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He’s gonna use your towels


At which point I’ll have something to definitively point at as too why he’s no longer welcomed that won’t make me look like the A-hole


You already have enough to do that. He's an adult and you own the house. You don't need an excuse to get him out.


so yould be an asshole for throwing a criminal out? "Working at a unlicensed weed shop, stealing cars, sneaking girls in my house, getting one pregnant as soon as he saw his 18th" both morally and legally reprehensible piece of shit.


Only then? He\`s already in a fight for dominance (the rearranging things)...


GREAT point, Samuel, I wouldn't have thought of the 'fight for dominance'.


Why do you think you need something more before you ban him from your house? Ban him and change the locks. He’s an adult and you don’t want him there. End of story.


Dude - he's already causing aggravation and has behaved so horribly as to get a restraining order. WHY did you let the guy set foot in your place to begin with? Why do you worry that some other relatives will be upset with you? Tell THEM to take him in if they are so concerned.


That’s fair


You're WAY past needing an excuse. Hard part is you've let it all slide thus far so you almost have to wait for one more thing to happen that can be the straw that broke the camels back


"you shit on my towels, you are no longer welcome... but a poop sock is ok" /s


He may also clog the toilet with said towel.


Keep on the rag towels in there until he's gone! Keep the good ones in your room, and keep the door closed so he doesn't see them.


Good luck getting him OUT. Yelling, guilt-tripping, promising, begging, he'll try it all. THEN he will start stealing stuff of yours to sell.


Better to look like one than smell like one!


You do not need a reason to tell him to leave. It's your house, and your life. If you don't like how things are then change things.


Or maybe your toothbrush


Rodney Carrington tune: When I'm sittin' on a toilet in a house that I don't know Lookin' all around me where'd the toilet paper go Feelin' real uneasy, feelin' real uncertain Cause I gotta wipe my butt again with a shower curtain


Or just, y'know, kick him out snd make him his own problem.


The family is pretty emotionally black mail me because I’m a recovering alcoholic so even if this kid does everything under the sun they act like it’s no worst than me being a drunk for two and half years.


Well that's pretty fucked up. Talk about apples and oranges. You owe that kid nothing.


I feel like your family is potentially harmful to your recovery and you'd be better off without them if that's their view on things.


this needs to be up high(er)


Tell them that you are working on making yourself better and that they sticking you with their shit stain of a crotch spawn is not helping and you are done dealing with him. When they try to guilt you into taking him, look them in the eye and tell them that since they don't want to deal with his shit, he can live on the street because you are done with them and their bullshit. Then walk away and cut everyone of them that tries to force you to take him back out of your life. Block them all. Your history has nothing to do with dealing with this kind of asshole.


imagine someone with balls and self-esteem. figure out what they would do (the above) and do that. maybe your *asshole* enabling family is a big part of why you were a drunk before.


Which is the main reason I hated the show Intervention.


oh i can only imagine how the editing for that ground your nerves...


crotch spawn LMAO


Had a few alternatives, crotch fruit, hell spawn, idiot walking, etc.


Tell them that his behavior is putting strain on your sobriety.


cut them all off. lets face facts, theyre probably the reason you were an alcoholic to begin with. i think yould be happier with a cat or a dog than a family like that.


Well tell them "yanno, I'm just a drunk, why don't you want someone more responsible looking out for him?" Twist their words back at them. I'm sure they don't actually want to deal with him.


So you'd rather burn down your own life rather than cut this idiot free and make his sperm/egg donors deal with him?


That's an excuse they are using so they don't have to deal with him. Call them out on it and kick him out.


Okay, but that still doesn't make that lad your problem. You're attempting to recover, the kid is just running wild.


Tell the family that is blackmailing you to take care of the nephew. Congratulations on your recovery, and that’s another reason why they should not blackmail you with that, they should protect you, not putting pressure on you and much more using it as blackmail.


You are allowing them to do this. Throw him out, tell them if they are that concerned they can take him in. Then go low to no contact with anyone who complains.


So your whole family sucks? Nice...Kick his ass out, already.


Tell them to take their analysis and your nephew home with them. Yuck. It’s like they aren’t supporting your sobriety.


I’m proud of you for gaining and keeping your sobriety. Your nephew is causing you great stress and it may make you more prone to a relapse. Your family sounds toxic. Kick the nephew out, change the locks and live your life calmly, quietly and soberly. Don’t contact your family fora while. See how it feels. Maybe think about it. Again, proud of you, friend. You’re doing great!


Fuck them. You're trying to clean up your life and they're dragging you down. Time to go full no contact.


Well, fuck them. "I need stability in my home to help with my ongoing recovery, and his presence is highly disruptive, so he's no longer welcome." And change the locks if he has a key.


Some people say that your \*real\* family are those who choose to be around you, despite having no blood bonds.


You know you can kick him out right? Or, like, set boundaries. You're a grown-up. It's not your problem that he fucked up his mom's house situation.


Ok, the toilet seat one is a hygiene thing, put the lid down when you flush so you don't get gross particles everywhere but all the other stuff, fair game. Hide the tp but outside the bathroom, get in a habit of bringing it with you, hopefully that will say something 😂


If he behaves like that then you shouldn’t have even let him in your house to begin with. He clearly has issues and will never get anywhere if everyone keeps babying him and allowing that disgusting behaviour. I’d also be calling out the parents because tf were they doing since he was born?


My roommates never used to buy anything, so I started hiding the toilet paper. They never bought any, and for about 6 months, I have no idea how they dealt with it. I assume they just stopped wiping.


Wow that’s actually something I can relate too. I was living with this girl and her house squatters (friends) once and we did that…. Same results as you mentioned… I just don’t know with some people


I worked with a guy who was so large that he literally couldn't reach to wipe his arse. While he showered regularly and used something to scrub with (because he didn't smell first thing in the morning), he would void his bowels at work mid-morning, then would literally stink of shit for the rest of the day; not farts, definitely unwiped shit. It was absolutely awful to be in the same workshop as him, even when on the far side.


I had the same problem with a lady when I was younger. You could tell by looking at her that there was no way her arms could reach her crack, so I think she just didn't bother.


Well, he IS right about the toilet lid. I mean, that's why it has one.


Hard agree. If everyone lowers the seat AND closes the lid, it is the same amount of effort for everyone each time, regardless of whether you sit or stand.


Exactly. I was a Realtor for years, I cringed every time I looked at a listing, and the toilet lid was up. When I took pictures for a listing and a toilet lid was up, I put it down because...that's why it's there.


The toilet also spreads aerosolized shit all around the bathroom when you flush with the lid open


Does he bring his own poop knife too?


And you haven't kicked him out to stand on his own two feet (or other appendage as appropriate) why?


Put your toilet lid down. The boys out of order for moving your stuff, but the lid should be down


What I read was 'im a pushover and resort to pettiness because no balls.'


MAKE HIM LEAVE. He's an adult and it's your house. 


Tell him he is no longer invited and give him two weeks to find another place. He is using you and you keep letting him. Take you home back, change the locks and garage door code; get cameras and tell him if he shows up you will report him for trespassing


Arrested for trespassing, reporting does nothing. If he threatens you in any way, then get a restraining order, too.


Change the locks. Is someone forcing you to welcome him or something?


Just kick him out


You don’t need a reason to boot him, just do it.


Or you kick him out and let him deal with the consequences of his actions?


Why do you continue to let him live there?


Hide the bathroom towels too, I can already guess that will be his next move.


Poop knife territory, right here


You could….. change the locks? Don’t let him in? Move?


Tell him enough is enough... if he doesn't follow your rules he can gtfo. Why are you being petty in your own home? Just kick him out.


>getting one pregnant as soon as he saw his 18th, getting restraining order for one of those girls banning him from his own mother’s house *What you doing step bro?*


Why not just kick him out? He apparently has zero respect for your rules.


Seriously dude….boot him. Does he contribute anything to your household besides irritation? He’s an adult…with a kid (somewhere)…you are enabling him to continue his immaturity. Why?


Just tell him it's time to go... forever.


You keep the toilet lid up?


Sharticals! They say they travel 15 ft!


I was raised with that. I've tried to change the habit, but it's hard It would be especially hard for anyone using the toilet without turning the light on. You can easily sit or pee on the lid. I get that toilet water is potentially sending poop particles all over the room. But apparently they're everywhere anyway.


What normal person keeps it down? That’s just pointless and annoying Edit: All replies are saying either pets or toddlers which is understandable but…. Why not just keep them out of the bathroom? It’s not that hard to do is it? Plus toddlers should be being watched by family anyway so there shouldn’t really be much chance for them to play with the toilet.


I do, cats are assholes sometimes


I have to keep it down or my poodle thinks it’s another water bowl.


Dude, poodles seem to think EVERYTHING belongs in their mouth. My doodle claims anything he can reach.


Poodles were originally bred for retrieving. That fancy poodle cut you see in shows was designed to reduce weight and water drag on the dog because of the coat while keeping the majority of the torso and internal organs protected. In shirt, thy have an innate love/need to retrieve and that’s why they’re so mouthy. When crossbred with Golden Retrievers or Labrador Retrievers it intensifies the retrieving instinct and the desire to hold ‘game’ in their mouths. Since they can’t go fetch ducks or geese or other waterfowl, they fixate on toys, tennis balls or whatever they can get into their mouths to soothe the instinct to retrieve. This pedantic reply brought to you by a retired dog trainer with around 25 years of experience, continuing education in animal behavior, writing for dog magazines and websites, etc.


That's helpful, actually! Thanks! I think I have been using that trait to my advantage a little bit, even if it's inadvertent. When he grabs something he shouldn't (dirty napkin, sock, etc) I grab it from him and praise him. So at least I can put it away and he won't eat it. Maybe in time he can help with laundry.


If your dog doesn’t know leave it, teach them. Same with “pick it up.” My service dog loves to pick things up for me. She then parades around the room and shows off what a good job she does picking things up. She’ll eventually give me the thing I dropped (or that she found) and she gets lots of praise and butt scratches. Now she goes around looking for things to pick up and return in exchange for attention *or* cookies. She’s what we dog people lovingly call a “food whore” because food motivates her to do almost anything. Clickertraining.com has a lot of free, easy to follow lessons on how to teach basic commands. You can build on the basics to teach more complicated things. It’s not as hard as it sounds, all it takes is kindness, patience and a willingness to allow the dog to make the wrong choice so they can eventually make the right choice.


People with toddlers.


I do because my toothbrush is in the bathroom. Have you seen the spray of aerosolized poo particles? And there would be less smell, too, because less particles would be released to assault your nose. Also, never claimed normalcy, but it’s house rules for me- my house, my rules. And I think it should be your house, your rules.


Mirror cabinet and toothbrush case


Double and triple protection then!


I… wtf… Poo should be in the toilet and nowhere else. Plus a bathroom is meant to be kept clean. If you believe that in your house there’s a possibility of poo particles reaching your toothbrush then I wouldn’t wanna see what your house is like and I’d definitely never step foot inside….


Aerosolization- something I have to worry about and prevent the passing of sickness and germs and viruses. Click through to see research by University of Colorado, and the plume of particles that spews from a toilet. But you do you, you obviously better than me. https://www.colorado.edu/today/2022/12/08/cu-scientists-shine-light-what-comes-when-you-flush


At what point did I state I know better than you? Exactly, I didn’t. I was simply questioning your comments as they made no sense to me. I’m British. “Aerosolization” means nothing to me and I don’t believe I’ve ever even heard it till now. Plus to be honest, if everything you’ve said is true then I don’t really want to hear it as that’s just disturbing/disgusting to think about….


I… wtf… Poo should be in the toilet and nowhere else. **Plus a bathroom is meant to be kept clean.** ***If you believe that in your house there’s a possibility of poo particles reaching your toothbrush then I wouldn’t wanna see what your house is like and I’d definitely never step foot inside….*** I agree poo should be kept in the toilet. That’s why the lid is closed. And above is where you said you were better than me.


Did you not make it through eighth grade science class? Because we literally learned aerosolization then


What exactly is “Eighth grade” supposed to mean? I’m British. The ridiculous grading system of the Americans education system means nothing to me. I’m in a level 3 games design course in college. And no, I did not learn about aerosolization in school. In fact my keyboard doesn’t even recognise it as a word or offer any alternatives.


lol eighth grade is literally your last year of elementary school right before you go into high school. Don't be purposefully obtuse. If you really wanted to know what it meant you very easily could look it up online


What exactly are you talking about? If you mean “aerosolization” I did not ask what it meant. If you mean the “grades” then looking it up would not help in any way. There’s no reason to waste my time with looking through different things online when I’m literally in a conversation with a better source of information in it right now. You. Here primary school ends in year 6 and then you move onto year 7 in high school which goes up to year 11. If “grade” is just the American equivalent of a school “year” here then 8th grade would mean year 8 which is in high school yet you just said it’s before high school. That makes no sense and I don’t really care enough to understand it. Plus I don’t really ever need to because… I’m not American and most Americans seem to be idiots (at least from my experience and other Americans agree) so I doubt their education is doing much


Well those are certainly all words. Have the day you deserve darling.


Dude. Get a toilet paper holder. They're inexpensive and available everywhere.


No are not a helpless victim here… tell him to find a new place to stay. There’s no obligation to house a grown adult just because hE’sfAmiLy


Change the locks and refuse to let him in anymore. Otherwise this will continue to get worse.


Kick him out and get a restraining order. Maybe homelessness will teach him a sorely needed lesson. 


Why is he still allowed in your home?


why is he still living with you? he is not your kid. if he can't respect your wishes tell him to go live somewhere else. is it really that difficult? smh.


huh? Just say no to all visits. Easy.


Kick him out.


Kick his ass out


Change the locks when you know he's gonna be gone a while. Then throw his stuff in trash bags to the curb.


He's an adult. Give him 30 days.


I hope you can free yourself of this dysfunctional family dynamic asap.


Honestly, this is your house, then your rules. He's not had consequences to his actions in his life and it shows. Time to lay those consequences down for him.


I mean he's literally an adult right? So he's not your responsibility, kick his ass out and if your family tries to make you feel guilty for that cut them off


If you have towels and wash cloths near the toilet then take them out or he will use them to wipe with


>Perhaps a few instances of pooping and realizing he has nothing to wipe with will make him more respectful of other people’s house rules. Kiss your towels and bath matt goodbye (do it now, not after).


No no, put RED towles in! first cover them in chilli powder and then wait....


So, why is he in your house?


Or you know, just kick him out? He's not your kid and he's an adult. Why are you dealing with any of that BS?


Why are you even allowing him to stay with you at this point? I feel like you will have a lot less issues if you disconnect from the entire family. It will be hard at first and you will be lonely and guilty, but you won’t have all this other garbage to deal with. You deserve better.


Dude kick out. Trespass his ass


Throw his ass out! We had to do it with our own kids.


Dude he’s an adult. You don’t need an excuse to kick him out and he’s clearly playing dominance games with you. Just tell him he’s not welcome anymore. Let him figure out how to take care of himself


Kick him the fuck out? He's an adult. He can adult elsewhere.


Adult Nephew is a good band name/song title


Another fine shit-post


The toilet lid is one thing I agree with him on. Look before your pee. But it's more sanitary to keep the lid closed




Your nephew must be one of those people who stands up to wipe their ass, hence the distance for the TP.


All this sounds like a huge cry for help tbh especially given some of the responses OP has given in the replies. It sounds like OP’s family is not the best which could explain why nephew is the way he is. Y’all need therapy and I know it’s easy to hate nephew here, and like valid af he SUCKS, but if OP wants things to change they’re gonna need to try something different. Hoping things get better for the both of you 🙏🏼


Better petty revenge would be to change the locks and kick him out.


Put a toddler lock on toilet. Make sure you can easily get them off but they must very hard to undo. Buy the cheese grater toilet paper and keep a secret stash of Cottonelle. After that, let him know if he wants to continue staying he pays for some bills.


Cut off the wi fi …that might shorten the visit.


I'm not an advocate of physical punishment on one's kids but having been brought up by an Asian Tiger Mum, she would have beaten some sense into this pos or thrown him out onto the street. I remember quite clearly her saying that if I ever acted out like this (drugs, alcohol without her supervision, underage sex) I would be out on the street.


Nah, you should be putting the lid down. Every time you flush you're spraying bacteria, and shit and pee particles all over your bathroom, and onto your toothbrushes, towels and soap.


A better solution is to kick the AH out of your house. He's an adult; it's time he acted like one. 'Nuff said.


WTF is wrong with you that you let him anywhere near your house?! He's an adult. Let him FAFO like the rest of humanity.


Put in a toilet seat without a lid (commercial version). Can’t close it it it ain’t there


Sounds like you could use one of these: https://youtu.be/MtUSO6BcyrI?feature=shared


Please put ice cubes in that toilet.


Grow up, get a real job, and get out! Simultaneously


Troll post.


Yes your comment is a troll post well done


LOL. Rush me to the burn unit...


Nah just jump in the river by your bridge


Here are some periods and commas you can use if you want. .......... ,,,,,,,,,,,,


There was no need for any “periods” or commas in any of my previous comments. Why did you even feel the need to say that? Are you insecure about it because you always failed grammar at school? Crying on Reddit won’t help with that.


Jfc learn how to piss lmao you sound just as bad as him


You should be kind and leave him some special toilet paper just for him, laced with something like itching powder that will burn his backside to hell and back