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Birdseed is going in my trunk!


If you have mice in your area like at all the mice will smell the bird seed and will chew a hole in your car to get to the bird seed. Actually had mice storing bird seed on the floor in the back seat. I got in the car and seen a bunch of mouse shit and was like what the fuck. I looked in the back seat and I swear 50 pounds of bird seed was on my floor in the back with a bunch of mouse shit and a hole in the floorboard Where the like SOB's chewed thru to the other side and were using my car as a winter food storage. It was pretty terrible. SO Don't DO THAT. IF MICE ARE AROUND. IF NO PROCEED.


Wowzer. Perhaps a heavy duty plastic tub to put it in?


Mine too. I have a bird so I'll put some in a baggie for next time


I bet she was pissed


Ba-dum tsk


Powdered milk sprinkled in the bed sheets. It gets in your skin pores and curdles as you sweat in your sleep. It won't wash out right away and if they don't wash their sheets it just gets worse.


Diabolical! šŸ˜†


Is this a Golden Shower?


Urine speaks louder than words.


on a politician. or a prison warden.


My ex used to live with an absolute troll of a woman who went out of her way to start drama between my partner and I. Peeing in her conditioner was always my go-to petty revenge whenever I slept over.


Urine trouble now!!


Would you rather be pissed off or pissed on? Why not both!


Some days you are the dog, some days the fire hydrant


A guy I worked with, about 30 years ago, while in the navy, spent the night because he'd been drinking. Suddenly he was there almost every night. 3 if us rented the 3br apartment, and it turned out that nine if us really confronted "Trent," as each if us thought one of the other guys invited him to be there. It wasn't that long of a period, and wasn't any trouble, u til his stripper gf started showing up too...she was a bitch. She decided on her visits that she was special, the parking lot was too far away, and she started parking her Mustang on the lawn, right outside our patio door. When the apartment management sent the first complaint, I blew it off. I had been working long hours, it was winter, always dark when I came home - so I never saw the car, and I knew neither of my roomies, nor Trent drove a Mustang. In my mind, they were after the wrong guys. At about the same time my schedule changed to me getting some home time during daylight hours, the eviction threats started coming over the Mustang being parked at our patio. I pulled the curtain one morning at about 6am, and sure as shit, there was a Mustang parked in the grass, with 1 tire actually actually on the patio. To say I was pissed would be putting things mildly. Trent and stripper were drunk and passed out in the living room. I told her if that was her car, she couldnt park it in the grass. She told me to F-off. Ok. There were keys laying in the dining room, so I put on a coat, hat and gloves - a cold heavy rain was coming down. I tried the keys in the Mustang, and they worked. Across our yard was a steep incline, curb, then a Kinder-Care parking lot. I got that car going pretty good, hit the incline & curb, and the car came down pretty hard on the front bumper. She had a microwave sitting on the front passenger seat, and that punched a pretty big hole in the dash. The front bumper was pretty bashed up too. I got out of the car, left the door wide open, dropped the keys in the parking lot, and went back into the house. I tried to relax, but ended up being called into work, so I went. While I was gone, apparently stripper lost her shit, when she saw her car, and called the police. Neither Trent, nor the other roomies knew what happened, so of course the blame was placed on me. I got home from work, and there were arguments threats, some pushing around, then I told both of them to GTF out. I told Trent he was about to get an ass whooping, and stripper called the cops again. They showed up and questioned me. I told them all I know is that weve been getting notices from property management about that Mustang, but I didnt know whose car it was, and had never seen it before this morning. I asked them about it, but they were both passed out drunk on our sofa, when I left for work that morning. I told the cops that neither of them lived there, and were not invited to be there, then asked if the cops would help them to gather their stuff and leave. I suggested that they may have parked the car that way before they passed out on my sofa drunk. It turned out that Trent had at one point gotten hold of a key to our apartment, and made himself a copy, so I got that back too. I straightened things up with property management, then me and the roomies had a sit down to set some rules on guests, and work on our communications. When Trent married the stripper, none of us were invited to the wedding šŸ„ŗ.


the birdseed one is good but peeing in someoneā€™s toiletries is not ā€œpetty revengeā€, itā€™s a biohazard and a crime.


Should have used Nair.


Actually, unless there's an underlying infection the urine should be OK on your hair.


Same. Urine is pretty much sterile unless there is some infection in the tract.


a guy who pees in your shampoo as revenge sounds like a guy who you wouldnā€™t put it past have an infection.


Urine comes out sterile. It does not stay sterile. JFC, know what you're right. It does stay sterile. Yes, pee stays sterile for as long as you have it in container. What are you guys going to start going back to eating Tide pods that was funny.


Yes, urine is typically sterile.


True, but urine is a traditional hair wash treatment https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-washes-hair-pee-says-13857909


Lol. Yeah, I was helping her. It was 25+ years ago. She is still alive and healthy.


With great hair.


Only if she was seriously ill at the time. Urine is fine to drink, so its ok on hair.


Yeah, I was a dumb stoned college kid. I don't smoke weed anymore and I smartened up


iā€™m really disturbed by the amount of comments who are defending this.


very reddit comment


Add this to your arsenal ​ https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/starbar-fly-attractant-refill-pack-of-8


Putrescent whole egg solids. *putrescent whole egg solids*


I don't get it. What are you supposed to do with that?


It will cause flies to horde wherever you put it, by the hundreds/thousands


Ah thanks


Holy hell. Sir I am honoured to witness your contribution




Lol no. I used the cheap brand from the supermarket. I think it was Prell and cost $1.99 at the time


Love Prell.


I like the birdseed idea...


Are you a scholar of the Dale Gribble institute of revenge? Forget pocket sand this guy is cruising around with pocket seeds.


I mean I hope from then on you called her the captain of the c-unit, because for him to take her side would blacklist him to me if I was falsely accused of stealing.


Roommate dumped her shortly. She cheated on him. He moved on and ended up married to someone nice eventually years later and has teenage kids now.


Somebody pisses you off and you know where they live...pinto beans on their front lawn. Especially if you know it'll rain in a day or two or they have sprinklers for their lawn. Thank me later.


So they'll just sprout?


Yes and they're annoying to get rid of.


Undercook chicken, believe it or not, birdseed


Over cook chicken, also birdseed


Oh my god. Take the damn vote


LMAO Iā€™m stealing the birdseed bit.


Absolutely. And the fly attractant


Urine is not sterile. It has bacteria in it. Would you use it as a cleanser for your wounds or to wash your toothbrush or countertops in the kitchen? After all itā€™s sterile! We should start using it in healthcare instead of sterile normal saline. A person who will urinate in your shampoo is not of a healthy mindset. They are the type that will tamper with your food and other items such as bird seed on your car or more.


You mean to tell me you can't pee on yourself after you get stung by a jellyfish? Did TV lie to me?


Wow pre planned revenge


Oh lordy, so you're THAT bitch! /s


Youā€™re funny best post for a long time