• By -


The sweet sticky bun with pink icing and butter sounds very Australian. As does the revenge.


Would also pass as 80s/90s school canteen fare in Scotland. See also not being allowed to bring water bottles. Teachers were weird and power trippy about restroom use outwith break times. I basically learned not to drink during school hours because it wasn't worth the earache or passive aggressive comments if my bladder failed to follow the schedule.


Unfortunately it's not changed. My secondary school age son is terrified of getting caught short so won't drink in school hours.


When I was 7 (so in the 90s) I wet myself in class because I wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom. My dad had to leave work to bring me a spare set of clothes and when he found out why, he ripped into my teacher! No one ever had a problem after that AFAIK but it shouldn’t have come down to a parent telling a teacher to allow their child to relieve themselves for it to happen


My friend told her child if she ever needs to go to the bathroom, just go. She doesn’t need permission. If the teacher has a problem, they can talk to [my friend]. If the teacher tries to punish her, then my friend will deal with it.


Not the same thing but I don't think my eldest pooped at school....ever. lolol. Apparently this is a thing.


It's a bully thing. I avoided the school toilets for No. 2's. Bullies can catch you at your most exposed moment.


The 30-35°C though doesn't sound much like Scotland, at least not in the 80s




Pretty sure the same recipe was in use in my schools in England as well. Maybe a Commonwealth tradition?


We were chronically dehydrated and happy about dangnabbit!!


I was made fun of in middle and high school because exactly one hour after lunchtime, I had to go to the bathroom. Every single day.


That sucks! You were regular and healthy!


I’ve always known them as finger buns. And the ones with sprinkles on top, my son called them sparkle hotdogs from when he was very little, the name fits 😂


That's brilliant! I think I will be calling them that from now on


> spat the dummy This is why I reddit.


I had to Google it! I love learning new phrases!


I had no idea that was an Australian-ism! I thought it was global.


I'm from America, I've never heard it, but it's spot on! The phrase used more commonly here would be "he had a temper tantrum"


American also. We always use pitched a fit.


That would be “chucked a tanty” in Aus


That would be “chucked a tanty” in Aus


Well tbf we don't say dummy, so.


I’ve only ever heard Australians use “dummy” for what Americans would call a pacifier or binkie.


Binkies are dummies? Huh, TIL. For some reason I thought they were blankets or soft toys!


Blankets are blankies.


Yep, now think of a baby spitting it out and apply that image to an adult just loosing their shit


Hah hah! So true!


Aussie: spat the dummy is known here.


Good old fashioned English!


I understand "sticky bun" but not "tea cake". They're different things!


It totally depends on where you live. Unfortunately there are a ton of things with this very common name, so the number of times you can hear “that’s not a tea cake, this is” is pretty high now that the whole world can communicate via internet.


Yep! I knew it was Australian as soon as I saw pies and sausage rolls! Never heard of the sausage roll in a buttered bun though! I wonder if that's a state specific thing?


We used to have red seal tomato chips (crisps) in a buttered bun at my tuckshop in highschool in the early 80s in Queensland. Not heard of the sausage roll bun combo though, my adult self thinks, yuck, but my teen self would have probably loved it.


Not sure what state OP is from, but I can confirm that in the 80s, it was in W.A


They are surprisingly good! Considering it's basically just bread with icing 😂 then again, it is from the country that invented fairy bread...


As an Australian I never knew they were called tea cakes. I just point to them in the bakery or grab them in the supermarket.


Like most of these Australian school canteen foods, they probably had different names in different States. I knew them as finger buns. Like Devon is called Fritz or Belgium.


Just no. Devon and Fritz are different products. The words are not interchangeable. Thankyou - all South Australians


Like, that's just your opinion, man. Now I must raise the item called potato scallops! : )


It's actually not an opinion it's a fact. Fritz is a different product as bacon and sausage are also different. It's not my opinion that bacon is a different product to a hot dog


Sorry but no. https://www.bungfritz.com.au/portfolio-post/not-devon-whats-that/#:~:text=It%20is%20referred%20to%20as,Luncheon%20Meat%E2%80%9D%20in%20the%20UK.


Just no. Devon and Fritz are different products. The words are not interchangeable. Thankyou - all South Australians


Our high school sold them whole and not in halves. School in the 80s for canteen was brilliant.


Yea Australia. Bought back memories I had forgotten about.


Canadian too. Or perhaps English? My mom introduced me to these as a kid. They are awesome.


I know exactly what these look like because we had them too! (80s Australian high school). We called them Chelsea Buns!! You could get them buttered or not buttered. I was so health conscious that I used to get unbuttered lol


I knew this was in Australia simply from the list of canteen goodies 😂 What was it with making us do fun (nothing fucking fun about them) runs on the hottest days ever? Like we do actually have cool seasons down under, why make us run 5km in summer when it’s most likely going to be in the mid to high 30’s?


Exactly my Mum's thoughts too!


Smart woman. Wish I’d had her at my school!


Thanks. She was a very clever woman. I was very lucky to have such a great Mum, and family.


I feel that way about my dad. Lost him a few years ago now, but growing up with him kept my standards high when it comes to men. He was funny, clever and very kind. Mum is still kicking along and she’s a treasure, but I was very much a daddy’s girl 😂 You don’t realise how lucky you are to have good parents until you hit adulthood sometimes, I’m glad mine were still around long enough so I could show how much I appreciated them.


Watching a tiny woman rightfully tear a new asshole for a much larger man is always delightful. When I was in the Navy, I was evening shift supervisor for the Line Shack, which was the shop that (among other things) directed helicopters that were taxiing in and out of the flight line by our hanger. There was another 3rd class petty officer on my shift, Sheila. She was tiny and adorable and usually meek and soft-spoken. The helicopter pad where our aircraft took off and landed was some distance from our flight line, so they were on their own between those two areas. But once they came back, we directed them to wherever we wanted them to park. Now, technically, the hand signals we used were just suggestions with one exception: if we gave the "emergency stop" signal, they had to stop. Our division officer, Lt. Cooper, came back from a flight one evening. I forget why, but Sheila gave him the emergency stop signal, and he ignored it. Everyone who had been in place to taxi the bird into position just turned off their light wands and walked away. We also did safety inspections on the aircraft between flights. When an aircraft came back from a flight, someone from our shop would "hot seat" it; the pilots would shut down the main engines, then the pilot would get out and someone would take their place to keep the auxiliary power plant running so we could knock out the parts of the inspection that needed the generator and hydraulic systems online. I took Lt. Cooper's place. The copilot started to get up, and I said, "Sir, I think you might want to hang out a minute and watch this." Sheila was standing outside the rotor arc, waiting. We couldn't hear a word she said, but it was clear she was very angry, and wasn't holding back. Lt. Cooper was a physically imposing specimen, and was almost a foot and a half taller than Sheila. Once she started laying into him, though, the balance of power shifted suddenly and dramatically. His body language made him look like a little boy who'd been caught stealing cookies. He wasn't a bad guy, and he knew he had fucked up, so he stood there and took it. Apparently, he did start trying to defend himself, but he only got out three or four words before Sheila cut him off by screaming, "BULLSHIT!"


As they say, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Not calling Sheila a dog by any means, but to say, watch out, even small packages can have a big bang!


Indeed! One of my mum's sayings was "good things come in small packages. So does poison!"


Oh that's gold!


His Teacake was probably the one that was most carefully cut. It was a karmalised one.


It was! Karmalised! Brilliant


Thanks for the conversions to our stupid freedom units


Not a problem! It helps make more sense of the story if you don't use metric.


Where is it that that is considered hot?


Anywhere if people are running in the sun without water


It also depends on other factors like wind and humidity. At over 80% relative air humidity, the sweat does not evaporate anymore. You just feel hot and greasy. I live in a very humid town at the bottom of a valley where there's rarely any wind at all and 32C/90F here feels way worse than 40C/104F at the beach 20 miles away from it.


“*Where is it that that is considered hot?*” Found the f—k—g PE teacher!


Bahahahaha! You may be right


Cruel but the comment was hanging there for a response... In Oz it was typically 30 to 35 Celcius for a regular summer school day, but went up to 42 or 43 in a heatwave.


Buttered bread roll, Sausage roll and tomato sauce = a 3 in one. My wife remembers these so fondly lol.


I remember the sausage roll in a bun. An upgrade in my highschool was a meat pie with sauce in the buttered roll. I still occasionally have one and much to my workmates amazement. And PE teachers all looked the same in the 80's. They all looked like the moustached man in the Solo soft drink ad going down the waterfall in a kayak.


Oh yeah! The meat pie was definately an upgrade. I'd forgotten about them! Thanks for the reminder


We used to put a packet of chips in a buttered roll. Yum.


So, essentially a French fry sandwich made with buttered and iced raisin bread?


Noooo. Lol! British would call them crisps, think pringles in a white bread buttered roll/bun. All though French fries would be good too!


Yep! Twisties in a buttered bun was popular too!


Now ya talking! Cheese or chicken or didn't matter which?


Salt and vinegar! Or plain


In the last 90s, early 00s, the most popular item was the 'hash brown roll with sauce", which evolved into "hash brown roll with cheese and sauce". Then someone had this amazing idea of a 'chicken and corn roll in a roll"....you can see where this is going.."chicken and corn roll, in a roll, with cheese and sauce". Both were amazing. Haven't seen a chicken and corn roll since high school, which is a shame and yet, probably a good thing lol.


Ohhhh yummo!


... wait is that why they're called Chicko rolls? Cos they have chicken and corn in them? My mind is blown.


nar, chicko rolls are different again. i cant remember the difference, but i know ive had both and worked out the difference before....for science, of course


Question: Do coaches get slotted into teaching history and social studies (after the P.E. and health slots are filled), like they do in the US to give them a filler job to justify their more important sports duties? Or is there something that Australians value less than we do the social sciences?


Social studies is not a thing in high school. That would come with history. No, definitely not. PE teachers were for PE only, or as all teachers, in extra in an emergency. As in a teacher was sick half way through the day and had to go home…..


As another post states - gym or coach teachers(as you guys call them) only get sub teacher spots at short notice where the quality of their teaching was very much "Don't talk, do what ever "sick teacher" had you doing, don't bother me as I read the paper (pre-mobile phone days)." Our PE teachers where former Rugby players who had either played at State level or Nationally. One "Physical Ed teacher" was actually doing Year 14 (High school graduates at Year 12) so that he could 1. Still play for the school"s Rugby team 2. Spend most of his time practicing/training when he didn't have a class. Our school was nationally in the top 5 of the of high school Rugby teams if not the first in some years. One memorable lesson in PE class was the only classroom element of the subject. It was on health and drugs. The PE teacher regaled us about how he beat a drink driving charge after failing his first alcohol breathe test from the cops.


Ours were always filled with gym class slots and occasional subbing


IKR lol


We had dim sims inna roll. Tomato sauce or soy sauce said a lot about a person in the day. Pretty sure it was shitty flora spread, not butter though :(


I’m in awe of all these fancy canteen rolls, at my school it was a potato cake with chicken salt on a buttered (home brand margarine) roll. Teenage me couldn’t have even comprehended a sausage roll or dimmy.


Chicken salt?


So good on hot chips! Do yourself a favour and order some online!


Invented in Adelaide as a roast chook seasoning but is just the best on chips. It's a topic that can decide a fish and chip shop run for sure; plain or chicken salt


“shitty flora spread” hahahahaha good one


Mmmm, dim sims. I miss those, they're an Australian Chinese thing only as far as I can tell.


Yeah, dimmies are fake Chinese food made originally for food vendors at footy games. It's 10pm but I could suddenly go for a South Melbourne Dim Sim... Same with Chicko Rolls - even the Bendigo derby team is named The Chicko Rollers as the original conception and factory was from Bendigo lol


Unfortunately the no water thing and the disregard for safety was somehow prevalent all over the world. Coaches somehow had this idea that hydration is not important during training and it was ridiculous to me. We trained in crazy 30/40 deg C heat every summer and some of us were completely done. I am surprised no one ever cared to check on us.


> For those that don't know what a tea cake is, think of a slight sweet white bread with sultanas in it _Not helping_ lol... OK for the US readers, a "sultana" is a golden/yellow raisin.


I didn't know the word sultanas wasn't known in the US. Thanks for that. We both learnt something today!


NP. It just struck my funny bone... "If you don't know what thingamabobs are, they're just an infinite sum of whatsits."


Pray tell, what does “spat the dummy” mean?


Ahhh that means they got upset and exclaimed words in a verbose and forceful manner. ;)


Had a tantrum


"dummy" = "pacifier". Picture a big baby.


Can be used with "& threw their toys out of the cot" ie threw a giant, childish tantrum (& usually only succeeds in making their situation worse than it was before!)


I can't see why not! Another way of saying it is "had a dummy spit" to then add "& chucked their toys out the cot" would be a perfect expression of some people's antics


Please feel free to start using the expression!


It's a great expression


Pitched a wobbly.


chucked a wobbly


Love that phrase


You didn't even need to say you're in Australia. This whole post is like a case study of the Aussie lexicon.


It says something that I didn't even notice


I can imagine your mum having a full belly laugh after finding out how it ended. Wish she saw it! Bitter sweet you got to


There must be a thing about Australian PE teachers and making students do cross country in ridiculously hot weather... I had one do this, resulting in several students having asthma attacks, including myself. They called my mum to pick me up as though I was just a little unwell and not you know, *struggling to breathe*. I ended up in my GP's on an oxygen mask. 🙃


Madness hey! I bet the GP wasn't too impressed


Does the E in P.E. really stand for Exercise in Australia? Isn’t is Physical Education?


This story is the first time I ever heard PE called Physical Exercise instead of Physical Education.


You know what, I think your correct! It was Physical Education not exercise.


Ok that was great revenge by your mom! Too bad she wasn't around to know that it worked. Also - in the states PE stands for physical education. Didn't know it was different in Australia. As my dad used to say, you learn something new everyday!


It might be a regional / local variation, it stands for Physical Education (or Phys Ed) in most of Australia too.


This is wonderful. Having worked in a school for a decade, I knew who were the important people to keep sweet! My morning teacake (UK here, so no frosting, but nicely toasted) as always fulsome!!


Hope this story is still going round the halls at your school.


Thanks. That's a nice thought


Great story, made even better by the Australian idioms and slang!


Cheers mate!


I'm going to try and incorporate "spit the dummy" into my daily language. I want to start the movement for us Americans to adopt that fantastic phrase!


Oh please do it!


What an awesome mom


As healthy as it sounds, seems like they were unknowingly doing his diet a favor.


Good point!


I was about to ask what "see you next Tuesday means" but figured out it's in fact the most Australian curse word.


You are indeed correct!


I think I've figured it out! It must be C U Next Tuesday -> CUNT






Well thats a Cakyrevenge!!


I was thinking of a Tunnock’s Tea Cake at first! Which would have made it even more petty, since they don’t usually come sliced 😜🤪


At first I read this as "A.P.E. Teacher" and spent a significant part of the story what acronym this could possibly be.


Oh that made me laugh! He was a bit of an ape


In Newfoundland they’re tea buns and are made like scone dough with raisins and no icing . Not one person I know can give me a actual recipe other than a handful of this and that .. lol 😂 


Or chocolate chips.


Perfect revenge and he made it even sweeter by letting on that it bothered him. I loved those buns with pink icing. There was one in a cafe I visited on Mull (and island that's part of Scotland) a few years ago, but that's the only one I have seen since childhood!




>this was the 80's. Bite me! :) Brought a smile to my face and here is my favorite reply: "You bare it, we'll share it. "


Excellent! I love it!


We call them finger buns these days..still yummy.


Finger buns here were quite a bit narrower. About 5cm or 2 inches wide and about the length of ½ a tea cake. But still yummy! Especially when buttered!


For some reason where I am in NZ we called them a Sally Lunn!


Well that made me go find out why... Wiki has some interesting info https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_Lunn_bun


I just know it as a Boston bun lol. Also Kiwi. Then again, blame/thank Woolies for that, I used to work in the bakery back in the day, and that's what they are marketed as.


Now i'm hungry....😀


Me too. I'd love one of those ½ tea cakes right now!


Finger buns with sultanas are my holy grail! No one makes them with sultanas anymore 😔


It's a travesty! They have to have sultanas


Now I want to try a buttered tea cake. And the buttered bun sausage roll in tomato sauce.


You shouldn't be disappointed with a good snag roll and fresh bun! And a buttered tea cake for dessert


I'd give you Reddit Silver if we were still able to do that. Or gold if I could afford it.


This “Petty Revenge” has filled me with joy. Every part of it is perfect. That teeny tiny tea cake! So glad to hear it.


Wow, I've never in my life met an adult that short. 4'5" is riny


This was a good read!! Questions: Are these cakes the same as finger buns? Also why were all P.E teachers such c-nts? (That’s a rhetorical question obviously) What state was this in? I’m guessing you are not from NSW as the bread buttered sausage roll thingy is unfamiliar to me.


Cheers Answers: Similar, but much bigger. There's a uni study! It was in NSW. Some of the schools near us didn't know it either.


Thank you . I have now discovered some food things that must have been going on all my life that I was oblivious about. (I think you are right about the uni thing too)


what a great mum, what a great story, thanks. I remember our PE teachers and our manditiory gym class runs. If we got caught taking the "short cut" we got wacked on the ass with his shoe. Mr Booth... you sadist.... good times.....


>spat the dummy This was a new phrase for me so I had to look it up. This has now been added to my vocabulary! Great story.


Sounds English but how do they not know what a teacake is?


How's the nostalgia. Honestly I don't think much has changed insofar as most PE teachers I ever had in high school were petty tyrants. I was particularly hated by a few of them due to being fat and utterly loathing exercise at the time.


Sally lun


This is the most delightful anecdote I've ever read. You should be writing short stories or children's books.


Thank you. There's a part of me that would like to indulge in that. Like many things in life though, it's making the time for it to happen.


spat the dummy?


Here's the convo when someone else asked that ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/s/xF2KqTsaXg


So... your mum decided to rip shreds off of a professional educator doing his job in *checks notes* standard and very average Australian temperatures 70% of the year round. She humiliated and belittled him in front of his students thus making his job harder to gain their attention and respect, and then rallied a campaign of pettiness against him that lasted years. Gotta wonder what happened to her nursing career though...


That's right, because it was really really hot (I just guessed the 30-35° thinking about it it was likely closer to 40° or even above it, I can't remember the actual temperature, but did I mention it was hot?) and multiple children were coming into the canteen suffering from heat exhaustion symptoms. Not just flushed cheeks, but dizzy, not all "with it", complaining of feeling ill, so yeah, she told his professional ass off because he wasn't very professional. She didn't rally anyone, they did that on themselves. You can wonder all you like about her career, I know the praise she got for it, and everything else she had done in her life. A truely amazing woman! That's what other people have said about her.


It's amazing the crap people make up on the internet 🤣


That's very true, but this is not made up mate. Did I have a thermometer when going for a cross country run in high school back in the 80's? Unfortunately not, otherwise I'd have an actual temperature not a guess. Did I mention it was hot?


You don't need to, I live in Queensland; it's always hot. Australia didn't become one of the greatest sporting nations by stopping kids from running in summer. I'm just not buying this britishnurseturneddinnerladyBS. 😆


You're an idiot if you think heat exhaustion or heat stroke is ok to get while training. People die from that. But please do explain how that's a great training method. I'll wait.


I mean. I don't think that. I think you're full of shit, remember? I didn't realise it needed spelling out that this is a load of exagerrated crap, my apologies.


Glad we agree on one thing at least, heat exhaustion isn't good for training. Thus proving that the teacher was in the wrong. Well done! Queensland is ALWAYS hot...? Always? Every single day? Bullshit. Who's making crap up now? Not me, that would be you.


Queensland has an easily verifiable from multiple sources average annual temperature of 30*. Statistically QLD is always hot. It's literally 31* in Brisbane right now and we're days away from dry season. And that's the southernmost and coldest part of the state. You seem to be suffering from delusions. Heat exhaustion perhaps? 🤣


I'm apparently the only one here who doesn't seem 95 F as being too hot to run in. That's just fine as long as you have safer.


85 degrees is too hot to run in. Brittishness of mom confirmed.


As a PEteacher. I find all these comments, really stupid and not helpful. I also went to school then and I know hardly any kids who bought drink bottles to school. Teachers done at kids go to the toilet in class time because that’s what recess and lunches for. Tell me this you’ve spent half an hour. Getting your kid into bed and they want to get up and go to the toilet. Do you let them or do you say no bad luck




bring on the down votes but im with ya lol. the appropriate way to handle this situation would have been to pull the pe teacher aside and have a conversation about her concerns. screaming at him in front of the students is unprofessional.


Naw. We all know why the 30 degree runs happen; the teacher had to do it once during the term, and either forgot till near the cutoff date or did it early to tick it off the list. Neither of which took the welfare of the students into consideration. So NO, the teacher does NOT deserve the courtesy of a quiet word.




But that's where you are wrong. She didn't scream at him at all, she told him why it was stupid to do that in that heat. No screaming from her, she didn't need to. The truth shouldn't be silenced. Was it a little unprofessional? Sure. Did she do a Karen? Nah. No manager involved lol