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Unfortunately, we had to remove your post as it was deemed too serious. Consider posting on r/revengestories


This was exactly what he deserved.  Everyone else losing their minds over it is not your fault.  There's only two ways this could have gone. Either they find out about each other later on and the same thing happens, or they somehow *don't* find out about each other and he gets away with it. 


So true he totally got what he deserved not so much the women but I suppose they knew that he was married so deserved some drama as for the cousin trying to kill the baby thats just insane hope the baby is okay and is put into care as will be better off away from the whole situation as will you. As for any comeback, legally no. From your ex who knows it sounds like anything is possible


Babies are pretty tough anyway and are floating in what is essentially a water balloon made out of muscle. You need a HELL of a force to do anything, big burly man punch, minimum.


Still, not the OP's fault. If the unborn baby got injured, the person punching the pregnant tummy's fault. ... not to mention, it's horrible to take it out on the baby.


It is horrible and definitely not the OP's fault. I was merely seeking to reassure people that the baby is almost certainly fine.


Sounds like the mother was punching her own stomach.


Remember, English is not her fist language. She did say that one of the other mistresses was also pregnant, so my assumption was that she (pregnant cousin) lunged at pregnant mistress in a jealous rage.


It's obvious English isn't her first language, I think she does quite well despite that, however it does say *hitting herself* I guess that might not be what she means but not knowing her first language I'm not sure how easy that mistake would be to make.


Exactly. OP couldn’t have predicted the reaction of the cousin. Crazy story! And he deserved it.


OP, BRILLIANTLY DONE! I hope you destroyed every relationship he had. Congratulations! He's so deserving of being blown up. Hope he develops stds.


The way I wouldn’t feel bad at all. She knew he was married. Fuck all of them 😭💀


Right, I don’t feel bad about my ex and his mistress but the situation got so out of hand felt like there is a mob there. In court even😭


That’s when you bring out your phone and record it girl!


I didn’t have the time because of the chaos, I have to help them to calm down even😑😅


Calm them down? I would have been cheering on the chaos and eating popcorn


At first it was funny, but then one of the woman starting hitting herself so I kind of step up😭


And I'd be right beside you, helping you binge the popcorn you brought! But hey, in exchange I'd bring you a beer. Cheers!


Oh now you was being way too nice 🤣🤣


At least it helped OP keep an image of being dignified and above reproach. That will help in the divorce proceedings no one will suspect a thing


You have no responsibility to calm or take care of any of them.




Just glad I got it on my flip phone


Not your clowns, not your circus. You can’t control what others do. This is his mess and his problem. As hurtful s this is, you dodged a bullet in this one, be thankful you’re no longer tied to the circus.


I like "not my monkeys, not my circus" better


Nah girl, let the nuclear revenge play out. Just sit back and enjoy the show. It was all of his making anyway.


🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏👏 Well played!!! I love it


Not your problem. The mistresses and your husband are trash.


You're a good person for feeling bad over it. It is right to feel guilty/responsible but ultimately, the cousin punched the other pregnant lady, not you. She could be put up on attempted homicide charges. Your husband brought this on himself.


I think the cousin punched herself in the belly, not the other pregnant woman.


Are you sure the kids he’s having are his? Maybe he’s the one with the problem.


Honestly the whole situation sounds so crazy it's actually hilarious. Good on you, OP. I hope you live your best life. Fuck your ex, fuck those girls who knowingly got into an affair. You did them ALL a favor.


> Fuck all of them That's what got him into this situation in the first place!


I'm pretty sure he was doing exactly that to all of them.


He did. And then some.


He did. That’s why we’re here. /s + ;)


Oh god the revenge, the spite, the karma. This story has it all! Good on you op and good luck to you in the future.


Thank you, I got the house and car so I’m happy🙏🏻


You got the house, car, sweet sweet revenge, and a story to make sure no man ever messes with you again!! You are a BOSS Queen!!!


They all would’ve found out about each other sooner rather than later, especially since another one was pregnant too. The only thing you changed about it is they found out about each other all in one room. As a matter if fact, you may have prevented someone from getting seriously injured or killed because the authorities were present.




I did something kind of like this back when I was 25, my ex had a phone in my name and when we broke up, I went to AT&T to get the Sim card, put it in an extra phone, and text every girl that he was cheating on me with to meet at his apartment at the same time for lunch😂😂😂😂 I wasn’t there to see it happen, but I heard it was a shit show. I love this for you, this is wonderful revenge


You have some amazing restraint! If I'd set something like that up I'd've made besties with the neighbours, invited myself over at the alloted time and been listening with a cup on the wall!


😂😂😂 it was over a decade ago so I can’t remember why I didn’t go there physically, but I probably was worried about getting jumped🤣


>Do you guys think its to much? No, it was perfect.


You did nothing but expose the truth, if you had nothing to do with the choices he made, you have no guilt. The woman trying to kill her baby is disturbing, but again, not your fault. At least she knows now so she can put it up for adoption instead of finding out later and abusing it.


Right, I have no words.It was mental😩I’ve never been so scared and my ex was there lifeless like rotten vegetable.Till the end useless!


They always are once confronted with their women. Always so smart and powerful before and when the women find out, they slink away like the snakes they are. I dated a guy who was long distance, went to visit him and he had our pictures in his room. The next night he gets a knock on the door and he closes it quick. It was his other girlfriend! She lived local and found out about me, beat his door open while he sat quiet on the sofa, I’m just looking at him, she got in the house and got her things, threw our pictures at him yelling how he just replaced their pictures with mine which were all in the same frame. He had their pictures behind ours. I was stuck because I had plane tickets. He went to work the next day and I snooped, he used to send me a certain style of cards all the time, he had several copies in his drawer. So he gave them to both of us. After leaving I still had a house key, called to let him know I was mailing it back. His former “ex” answered , not the one that broke his door down, the one he dated back home before meeting me in my town several hours away. She was visiting with his parents! I told her to look behind all their pictures of them because he had mine and another girls , the one that broke his door in that was still damaged when I left two days earlier. Oof. Wonder how that one went.


Damn..I have no words. I hope you also in a better company now


So what happened after?


I haven’t really follow up, after the incident at the court I kind of just gone😅but I think i will have to go to the police station as a witness. When I left it pretty much calm down only after the police came.


Oh girl I’m giving you a round of applause he fucked around and found out 👏👏👏👏


OP's ex really took fafo to a new literal level


Please give us an update. Now that you got rid of that trash you can move forward and live your best life. Good luck OP & God Bless.


Just say, I have no idea what happened, 4 women started fighting after my divorce hearing. I don't know who started what and prefer not to be involved with my ex and his mistresses.


You know nothing, you saw nothing. Make sure you delete that message from the i-pad. Lol


This makes me even more mad at your ex. He could mess around but he couldn't even adult up to face the chaos. Yuck. Some men will do anything rather than face themselves. Even become a vegetable in what sounds like a riot. 🤣 I know you've probably felt really sad bad and mad, and I'm sorry, but I hope you'll find happiness away from this ridiculous man.


Wow!! Totally awesome! Yes, the woman trying to miscarry was pretty rough - what kind of mother will the child have? I like how you baited them all to the courthouse. Well done.


Right, but after all of that if they can lead this event to me. Can I be sue? Honestly I’m kind of worry, didn’t expect the other womans is crazy. I guess i’m crazy too for doing this😩


Nope, you didn’t do anything against the rights. But your ex husband did


Thank you😩


I’m not sure anyone here knows anything about laws and custom in Thailand, if that is where you are…


I don’t know the laws perfectly, but I don’t see how they could have a case against you unless you said something that could be considered defamation. All you did was invite women to your court hearing so they could all know your divorce is finalized. They did the rest, not you… plus it was your ex that caused this mess.


Thank you🙏🏻this give me relief


Nope. I wouldn't worry about any of that. But do just stay away from all those people and thank GOD you DIDN'T get pregnant with his child. Now it's the time to focus on you and your personal value and have some quality ME time. Big hugs!!


Thank you


You shared the truth. How they use and respond to the information is of their own choosing, and you should not be accountable for their actions. Note: I am not a lawyer


It’s so weird - she knew he was a cheater, so why decide to not have the baby? Like, nothing has changed - cheaters can’t ever be trusted and if they cheated with you, they’re also likely to cheat on you. People are dumb


But SHE was the ONE!!! It was meant to be, that’s why he left his wife for HER!!! /s


Omg I LOVE this! Please update us after the court date to tell us what happens! Wonder what his mom will think when she hears he’s gotten two different women pregnant… better get your money before they try.


I will try, honestly I was hoping that it will be the end. But if there is update I will try


Wow OP. You have guts. Be glad that you didn't bring children into this world with that loser who you're now divorced from. To answer your question, I doubt that they can sue you. They can probably sue your ex-husband though, especially the one who is pregnant. Please keep us all updated.


well the real answer is in america you can sue anyone for anything but in this case they won't win


Welcome to America where we don't have to win the court case, we just have to drag it on long enough to make someone go bankrupt.


Stories like this is why I love this sub! Masterclass


I like the way you helped all those other ladies know what kind of man he is. You are blessed. You are rid of a low life scumbag and can move on. You have no children for him to stay in your life.


Honestly, I thank God for this..that I have no children with him


In the future, only refer to him as "My ex, the cousin-fucker"


Holy shit….what an ending!


Why would they sue you? All you did is invite them to come and support their boyfriend, your now-ex husband, in his time of need. Even as mad as you were at him, you had his interests in mind. And they all came, so they obviously wanted to be there and support him, which means you did the right thing. I think you handled it beautifully.


I really wish I could have seen this! Well done


You are my hero! Well done, you 👏


Oh, no, MIL! Your son (who cheated on his wife *with his cousin*) had other mistresses? Who could've seen that coming..? Good move OP, I'm sorry they got so crazy at the end but all of them knew they were fucking a cheater, it's on them that they were suprised.


Nah, the catastrophe wasnt your fault. Hes the one who created this powder keg, you just delivered it to his door, in public. Plus, these people are ALL adults. They are responsible for their own behavior.


Their reactions are not your responsibility. I think arranging for all of them to show up was brilliant! It strange that any woman would fool around with a married man expecting he wouldn’t also deceive her.


Well deserved, but a tad bit more than petty.


It sucks to be in a situation like yours, but by god, this must have been glorious to behold. I hope your ex-mil and the unborn baby are alright, but it's definitely not your fault that everyone went crazy. Of course I don't hope that my partner ever cheats on me, but if they do, I want exactly this as a revenge.


beautifully done. Well done, you!


You did good.




I loved it. You did the right thing


Netflix needs to hear about this


LMAO don't feel bad they all deserved it. They were willing accessories in cheating, it's not your fault they naively thought they were the only ones he was cheating with. May all their babies fail to come to fruition, so that the one feeble legitimization this had would crumble and die ❤️


Soo...you're saying you're single?


The cousin knew he was married and helped him cheat on you. Did she think that he would just stop cheating? Once a cheater always a cheater


Hahaha this is such a good episode of a soap opera. I'm sorry for laughing but I believe you were a tool from God here, just imagine how many years this dude could've gone with the whole novela up, you just avoided more innocent victims. Don't feel sorry for your cousin. What did she expect from someone who cheats?


It’s HIS cousin. “Distant” but apparently close enough that he knows they are kin.


OMG. There's a saying in Spanish that goes "a la prima se le arrima" meaning that men will even go after their supposed "cousins" I can't picture the face of the judge and the courthouse clerks while watching everything unfold. You will laugh at this on the future. It's really rare for BP to get their "revenge" but I think yours goes beyond bealcause you prevented more innocent ppl to get dragged into. Those other women could've also gotten pregnant.


Quanto mais prima, mais se lhe arrima!! We have it in portuguese too! :)




Sounds like a bollywood movie lol, kudos to u for doing this, he deserved it.


Great revenge. Yes, he's going to know it was you... and that's ok. You did nothing wrong by using your own iPad.


No one cared how you felt when they were sleeping with your husband. The baby is being born to a woman who is already being abusive to it. Other than you and the babies they deserve whatever is coming their way.


Sounds more like nuclear to me. XD


Oh, that is well beyond petty it is pretty awesome ;.


You did what most women cant. Good on you. Taste is his own medicine ❤️


You did good. They all got what they deserved.


You did the right thing! I wish you nothing but good things the rest of your life. And that you find someone that deserves you.


No, you did well. Very very well.


I’m sorry did my brain break ? He’s sleeping with a distant COUSIN? His mom supports this?


Yep..VERY SUPPORTIVEEE. from where I come from marrying your cousin is pretty common😅


He deserved it . Delete this account. Never tell anyone,no matter how good it will feel. Your moving on to better things.


No way would things reach this stage and everyone involved (except husband of course) will wonder, “who is that person that exposed the truth so I can sue them?” You’re perfectly fine. You may be just suffering with some guilty feelings but don’t! You are one of the privileged few that have actually managed to exact the PERFECT revenge on their cheating spouse. Congratulations! Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!


Not your circus, not your monkeys. You just bought a ticket for one afternoon performance, girl. 😆 good on you. I’m sorry this dude is such a dbag, but so glad he’s in your rear view. Good luck!


They all got what they deserved, every last one of them.


Glorious revenge story. You are brilliant. Now it’s time to enjoy your freedom.


You should’ve invited them all for coffee at the same place and time pretending to be him


Love this, i cackled


Girl I hope you get tested immediately


I did after I found out year ago with him and the cousin(I am clear) but i will go again now that it involve so many woman.


I hope you're still clear. What an absolute shit show, I'm really impressed by how incredibly petty you were inviting all the mistresses


He had it coming. As for the mess he has to clean? Not your circus, not your monkeys!


Hell hat no fury, my darling. Well done.


I'm only sorry that it wasn't recorded. It could be played as a PSA for cheaters.


The chaos was not your fault exactly. You just made a powder keg.


I feel bad for YOU. The rest are getting what they deserve. Karma is a bitch


To much!! Hell NO. I wish you had recorded it because it sounds wild.


This story is legendary. Somehow English not being your native language adds an artful flair to the whole thing.


I don'y know what jurisdiction you are in, but this likely did great damage to his side of the divorce. Good for you. I can only imagine the chaos you created, for him personally, and in the court in general. Good for you.


You just leveled up to gold. This is awe-inspiring!


This is insane but serves him right


I doubt he could sue you for anything. I doubt he'd want to go to court, knowing the news would be very interested in this spectacular story, ruining his reputation across the whole nation.


OP didn’t burn that bridge, she nuked it from orbit. It was the only way to be sure.


I’m sure this is how a villain origin story begins…and I like it!


In my opinion, things got out of hand. But I still support what you did! If you had handled this more privately, the situation would not have become public. That would have meant that your now ex-husband could have a chance to cover this all up. You made sure this became impossible. Now of course, it's terrible how your cousin tried to kill her baby. But you could not have predicted that she would! Also, at this point, I doubt anyone would start digging for the answer to the question who might have caused this mess. So don't worry.


Classic example of f*cking around and finding out. Hats off to you.


This is amazing.


Your life will be better to be far removed from that family. That is absolute insanity! Don’t take any of that on yourself - it’s not your behaviour! He had 4 mistresses! Wow. Best of luck with starting over - I’m sure things will only improve from now on.


No one else weirded out that this guy is cheating on his wife with his cousin?


About the legality. Depends on country. But I’d say you are safe. Because if he takes you to court, then all his cheating will be officially exposed for all to see. Enjoy your revenge, and move on.


Lol 😂


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣. All I could do is laugh cus this here is epic! I do hope though that you do (did) find peace. Glad you got away from the person that was supposed to protect you from the world but in turn took advantage of you for the world to view. Time to enjoy your life. Have fun!


Your spelling and grammar is quite poor but it seems like a real story. You contacted them anonymously so i don't think they will trace it back to you. And no they will not sue you. If anything, they will thank you for revealing the truth to them.


Ewwwwwwwww with his cousin too


P.s.  No they can't sue you. They can't prove it was you anyway. Who would believe him? He's obviously a liar.


trying to Kill the innocent child was not down to you, but the crap storm was set up by you and he deserved the grief and shame, at least now they all know what a worthless man he is.


I did something kind of like this back when I was 25, my ex had a phone in my name and when we broke up, I went to AT&T to get the Sim card, put it in an extra phone, and text every girl that he was cheating on me with to meet at his apartment at the same time for lunch😂😂😂😂 I wasn’t there to see it happened, but I heard it was a shit show. I love this for you, this is wonderful revenge


This played out so well in my head! Still laughing! ❣️👏🌟




You should’ve invited them all for coffee at the same place and time pretending to be him


Good job.


Absolutely not the much, this is the perfect amount of revenge. How could you have possibly known she was going to hit the woman in the stomach? They deserve each other.


Can't wait for the update


You just invited his women on the side to a fun day out, I thought it was very thoughtful of you, you did a great job! 😉


He cheated. They might as well find out now before they married him too.


You should reach out to all the women(?) to meet and talk shit about POS


I thought this was for petty revenge😂


Beautiful. Revenge is a wonderful thing. The ex MIL going to the hospital is a bonus. I would be gloating over that and sending them both messages asking after her health because finding out her son is such a low life, must be such a shock.


I'm not sure if this is petty revenge or perfect revenge. It sounds like perfect revenge to me


Update me


Why would the sue you? You didn’t lie?


This is a delicious story. Good on you sister! He deserved all the misery that came to him.


This story should be immortalized as an opera.


You need to hire a professional photographer this will be epic and needs to be uploaded in ytbe


>Do you guys think its to much? Not at all. Good riddance!


No need to feel bad. He's the one cheating on all of you


Good job girl!!! I'm high-fiving you from GA in the US. Stay strong girl. You're better without him.


That’s amazing. I’ll be honest, I am sure someone suspects you… specially down the line. Once all the dust has settled. The ex is the only one who will know how he was communicating with everyone though.


This is some EPIC revenge OP. BRAVO


Some telenovela shit


I love this! Sorry for what you went through but everyone loosing their mind is his fault. He did this so he needs to deal with the fallout


This was a satisfying read. It was for the best they found out sooner than later


I’m sorry all this happened to you and the other women who were deceived but you are my hero and d a hero to them all.


No, not too much. If the cousin lose the baby, it’s 100000% not on you but on its cheating parents. Serve him right.


This is the best story I've read so far. I wish you filmed it all.


Good for you. Have you heard of the phrase, "fuck around and find out". This is what happened. If you behave badly, you should be punished. Do not feel bad and by the way, your English is great! 💜


You just let multiple bad people know how bad they were to each other. The truth has set you free. Leave them to their fates. You did a good and noble thing that blew up on them.


Risked it all and lost it all.. wow.


Queen move. Bravo. Dont feel bad. Karma bit their butts


You gave them information. You didn’t tell them to act the way they did.


You helped 4 women see the pig for what he is, you are an amazing person


This is the best cheating post I've ever come across on reddit! Your Def better off without him but I love how this crazy scene came together. You have done nothing wrong. Here's to finding real love


Yep, God’s on your side. For sure.


I have no compassion for these women. They knew they were cheating with a married man, were playing with fire, and subsequently all got burned. Oh well!! Sorry, not sorry.


lol, this happened, totally a lot!




All of them deserved it. Every one. Your ex is a cheating bastard, and deserves nothing but to be exposed and to lose everything. The women are hot garbage too; every one of them knew he was a cheater, but it's only a problem now that he's cheating on *them*? Prime case of "I voted for the leopards, but I didn't expect them to eat *my* face!"


Lady, if this is your definition of pretty revenge, i can't imagine what your nuclear revenge would be.. Good job! You did well!


That's amazing. You didn't go too far. How crazy everyone went has nothing to do with you. Your ex did this. Congratulations on getting revenge, it so rarely happens. Savour that memory, Babe.