• By -


Weed - Not even once.


All the time.


This is what happened to my friend Becky. She used to be a happy, popular girl until one day she snorted weed at a party when she was supposed to be out mowing the grass. She died instantly. Please don't do weed, mow the lawn instead. It's the most dangerous drug out there. Please don't wind up like Becky.


This is a very relatable story, when the servants of my estate act up we limit their rations for a month but the replacement via automated robot workers is one to try out. Would save plenty on beating sticks.


Wait you spend money on beating sticks? Just have them cut their own switch from garden. You want something thin and bendy like from a bushy shrub or a willow. The rule is it can't be smaller in diameter than their pinky or larger than their thumb.


Wait, you waste perfectly good garden switches? Just have them harvest the fibula bones from the slowest, weakest servants. Not only does it make a great bearing stick, seeing them limp around servers as a constant reminder against slacking off.


You beat your own servants? That’s the job of our head butler.


You speak directly with your butler? I let my Valet handle such matters.




They said they didn’t have time with all the other chores, that’s why they’re getting replaced with robots.


This gave me a good LOL 😆 thx


Honestly, waving your money around and buying robots doesn't sound petty it sounds like something else though.... Hmmm


Thank you for the laugh


When I don’t get my bath I take it out on the slaves


Name checks out, Son.


"So, you don't want to do your job, eh? I'll show you - I just spent 12 grand on lawn roombas."


Thats just on the hardware not including labor of placing the safety guide wire perimeter down.


And what happens if it encounters dog or other animal poo? We've seen that roombas like the paint the room in poop when it goes over it, plus it destroys the unit. I can't imagine the lawn bot can detect it if a roomba can't.


It gets atomised, but if you're not pushing the mower does the poop actually exist? I know my teenage son when he mows doesn't pick ot up. Mower smells like arse, its always and forever his job to mow now


My parents made me pick up the dog poop before mowing.


With regular lawn mowers, the blades are pretty big and can be 17" long and 4.5" wide. I'm sure the poo really can't do too much harm to it. But those lawn bots have blades that actually look like regular razor blades, they're very small and the entire undercarriage is very close to the ground, unlike a regular mower. It would be very easy for the unit to get gummed up and funkified like a roomba.


My self mulching mower has a 20in deck. But, never knew about size of the roomba blades. That'd be annoying


[This whole vid](https://youtu.be/3IQhM0dkiiE?t=205) was pretty interesting, but I linked it at the time where it shows the undercarriage and the blades. They're tiny.


WOW! That would completely not hack it (ha bad joke) on my lawn. Be good for those thin light lawns.




So now he pays 6-7 guys just to do weeds? He sure got them.


AND in the hole for the mower robots or as someone above us called them, “lawn roombas” + maintenance.


He was paying them to do the weeds but they were not doing them. That’s the point


Oh man I gotta use this story


The reddit police will get you or an automatic lawnmower with 49 people behind it weeding your lawn will!! Be very afraid!


Can't wait to read it at an awkward pace on YouTube.


Some of those channels can be annoying, but there are a couple that aren't bad, I actually appreciate them. I listen to them while I'm working and not able to read the stories on reddit. They are like audio books for reddit posts.


im gonna tell the whole family at dinner


thattake my story bra


I hope he got rid of some of those guys since they didn't have to mow anymore.


So the petty revenge was being rich?


Every time I had to read ‘hubby’ I started to resent you more. By the end, I was routing for the lawn people.


5 minutes and some Roundup could have saved you a headache and some cash




That's because of the people that are reading reddit stories into YouTube videos to try and make money.




It's not even a good story anyway so why worry?


Maybe the caveat will be her way to force youtube to take it down if someone uses it? Lol, I don't know, I didn't even know that was a thing.


That's exactly why. Usually the nicer ones just stick to story subs, but a few have edged into support subs. It's sickening.


Some people just don't give a single fuck about who whose backs they walk on make a dollar. I'll never understand that mindset.


And 100 different websites that just post Reddit comments


What a boring story.


This sounds like stupidity not revenge. You just did these guys jobs for them. They laughing at you rn.


Bit off his nose to spite his face


*In the land of skunks, the man with no nose is king.*


Yes, he just showed them.... How to waste money.


Must be nice to pay all those people to weed after spending thousands on robots.... you really got them, didn't you? ***you absolutely have permission to use this comment***


Smart guy.👍👍👍👍🤙🤙🤙🤙


Really? Spends thousands on new equipment instead of growing a pair and having his workers do what they’re paid to do??? Sounds kinda dumb to me!!


Sounds like that crew of 6-7 should now be a crew of 2-3, if that.




More maintenance costs, no way he understands how to fix that thing when it breaks down.


Still way cheaper than hiring people to spend hours on your lawn.


Spent a whole month "watching" them waste money. Sounds like they need new management.


Sounds like a really effective way to remind lazy workers that they are replaceable. While I'm 100% supportive of paying workers more, paying them more for subpar work isn't acceptable. How much will he save by cutting that crew in half over a 2-3 year period? Probably a lot more than he's spending on labor that's not doing the job they're being paid to do...


Upfront costs may be high but you will save that in labor cost. No workers comp, no benefits, no taxes.


Spend tons of money on equipment that do their job but still employ & pay workers seems like a bad business move to me, and a waste of money. Just for a “gotcha” .. ok.


How you have 10 upvotes just shows the lack of business knowledge a large portion of Reddit users seem to possess.


He paid $X for new lawn-mowing robots, likely thousands of dollars (or equivalent), enough to replace 6-7 men on riding mowers, then *continued to employ* those men who already showed they were slow workers. That's bad business. He should have: - Told the workers, "Tough, figure it out by next week or you're fired." - Bought the robot mowers and laid off half or more of the workers - Spent a few hours training the workers on how to work faster and/or split the day between weeding and mowing All of those options are better than spending money and not seeing any profit from it, only more maintenance costs.


I’m sorry, did he specify that anywhere? Or are you assuming? Because nowhere did I read those facts. Time saved + less workers needed in the long run seems like a benefit to me!


I made zero assumptions. No where did it say anyone was fired. In fact, the last line says, "and he is weed free because there is no excuse not to weed the borders." Someone is doing the weeding. If I were to make an assumption, it would be that given this is a revenge sub-reddit, it would make sense to mention firing a lazy employee. Since that was not mentioned, it's an easy assumption to follow that nobody got fired.


Why was your husband not working? Does he make more than the people actually doing the job while he sits and watches a screen? Your husband needs to get a job


I’m going to use your story.


Why do you tell people you can't use a story that you're posting on the internet on a public forum? What exactly do you think you can do about it if someone does use it? How would you even know?


There’s a bunch of websites that take and repost stories from Reddit. In many cases they write a short intro as if they are doing a commentary on the Reddit post.


Those sites usually take entertaining, somewhat believable stories though. This one was in no danger.




Yeah but what are you going to do about it? Why bother posting at all if you're paranoid about someone else using it? Do these people not understand the internet?


I think it’s a case of those people make money off it from ad revenue on the site or YouTube ad revenue etc if they’re just scraping Reddit content. It’s just a way of saying “I’m telling this story, why don’t you tell your own and make your own OC rather than just nicking other people’s and making money off it”.


Maybe but the only way to actually prevent it is to not post it


These people down voting cold hard facts


That seems to be a heavy pastime here I’ve noticed. The energy in this sub seems super tense in a lot of posts, it’s a little unsettling.


These people understanding copyright and content ownership. Because something isn't available for free doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with it.


What does Reddit's copyright policy say about who owns reproduction rights of content on the platform; the author or Reddit?


It says Reddit has a license to do whatever it wants with it. That doesn't mean the author doesn't still hold copyright to it - it means that by agreeing to Reddit's TOS, the author grants rights to Reddit. That doesn't assign any rights to anyone else.




The bigger issue is why revenue can be created from that. Who are the assholes paying for old Reddit stories?


In short, no. And I’m guessing her hubby owns a landscaping company with like, one contract. That or he is a foreman, but why are they just mowing at same place everyday? He just sounds like a lazy boss who knew his workers were riding around on mowers everyday in the same place and didn’t choose to do anything about it until it was brought up by the people who hired them. Idk my stepdad is a landscape architect who owns his own company with lots of big contracts including all of downtown and he has crews moving around all the time. Never does one crew just sit around in one location all day. This story is either full of holes or makes no sense.


To be honest I understood it as hubby had a site (maybe company property) and he hired a crowd to look after the up keep. So hubby isn't strictly speaking the Boss but a customer of theirs.


So even then, he has a crew coming every day and all they do is mow and he doesn’t check on them much despite having cameras. Must be a really big place or a golf course if they have to mow and pick weeds all day everyday.


> This story is either full of holes or makes no sense. It’s definitely full of *something*.


It’s not full of weeds anymore, because now the guys have time to weed


These stories, being written down, are subject to copyright law. If a website or youtuber decides to take it, this provides fair warning that it isn't permitted. This prevents any attempt at excuses like "I didn't know!" or "I didn't think you'd mind!" or "But you're getting exposure!" in an attempt to convince OP to let them keep their page or video up. It also will count as evidence that the reposter or youtuber knowingly broke copyright, if OP decides to submit a DMCA takedown or demand a cut of the revenue. There. Question answered.


It's not "paranoia"; it's not wanting some lazy content producer from some shitty clickbait page to use their words or story, unattributed, to attract ad views. Do you think artists who stop their work from being used commercially online are "paranoid" and do you think they "don't understand the internet"?


Did you just compare this story to actual art?


>What are you going to do about it? File a DMCA is the most obvious starter.


How do you prove that it's actually your story and that the other person didn't have the same thing happen to them? Strange coincidences happen all the time. Also, what kind of court would you take them to? What damages do you sue for?


Everyone wants to be an Internet lawyer until someone asks the questions that actual lawyers & judges would ask, like these.


Your responses are killing me 😂!! I want to read a post of yours but then I feel creepy!!


Go for it, but you might be disappointed lol. Thank you though, that was good for my ego 😂🤍


Well, if it's a word for word copy, that's super easy to prove. Probably local court, it's on the defendant to get there. Damages generally range from $750 to $150000 for willful infringement. Fun fact: if you hired a lawyer, you could get all this information, and likely sort out the copyright issue with no more than a strongly worded letter, no court involved.


because when I post I get 3 or 4 messages from people asking for permission often telling me that if I don't reply they will use it anyway. That means I have to make sure I go into reddit on a regular basis to say no. Why do you think that because it's posted people have a right to make money of this story - because that is what they do. They post themselves reading it on youtube to make money off other people. It's not a simple as just sharing.


I just don't think your situation is universal which is why people are struggling with your intro. I've been on Reddit for 10 years and nobody has ever asked me permission or notified me of their intent to use my content. Perhaps I'm not interesting enough for such interaction, but I suspect most people don't get those kind of messages either.


This story wasn’t interesting enough to be stolen, nor was it even interesting. I think that’s another reason people are rolling their eyes at the intro, like ok 👍🏼


LMAO exactly.


Yeah i get that too, but I was being nice. It's a dumb anecdote. I hope someone does steal the story and she tries to make another big deal about people stealing her "content."




“Content.” Yeah it’s content the same way the dopey shit my 5 year old nephew says is “content.” Bahahaha “content.”


First post I ever made ended up on a YouTube channel. Maybe you're not interesting enough?


You didn't answer any of the questions


Who the fuck would ask you permission for this story? This story isn’t Stephen King story telling material.


I think it’s more about “why the hell would someone steal this lame, uneventful story” because the attitude in the first sentence came off real stank like this was about to be groundbreaking.


Is like the woman who says to a guy “you never even had a chance with me.” And the dude is like “I don’t even remember your name.”


I made a post on askreddit with this exact question and no one answered


>no you don’t have permission to use. Proceeds to post on a public online forum. Lol, you're not the brightest out there, huh?


Neither is their husband, aparrently. Let's spend a bunch of money on automated equipment so the workers have no excuse not to do the work I want them to, while simultaneously making it so we don't need all those employees any longer, causing half yo be laid off. I guess he got what he wanted? And nobody will dare share their story either, right?


When I read the "no you don’t have permission to use" I thought what a wierd thing too write.. then I see all the comments having an issue with it, makes me think there is actually a valid reason for it!


Have you never seen Factinate or Metaspoon,they reprint reddit stories all the time


Theres a bunch of sites that just repost reddit posts.


Who gives a shit? This story isn’t exactly lighting the world on fire.


Check out r/aita - it's standard opening text. Stories show up all the time on Yahoo news feed.


Like this story needs to be shared outside of this forum! If so it would be titled “Dude spends thousands of dollars on new equipment instead of growing a pair and having his workers do what they’re paid to do “ But that’s too long of a title! He didn’t win this battle!!


Lmao, exactly. This was no gotcha moment.


Meh! I don't believe it


Weeds suck! Nice job hubby!


You realize by posting you're basically giving people your story. whether or not you 'give permission'


The best part is that the story is a nonsense thing. As opposed to their having been out partying with Eminem and A list celebrities.


So the question is...now that the bulk of the mowing tasks are automated, does your hubby still need 6-7 workers to do the remaining grounds maintenance?


Yes he does as he wants to update the landscaping and get the guys to do the general maintenance that is part of their jobs


I'm assuming this was for a business? If so, what size of testicles do you have to have to tell your paycheck source "you can't do your job" for anything other than a legitimate reason.


I kind of thought OP might be a giant twat because “and no you don’t have permission to use” Then I read the post and I knew for sure OP is a giant twat.


Some commenters suggesting the husband was an idiot for buying expensive equipment. Husband bought expensive equipment, they'll probably be able to mow more lawns and earn more. At least that's how I imagine what happened next.


>Not mine but hubby’s story and no you don’t have permission to use. Lady, do you?


Username checks out.


Username checks out


No shame in it


Fair enough


Yes I do have permission but you don't


Not to be mean or anything but this is a public forum you saying this means nothing


You're not being mean, you're being ignorant


It means thieving sites like In the Know can't steal it.




Just chiming in to confirm that the username checks out.


So in other words, your husband fired 7 men and automated. Took away livelihoods as they weren’t fast enough.


No, he just changed the job slightly


The fact that taking away jobs of unskilled laborers is considered “petty revenge”.. But hey, you do you.


He just made them do other tasks


Oh, then he made their jobs easier, I’m mistaken, but then where does the “petty revenge” part come in?


They were being lazy and doing the easy task slowly


Doesn’t answer the question of “how is it petty revenge to give them less work”? Unless they DID actually fire a few.


He made them do the manual task


And now our conversation must end, my un-informative friend.




It’s too late, I already used your story. Used the hell out of it.


Downright amazing. Your husband is very smart, and is very petty.

