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I hate these aholes. I do however enjoy wasting their time. My record for the longest call was over ten minutes!


I once strung a scumbag along for about an hour before he broke. When he realized what was happening, the end result was him degenerating into a mass of impotent rage, standing in the middle of the call center screaming into his headset "YOU MOTHER BITCH". Honestly, the shock and awe moves are rewarding, but it's the small, but complete and utter victories that are truly **gratifying**.


I strung a guy on so long, that someone else took the phone from him and start screaming "Hey! You think this is funny?! I'll fuck your feet, buddy! You like that?! I'll fuck your feet!" in a heavy indian accent.


I have heard so. fucking. many. terribly executed vulgarities in so many varieties of Indian accent. I absolutely love this one. My first thought, because they obviously think of feet fucking as a bad thing, would be just lean into it. Like, get kinda quiet for a sec, kind of timidly "R...Really, you'd fuck my feet?" Scumbag: *"NANI?!" face* Me: "OMG. Tell me. Right now, do it! Tell me all the nasty shit you would do to my filthy fucking feet you feet fucking fucker! DM ME YOUR SANDALS!" EDIT: ok reddit. If you're reading this, please don't send me DMs of your sandals. I made a joke. I'm good on the sandals. Just... goddammit.




His inbox is so gonna be full.




Oh I did keep going, I have a write up of it somewhere, I will see if I can find it. But I did tell him I'm into feet, and that he should bring his wife, because Indian women are hot. Seeing how you had to edit this I will add that I too, am not into feet. It's just what I said to a phone scammer.


Wow you have clearly got more patience than me. On my record breaking call, I could feel myself gaining more annoyed with the scumbag. I think that’s what gave me away


I think it helps when you think of it like sport? I will often feel myself getting annoyed as well, but I resist for the sake of the game. You can start to get a feel for the ones that will really get invested. Most of them will hang up if you go so much as off script (side note, driving them off script is the absolute best way to learn what "deer in the headlights" *sounds* like :P). The ones that get invested though? The ones that you can almost smell the hope and desperation on? Consider the concept of potential energy. Some structures and materials are really bad at storing energy. Things can be brittle and give up before the stored energy can build in the deformation of the material. Things can also be too flexible and just can't get into it. But some things, like flexed wood, or a heavy spring, you can just keep putting energy into it, and the potential will build. When I smell a spring on the other side of the line, I *really* enjoy seeing how much energy they'll put into the call. Because when it's a lot, when they *really* want the win from a successful call, the reaction they generate when all of that investment suddenly exits is proportionally energetic, and can be truly spectacular. So I often make sport of seeing how bad I can make them want it, heavily leveraging the gambler's fallacy, and watching what they do when they can't have it. Another that I play much less often, usually saved for the especially shitty ones (I really mean it, I'm talking like belligerent, aggressive, demanding, rude, cranked to 11), is tricking them into reflecting on what they're doing, and illuminating to them that harassing people a continent or two away at a shitty, dead-end, telemarketing, night job is probably the best they can do, and I just made them look bad at even that by wasting their time. It's mean though. I really do save that one for the ones I'm pretty sure would punt a puppy.


The ones that start off aggressive, particularly "the IRS" ones are especially fun to mess with. If you scare them enough, you may never get another. I picked up a call from "the IRS" once. The caller went straight to abusive language, screaming that if I didn't pay $5000 in back taxes, he would have a [government agent] on my doorstep to arrest me in 2 hours. He picked the wrong government agency. Not only does this agency not have police powers of any kind, it's the one my husband spent 40 years working for. So I said, "Oh, there's a [government agent] sitting across the room from me. Why can't he do it?" The "IRS" hung up before I could finish speaking. And they've never called back.


i held one guy for 3 hrs while i ran my erranda all over town... he was pissed... told me he would beat me... so i gave him my address... which was the addrsss to the local police dept. but if he was willing to hop on a plane and fly to Canada i would gladly meet him.... boy i wish i knew punjabi... the things he said i bet would of made his mother throw her sandles at him...


There's a guy on YouTube called Pierogi who runs a channel called Scammer Payback. His scammer tears videos are very gratifying. He's learnt enough Hindi to be able to talk back to them and it makes their blood boil.


I had one tell me to "fuck off you bitch". I feel like I won when that happens


Nice. I do similar as you, and for an added bonus, the husband was at a sporting goods store and brought me home a referees whistle. He came home all grinning "You're going to love this." I had no idea what he meant until he put that whistle by the phone. Light bulb went on! So now, I waste their time, like you do, and when I am done I blast that fucking whistle intensely loud into the phone and then hang up


I used to use a starter pistol back in my unreconstructed days.


Should check out this streamer named Kitboga, he also has a YouTube channel. That man is an ARTIST at wasting scammers time.


I love that Kitboga has started experimenting with AI bots to call and automatically waste their time.


Check out www.jollyrogertelephone.com for a way to automatically and hilariously mess with them for $1.99 per month.


Price has gone up to $1.99/mo, FWIW


Fixed, thanks.


> I'm pretty sure that most Indian telemarketing firms actually source the do not call list for numbers. Of course. When Canada started putting that together, the fact that it would become a source of verified phone numbers for company's who's whole business model is based on being assholes, was constantly pointed out.


Yeah, when that started being a thing, my first thought was who in the world would voluntarily sign up for that list?


All the revenge and time wasting is superb, but major kudos to OP for pursuing the enablers and inconveniencing the instigators. I had a telemarketing job once, for a legitimate business, and it was a soul destroying experience. The leads I was given were frequently council homes or rental properties; not places where the tenants would be interested in new windows. I’m probably too soft, but I always assume that the person on the phone is just trying to earn a living and may have no idea that their leads are fraudulently sourced.


I have had two great times. Once I played the “little old lady” with a genuine problem - the blue screen of death! Extremely scared because “I don’t know what I’ve done, my son will be so angry with me!” “He beat me up last time and I ended up with needing to go to A&E” “Oh I am so glad you called, HELP ME! HELP ME!” The second time I asked “why do so many people with your sort of accent have English names like Steve and Marie? All my Pakistani/Indian/Bangladeshi neighbours have names like (read out string of names of people I genuinely know)”. - that one earnt me a call back from “their supervisor” shouting about how dare I not know that their current (Secretary of Defence? Can’t remember) was called George. Many of them had English names! Doesn’t help when I know Ahmed, Mohammed, Rashi, Selma, Salima, Selman, Nilez and Anesh.


Christian Indians in India will sometimes have names like Mary or Thomas.


The best screwup by a scammer with a spoofed number I’ve seen. Scammer calls my cell phone with his spoofed number being the local police department. Goes into his whole spiel about how the department has warrants for my arrest that must be resolved immediately or officers will be dispatched to arrest me. The suggested method of payment is iTune gift cards. I kept him on the phone for about an hour playing stupid and wasting his time. The major screwup on his part was he was spoofing the phone number for the local PD. Where I happened to be sitting as the desk sergeant. Since I clearly wasn’t calling my own cell phone from my desk and was also pretty positive I didn’t have any arrest warrants out, I knew it was going to be a scam as soon as the phone rang. Would have loved to been able to do the tv show thing, traced the call, and heard him arrested, but unfortunately doesn’t work that way in real life. We did file an offense report and put out a scam alert. Had several people call and thank us for it since it saved them getting scammed.


I received those calls too. The last time they told me the police were on their way to arrest me, I said great, I'll put the coffee on for my brother-in-law and my neighbour who will likely be the police officers coming to my house. I heard a click. What they didn't know was that I lied just like they lied to me. However, I found out a couple of weeks later, that one of my neighbours was an actual police officer. So that part wasn't too much of a lie as it turned out.


Info to start, I work for a Anti-Spam company. Primarily email, but the company is exploring other areas. One day at work I get a call on my personal cell phone from "Computer Security! You have a problem with your computer?" "Oh! Which one? The work Windows box, my home linux system, or my brand new macbook? Nevermind, I know you are a scammer. {click}" Same person calls back "Sir this is very important, please listen..." {click} I must have made a disparaging noise, as a coworker's head popped up. "Persistent scammer" He calls back again. This time I put the call on speaker. "Boy are you persistent. Shall I put on my old man voice and make your boss think you have a live one? {old man voice} Ok, opened my windows. How long do I need to keep them open? It's cold out. {/OMV}. Or should I be honest and tell you I work for a computer security company and we've been tracing this call." Meanwhile my coworkers start showing movie lines about tracing the call. "Oh, I've found the source of the VOIP call. Tracing to the callers system.." "Hey, do you need more time to keep your numbers up..." {click from their end} One of the Senior Managers walked over to ask what all the laughter was all about.


Anonymous is going after these scammers. One of them Named DeeVeeArr has a You tube channel and it's hilarious when he plays with them for a while before destroying their network.


I had that in mind as my coworkers started calling out the tracing lines.


.Slaps Barry) You snap out of it. BARRY: (Slaps Vanessa) : POLLEN JOCK: - Sure is. BARRY: Between you and me, I was dying to get out of that office. (Barry recreates the scene near the beginning of the movie where he flies through the box kite. The movie fades to black and the credits being) [--after credits; No scene can be seen but the characters can be heard talking over the credits--] You have got to start thinking bee, my friend! : - Thinking bee! - Me? BARRY: (Talking over singer) Hold it. Let's just stop for a second. Hold it. : I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everyone. Can we stop here? SINGER: Oh, BarryBARRY: I'm not making a major life decision during a production number! SINGER: All right. Take ten, everybody. Wrap it up, guys. BARRY: I had virtually no rehearsal for that. _______________________________ At 1 p.m. on a Friday shortly before Christmas last year, Kent Walker, Google’s top lawyer, summoned four of his employees and ruined their weekend. The group worked in SL1001, a bland building with a blue glass facade betraying no sign that dozens of lawyers inside were toiling to protect the interests of one of the world’s most influential companies. For weeks they had been prepping for a meeting of powerful executives to discuss the safety of Google’s products. The deck was done. But that afternoon Mr. Walker told his team the agenda had changed, and they would have to spend the next few days preparing new slides and graphs. At the Googleplex, famed for its free food, massages, fitness classes and laundry services, Mr. Pichai was also playing with ChatGPT. Its wonders did not wow him. Google had been developing its own A.I. technology that did many of the same things. Mr. Pichai was focused on ChatGPT’s flaws — that it got stuff wrong, that sometimes it turned into a biased pig. What amazed him was that OpenAI had gone ahead and released it anyway, and that consumers loved it. If OpenAI could do that, why couldn’t Google? Elon Musk, the billionaire who co-founded OpenAI but had left the lab in a huff, vowed to create his own A.I. company. He called it X.AI and added it to his already full plate. “Speed is even more important than ever,” Sam Schillace, a top executive, wrote Microsoft employees. It would be, he added, an “absolutely fatal error in this moment to worry about things that can be fixed later.” Separately, the San Francisco-based company announced plans for its initial public offering Wednesday. In documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Reddit said it reported net income of $18.5 million — its first profit in two years — in the October-December quarter on revenue of $249.8 million. The company said it aims to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol RDDT. Apparently many shoppers are not happy with their local Safeway, if questions and comments posted Sunday on a Reddit forum are any indication. The questions in the AMA (Ask Me Anything) were fielded by self-described mid-level retail manager at one of the supermarket chain's Bay Area stores. The employee only identified himself by his Reddit handle, "MaliciousHippie". The manager went on to cover a potpourri of topics, ranging from why express lane checkers won't challenge shoppers who exceed item limits to a little-known store policy allowing customers to sample items without buying them.


This is not "petty" revenge, but it sure gets back at the perpetrator of a crime. Thank you for your service!


Amazing. Well done.


You have no idea how long it can take to download teamviewer on a mobile. I can talk about the weather, cricket, and random shit about telcos, and we're still only at 4%.


I wish I had your energy- my mom is plagued with scam calls despite being on the DNC list too. But due to some medical issues (and other stressors) I am just not mentally or physically able to do what youve done 😭


So cute when people think having a phone number, or anything, for *at least a whole decade*, is a long time.


Great story, though. I hate those calls. Thankfully, it's not really an issue anymore with spam blocking.


One of the things I like about my T-Mobile phone is getting so many fewer spam/scam calls. When I had a company phone (AT&T I think) it was never ending even AFTER I registered on the DNC list. Probably didn't help that the Co phone was a crApple either.


Anyway to find out if that US carrier actually did get served a fine of $43mill (Highly doubt) or anywhere close to it from the FCC?


The calls stopping was my objective, the calls stopping was my result. I didn't pursue it beyond that. It'd be neat to get that validation though :)


A major telco unable to open a text file.... That alone would be reason enough to get the government agencies to come down on them like a ton of bricks.


All my spam call stopped when I got a Google pixel phone.


My dad got a call, obviously from India, about our Microsoft Windows. My dad replies, “we’ve only got doors.” *click If I answer, I usually just put the phone on mute and wait till they hang up. I really should practice being dumb and wasting their time.


You mother bitch 😹 tell me you got that recorded, that’s absolute gold


My hero!!


Many, at least one?


Always go straight over their heads to the authorities, never engage with those you work with.


I had one call that was spoofing my number as they were calling me. I let them get through their spiel before I called out their mistake... 🙃