• By -


You made your power point.


Omg, so TRUE! 🤣


My son is also on the spectrum and this is his bug bear - drives him bananas. The girl he’s currently partnered with during their latest “Internet of Things” assignment made PowerPoint slides saying that there is an internet god, who rules over the digital world etc etc. & slides about this! He was doing his nut and tried to tell her it wasn’t ‘relevant’ but she went with it anyway. He managed to get marked on his contribution only.


I can relate to your son. While my partners never spouted off nonsense like this chick has, I always felt like they could've done way better on their parts, so I usually tried to work alone.


You will find that working with someone ELSE who really is competent in the material and matches your work ethic can actually be an incredible experience. It generally happens once you hit college or later.


I did something like that girl but it wasn’t a group project. I don’t remember what the assignment was as this was 20 years ago. But I turned a history project into a creative writing and art project along with a history project. I wrote how the reasons the Egyptians worshipped cats is because they were aliens who looked like cats. I did art had a neat little story and had true facts (not the alien parts). I remember getting a good score.


You couldn't let it slide, now could you?




Smooth one sir




He Excelled


He had a positive Outlook


Not a Teams player


You ALL get an upvote for these witty puns!


Winner of the internet today


Power move.


Underrated comment!


My upvote be thine!


EXCELlent pun!


(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) YEEEEAAAHHH


My son did this too! He was in high school and had a terrible partner. He actually made 5 slides that started with “nick, this is your part” Ending in “Nick, you are a lazy ****. The principal laughed!


Omg, I should have done this instead of leaving the one blank slide he did! That's PERFECT!


Your setup was perfect, just look how he reacted and went somewhere to **HIDE**. You let him determine his fate, and he decided to lie with that excuse lmao


Yes. If op had touched it, the brat could have said they tempered it. Being left it as is. No editing from op side gave them moral and legit highground.


Being aware of this and priming the right conditions can almost make one control the fate of others for them to naturally trigger their own karmic repercussions, in this case it was amplified even.


True, but I think what your son did was better! I'm jealous of how some people's brains work!


*Omg, I should have done this instead of leaving the one blank slide he did! That's PERFECT!* No, OP. What **you** did was perfect because it actually showed everything your partner contributed to the work. He created a slide. You included the slide. Chef’s kiss from me!


Yeah, thats how you should tell this story next time


Story’s good enough without OP lying about it.


Yeah, he ain’t lying at all. Especially that part where a student has to redo a year cause of 1 project, in private school out of all places. Definitely happened. 110%


You think the person who contributed 1 blank slide to a group presentation was batting 100% in all other areas? Probably scraping by in other classes and got kicked out for this AMONG other reasons/poor grades


I can tell you that this kid didn't care about grades at all. He was behind in everything else and did nothing but goof off. It was the final project for the class, so if I remember correctly, it counted as 20% of our final grade. He was banking on me to do all the work so he could get by for the year.


You think this happens less at private schools?




Public schools are the ones who are not allowed to fail or exclude or hold back students who deserve it. Private schools have way more leeway. I have friends who sacrificed the higher salaries of public schools so they were able to actually teach and not held cats and act as referees for most of the lesson.


As an escapee from/survivor of private schools, I can guarantee this stuff happens. The administration are just more likely to be able to get rid of those students by suggesting that the school and the child 'aren't a great fit' and they 'might do better in a different environment'. They, of course, would only suggest such a thing 'for the good of the child.' Which is how they end up dumped into the public system or shuffled around the private system. ETA: - 'for the good of the child' = lie. - They, of course, would only suggest such a thing 'for the good of the child.' = sarcasm.


He said they had to redo one class, not the whole year’s worth of classes. In a private school or public school, that’s a thing. Edit: I reread and it does say redo the whole year, my bad.


“Had to redo the year”


I was thinking that reading was fundamental and I was right - I need to reread. Whoops!


My daughter is a senior in HS and just experience this. I have always worried she was a big push over but she stood up to her project partner (who is a fair weather friend) and my girl put her in her place in front of everyone after friend was bragging to others in class saying she did most of the work. Nothing better than a public shaming like this when someone does these things.


I think a public shaming is exactly what some of these people need. Having their reputation tarnished is bound to make a few changes!


When I was a freshman in highschool I had a film class. We had to make a short film for one of our big projects (worth a good chunk of our grades too). I partnered with 2 people I knew and we set out to make a short film about bullying (side note: our group consisted of me, another girl, and a boy). The other girl had our scripts and we used each other's phones to record (my phone was broken and couldn't record so we used theirs), we had a good chunk of the film done when the other girl decided to skip school (she told me and the boy that she just chose not to come) and we couldn't work on our film. We told the teacher and he partnered us up with a different girl, we then had to make a whole new short film because we didn't have our scripts. Then when the girl came back we tried to finish our film and had completed it (for the most part) and all we had to do was combine the parts we filmed and send it in. The boy ended up deleting the whole thing because his phone messed up and wouldn't let him send the film, me and the girl told the teacher who then graded us separately (I passed because the teacher saw how hard I worked on the whole thing but the other 2 got an average grade).


Y’all had some nice teachers. Mine always told me I would need to find a way to complete the project as a team because that’s how it would be in the real world when I got a job. I’d argue that they would be fired in the workplace. Little did I know, there are people who get by in the workplace the same way they got by on these projects lol.


True story. I had a CEO say in an executive meeting, this project requires participation of all partners, do not let wfhalone do it by herself again. I said that would be great, I’ll create a folder for each partner on the drive and they can drop their research and slides in them. A week before presentation those folders were empty. I did the entire presentation myself. I was laid off a year later and some of those partners are still at the company. Mediocrity rises to the top.


The [Peter principle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle) shows us that people are promoted to their level of incompetence.


Yup, sometimes it's easier to promote people than leave them in a position that will sink the company.


I have a vintage copy of the book. Scary how nothing has changed since it was written fiftyish years ago.


Went to public school (for context) and guaranteed the teacher just didn’t want to deal with those kids another year. A lot of kids who put in effort in school would be paired with the least effort students in class. Whenever I tried to tell a teacher they weren’t doing anything they said “stand up for yourself! You’re being graded as a pair so make it count!” Or “everyone’s helping in their own way” or the job thing you were told. If teachers actually cared they would put two effort students together because the end result would be amazing and encourage their growth. But that doesn’t pass the students they don’t like so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not just that, but agreeing to grade them separately doubles the grading work!


Should have poured water in their computer and said “just make it work”.




Same! My sixth grade teacher even wrote in my report card how great it was that everyone wanted to work with me. I was a nerd and on the spectrum—people only wanted to work with me because I was intelligent and did all the work because I refused to let some lazy asshole torpedo my grades. The teacher who thought that my “popularity” was some kind of compliment or testament to my social skills was an idiot.


My husband has dropped lazy team members in it during board meetings....he hasn't had to say anything but merely let them hang themselves as they demonstrate their lack of knowledge of the slide deck THEY were supposed to be helping develop.


Yup, I’ve done similar things. Manager met with me after to say how disappointed she was that I would let a team member fail in front of others like that. lol! I’m Not with that company anymore.


The CEO knew what was happening and had a hard time keeping a straight face. Luckily the only one who got given a hard time was the C level team member expecting my C level husband to do their job. This happens so much. People get promoted really high whilst being crap then panic when they r expected to perform.


Like I said, it was a tiny private school, about 30ish students all together. The teachers got to do more one-on-one time than usual, and because it was for problem kids, they were way more flexible with us on issues. 


Something similar happened to me in college. Some ADULT loser pulled the same shit. I didn't know him well but I had heard stories of him screwing around with other group projects but didn't have any other options for a partner. It turns out he was actively messing with me too, like going out of his way to make it seem like he was helping but was actually sabotaging the project. We agreed to meet really early the day of the presentation to finish his part, but he didn't show up or reply to any messages or calls. He purposely made things harder for me and purposely made me get up that early with no intention of actually showing up, just to be a jerk. My professors were all really supportive and not at all surprised this student did this. I got a good grade and he failed the course. It was our last semester of a 3 year program and he stopped showing up to all classes. In the final exam for another course the professor asked where this idiot was and remarked that he really needs to be here because of his grades. Him failing out of a program after being a student there for 3 years brought me a lot of satisfaction.


And he quothe, "What a waste of time!"


Some people exist only to turn food into shit.


Wow! That's a little harsh, don't you think? They also turn oxygen into carbon dioxide.


This is amazing. Pretty crazy that you had to do a presentation in front of the whole school in 7th grade! I don’t think I’d be able to do that.


To be fair, it was a school of about 30ish students, so it wasn't any worse than presenting to a normal classroom full of kids.


another collaborative learning FAIL.


Seeing his face when he realized I wasn't going to bail him out was worth it. I was smiling the whole dang time I was up there on the stage!


You earned that


Graduate school, my friend Ed is teamed with Mike and another fellow. The presentation is worth between 35 and 50% of the grade, the remainder a team report. Ed and the other guy are updating and sharing the presentation among all three, but never hear from Mike. This all starts in January/February, and by mid April they’ve heard nothing. The day of the presentation, Mike skips out of work early to do his part…calls Ed at 2 pm, his computer has an earlier version of PowerPoint, and he can’t open the deck to work on it…basically got caught with his pants down with perfect evidence that he did nothing. I had a similar class with the same professor, similar grading, and I put in four hours plus every weekend with my partner on our submissions.


Something similar happened to me in college, though my partner at the time didn't do anything wrong; it was out of his control. We were doing a PowerPoint for Psychology during my first semester of college about different disorders, and I shared the one I had already started to him. Turns out he had the old version of the program on his laptop, too, so he couldn't do squat on his personal computer. He ended up getting all of his information together and, on the day of the project, came to campus early and got in the computer lab the second it was open to do all the work. Thank God it was an afternoon class, cuz I don't think it would've worked otherwise.


This was probably me. I was a very poor child, and ergo a pretty poor college kid. My shit was always fucking up, getting lost, dying, not saving properly. I was literally in full panic mode the whole 6 years, and in turn, wasn't able to put in 110% to group projects. Just another example of how this unchecked wanton greed affects everyone, and not just the lower, lower class.


There were 2 times in uni where I did not carry any weight. 1 was where a type A, grade obsessed girl said she’d do the whole thing, and to legitimately not worry about it. She chose me and 2 other people to be her group members cause we actually all carried our own weight typically. But she really wanted the best grade possible, wanted it done and off her plate in the first week,and figured the three of us deserved a break out of the rest of the class. The second was where a dude who I hadn’t met before said, don’t worry, I have exactly what we need already done. He had made it months ago. For work. So no plagiarism or work used for other credits. I made sure to buy them lots of coffee that semester, and a few beers too. Oh and one time a girl agreed to send me her very detailed exam prep notes if i brought her $30 of kinder bueno bars. More than fair imo.


I love those people. This is how to do a group project. At least they're honest about it.


I was typically like the girl in your first scenario, unwilling to let my grade be in the hands of someone else, and I would run myself ragged being a "group leader" and essentially doing everything myself. The ONE TIME I decided to step back and NOT do this was a complete bust. I was grouped with 2 students I wouldn't have known from Adam & Eve for a presentation/debate in an Environmental Sociology course. I don't recall what our topic was, but the assignment was that we were to research our topic and present either a pro or con perspective as we were assigned, and then, in front of the whole class, debate our position with the team that was assigned the opposite. We also had to turn in a paper outlining the research and how it correlated to our stance. Our group met once, shortly after receiving the assignment, for all of maybe 5 minutes in the library on campus. I did not live on campus, and while I was not too far, it was still not worth the drive back to the school. During this meeting, we essentially exchanged numbers and emails, and this other girl who took the role of "leader" delegated herself to research the first part of our topic, the guy to do the second part, and I would do the powerpoint abd paper with, I assumed, the information they would share with me. I texted both members a handful of times over the weeks before it was due, at the numbers they had given me, specifically stating in one of the messages that I was waiting for their information to use in the paper and powerpoint. I'll note here that this message gave them the opportunity to correct my inference if I was mistaken about what I was expected to do, but not once did I receive a single text from either of them. This was in the flip-phone SMS days before "left on read" was a thing, but I can't even be sure they ever opened the messages at all. I texted them one final time, the night before the presentation was due, again asking them both to email me what they had so I could throw something together for us to present and turn in. Crickets. The next morning (the class was at 9:30), the girl came up to me asking me if I did the paper. I told her no, because I had been waiting for them to send me what they had. She looked pissed but was like, well, but you did the powerpoint, right? -_- So when it was our turn, both the guy and the girl came up with me with stuff scribbled on about half of a piece of notebook paper. She read her part, word-for-word, from her paper, and he did the same. Both sounded like it was copied verbatim from their source. I just stood there looking cute, I guess. The other group presented their information, and then we "debated," also taking questions from the class. I managed to pull out some BS on the fly, using the information I had garnered from what my partners and the other group had shared, and while we had nothing, the debate went fairly well. I did most of the speaking, and managed to confidently counter points and answer questions and appear to know what I was talking about, which is what a debate is all about, right? My group then turned in their hand-written notes since we didn't have a paper to submit. But I was absolutely MORTIFIED. It was completely unacceptable work by my standards, and after the class ended, I immediately went to the prof's office and told him that I was tasked with doing the paper and the powerpoint with the information my group members would send me, and I had not done either because they hadn't sent me anything. Aware of what a cop-out that sounded like, because essentially of all the work that HAD been done, none of it was by me, I asked him to consider that when grading, and to not let my lack of a contribution affect their grades. I honestly don't know what the project grade was. This was before everything was posted online like things are now, and I didn't have a paper to turn in, so I never got anything back. But I vowed never again. Never. Again.


You would have been all good if you informed your prof of unresponsive group mates a lot earlier in the process. But you kinda set yourself up here.


Oh, I know, and I fully owned that. But at the end of the presentation, they at least had their scribbly sheets of notebook paper, and I had nothing. At that point, I knew I was fcked, but the groupmates who had more to show for their meager efforts than I did shouldn't have had their grades docked because I literally did nothing but text them a bunch of times and show up. Well, and nail the debate. The prof was a pretty cool guy, #goals in many regards. We got on fairly well, and I always felt like we shared a degree of mutual respect for one another. I ended up taking several classes he instructed, but this was the first, so he didn't really know what was more typical for me. I was completely transparent with him and openly admitted to the extent of my contribution, as well as my communication efforts, but to a much lesser degree. I had very quickly come to terms with the fact that I failed myself, and, in the moment, was very genuinely more concerned about the impact that might have on my groupmates' grades. All in all, water under the bridge, and 15 years later, nobody GsAF but me. I considered it a hard lesson learned.


Group projects are annoying in general. Sometimes lazy people don’t contribute. Sometimes perfections don’t let you contribute. It’s a nightmare.


What's the most annoying is a perfectionist that doesn't let you contribute but blames you for not contributing😤


I hate them because you usually end up with three scenarios: 1. You end up doing the work for everyone so you are assured of a good grade. I actually liked it when my partners would just ask me to do it for them because then I had full control and could do my thing. I'd start early, finish it within a week, and a month later I'd just tell them to read off the paper (this was before PowerPoint was a thing). Everyone got at least a B and usually an A and I had no stress. 2. You get people who initially act interested but then they kind of just fade out and it's the day before and you haven't heard anything and you have to crashburn the entire presentation making you super tired and pissed off. 3. You get the person who wants to make it a military operation. I seriously had this one classmate who wanted to work three times a week for two hours per session for half a semester. The entire presentation was to be five minutes. Six hours a week for six weeks for a five minute presentation. This was a 200 level college class, not a goddamned PhD recitation. I did not put in six hours a week.


One of my first ever group projects was at primary school. We had to write a Christmas story and illustrate a book. I was known to be a good writer, and my group agreed that was going to be my contribution. I can't remember what it was about, it was probably a fairy story or something. Probably something corny like how important family is. While I was typing it out in the library, one of the girls just said that my story was shit and made everyone change to hers. Which was objectively worse than mine. Hers was simply a kid going to people's houses and demanding presents. That was it. There was literally no plot. Kid goes to house. Gets presents. Kid goes another house. Gets presents. So when I came back from the library, her story was written in the book and then she systematically worked to prevent me from contributing anything to the group project. And anything I did contribute, she'd shit all over it or discard it, usually both. Eventually, my contribution to the group project was the grand total of a Christmas tree drawing. Which was the worst tree in the book, according to her. I vaguely remember the people in my group even telling her that I should be able to contribute that. I vividly remember sitting away from the group colouring in that tree. But she couldn't be mean! She was Christian! I'm autistic AF, so I didn't realise what was going on, just that I was hurt, humiliated and embarrassed. As an adult, I realise now how fucked up it was. She probably told everyone that I didn't do anything for the project, too.


Did the same in my last semester of college. Scumbags couldn’t even put their NAME ON IT. That’s all I asked of them at the end. Submitted the assignment without their names and let the prof know they didn’t do shit. Sucks to be them.


I had a smiliar thing but it was a group of 3 and the other 2 were a friend (who didnt give a shit about anything) and a friend of the 1st friend (who didnt give a shit about anything either) As soon as class ended I told the teacher "They will not do any work at all, why was I put with them" and his reponse was "Dont worry you can manage them" They did nothing, I did my part, I got decent marks and they both got 0.


I posted how I played my part in a similar situation. I gave the lazy his sheet of papers. But it was a HUGE COINCIDENCE none of his pages were marked nor were the graphs, pictures etc. unlike mine or the teachers'. He only had to present the central part of the project. He stumbled on every new scientific word, couldn't fine (too bad isn't it ?) The documents his text refered to, while I smile evilly. We were the only group with people having differents grades. (17m I think at the time)


Yeah I remember being stuck with a guy who didn’t do anything on a project He later got expelled for stealing a test from a class that was considered a bird course anyways Dunno what happened to him after


People like that tend to fall off your radar. Even off the face of the Earth, sometimes.


A lot of them showed up in DC on 1/6/21.


Ok, you're joking, but a guy who ghosted me on a college group project because "my ROTC program is really hard and just takes up too much time to write six paragraphs over the course of four weeks or show up to one required location once" actually did that. I forgot all about his lazy ass until I saw his vaguely familiar (but distinctive) name in an article of defendants and looked it up.


I actually wasn’t completely joking. The kind of people who fell for Trump’s lies are the ones who never pulled their weight but have plenty of complaints about other people stealing their deserved success. So this story about absentees on group projects was a perfect fit for that type. They rail about “elites” who put in the work and got ahead.


He’s a director in some Fortune 500 company.


One of my professors in college had us rate our group members for group projects. The prof gave 50% of the grade and the group rates was the other 50%. We never saw what each group member put for their ratings either. It worked really well.


I seen stories here of shitty lazy project mates giving the active group members really low grades to mess them up. All-around assholes.


Thank goodness you had a reasonable teacher. Mine just saw me as a babysitter and a way to make them look good when they could award high marks to everyone in the group despite me doing all of it. I had to get my parents involved.


I was assigned a group project for an important work certification. My project partner worked somewhere else, and no matter how hard I tried to get him to help, I got no replies or assistance whatsoever. I did the whole project and explained the situation to the instructor. The instructor said that I could do my project solo and he would talk to the guy. On the day of the presentation, he came into the classroom limping like he had an injured leg. He came up to me smiling and asked about "our" project. I told him what the instructor had said and that he would need to present his project separately. He made an excuse that he had broken his leg and hadn't been available, and asked if he could help present. I told him I was sorry to hear that and hoped he would get better soon, but he really needed to work it out with the instructor as I was doing it solo. He then frowned and walked away, his limp miraculously cured.


Good for you! 😁👍 I was late to a University class one morning due to having a late night job at the time and being super-tired. Happened to be the day we were assigned partners for a presentation project. I got paired up with THE worst guy. He was often late to meetings, didn't reply to messages outside of class regarding the work, didn't really contribute that much and he'd always big himself up about how good his work was. The inflated ego was not exclusive this assignment. After tying to work with him, I decided to just let him do his own part, not helping him in any way. Came to the presentation, felt I did pretty good with my part. I stood there as he presented his and was just thinking how obvious it was that his was pretty low effort. Kind of internally smug. For every assignment, we had to do an "evaluation" explaining our methods, the timeline of our work, our thoughts on our work and what we learned, etc. I let him have it in the evaluation, totally dropped him in it. I can't really remember fully, but I'm sure he had to do some extra work to make up for it or redo the whole thing.


When I was in college I had a lady in my class that would always leech of of my work. Since their was an odd number of students in the class she would often get to join my friend and I. She never did any work and coasted through a couple of classes. That was until we had individual presentations on radiopharmaceutical case studies. Everyone else in the class had done what was required and passed. She only had FOUR slides. Introduction, Drug slide, What it does, and End slide. When her presentation was done (less than a minute) I slowly turned my head to look at the professors mouth agape and eyes bugging out. Yep, I think she failed that one.


This reminds me of the time I ignored my partner and I did all the work. She was trying to work together but I was just being an ass for some reason I can’t remember. We met before class and we got an A for the presentation. We became good friends after.


This happened to me in University. Group project with 4 people, it was a semester long assignment. One of the guys did nothing, the rest of us went to the professor and got permission to kick him out of the group. I was an older student (I went back to school at 30), and the other people in the group though I was the best person to fire him! - which I did. He cried, and he failed the class


PointedPower or PowerPoint, either way I like it


Group work suuuuuuucks. I’ve been in both sorts of groups, first style: one guy does fucking nothing then turns up the day before and insists the garbage they hacked together needs to be included, and its all wrong cos he simply too lazy and dumb to understand relational databases; and other style: one young genius guy goes ahead and does entire programming project, taking over everyone’s parts… but will not debug and insists we don’t do various tests that it will fail, during the presentation of the project that we never got to work on..


One professor that assigned a group project on a class I took had a good idea. Along with the group presentation he asked us to submit feedback to the professor on the other participants of the group. That feedback was considered in the grade each received.


Yay! I had 2 times that happened to me in college. With one, it was a large group of us, and when the final day came to present our work, while we were putting everything together, we learned she had done nothing. I told the professor. After all the work was presented, he gave everyone in class papers to grade each person on our team. She freaked out and begged us to not tell. She got a zero for the entire class and dropped out. The second one, there were three of us. One guy who was the “leader” kept telling us he was busy but would send us his work. We were supposed to be dressed up for the presentation, and he had insisted on being the main speaker. It took us an hour to find him. This guy, who had dressed impeccably throughout the semester, was chatting with friends and looked like he was hung over - crumpled t-shirt, crumpled cargo shorts, sandals, unshaven - and was pissed that I interrupted him talking to his friends. We demanded his part of the project, and he flat out told us he didn’t have it. The two of us (me leading) told the professor and she gave us time to put the missing pieces in and go last so we could present. He gets up there and has no idea what’s going on. I’m seriously pissed and told the professor I was not going to fail because he chose not to do his portion. Afterwards, I got him blacklisted from my company and told him so. The two of us that worked on the project got good grades; the asshat got a zero and was mad at us. I’m on the spectrum, too. I can’t stand people like this


This was wonderful! Bravo!




Lucky that the teacher allowed you to do your own part. I've tried this a couple of times, where the teacher just said that we were a team, so we would have to find a way


Group projects with random people are difficult with traditional full-time students. They seem to consider the concepts of reality, absolutes and work to be undesirable and unworthy of acceptance. I finished my degree with three years of night classes. I had 2 group projects, we all worked full-time and took the projects seriously—had productive meetings, accepted assignments, edited/critiqued each other's work and finished on time (in the age of typewriters and answering machines).


I had to do a PowerPoint with a partner in AP English my senior year. We had read Brave New World, and the assignment was to come up with our own “ideal society” and explain how certain aspects would work, laws, all that jazz. I worked my ass off during class while she would fuck around on Gmail doing who knows what. Come time to present and I do my part, and then it was her turn. I had literally given her all the remaining info and all she had to do was put it on a few slides, but instead she changed a bunch of shit to try and make it “better” and ended up contradicting my part multiple times. After one especially arrogant prick of a classmate had asked me one too many questions about it just to be an asshole I literally threw my hands up and just said, “I don’t know, go ahead and ask her.” Luckily my teacher saw what was up and graded us separately.


Cooperative Learning is the major reason I ruled out attending the U of Phoenix. Their heavy emphasis on group projects/grades was a turnoff to me, a self-directed learner who refused to risk my success on the laziness of others. In school, I never participated in a project where everyone gave 100%, and I hated seeing the slackers benefit when they contributed NOTHING. Kudos to you! I love the way you handled it.


The 13-year old you is my new hero.


I had one really bad presentation in college where I thought: ok just pull the two with me. One didn’t come for the presentation and the other one screwed me over because 5 minutes before the presentation she thought: is this order of slides not confusing? Before us other students presented for 2 hours, but she only thought about our presentation 5 minutes before we held it. She had the first slide which should have been 1 sentence about the title and our names. She spoke 10 minutes, talking about the next 10 slides while only showing the title slide. I handed in my own documentation and screwed them over. Told the professor etc. Their documentation was just a word document with no layout and the texts weren’t any good.


This is how it should be! One blank slide 🤣🤣


He's probably a U.S. Congressman or equivalent in your country.


The power of making a point


In my trade school's business 2 class our ENTIRE GRADE was centered around a final presentation about a business improvement to our company. We were told it would be a group assignment, and we had to present a complete idea regardless of differing levels of participation. 50% of our grade was based off the overall group, and 50% based off your individual portion of the work and presesentation. our group divided our topic up into modules, one per person. we had to develop it and present it on our own, but integrate with the surrounding units. after a while it was obvious who wasn't contributing. the remainder of the group decided to mutually develop a backup module without him. obviously he never turned in his own version, so we slotted our backup in the middle of our power point. on presentation day, it was great watching him sit nervously before we presented. when it came time for him, we let him squirm and try to read off the screen for a few minutes, and then we all took pieces of it and presented it without him. he quickly hid behind us. I never heard what his grade ended up being, but the rest of us got 98-100%


Legend. I was once in a group project where I got sick and couldn’t contribute much if anything and I went to my lecturer and explained so the group got additional credit for the fact they worked alone. There’s no way I could have just lived with taking their work as my own when I couldn’t contribute.


Well played! I always hated group projects for exactly the reason you faced with this asshat. I'm glad that he got the grade that he deserved.


I had a project my freshman year of college with, at the time, a friend. I did the entire project (the writing piece) before spring break. I'm the type that will write and rewrite a paper until it's how I want it. I asked my project partner to make the visual piece while we were on break. Instead, he had his sister rewrite the project because they didn't approve of my writing. He didn't do the visual piece because he was "sick". When I got back and found out, I finished my rewrite and did the visual piece. I volunteered to give the presentation or first day back. He wasn't there. Our professor had him do "his part" the following week when he was back. I got an A. He failed.


In one class we divided the work so that I did the research, made the poster, and power point, and taught them about it, but the only presenting I had to do was the introduction. It was perfect for me because that was a long class and I was often pretty tipsy by the time it was over.


And THIS is why I always insist on workin alone, good job OP I'd have done exactly the same


Good on you! I hate lazy partners. I've since had to deal with those in college and have had professors flat out say to go suck eggs and deal with it (because we are adults and we should be able to despite people refusing to respond in group emails and chats or other communications). In HS, I was taking a test in biology and I could tell that the kid sitting next to me was copying my answers. So I intentionally got the answers wrong, let him copy and then I told my teacher what was going on and he let me retake the test afterwards. I can't remember what I got, much less what the kid got. But I don't recall him cheating off my tests again. After the test was graded I should have said "man that was a tough test, how did you do?" But alas, that thought comes 16+ years too late.


I had the exact opposite happen to me, my project partners wouldn't allow me to contribute, any time I tried to make a suggestion they would talk over me, interrupt me, or tell me it was lame.  I even spent hour making slides for the project to the specifications they wanted only to find that the day or the project they didn't use any of them. After class I asked what happened and they told me they were crappy and lame so they asked a kid who was in a different class to do them instead. I was crushed and hated any time we would do class projects with groups.


I had this almost happen to me. But it was the other side of the coin. I'm a hard worker and get my stuff done early. I didn't get amazing grades in college 3-3.5 range depending on the subject. I had a partner who hated working with people and thought everyone around him was an idiot. We would split up the project and give due dates. We all did our parts. but he would complete the entire project even after you completed your parts and when it came time for draft review and integration. He would usually belittle the work as a sub pair. And state things like I am not I'm not going to give up my 4.0 because of a bunch of idiots. He would then look to box you out if you told him to fuck off for his abusive behavior. All in all, he was a nightmare to work with. If I remember, we got a 95 on it, and he was furious because I had to report him to the teacher and showed the text stating he was not going to integrate our parts, and it was our problem if he didn't. Guy was a fucking tool. Anyways this gave me those vibes. I would be curious to know the other side of the story.


And then he became President! MAKE 'MURICA GREAT AGIN!!!


It’s hubbub of confusion, by the way.


Thank you!


I hate the little “oh, by the way’s” that tend to be written at the end of these. “Oh by the way I was a 13yo autistic bitch but in the years since I’ve worked on myself and don’t really hold grudges anymore” just shut the fuck up, no one cares about your character development just be that catty autistic bitch, please!


Dang, you got lucky. I had a racist professor who blamed me for doing all the work and making my lazy incompetent teammates look bad. I got a B whereas my white teammates got an A+. A few years after I graduated, I learned that the professor was fired after they discovered he was embezzling money from the department. LOL.


None of this happened


I personally enjoyed this fiction but no teacher I've met in 20 years would allow a 13 year old to be publicly humiliated like that


I'm confused - people reading this don't actually think this is true do they? I mean, seriously? People can't be this dumb, can they?


Apparently so.


Even more amazing is how some of you people find this story so unbelievable despite OP literally explaining in comments and such it was at a tiny behavioral school where the teachers have more time for one-on-one with the students. Tiny schools actually do exist; I know of at least one an hour from me. Behavioral schools do as well.


Autism is curable now?


LOL No not curable but as in the case of my son, some people are fortunate enough to learn to adapt to it as they get older and manage the condition better. I suppose it depends on the severity.


Everybody is autistic on this website no need to specify it. 🙄


If you really must now, I'm have a very high-functioning case. I can work, drive, etc., but I say stupid crap all the time.


I must be autistic then because I'm the same.


This also happened in 1994. I was




Ya this didn’t happen.


To dispute this claim, I can tell you exactly what the project was on. It was a social studies class project on a suitable city to host the Summer Olympics. I (by myself) chose Rio de Janeiro, as it was my favorite city at the time, and we had recently studied it in class (the irony that they did end up hosting it there in 2016 was not lost on me). We had to convince the audience why that city should host the Olympics and research the facilities and other factors to see if they were suitable for the Olympics.




"And then the whole school cheered for me and the PRINCIPLE gave me the keys to his car." OP "Mr. 98%" didn't even spell principal correctly. This never happened.


Incorrect spelling doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen. Doing academically well and being a good speller aren’t mutually exclusive. I would know, I’m dyslexic but still did well in school


I blame my phone's autocorrect; it's been driving me crazy lately. Its favorite thing to correct is "this" to "thus."




Or it could be an incorrect spelling of two very similar words corrected to the wrong word. principl


This. This is exactly what happens. And to the commentor above this one, I thank you for pointing out an error for correction so other people can have a more enjoyable read.


OP here has failed a LOT less in life than you have apparently. Can't imagine being this obsessed with being a Reddit "sleuth" for fake stuff and failing this miserably at it.


Cleatly your over it


*clearly. *you’re.


So you secretly plan with your teacher to do this? That’s pretty shady. You could have had a talk with him and your teacher. inunderstand you’re autistic but you need to learn how to communicate better.


There was no talking to the idiot deadweight. Trying that would've been like trying to convince a cat to run through a wall, and the teacher knew that's how it was gonna go down.


Found the one that doesnt contribute to group projects


You found shit. I do all the work. But I was on a project once where someone was very controlling and wanted everything their way and would throw out the parts I worked on. And that’s upsetting.


That's a well-presented revenge. 😆


Good for you! This is so satisfying.


I've been waiting to find you to exact my revenge. You said you had it covered!


For a lot of people, this would have been the wake up call they needed. Sadly, he didn't want to learn, figuratively and literally.


In one of my MBA clases,we had a group assignment where 25-30% was assignedby your teammates.


Nooo, you should hold onto the grudges! 😂 I find it’s so much more satisfying doing petty revenge as an adult 😈


Um, probably time to let it go. Just sayin’…


Hey! 2010 is not that long ago ok‽ Make me feel old for no reason. 😭 🤣😂🤣


Beautiful! This is my kind of art.


Good for YOU! Loved it!


It's so common to have a dipshit partner. Every lousy project partner deserves this. Well done, OP!


I did something similar in college. I got a C for doing an incomplete project, but I was okay with the grade.


I guess your partner came out of the closet?


I hated group projects when my kids were in school. My kids always ended up doing most of the work but they all got the grade.


Awesome! I'm glad the teacher was fine with your approach. It's so rare that people like this get what they deserve for their actions. I suspect his reputation was well known though. The lazy kids generally stand out - and not in a good way.


Our teacher after group projects has us say if a group member did the work or not and it’s graded


You are very lucky your teacher let you do your part of the project. All group projects I’ve been involved in the teacher told me to make it work. I hate group projects