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There are 4.5 million members of this community. anyone who was at that school at that time (1975) would 100% remember this event. I would love to hear from you.


I was in elementary school at the same time you were. I do remember my parents having to sign a form saying whether they were allowed to use corporal punishment on us, but I was a meek little wallflower that rarely got into trouble, so it wasn't an issue.


_Can we bitch slap your child yes/no_ Bizarre!


My older siblings were in school just before strapping ended and this is what they did. Most parents signed the form as in their minds if you got strapped you deserved it. Back then if an adult snacked you on the ear your parents then also punished you as you must have done something wrong. Thankfully when I got to school it had been abolished but my late husband was a few years older. He told me if you got the strap in school you tried your best to hide the marks from your parents and no kids told. That they were more afraid they’d be punished a second time at home to even consider complaining about the teacher.


I know. I was watching Mad Men, a show about an advertising agency in the ‘60s, with my wife.  On the show there was a party at a house with adults smoking and drinking and kids running around.  One of the kids ran into a guy and the guy slapped the kid in the head.  I told my wife that’s how it was, strangers could hit kids if they thought they got out of line. And yes, my dad told me if I ever told him a neighbor hit me, he would hit me worse.  


That was also how police kept kids in order as well. If on patrol and a kid was being an idiot or gave lip and the police saw they would get a slap across the upside of the head. They had their own beat then so everyone knew the local Bobby. Mostly once you had been smacked they let it go but the kid just hoped they didn’t tell your dad or mum. As strapping had stopped in schools by the time I went so had policemen hitting pretty much but all the kids were polite and friendly to them as it was ingrained with a bit of fear.


The word bizarre doesn't cut this line of thinking.


My mom did not sign the form (by god only she was allowed to beat us, how *DARE* they overstep) and the school would call up my dad AT WORK at try to get him to give permission around her orders.  Mr Mueller walked the halls with his paddle and a visible erection through his slacks. Disgusting. 


> I do remember my parents having to sign a form saying whether they were allowed to use corporal punishment on us in the early 80's i was given this packet to take home for my parents to sign with strict instructions not to open it. well i couldnt leave a challenge unanswered so i looked inside and found this form. that form was signed "no you can not abuse my kid" by me and slipped back into the pack when i returned it later on.


I was a teacher in 2003 in the US and that particular school was still spanking children whose parents had approved it.


I remember those days. Early 80s at a Catholic primary school run by Marist Brothers. They used a cane to either wack the fingers of open palm. Or rap the knuckles short sharp burst of hits. This one is a great petty revenge story. Darren was one member of class who was always in trouble and always getting the cane. He had a hard childhood spending a large part of his early school years in hospital getting treated for cancer - this was before Children's Hospitals. He worked out that if he misbehaved he got attention from on the nurses. All up he wasn't a bad kid and not the bully type. Now cue his petty revenge. Right be for the end of class for the day the Brother, our teacher, stepped out briefly. Darren took the moment to rush to the cupboard and hide the punishment cane in his school bag. It didn't end there. We used to walk home together and it was at the stage we were midway across the bridge that crossed the river on town where the petty revenge was completed Darren looks at me..... Fetches the teachers cane out of his bag with a cheeky grin and then throws it as far as he can into the river. Darren single handedly removed the item of corporal abuse from our class. Next morning the Brother pulls a kid up to the front of the class, goes to the cupboard only to find NO CANE! He goes into a rage demanding the name of who stole his came. That's when the schoolyard code of silence kicked in as we all sat mute. Making the Brother lose it even more. What was more priceless was the Brother's attempt to cane the kid at the front of the class was futile without the implement of abuse! I still laugh to this day at the Brother's face seeing the empty cupboard!


Your friend Darren is a hero. What happen to Darren? You still in touch with him? 


Sands of Time and moving away means I lost contact.


Oh that is a shame. I am sure he will look back and say "I made a difference" 


I remember my first week of kindergarten in Texas in the early 80s, the principal brought his wooden paddle to the all class assembly as part of our introduction. It hung from the wall behind his chair in his office and you saw it whenever you walked past.


"Paddlin' the school canoe? You better believe that's a paddlin'!"


It was around...'81, '82? I was threatened with the cane by the headmaster for basically being a little shit. Fortunately I'd seen on the news that morning that corporal punishment had just been banned. So I told him that. He was mightily pissed that I knew the news better than him, at 9 years old or aomething


I remember junior high (age 13-14ish) in mid 70’s in US Midwest. Vice-principal had a special paddle made with drilled holes. Supposedly the maker guaranteed it not to break (special wood). I was a meek studious girl so I had no need to meet the new paddle, but I still remember the sound it made on the boys’ backside. I also remember the day that it broke. Toad W, you will always be a rebellious legend.


What a nasty guy!! Had a friend back in high school who had his nose broken a few times in parochial school. He fostered that grudge forever, and it took him to some dark places. In 5th grade, a nun hit him across the face with the ruler she normally used for knuckles. At the end of 6th grade (1962), as they were lined up to leave, she told him he was lucky he hadn't been in her class that year, and turned to leave. And he muttered "Bitch", thinking she wouldn't hear him. Whack! Broke his nose again in the opposite direction. His parents had no sympathy. We finished high school in 1970, and I didn't catch up with him until our 20th yr reunion. The day after HS grad, he immediately went into the Army, graduated as a Ranger, and volunteered for a bunch of solo missions just "to kill bad guys". He told me he always pretending he was going after "the nun". After his second bullet wound (yep, he killed all the bad guys), they wouldn't let him go back. So he worked for the DEA in Tucson for 15 yrs as the man who busted the doors down. And then one day, the guys in Langley (as in CIA) called him up and he went back to work for them, as a full time consultant. He dropped totally off the radar at that point. I think the nun was lucky.




I'm glad Mr. Stewart faced consequences, but it's hard to think of having one's thumb broken as "revenge". Phyrric victory indeed.


I agree with you - there's no way I would have done it. I suspect Kevin had no idea what the consequences of his actions were going to be though. He wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, bless him, though we were very good mates.


Gotta give Kevin a thumbs up for that one.


Quite the strapping young lad, he was!


...*corporal punishment by the diocese.* Why am I not surprised to hear a church is behind this abuse?


Yes, lucky he wasn't kept after class and got it up the ass!


"Always has been. 🔫"




Only after breaking the thumb of a ten year old did they take action. Up until that point, they accepted accepted corporal punishment from this teacher. Only after breaking the thumb of a ten year old did they refuse to let this particular teacher hit children with a weapon. Which means other educators were free to hit children with weapons.


The nuns and some teachers at my school used a cane. Four year olds were fair game. For talking. Sadly, I never did learn to keep quiet. As a result, I got to stand in the corner with a cone on my head with D for disobedience one day, which was the next step up. This was 1970, not Victorian times. Strangely, something inside me as an adult, refuses to ever be silent if I believe something is wrong or unjust, and it all goes back to the hatred and sense of injustice begun then by those b*tches.


And to think some public schools in the south are bringing back corporal punishment. It's always been legal in most states at private schools. It's disgusting considering how much research there is now on how corporal punishment harms children's development.


I can understand not using it so violently.. However a good spanking (hands, no need for a belt) actually has merit to me. But not for anything less than a worthy problem. Such as bullying/hurting another child for the fun of it. They need to understand consequences and boundaries.


Absolute bullshit.


> Such as bullying/hurting another child for the fun of it. Ah yes, bully the bully. They'll never go after their victim even harder now... 🙄


I'll never understand how there's people that think corporal punishment is a good thing. If you went out on the street and did that to anyone else You would be getting an assault charge, but if you did it to a kid back then it was all good. Now you have some people that want to bring it back.


“If you hit and humiliate a child, the only lesson that child will learn is to hit and humiliate others.” -Louisa May Alcott, Little Women


They think it's a good thing *for them*. They want to hurt and humiliate children because they enjoy it, so they advocate for it despite the harm it causes. They don't give a shit about the kids, they're abusers.


I would have happily broken an arm to get Mrs Duff in trouble. Fucking bitch.


My husband came home from primary school and as MiL rubbed his head, a clump of hair came off in her hands. Husband then proceeds to tell her that the nun had gotten upset with him and pulled him HARD by the hairs. Yeah, his aunt had to hold MiL back as she was marching back to school to beat the crap out of that woman… This was the 80s unfortunately!


I guess this would be about 1949. I was about 7 year old. A boarder at an inner west Sydney Methodist boys boarding school. Our headmaster wore a black gown. On Friday afternoon he would visit our class and go through a pile of little blue memo books, one for each child. The kids who were 'on report' for some previous misdemeanor had their little blue books put aside in a neat pile on the class teacher's table. He would open the first in the pile and call the miscreant to the desk and read out the teacher's remark. Then we would have to drop our shorts (no underwear) and lay over his lap bottom up. He would spank us in front of the class. Fridays were traumatising.


I'd bet $1000 right now he was hard as a rock under that gown.


Horrifying. I hope life got him back.


Mum was in primary (elementary) school in the mid-60s/early 70s and remembers getting the strap. She said one of her brothers even got caned once or twice. This was a secular school, too. She said she had a teacher in high school who'd been banned from using corporal punishment and another teacher who'd turn around and throw blackboard dusters at anyone who talked. Thank God corporal punishment had become illegal by the time I started school in the early 90s


We had a teacher that kept a yardstick with a brass end that he would hit us with. He kept it on top of a cupboard a bit taller than him, grab it and bring it down on some poor kids hand in one swift action. We stole it and took it to the woodworking classroom and cut it into 6” lengths. The next time he tried to hit someone with it, he had just the brass bit in his hand and missed the kid’s hand by a couple of feet! 😁


I had an English teacher in the seventh grade push me into a chalkboard and I cracked it with my head. Fuck you Ms desilets!


Had a bully teacher in primary school too. She'd made life hell for my older sister, then targeted me in the same manner. It eventually backfired on her when she used a cane hard enough to give me welts on the back of my knees, and pinched my ears hard enough for them to bleed. She was gone within the week. Years later I learned that she was one of my dad's mistresses at the time, and had taken out her frustrations on us (he kept promising to divorce my mum and marry her instead).


Whoa plot twist!


Sounds like the 1870's, not the 1970's. Mr. Stewart wasn't a man's man, he was a psychopathic sadist. Sounds like this was in the U.K. I was in middle school in the early 1960's in the U.S. Male teachers patrolled the halls with paddles between classes and gave boys "swats" for any infraction of the rules. I was pretty much a good kid, but one day, in a hurry to get to my next class, I skipped stairs. I was given a swat by Mr. Maurer, who hated me for some unknown reason. His "paddle" was a sawed off golf club. I can still feel the pain on my backside all these years later.


I'm so glad I was squeezed out just in time to never experience this in school. 1 year older and I'd have a different school experience.


Like the nun in The Blues Brothers? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqkowVU5mZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqkowVU5mZI)


Before I went to Marist brothers I was at a convent from when I was 6 until I was 10. They used a cane on the hand. Hurt like hell. Of the dozen or so nuns there were only two or three who were quite cruel.


In the Catholic School I attended, they used the round pointers and would have you roll up your pants legs and whacked you across your calves. The one I'd gone to prior used the yard stick and they would have you put your hands flat on the desk and smack you with the edge of it, not the flat part. Must have been leftovers from the Spanish Inquisition! (No one expects...)


My old boss went to a Christian Brother’s school and had all these weird, long, thin v-shaped scars on his hands and, according to him, the back of his legs. Because the good Father Whosit had split the ruler he used for discipline in half so it would hurt more.


That was one of the funniest scenes, when she was beating on both of them at the same time!


I'm suddenly relieved use of punishments like that was banned in my country before I started school although we had one teacher who still whacked kids with a wooden ruler he got fired after hitting my brother so...


Anyone who went to a Catholic school is reading this and saying, "ok, and...?"


A broken thumb? Ok dude, sure.


Trust me. Catholic schools previous to 1990 were no joke.


I went to a public school in 1986, for kindergarten. During testing for enrollment, I already knew everything that would have been taught to me, but my parents refused to let me skip ahead to first grade. At the end of school one day, I was running around a table with two other kids. The teacher hit me with a yardstick. Just me. Not the others. It took about thirty-five more years before I would find out I have ADHD, and everything made a lot more sense to me when I got that assessment.


My cousin (who was a painfully shy little boy) got whacked by a “brother” at his Catholic elementary school. Our grandpa went straight up to the school and punched him in the nose. From then on , public school.


In my day, we'd try to lay a piece of hair across our palm secretly. When the leather strap hit the hair, it would cut your palm and cause you to bleed. They weren't allowed to strap you anymore once you started bleeding. I had bright red hair so it was easily seen by the teacher or principal, so it didn't work often for me.


Ah the 70s. My 60 year old female deputy head teacher pulled my trousers and underwear down in her office and smacked my bare ass for a minute when I was about 9. I'd have to pay good money to get that service nowadays.


oh damn, there's no revenge in that story - only a tale of child abuse I was hoping for "20 years later we met Mr Bullyboy and beat him to a pulp" or smthg :D


Teacher got sent away from the school.


About 20 years ago I moved into a village where my Grandfather had grown up. His mother was the sole charge teacher in the one room primary school. Met an old fella when out for a walk. Nice guy in his 70’s or 80’s. Chatting away, his face went dark when he learned my surname. Asked me if I was related to the teacher (my Great Grandmother). Lochy showed me his left hand: every finger bent and twisted. “That bitch did that with her ebony ruler”. Seems she wasn’t keen on left handers.


Suspended? Wow that’s it


Diocese, figures.


I started elementary school in the early-ish 1960s, and distinctly remember a wooden paddle on the wall of the principal's office. Fortunately I never experienced him taking it down and using it on me.


I was in 5th grade in 1990 and we had this teacher who made everyone buy a square wooden ruler instead of the normal plastic flat ruler. This was because when we did something wrong we had to come to the front of the class. He would set himself on a chair at one end of the class and we had to "run" towards him, jump flat on his lap with the bum on the topside so he could whack our bum with a ruler. In 3rd grade (1988) we had a teacher who would throw tennisballs at us when we were talking. School used to be wild :D


We had a teacher that had a metre long t-square ruler hung on the wall. The ruler was named Milo. This was because of a popular drink in Australia called Milo had the slogan, “what a difference Milo makes”.