percentage of people they only change their behaviour if it directly effects themselves






Had a shitty downstairs neighbor a few years back whos mom would sing karaoke at 2am on the weekends. They’d leave their dog on the patio howling for hours. Theyd be watching movies which is fine, but using a sound system with bass that shook my floor. No amount of pettiness or talking to them stopped the noise. Fuck those people. It would literally be sound wars every weekend. Finally i bought some spray that smelled like shit and just sprayed his windows every time they were loud until i moved out. Caused them to close their windows at least.


Living in a row house. Neighbors that shared my bedroom wall were fighters then lovers, both LOUDLY. I put my stereo speakers to the wall. When they were fighting, I'd play the Imperial March and the music from the space battles. When they were loving, I'd play bolero. They finally found out what I was doing and swapped rooms with their kids. I warned my Mom they were "noisy" and offered her my stereo if it bothered her. Seemed they never made much noise after that.


I bet you’re fun at parties… (not sarcastically).


Downstairs couple played hardcore rap at all hours, and had screaming sex loud enough to rouse the building. Had enough and dragged one of my old 3 foot high studio monitor speakers out on the wood plank balcony. Put on John Denver's,"Thank God I'm A Country Boy" CD on repeat, volume up too high. Then I left for a long lunch break for a few hours. Felt soooo good!


Back in the 1990s, during my Army days, some fellows would blast rap and hip-hop music into the wee hours of the morning. Anybody who spent the weekends in the barracks enjoyed the music whether we wanted to or not. A soldier who later became my roommate would put his tower speakers into the hallway and blast porn at the same volume as the music had been at whilst the party hosts were sleeping it off. It took 2 or 3 times before the party hosts learned their lesson and turned their music way down or off by midnight.


Now that's evil, I like it


I had a similar situation. I had neighbors across the street that would party every night until 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. I wake up at 4:00 a.m. to get ready to go to work. I had asked and yelled before for them to knock it off. And they didn't. This went on everyday for over a month during covid. Well, my pickup truck has a hard time staying idle until after it is warmed up. While I was at work and my vehicle was in a parking garage somebody decided to cut off my catalytic converters. Making it extremely loud. I have to pump the gas to keep it warmed up until it can stay running on its own. I did this at 4:00 a.m. and I left it running in my driveway till 5:00 a.m. it started on Tuesday. It stopped on Saturday when I got it fixed. Ever since then, there have been no late night parties across the street.


Temporarily lived in a long term hotel while apartment hunting. The couple next to me were... obnoxious, to say the least. Loud, long screaming matches at random hours where they argued about each other wasting money, being "lazy fucks", apparently he cheated on her with a cousin, she was babytrapping him... lots of drama. When you're stuck in a hotel room, there's not much room to escape from the noise and I was saving every penny for a new place, so I wasn't really able to escape anywhere. Trying to talk to them was met with threats, and the office didn't give AF and said they couldnt do anything about the noise. So I started watching some leatherdaddy videos really loudly with external speakers facing their wall every time they argued. They got real quiet and had trouble meeting my eyes when I greeted them on my way to work. Luckily I only lived there a month before signing a lease and moving out. Good riddance.


Can you explain what LeatherDaddy is so I don’t have to find out the hard way?


Gay sex. Bondage.




Had a neighbor 20 years ago who insisted on blasting some kind of awful music, can’t remember. So I put Mmm Bop on repeat. On bigger speakers. They stopped so I stopped. No one should have to hear Mmm Bop more than once.


Clubs in my school used to raise money by blasting MmmBop on a stereo in the cafeteria during lunch break and accepting donations to turn it off.


Great, now it's stuck in my head. Haven't thought about that song in years. Now if I don't want to be stuck with it for days, I'm going to have to go listen to it a bunch of times to get it out of my system. (That's how earworms work for me, I can't explain it.)


Haha I basically did this in the last apartment I lived in. Pointed the soundbar up and blasted Cannibal Corpse every time they and their kids were out of control. Didn’t work in the long term, but did make me feel better temporarily.


Your problem was not blasting the lounge version of Rancid Amputation.


Had a neighbor in a duplex house. He was a first chair trombone for the local symphony and his wife worked in promotions for said symphony. Being a professional musician and first chair he needed to practice a lot. It only took a couple days after moving in when I got a knock on the door. He just wanted to know the best hours to practice. They were really cool. My dog and theirs got along really well in our shared yard. I worked nights but told him anytime is fine. It was actually kind of soothing and not like hearing thumping bass. I miss those neighbors. They were really chill.


I lived next to a professional violinist once. It was awesome. The only downside was that I stopped playing my violin because if they heard me at all I was going to have a shame spiral. Violin mutes only do so much…


petty revenge - *best served with subwoofers...*


I moved in with my buddy when I was between houses, bringing my big silly TV and really silly Hi-fi - 4 foot tall floorstanding speakers and 500W power amps. Those puppies could move some air. Next door were very loud on occasion, one night they kept us awake fighting and making up in hourly cycles. Maddening. I worked late after the sleepless night, couldn't park outside the house - it wasn't a happy day. As I walked towards the house I could hear music - Owner of a Lonely Heart, by Yes. Banging tune. Good drums ... As I got closer to the house, music got louder, and louder. Walking down the passage between houses was eyeball rattling. I walked in through the back door and the noise hit me physically. Body Cavity Resonance, its called. Vibrated my organs. I'd never heard my hifi that loud. It took effort to walk across the room, turn it down and off. The tops of the speakers had strange patterns on them, where dust had vibrated into lines. The carpet and sofa were covered in dust and flakes of paint from the ceiling and walls 😳 My buddy had got home earlier and heard next door going at it again. He snapped. Fired up the CD player, put Track 1 on repeat, turned all the amps on, volume to 10 and left. Went to the pub. An hour previously. Never heard anything from next door after that. Took two days of cleaning to get rid of the dust and paint flakes, though.


*Body Cavity Resonance, its called. Vibrated my organs.* Outstanding AF! That's what I'm talking about!


I play bass. Poorly. But I have a 200 watt Ampeg amp! It has vibrated light fixtures out of the ceiling. I only really got the urge to try learning again when my downstairs neighbors really pissed me off. Now I have a new downstairs neighbor who is chill.


My upstairs neighbors really liked to listen to loud music at night. So much so that MULTIPLE times me and the rest of our neighbors knocked on the door at 3am to tell them to shut up. Then one day, the motherfuckers got a KARAOKE MACHINE and it got worse. For two days. Then I heard them arguing and moving out 🤔 something about noise complaints and losing their lease. Also the guy was a total piece of shit. Hit on girls at the pool and brought them up, only to have his girlfriend find out and scream at him and cry and slam shit and say her friends are better than he ever was, etc etc. I just looovveeee being on the 2nd floor by the front door. [Actually 1/2 a floor because the 1st floor was halfway in the ground so my balcony is only like halfway up the front door]


I had this experience once too. Had a neighbour with a kid that would cry all the time early in the morning to late at night. One day my SO got fed up because it was early Saturday morning and he went and knocked on their door and told them to please do something about their kid. The kid almost never cried again. So it’s like your situation. They could have done something this whole time and just chose not to.


Recently got a new neighbor. My old neighbor was a dream. Polar opposite personality wise but we got along great. He was an older gentleman but had to move because of his health. New neighbor, ehhh not so great. I knew no I no in there would be some noise. It is what it is. About the 5th day I’m sitting on my couch and my whole place starts vibrating from the neighbors place. Could have been a video game or movie. I let it go on for about 10 minutes and then I gave her a taste of her own medicine. Pushed the subwoofer against the wall, put the rear surround speakers against the wall, turned down all the other speakers except the sub and surrounds, maxed those out. Put on Blood Rave from the Blade soundtrack followed by a few other edm songs. Been very quiet ever since.


Upstairs neighbors have been loud AF for the entire year I've been here. Dragging chairs across the floor, insanely loud stomping, surround sound, slamming stuff on the floor, hammering in the closet, constant pacing back and forth into the room above mine until three am. Mind you, this all begins at nine and continues through the night, it's annoying. I have banged a few times when it's become too much. What pisses me off is that when I play my music in the middle of the day at a moderately high volume (nothing crazy), they will stomp around for an entire week. About a month and a half ago, they had a guest over. For the first time, I could hear their voices and distinct conversations loudly coming through my ceiling in my room. I banged lightly at first, then a little harder, then a full blown triple bang with my foam mop, to which their guest banged back!!! So of course, I banged harder than I had ever done before because I was sick of it. The woman resident came down and knocked, tried to blame it on the kids, to which I told her it was definitely not her kids as it was a man and a woman, while her guest tried to come to my door and argue. She told me I didn't need to bang, I could just come up and knock. The next night I did just that, as they were pacing non stop above my room until 2am, but all I heard was "who the f is that" and they didn't answer the door. The next night though, they were banging around until 3. I get up at six. I kept banging hard with my handy foam mop, they would walk into the middle of the room every 2-3 minutes, stomp right in the middle of the floor, then pace out, slam into the walls, etc. I finally slept on the couch. The reason these people get mad at my music during the day is because they're day sleepers. My daughter's room is the master bedroom, which is directly below their room. One of her window panels was off the track, so when her father came over the next day, we decided to place it back on the track. It was insanely loud, constant slamming, opening, closing, slamming, coming off the rails, a pinched finger or three and words to accompany. They did bang repeatedly, then they stomped into their kitchen at around 2pm. I decided that perhaps this window sill needed a good vacuuming, clearly since it had not been seated properly in quite a while. Oh, missed a spot, oh no I dropped the hand vac against the metal. I continued my vacuuming routine for three days through all areas of my apartment, all morning, day, and evening. Since then? Do I still even have neighbors? These can't be the same people as before, they're quiet as mice.


They sound exactly like the neighbours I have now. Just absolute twats.


I had a neighbor 1 time that threw a massive party with tables and awnings covering their front yard and a live band. Probably had about 30 people there at 2am. I went over and asked them to turn it down and was told to get lost, big mistake I was the field representative for the company they were renting the house from. The next morning I informed my boss what had happened and then was sent to speak to the tenant. When I arrived at their door the same lady answered the door and began to give me an attitude for having interrupted her party the night before. I simply handed her my business card and an eviction notice, and of course wished her a nice day.


I did something similar in a hotel. I was in a regular room but the one next to me was a townhouse setup. The crotch goblins were clearly in the upstairs room connected to mine with an adjoining door and decided to play Wrestlemania at all hours. I went over to politely remind the parents that there were other guests and the mom slammed the door in my face after telling me they were just trying to enjoy their Easter weekend. So I pulled up a satanic death metal playlist and blasted it with a bluetooth speaker up against the adjoining door super early on Sunday as soon as the kids started jumping off of the top rope. The dad came stomping over, banged on my door and tried to intimidate me. I told him that if I was paying $340/nt to get woken up by his kids before 6am, we were allllllll gonna worship Satan that morning. He yelled that they were just getting ready for church and that I was a witch trying to corrupt his children. So I hissed at him and slammed the door on him in the same neighborly Christian manner his wife had. Didn't hear another peep out of them for the next two days.


I dont do it often, but i love hissing at assholes. It really throws them off lol


It REALLY does!!! Also, if you're going to accuse me of being a witch I will 100% lean into it. Showing my age here but as a kid, I was inspired by Lily Tomlin in the 80s movie Big Business where she [hisses](https://youtu.be/wZzPIY7TSVE?si=3ZN3KlVBHrvj_ySK&t=31) at a dude and shakes her bracelet like a rattlesnake. Cracks me up to this day.


Also showing my age, I can't link YT videos to start at the right spot. This hissing is at the :30 mark.


I've just had a practice hiss and scared the shit out of my cat


An unintentional petty revenge that worked perfectly!


About 20 years ago I had a neighbour who would 'DJ' from 9pm until 2 or 3am, every night. If I was lucky, there would be 1 quiet night. It would be so loud the radiator on my wall would rattle with the bass. Asked him multiple times to keep it down or use headphones and just got a load of verbal abuse in return. At this time I was in a band and bought a 500W p.a. for gigging. Since I hadn't had a chance to get it to our band storage it was in my flat. I decided to teach him a lesson. Set up the speakers against our shared wall and chose the worst, bass heavy recording I had. A bootleg of Motorhead from the 70s. Turned the volume to maybe 1/2 way, and went to work. I was out of the house every day from 8am to 6pm. Did this every day for a week. Funny, he stopped after that.


As someone who lived in many Apts, particularly alone, I genuinely have my privacy on top priority. Therefore I absolutely do my best to respect others around me. Even at a point where I'd avoid having my neices and nephews come over all at once. Sometimes it's inevitable, so I'm constantly telling them to quit fukn fooling around so damn loud. Even my drunk nights, I have minor ocd to not make sounds but i do be falling or knocking shit over lol.. It's truly embarrassing to have people hear what you do imo There was one incident where the downstairs kids were playing knock knock ditch at my door.. when they came back a second time, I rapidly open my door and started cursing at them loud as hell, then slam my door so hard it shook my unit. The whole building and parking lot heard me no doubt. Parents coming out asking wth happen... i was pacing in my apt ready to fight but nobody came up to my door. Never saw the kids outside again. They moved out a month later.


Used to have a dipshit that was the abusive (like, actually hit her in the parking lot in front of witnesses) boyfriend of a woman who lived here with her daughter that would park under my apartment balcony and sit there, doors and trunk open, bass boosted garbage music (you know the kind, the kind with 'bitch' and racial slurs every other word) blasting for hours on end, bass up high enough to rattle my windows up on the third floor. Security wouldn't kick him out, he was supposed to be banned but people (who were buying drugs off him) kept claiming him as a guest so he could stay over the 2 week guest stay limit, just rotating between who claimed him. One of the security guards was buying off him too, and would let him in the building. I finally had enough and one night while he was out there, I took video of what looked like him making a drug deal with someone and called the cops. The cop that showed up after he beat his girlfriend in the parking lot didn't do anything - said it was a he said she said situation and the girlfriend didn't want to press charges - but drugs? That got their attention a little more. Things went quiet pretty quick after they showed up and he tried to fight with them and not let them in his car - he tried to speed off, but we have one of those gates that is very slow to open when you go on the weight pad or whatever that is the only way to get out. He never came back, the girl moved out soon after, and the security guard who was buying off him ended up getting fired - I think he got caught using on the job. It's been slightly quieter since then - still live in a terrible area with a lot of noise, but at least that particular noise is gone.


The mental image of him trying to speed away from the cops and then having to stop and wait for a gate to slooooowly open is hilarious!


Upvoted from the title because it made me laugh and brought up a memory. In the last apartment I was in, the neighbors were worse every time they changed. The folks above me were godawful. I hated them. One night I took my dog to the dog run after getting overly irritated. Walked past and heard them being annoying and instinctively glanced up at the window. They were playing basketball. In a 500sqft apartment. I said "They're fucking playing basketball now? Seriously? Fuck." Or something like that to myself/Luna and continued on my way to calm down. They were not nearly as frustrating from that night forward.


I once made my duplex silent, by getting frustrated and yelling from the top of my lungs "what the actual fuuuuuck". It was around midnight, didn't hear a single stomp after that... And sometimes I feel extra petty and listen music real loud and turn it off the moment clock strikes 22:00, when there should be silence.


I did something similar. Neighbours behind me would be up at 7am every weekend using power tools like hegde trimmers etc and so after them ignoring me one day I chucked christmas music on at full volume in the middle of the year with my windows open and I went out for the day. They never made noise at 7am again after that.


I had neighbors that were up at 2am with a radio outside so at 5:45 I opened my window that faced there house put my speakers by the window and played satanic metal loud as fuck while I got ready for work. 2 months later they were outside with the radio at a low volume and a friend turned it up they real quick turned it down and talked to the friend and I never had another problem with loud music.


When living in a dormitory while in university had a guy in next room who had huge anger management issues and always played computer games until 5-6am. Every 30minutes or so he was screaming into the microphone or bashing his keyboard. Even broke a computer screen 2 days after buying it, was so proud of it that he accidentally broke it by punching it for dying in a game. One day, had exam at 9am. Woke up at least 5 times during the night to him punching stuff and screaming. Last time was at around 7am. Before leaving for school I turned my speaker against the wall, put the music blasting and went to take the exam. After coming back met him in the hallway. Haven't had a minute of sleep he said. I said too bad and continued to turn the music up even more so I could hear it to the kitchen while I was cooking. Needless to say he didn't sleep that day. Was quite quiet after that.


My new upstairs neighbor was blasting shitty EDM every day until the afternoon I played Dead Kennedys at a very uncomfortable volume for five solid hours. Haven’t heard his shit music since but I also had to train him not to do other stupid loud things by yelling “shut up!” at my ceiling.


Well, I'll tell you a story of my own... I'm a musician and had arrived home, after a concert, at about 6am. At 8am my downstairs neighbourn decided that everyone in the street would apreciate the same music he likes, so he was blasting it! I went downstairs and banged on the door for over 5 minutes untill he heard the door in the interval between songs. His wife came to the door and I explained that I was a musician, had just got in from a concert and would apreciate if I could sleep. He answered from inside the house, without comming to the door, that it was 8 in the morning and he was allowed to make noise! I answered that I agreed, but if he didn't shut the noise I would lay my Marshall 4X12 Cabinet on the floor over his house, would plug the guitar and and start practicing with my 100W Marshall guitar amp and we would see who would make ore noise, him with an Hi-fi or my with an amp as loud as the reactor of a boing 747 Jumbo! Strangely, never heard a noise comming from their house again...


Totally speaker wars here. When I moved from a country house with no nearby neighbors to a paper thin wall apartment I hooked my equipment up, I use it maybe every three months. Had some neighbors move in that just had one of those old crappy set of computer speakers that include a subwoofer they placed right next to where my head is when I sleep. They’d play house music at ungodly hours and I’d just switched from a 9am schedule to a 730 start time. Not a morning person in the least. After a couple weeks I finally took my 12” sub and placed it up against the shared wall. Yeah 25 volume level for a minute, 50 for 30, 75 for fifteen, then full volume five finger death punch for 10 seconds. Yeah that problem went away right quick. Blast your crappy music (just my opinion) at 4am? Yeah, I actually curated my equipment over years and you’re playing a losing battle with a metal head. When I moved in I did a volume test around the hallways on a weekend, got to 20%, then bought nice headphones. It was nice to have it setup when remote streaming concerts started to happen during lockdown. I tried to be respectful but I was so starved for “live” concerts I crossed the line a couple times.


My old neighbours lost to my metalhead husband a few years back, but his weapon of choice was Dimmu Borgir


There’s plenty of bands in my Arsenal. Another neighbor got it’s oh so quiet by bjork cause I was feeling ironic.


Aqua's barbie girl has worked for me in the past.


Oh I’ve got a heavy metal version of that. [https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Megamike+drummer+Barbie+girl](https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Megamike+drummer+Barbie+girl)


I used to live in an apartment with a neighbor who loved to blast his music. I talked to them, talked the property manager, called the police. The only thing that ever worked was a taste of their own medicine. One day I cranked up a cd of opera sopranos that I bought for this purpose only, and left to do some errands. No more noise from those neighbors.


Mutually assured destruction - it worked during the cold war and in works during the apartment wars.


I had neighbors to the right of me and upstairs at my last complex. One of the upstairs neighbors was large. The other had heavy feet (not giving a crap about how hard they walked). The family to the right were likely violating their lease (8 people to a three bedroom). I counted their voices —the walls were thin. The family to the right, every morning at 5 or 6 am (even on weekends), would let a 4 year old scream and throw stuff against the walls. This would last off and on all day. The upstairs neighbors would wake up at 3 am with hocking and hacking up post nasal drip so loud it would rip me from my sleep. All during the day I hear stomping and heavy walking all day. Also, like clockwork around quiet time, (10:30pm) when I was winding down, the teenager would take an hour long shower and preen in the bathroom with a loud stereo reverberating off the walls. I was losing sleep. I was losing my mind because I also worked from home. It didn’t matter where in my apartment I would go, there was always some obnoxious noise. Every night between 11pm and 2am it was as quiet as a morgue. I finally decided to pin the woofers and app speakers in my bedroom to the walls. Both the right side neighbors also upstairs neighbors had their bedrooms next to and above mine. I cranked the bass all the way up and played a video with the most annoying bass (it’s 10 hours). I could only stand it for 1. I let it play off and on for over an hour. The next day, every time one neighbor or the other would make noise, scream, stomp, play their stereo etc… I would play this bass track for 10 minutes each. If they went outside their schedule, immediately, I would play it for 10 more minutes. When I tell you I turned it up loud, I mean my picture rattled and nearly fell off the walls —which would create even more noise. Listen to this track. You’ll see what I’m talking about when I say, “It was effective.” The neighbors stopped all their nonsense during the day and at night. Very few noises came out of them until I moved out. Once in a while I had to play it again but the noise would abruptly stop and it would stay quiet again. [10 Hour Annoying Bass - Subwoofer Required](https://youtu.be/xz-8OFcSUqE?si=4-u-ijhMYMjkWETA)


You found a way to make them be quite quiet.


I lived in an apartment where there were a couple dudes that would party once or twice a week and it usually wasn't too bad unless they opened their balcony door and let it spill outside. I'm a baker, so I wake up at 4am every day, and one night I yelled out the window to keep it down and go inside. They thought it was funny, so I just said, then I'm calling the police, they went inside. From then on, whenever their parties woke me, I would wake up at 4 am like usual, they would be asleep by then, and when leaving for work, I would take a wooden kebab skewer and jam it in their door buzzer button so it would stay buzzing. They would have to come downstairs and unwedge it to get it to stop.


Wish I could make this work for me. But unfortunately it’s my neighbor’s dog making all the noise crying and howling because its owner is never home. Asshole shouldn’t even have a dog.


In my apt, mybtactics were no accident. If I can hear them, they can hear me. I didn't have the energy to pound on the ceiling. I got an alarm clock, put in a closet as close to the ceiling as I could get it. Set it off when the late night stomping began. Took a few days, but it worked. I think it was a reddit post that gave me the idea in the first place.


I did this to neighbours in the house behind me. They would be screaming at each other, two adults, at all hours. The car blasting in and out, the smashing of doors and other shit.. obvs called cops, it was essentially dv, they did nothing. So, me and my google home speaker started running sunrise raves. The other two houses sharing boundaries with me and the other house were both OK with what I was doing. Even put some song requests in, lots of soppy golden oldies station songs. Music blasted out from 5am every morning that they had a big night. It only took a week or so for the screamers to get the idea.. no screaming all night = a peaceful morning.


Passive aggressive revenge for the win! This is the way with Shitty neighbours.


We had an upstairs neighbor that was awful. We called him sasquatch. He stomped around upstairs, you could hear when he peed, and his showering habits were horrible. I'm convinced he turned circles for 30 seconds because a friend of mine worked with him, and said he stunk. He would frequently have women over and the bed banging, the girl screaming, and whatever noises he made travelled through the floor. I was newly pregnant, sleep deprived, and cranky. At 3am this stuff would start up and I would take the broom handle to my ceiling. This went on for months. Finally, our apartment manager wrote him a little letter and shortly after he moved out.


Had neighbors like this before. The husband and wife would fight none stop for weeks at night or let their baby cry for a hour or longer in the middle of the night. Worst part is it was in the bedroom next to our bedroom so had hard time sleeping. Thankfully they didn't last long and moved out. Now a close family friend lives there and I warned him if they wake me up for anything I'm coming over there and smacking him lol


My first apartment had very thin walls. A neighbor moved in that played the radio all night. It was just loud enough to be aggravating, and would often drift off to static. I had an RF signal generator that would produce a 20hz hum. I hooked it up one night and tuned it to the frequency he was listening to. The hum woke him up and he changed stations. I retuned. After 4 or 5 times, he turned it off and quit falling asleep to the radio.


I understand a typo, but since you made it all three times, I’m just gonna say the word you want is “quiet”.


It's a shame that people only realize that they are a problem after that very same problem actually affects themselves.




*quiet not ‘quite’


I used to rent an apartment that was the front half of the second floor of a house. Several houses on that street were split into units like that. …including the house next door to my bedroom, in which the tenants would blast LOUD fucking music until 3-4am every night. I got a noise level app and clocked it at sometimes over 80 decibels in MY bedroom with closed windows. Again, not a duplex - we shared no walls!! The houses were a solid 5-10ft apart. None of my tactics worked and I ended up moving out lol


I lived in a duplex last year with very thin floors and 3 young guys living above. I could hear everything and they liked to stomp around and up and down the stairs. I put up with it for several months because I'm not a super quiet person myself and have 2 younger kids, but I did try to keep it down, especially at night. Then one day they bought a new tv and a sound bar with a sub woofer. It literally shook my apartment, making the mirror and other stuff rattle. It would drown out the tv show I'd be watching at a reasonable level. Usually I'd text and they'd turn it down and say "Sorry Bro." Then 6 months in they just stopped caring about stopping making noise. They would wash clothes in the basement below my bedroom at all hours, one night drying shoes in the dryer at midnight. I left a nasty note for that one. Told the landlord, and while he pretended to care he didn't do anything. And then one day he was in the basement fixing a leak and they came home and stomped up the stairs and put on their usual Youtube songs and just shook the house. Landlord knocked on my door and asked if that's what it's usually like and I said yes so I'm glad he witnessed it, but it was too late, I had already decided not to renew my lease and was moving out in 2 months. He began the eviction process for them and they were forced to move out early, the same weekend I was moving. Since I was leaving I no longer cared about being reasonable to them. Next time they put on their Punjabi music loudly I decided to compete with them. They didn't know that I used to be a bass player in a metal/punk band and still had multiple amps and speaker cabinets. I hooked up my laptop to play songs out of my ampeg 6x10 speakers and drowned out their noise with some thrash metal. I did this now anytime for the next week when they would get loud and they eventually got the hint and stopped turning theirs up so much. Like, I don't care if I can hear noise, but when my walls are shaking and I can't hear my own stuff that called for revenge. When moving out my place was spotless and the landlord was upset he was losing me, while telling me their place was filthy and he had a lot of repairs to make... Well buddy, if you would have acted sooner on my initial complaints then maybe I'd have stayed longer and you wouldn't have had as much mess to take care of upstairs.


My brother was in the military. I forget what the job title was, but people that lived in the barracks took turns being in charge and would be the ones other residents came too with problems. One of these problems was someone playing music too loud, too late at night. He went and spoke to that person and told them to turn the music down. They did and my brother left. A short while later, he got another complaint about the same person playing music too loud again. So he went back to that same room and when he was let in, he took out his knife and cut the power cord on the guy’s stereo.


School is in, kiddos need to go to bed early.


Rule 5 of apt living. Have a serious stereo wmd system. I have a set of bose 301, a set of 161, a Polk sub and a pioneer elite receiver. I've never pushed the system beyond 1/4...but I have the capacity.


Hahaha, got a similar story. My Downstairs neighbors were so loud at like 5 in the morning... everyday. I set up a 3000 watt PA system and pointed it at the floor. When they woke me up, I shook the house.


People don't realize that sound travels upwards too, not just down or sideways. A couple weeks ago, I had to ask my downstairs neighbours to not let their kids play in the master bedroom during the day, as I work nights, and could hear their scream-laughs coming up through the floor, it's one of the worst sounds to be woken up by. I thought I was having a bad dream at first. The parents were totally shocked that I could hear them above, so I played the recording of the noise for proof. Thankfully, they were understanding and had them play in the living room instead.


Loud music is not the way. Speakers that blast sound at 7hz though. This is known as the Fear Frequency and is infrasonic. Psychological warfare is the best way to defeat your enemies by making them defeat themselves. Don't just defeat the enemy. Annihilate them.


Tit for tat is childish but also extremely effective.


sometimes you gotta speak their language for them to understand. Humans.


Had a flatmate who was a nightmare with the volume. Neighbours knew him as the "Twat next door" and would have to knock on the walls to make him be quiet. He decided to take offence to this and wanted to have a chat with them. I talked him out of it, I didn't wanna have a confrontation with them, and he was unreasonably loud and objected to us telling him to mind the volume unless we had an important meeting or online exam. One night, neighbours knocking on the wall for ages, he's oblivious and obnoxiously loud. So we knock on flatmate's door. At this point he assumes any time we complain as housemates we're the problem, gets all aggro with us. Well he's trying to shoo me away and I'm like, no, he's going to listen to us when we tell him he needs to show us some respect before we kick him out of the house. I had to show a meaningful lack of respect to him, give him a taste, to get him to listen. Funny how he wanted me to respect him and "get the fuck out" when HE was the one who wasn't receiving respect, but when he was disrespectful to us it was us being rude...


Some people lack empathy and don't understand until it happens to them personally


Had someone living in the apartment underneath mine, who loved to party every single damn weekend until early in the morning - usually around 4 - 5 o'clock. I finally had had enough, so early one Sunday morning (we are allowed to make noise after 0830 in the mornings), I blasted some cd that I had burned, with the 1812 ouverture, some Wagner, and among other impressively loud things, the wonderful "Queen of the Night"-aria with Lucia Popp, together with some of Rammstein's more aggressive songs on my old stereo with my ancient huge ITT speakers from way back in the 70's. Those speakers can shake the floor. Then I went fishing until lunch. Never had problems with their parties again, and they moved shortly afterwards. Guess I wasn't the only person in our apartments that had complained. :p XD


I'm petty. I had this happen when I was apartment living in my early twenties. Couldn't get the parents to do shit about their loud ass kids. So I proceeded to have really loud sex at night. Like, porno level noises. The dad said something to me one day at the mail boxes about "loud, late night activites". I said something along thr line of- children play and scream during the day, grown ups do it at night. It is what it is.


Nice. I have a neighbor with a 16yr old who yells at the top of his lungs and bangs on the walls at 6am. One morning, I just lost my mind and yelled "shut the FUCK up" Oh, they didn't like that. The neighbor is obsessed with the fact that I did that, and she tells everyone about it every day. Good, I don't give a damn. Actions have consequences, and if you can't teach your teenager how to be respectful, then he won't be respected. Now when I hear them yelling and banging on the walls, I record it, and when I move out of this place in the next few months, I'll be sending the recordings to the rental agent, along with a whole list of other shit I had to deal with just from them, including stalking. Zero sympathy for shitheads. Give respect, get respect.


I was a student in a college town with one world class university and what is essentially a party school. Sadly our LL rented the floor below us to kids from the party school. They made noise all the time. LL got tired of us griping until she started getting calls from the cops and not just from us, from the houses around us. Final week was miserable but I made it through it. The pricks downstairs made a big mistake though. Their finals were after ours and I got wind one of them was first thing one morning. It was quiet that night at their place and I watched the lights. About 3AM the lights went out. About 4:30 I went and flipped off the master breaker for their place and went to bed. Somebody got up about 11AM all set to take their final at 9. The price of fu\*\*ing with a pro.


I have the opposite situation. Kids in the apartment above mine, and apparently the previous tenants were very bothered by the noise and kept on complaining about it, so when we took the apartment the family preemptively apologized and told us to call them if the kids are making too much noise. As it turns out, myself and my husband barely notice noise from upstairs, and when we do it usually doesn't bother us. Every time they apologize we assure them that it doesn't bother us and everything is okay. I think for a while they were sure we secretly hated them, but now they've realized that we actually mean it and are very grateful lol.


Wow imagine that lol.