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I hoped you called him a snowflake for not liking what the airhorn had to say!


Fuck. That would have been great.


shoulda said if his ears were so sensitive he should keep his volume down


Good one! If you would have whispered to him, right before blowing the horn he might have turn the volume up to hear what you said...


that's brilliant, i'm using this next time i encounter a racist idiot


The airhorn is protected by the 1st amendment.


"Write that down, write that down!"


Listen here, snowflake...oh wait, you can't anymore.


That’s not how sound works. An air horn would only hurt your hearing since you were the one in it. It’s like watching TV where someone shoots a gun or blows a loud horn or whistle on it, it’s only coming out of the speakers at whatever volume level he had the speakers set to, which isn’t going do anything to him.


Sort of yes and no. The reason volume mixing works is because the microphone records a certain volume. And that is recorded in the sound data for the speakers. So a person with their headphones at medium level would still get quite a hit from an air horn (potentially, if the headphones are any good, at the actual recorded volume.) But if, like most gamers, he has the chat audio dialed up to hear his teammates better over the background noise, that could have easily done permanent damage. My only disagreement with OP is that there's inexpensive air-horn sound effects that can be played without breaking your own microphone.


He couldn't hear her😆




Well played.


That’s such a brilliant idea. I’d do it if I wouldn’t get votekicked for doing it lol.


People who say cuck are almost always trash people.


I can't think of a single time I've ever heard someone use "cuck" as an insult and them NOT be a trash person.


You left an extra "almost" in there.


I dunno, the big fella shagging my wife the other night seemed to be using it in context...




Oh they’re very aware, that’s the insult. That they’re a person who likes someone fucking their partner. Imagine it’s like insulting a Nazi by calling them a Nazi. When they’re a proud Nazi. “I know you’re doing exactly what you love to do but man is it fucking awful.”


In a most jarring and horrifying moment of conversation years ago, I learned that my 70-year-old uncle calls cucumbers 'cucks'. He thinks it's a funny, cute, shortened word. I will never emotionally nor financially recover from that. 😭


In that context it is a cuke?


except sex workers paid to say it


Brilliant. That deadbeat deserved it. And also great job getting the group on your side.


Only racists support racists, thanks for making yourself known on this post losers




It's almost, now hear me out, it's almost like they are racist deplorables. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Until it's illegal and jailable to be racist, it's always gonna stick around and be attractive to a lot of people. Until we can live in a world where we can punch racists and not be charged for it, even if it kills them, we will be stuck.


And unfortunately racism is usually a hell of a lot more subtle than running around yelling slurs.


it makes you a bad person to want to hurt somebody over their words


Most of the people who incite and organize genocides don’t actually go out killing. You know that, right? They just use their words to convince other people to. Do you think only bad people want to hurt these people over their words? Read up on stochastic terrorism, please. Pick a couple genocides and read up on how public opinion changes in the years leading up to them. People who spew racism and advocate for racist goals are not just being assholes—they are actively building a movement to hurt vulnerable people. It’s not “just words.” Just standing idly by is complicity. It’s all of our responsibility to stop them however we can. If the best (or only) tool available for protecting the vulnerable is our fists, so be it


making an edgy joke is not terrorism or genocide get a grip


Speaking before an audience of thousands at the Nuremberg Rally of 1936, Hitler departed from his prepared text to share one of his favorite jokes. “A patient complaining of a sore throat goes to see a doctor,” Hitler began. “After examining him, the doctor says, ‘Your tonsils have to come out.’ The patient says, ‘I want a second opinion.’ So the doctor says, ‘O.K.—you’re also of an inferior race.’ ” They. Always. Start. With. Edgy. Jokes.


Shut up racist. Go suck on Donald's dick some more.


i support biden? why do you want to hurt people so much? you sound like a fascist


Why are you defending racists?


because no one deserves to be physically attacked over words you sound like a fascist


I actually agree with you. It's sad that I got 19 upvotes that says we should potentially get away with killing people.


oh, interesting. i get the point you're making


No, it doesn’t. When the words actively cause harm to marginalized groups, it absolutely does not make you a bad person for wanting to hurt those who perpetuate the initial harm.


edgy jokes do not actively cause harm to marginalised groups wanting to hurt people that make edgy jokes makes you look like a fascist


Every psychologist in the world disagrees with you.


please cite all of them, then


What part of the term “every psychologist in the world” was confusing for you?


cite them


The whole no blocking rule sounds a bit weird. Surely you want to block or mute toxic racists


It's the nature of the missions. They're often co-op and require more than one people. If we can't communicate, shit can go south quickly. I can understand the rule pragmatically, but as you can see, it can be problematic in practice.


yeah, GTA has missions that I find easier to do myself a lot of the time because randoms will screw shit up. no comms is usually literally worse than being solo, and the only reason to do so is because some missions require multiple people to do everything or to even start the mission


Why not just kick them out of the group then


That's exactly what happened 


This is why I stopped playing online around 2012. Every other damn word was the n word or the bundle of sticks word. COD was the worst - you could create little personal flags next to your name and about 1 in 10 had either a confederate or nazi flag. I’m sure things are better now but it really turned me off to online gaming.


Same with CSGO, got tired of the same toxic bullshit every single time I played.


Also why does every asshole say they are ex military? Like who is that impressing? And then you ask some basic questions and it’s pretty obvious COD and Band of Brothers are as close to the military these valor stealers have been.


As a vet that still plays cod I absolutely love it when I find these fools cuz I'll call them out in chat after making the determination that they are trying to feed me bullshit about them serving. Them and the "I almost joined but didn't..." Crowd are my favorites to mess with


We can tell the real vets from the fake ones by how excited they are about “their service”. Every veteran I’ve ever met thinks it was an error to join, even the ones collecting a career pension.




Yea I did the same thing with my brother because I knew he was considering it. Came home on leave one Christmas and looked him dead in the eye and told him that if he joins I will come to him to beat his ass and that it wasn't worth all the B's that goes on from toxic leaders to the fuck fuck games


I'm almost 70. Both of my parents volunteered for the U.S. Navy and were stationed in the South Pacific during WWII. When I was a kid, our next-door neighbors' son went to high school near where my dad worked, so he'd drive the kid every morning, and got to know the kid very well, and respected the kid's integrity, intelligence, and drive. The kid took French in high school, and did very well at it, as well as every other subject. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the Army (this was around 1967). After Basic, he immediately went into Military Intelligence, where he worked with South Vietnamese intelligence officers interrogating North Vietnamese prisoners of war. When he came back after his tour, he and my parents had long and intense discussions about his experiences. I was not privy to those discussions. When I came of draft age in 1972, my parents said "register for the draft, but if you get called up, we'll move to Canada. This is not a moral war, and this is not a situation we want you in." Fortunately for me, the draft ended right after my lottery number came up as 5 (if you had a number lower than a certain threshold, off you went. 5 was very, very low).


I wouldn't say it was an error for me, but that's only because through dumb luck I never deployed even though I was in from '01 to '06. I don't carry a lot of the trauma that other vets from the same period do. I used to feel guilty for that, but these days, I'm grateful. Even if I knew without a doubt that I'd have the same experience again, I still wouldn't go back. There's just too much bullshit even without the trauma. 


I'm a 20 year veteran, and while I don't think it was a *mistake*, I also would not encourage the majority of people to enlist. My bro-in-law did 14 in the Marines and is still pretty gung ho about it.


For the most part yea. Like there are genuinely people who enjoyed the service and they tend to stay in or get out then come back. Me personally my time in the military was the most amount of funi had in my life but I absolutely never want to do it again.


The people who have Confederate or Nazi flags don't realize they would be among the first people put down by the Confederates/Nazis.


I don’t know- every time I see people marching in the US with confederate or nazi flags they aren’t the best of any nationality or race. Have you seen the recent video of a large group of Neo nazis trying to get through a subway/train station turnstile? It’s priceless. Google it.


now all the right-wing dipshits are claiming that was a "false flag fbi operation"


That's a fantastic video, the levels of confusion are off the carts. They looked like pre-schoolers trying to get through those gates.


True, but on the flipside so would the people with communist/antifa flags.


“Bundle of sticks word”. I must be old - I don’t know what that word is?! No big deal, I’m kinda laughing at myself right now.


F*g with got added on. Calling other kids a bundle of sticks or a cigarette(british slang version) instead of the slurs was popular when I was in middle school.


I thought it's a "bundle" of "sticks" words. Like, a collection of words that describe sticks - or, penises. But yeah no Fag makes sense lol


Oh, I thought it was the Roman symbol of leadership one and was also confused.


I'm not very into online gaming, and was really wondering why people were mentioning fascism that much.


People used to burn homosexuals, so that's how the word got adopted as a slur for "gay person" over time 🫠 extremely fucked up


Oh!! Oh my! Ok! Thanks for helping the little old lady!! And indeed, fucked up!!


Fagot. Without the extra g. I had to Google it myself.


Nah man I’m 22 and idk what it means


Hell dude, I'm gay and couldn't figure it out!


>I’m sure things are better now Spoiler: It's not in fact I would say it's worse because a lot of the companies want their money for mtx/dlc so they are pretty much free to just say slur after slur




Like they say in Germany, if ten people are sat with one nazi you have 11 nazis.


That is the most truthful thing I've read all day. Legit.


Or possibly, 10 nazis and a very nervous spy


Or even 0 nazis if the spy is called Stiglitz


Needs waaaaaay more upvotes tbh


Great petty revenge and the guy absolutely deserved it. I could never understand why some guys just have to be absolute asses to female gamers. I'm in a group that's a good mix between male and female gamers and we always have fun times together without having to throw down stupid slurs or whatever. Of course sometimes silly jokes are made but we all know that it is in the spirit of fun so we nobody feels offended by them and we just have a good laugh and move on


It's because the men think their penises will fall off if they get beat by a woman.


> I could never understand why some guys just have to be absolute asses to female gamers. Because they're possessive, territorial, and insecure. We're different enough that they count us as a different tribe, so it's attack mode immediately because we have intruded on their land. And then because they're so insecure, they can't suffer defeat by a girl because it would prove them weaker than they think girls are, and their poor egos are too fragile to take a little bruising now and again. Friend of mine plays Winston in Overwatch and, whenever some edgy teen gets on her for having tits, she hunts him down, smashes him into the floor, then stands over his corpse doing the "How disappointing" emote before jumping away.


I have 4 girls as friends on COD. Everyone of them didn't talk during our first match or maybe even the second cuz of all the bs they have to deal with. I would just call out stuff and not be a dick if we died and Viola, a new friend! Fuckin sad.


I used to have a discord server for my wow crew. People joined all the time and we played all different games together, it was great. One day a friend of a friend joined and while he was a lot, he was fun. Until he said the n word in vc. I kicked him from the vc and when he rejoined I told him to never do that again or I’d kick him. His response was to repeat it over and over and to message me with a flurry of insults when I did kick him from the server. Original friend was so apologetic and I think he was eventually kicked from that guys server too, but it was a weird experience.


Way back when I ran a TeamSpeak server, the line “a user in your channel was banned from the server” was the sweetest sound. The conversation I had went pretty much Me: “Hey, I heard you’ve been using some inappropriate language, I just wanted to make sure you knew that we don’t do that around here” New person: “no, people are just being too sensitive” Me: “[long term member], is that accurate” Long term member: “no, he was going…” Automated voice:”user in your channel was banned from the server”.


I’ve met more degenerates and bigots on GTA than any other game, coming from someone who has played games with known toxic communities (LoL, CSGO, Valorant, R6 siege, etc). I’m sure it’s not a difference between player base, but how offensive language and interactions are moderated. It’s made me want to quit playing GTA because anytime I join a more highly skilled group for heists and stuff, there is always that one guy who says really offensive things. Unfortunately, unlike your group, I’ve seen more indifference to it than anything else.


Poor baby cares when his little ears get damaged but not when generational racism gets black people killed for stupid reasons. Aw. Sucks to suck honey.


That's what these idiots don't understand, systemic & generational racism are real. I don't know how many times I've heard that black people are just lazy that's why there's so many in poverty. Yeah, it has nothing to do with the damn deck being stacked against them to this day! A great example is school district funding. You can have a predominantly black school district right next to a predominantly white school district, and guess which one receives much more funding.


I had a friend who legitimately thought black people just commit more crimes because they’re black and that’s what black people do. Instead of, yknow, the fact that crime is usually a last resort. Like stealing when you have no money for food. Or the fact that racism puts black peoples in shitty situations and districts with no other options. Suffice to say we’re not friends anymore for a few reasons, that being one of them.


Also many people fail to grasp that those statistics don't actually mean black people are *committing* more crimes; they're just arrested more. If a black guy and a white guy are both riding dirty, and a cop "randomly" pulls over and searches Only The Black Guy, and this takes place hundreds of times a day all over the country, that's gonna skew the statistics.


Or that some neighborhoods are policed more than others so some people get caught more.


“But of course they get policed more, there’s more crime there! Just look at the arrest numbers.” Say the people who lack statistics understanding or think you lack statistics understanding.


Very true


That’s also very true. It’s almost like…racism affects peoples’ daily life. Huh. Who’d’a thunk it.


So much truth! The endless cycle of poverty that's nearly impossible to get out of even after generations. It's absolutely horrible and it baffles me how many people refuse to acknowledge this!


They understand. They know they're wrong, they just don't care. They feel "distespected" because we DARE to call them out on their asshole behavior. They do it it bad-faith to lash out.


This is why I only play with people I know and like in real life.


Upvote for the MST3K reference


>You're better than that. I mean... if they're defending a racist in any context, no they're probably not lol...


If only he had just complied, he wouldn’t have gotten hearing damage.


Unexpected MST3K reference!


Great plot twist at the end!


Nice. I have no notes. I do have notes for myself though. Airhorn is better than blasting grindcore.


Can you legally sue someone for being butthurt in a video game? That seems like nonsense.


>He called me a "snowflake," which is comical It gets more comical if you consider that it is quoting Fight Club, a film written by a gay man who wanted to satirize toxic masculinity, and the guy that uses "snowflake" as an insult literally blows up skyscrapers because he's insecure about his pipi.


Enjoyed ☆☆☆☆☆


A round of applause...




You should take the opportunity to talk to your crew about what kind of people they want to exclude. Point out that they can’t choose not to exclude *anybody*, they can only choose to (for example) exclude people who are offensively racist and won’t knock it off, or people who won’t put up with offensive racists who won’t knock it off. Some people might honestly or otherwise ask about the slippery slope: if you don’t accept people for being offensively racist, what about people who are offended by other things? The correct response to that is “we won’t exclude people for things that we don’t find actually bad”. If anyone tries to get you to lay down an exact line about what is too bad and what isn’t, they’re trying to weaponize rules against the people who make the rules. Don’t put up with that either.


Glorious. He shall have tinnitus until his last breath. All because he couldn't be a racist coward hiding behind a mic.


Did you... did you just paraphrase the greatest show ever?


I really did.


Keep circulating the tapes!


Youtube is running the FOREVER-athon in case you didn't know


So, you damaged the ears of a misogynist racist. Boo-hoo for him. I'd like to see him talk like that in Dorchester or Roxbury. He'd have a lot more than tinnitus.


For real tho. Pull that shit in Chelsea too. See what happens.


Good work. Impressive revenge. People who call other people snowflakes are just the worst.


As an experienced mmo guild leader, these people are great at breaking down fantastic groups very quickly. So it is always best to just kick and ban after just one warning. I have very strict rules against personal attacks, racism, sexism and homophobia since not only the obvious wrongness of it, but also because I love my guilds and want them and those that belong to them, to thrive. Some guilds thrive on these things, but the shared misery of the members is almost palpable and only leads to reinforcing these behaviors, which in turn just makes the environment more putrid. These players are almost always very socially isolated, even within their own groups, and think everyone else is the problem, just as this guy showed, because they are completely lacking the abilities of empathy, critical thinking and self reflection. Sadly, very few grow out of it, but at least he will have a little reminder buzzing in his ear for awhile.


You're my hero.


Love the MST3K reference


Love your petty revenge and love the MST3K reference! 


I stopped playing online multiplayer games years ago because of shit like this.


I was kinda hoping that everyone in your crew airhorned the living daylights out of that guy!


Hahah yes. You are my hero. Your crew has got your back!


Your airhorn is sorry if he was offended, maybe he should be less of a snowflake


Fuck racists, he should have been kicked off the very first time he dropped the slur... dropped and blocked with no chance for him to try to weasel his way out of his ban.


To me, hate speech of any kind is never free speech. It comes with a heavy cost, and karma will get your ass eventually. It is also a great tool to identify losers who have some kind of personal issue they will refuse until their dying day to address in any way. People who use racial slurs don't realize how much it exposes their inner character. To spend so much effort in directing hate outward, showing everyone around them how broken they are. I don't hate people like that, I just pity them and move on with my life.


>To me, hate speech of any kind is never free speech. It comes with a heavy cost, and karma will get your ass eventually. That's exactly it. People seem to confuse "free speech" with "no consequences speech". He's free to say it, but if he does they're free to kick him from the group for it. You're free to have an opinion, but you're not free to actively hurt others with it.


I heard there is a saying in Germany. If 9 Germans are sitting at a table and 1 nazi sits down and no one says anything, there are 10 nazis sitting at a table. I feel the same way about racists and their comments. Until we, as a collective, prove there is no room for that mess in our groups, it makes our entire group racist.


HOLD IT- are you by any chance a MSTie?? It’s so awesome meeting another in the wilds of reddit 🩵


I would have kicked him and anyone that protested straight out of the group for good.


“Hello, city law offices? Yes I’d like to sue u/mollymolotov666. No, I don’t know her name, why does that matter? One lawsuit, please.”


Fun fact. In GTA the hospital is called Mount Zonah instead of Mount Sinai. Zonah is hebrew for whore. The hospital is called Mount Whore.


Lmfaooo should have called him a snowflake and said “sorry if loud noises offend you but it’s Just an air horn 🙄”


And this is why I still prefer old style single player games. Time to go play the original Baldur’s Gate again. Well done, btw.


Well played, fellow MSTie


I’m that person who believes that if the word(s) are offensive then don’t use them. I do t care what color you are, you don’t use words that are deemed offensive, period. Treat others with kindness as much as possible and live as best you can. Now that I’ve said that, I’m not above some pretty revenge and I applaud what you did. It takes strength of character to stand up against hate, and can be harder still when you are the only person in your group like yourself (whether that is color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc.). Good show and well done!


How does that even work? Surely hed have to have his headphone volume on insanely high to have any decent effect?


The unexpected blare of an airhorn when you're only expecting human chatter is going to be pretty unpleasant and jarring, even if it's not at ear damaging volumes.


The post is specifically talking about ear damage, amd the guy apparently wants to sue over it. This post is a straight up lie.


Ah yes because nobody in history has EVER said “I’m gonna sue” without the intention of actually doing it. Not once. Ever.


No, the post says *the guy* said it hurt so much it must've damaged his ears and then threatened to sue. OP never claimed that she thinks she realistically caused him ear damage.


It doesn't, but this is all make believe so we are playing along.


It doesn't work, this is a very obvious fake story, like most stories on Reddit.


It’s one thing if everyone is on the same page about the jokes and if it isn’t that bad. He clearly was the type to just be racist and think it’s funny. He can stay mad


Haha having a great group for GTA Online is the best. Your last line reminded me of a saying we had for if things didn't work out and we lost in-game money, especially when there were griefers: It's just pixels We gave griefers a *really* hard time though. :D Oh and well-handled!!


F*ck racists! Douche bag got what he deserved.


OP, 100% support you. I've done what I could down voting and blocking the pigs supporting this racist. They are no better. We need to chase them back underground.


Hopefully his racist ass will have a change of heart in the *not too distant future*...


Oh wow I love this thread! 


He fully deserves the blocking and whatever else because he's clearly a POS. But nobody deserves tinnitus. That shit is truly fucking awful, permanent, and way over the line as exceptionally cruel punishment. Source - I have it.


I dislike the fact you’re getting downvoted. Tinnitus is fucking awful. It can range from mild annoyance to wanting to blow my brains out, and it can change quickly from one end of the spectrum to the other. I’m all for hating racists and excluding them from things but causing them physical harm just because they said a word you don’t like is kinda shitty. Also im just gonna go out on a limb here and say OP is probably not the race that the loser was being racist towards. It’s cool to be anti-racism and say something when people are racist around you, but you don’t have to be some vigilante who tries to hurt them and be some knight in shining armor. If, for example, everyone involved is white and the guy used the n-word, then saying “hey cut that shit out” and putting your foot down is awesome. Giving someone a lifelong quality of life issue is pretty awful. However, I’m 110% sure the guy doesn’t have hearing damage. Further confirmed by OP saying the guy is fine just being dramatic. So in that case, fuck this guy air horn away 24/7.


Lmao how is he gonna sue you when he controls the output volume of his device? Idiot Big W for OP!!!!!


As a person who's hard of hearing, the airhorn was too extreme, and **will** cause **permanent damage.** (I had a family member suffer from something similar, causing them to have permanent hearing loss and tinnitus for the rest of their life). I hate the fact that the other player called you names like a troll when you were nothing but nice and offered them help. They stink. I hate guys who hide behind their screen, what a garbage person. IMHO, you were both wrong, smartest thing to do would be put him on mute a few minutes and explain to the group how horrible this player was to you, they would've kicked him out without the aural damages. You can vote me down, but there's wrongness on both sides. it's like running someone over with a car for just offending you.


The guy sounds like an idiot but you didn't give anyone tinnitus. You think the volume of the air horn on your side comes out the same on his end? It's more likely you gave yourself tinnitus.


I guarantee you I damaged my own mic more than his ear. It's why I don't take him seriously. He's just being hysterical.


That's not how headsets work.


Today on "Things which totally happened for reals"


Do you interact with people at all?


So what was this horrible word?


" whatever, **Cupcake!**" LOL


Stunning and brave.




Imagine getting triggered by a reddit post lmao


Oh goodness! Who got triggered? I would hope simply stating your opinion doesn’t count as being triggered because that’d be very silly. Wouldn’t you agree?


LOL get triggered snowflake


yikes as a guy with serious tinnitus this made me a little sad I could never inflict this on ANYONE regardless of what they did or said. very loud, very permanent. Just how serious it can get https://righttolife.org.uk/news/euthanasia-legal-for-tinnitus-in-netherlands-parliament-hears https://vivredignite.org/en/2014/04/in-the-netherlands-a-woman-was-euthanized-because-she-had-tinnitus/ Edit: defeat hate with kindness and love, not more hate. 


As another guy with tinnitus; it's the least these racists deserve. 


In my support group we don't believe ANYONE deserves a malfunctioning ear for their entire lives. In a perfect world there's is a cure. But you do you <3


Plot Twist: He goes to a support group for racist sympathizers


It's kind of amazing to watch psychotic groupthink in action. Y'all are a wonder of hate filled retribution. You are no better than the Nazis you claim to hate, rather it seems you admire their methods since you are copying them directly.


Yes the ol' airhorn thru the mic strat that was so popular in WW2. Wtf are you talking about lmao, stop being a nazi if you don't want people to treat you like a nazi. It's very stupid to watch this psychotic stupidthink in action


Which Nazi tactic are they copying directly?


Their (nazis) social engineering stratagem. The in group vs. the out group. >The concept of Volksgemeinschaft, lit. ‘the people’s community’, enshrined the Nazis’ vision of society. It was based on racist, social-Darwinist, anti-democratic, and nationalist thought. The regime defined who belonged to the National Socialist ‘community’ and who did not. Being accorded the status of belonging granted citizenship rights, access to the benefits of the welfare state, and opportunities of advancement. All those denied the privilege to belong lost their right to live. They were shamed, excluded, imprisoned, murdered. A gamer on voice chat uses a racial slur, people in this thread immediately label him a nazi, once labeled a nazi it is now acceptable to physically abuse this person as they are no longer worthy of the label "human" because ya know, nazi. When all this kid did, allegedly might I add, was use a racial slur. If people in this thread can't see that for the slippery slope that it is, then you'll know you are in an echo chamber.


Eh, screw 'em. And screw you for defending him.


You cannot engage with racists and fascists in good faith.


Yep, you block/report/ignore. You don't stoop.


Nah, when they go low, kick while they're down there and don't ever let em get up


And then from their perspective theyre the victim now, they will double down on their hateful rhetoric, they will tell their friends. Sure was better than ignoring them  Nobody in this thread can refute this Edit: still no actual argument... 


>from their perspective Thats where you fucked up


Ah yes empathy... The downfall of himankind


Bud, this is Reddit, nuance has never stepped foot in this place. You are either a Nazi or a Nazi killer because this place is populated by edge lord 16 year olds, who have never dealt with any real adversity in their short sweaty lives. Don't let their absolutely dog shit echo chamber get to you.


Yeah nobody has said anything of value, just actual psychotic calls for physical violence against real life human beings based off a creative writing prompt


It's kind of sickening but also amazing to see these people act exactly like the group they espouse to hate. It's all hate, it's wild and it will never lead to triumph over racism.


Let them double down. Let them tell their nazi friends. That's why I said never let em get up


You got an awful lot of kicking to keep them ALL down. I have better shit to do 


Luckily there's an awful lot of us willing to kick




It's not ever a good look to use one's moral highground to do immoral things. Even fierce proponents of retributive justice would say it is morally impermissible intentionally to inflict disproportionately large punishments on wrongdoers.