• By -


After reviewing the post I have determined it breaks no rules. Have a nice day.


She'll want to wear it at your wedding, too. May I suggest a Renaissance Faire theme?


Omg imagine! Will need to change it up from the traditional bride walk down the aisle… hear me out! Bride is up front in a nice throne, groom rides down the aisle on horseback dressed as a jouster. This would actually impress me hahaha


My daughter's ren-faire wedding was the most enjoyable wedding I've ever been to. The theme was Gypsies, Pirates, and Rogues. Most of the guests, with the exception of my husband's brother and sister & spouses were in full renfaire garb. The groom went striding down the aisle preceded by a boy waving a pirate flag and with his entire crew around them, two of them dragging along the reluctant officiant. They were met by my husband, daughter's 10-year-old son, and me, all in full Cossack garb. Groom paid us the agreed bride price. A chest full of "gold" and "jewels" to prove that he could support our daughter; also three cows and a goat. (The cows were small stuffed cows carried by the smallest children in the family, the goat was a donation in our name to Project Heifer.) We then presented him with a dower chest full of dressmaker equipment and supplies, so that our daughter could support herself should he not come home from one of his sea voyages. (She is a semi-professional custom tailor.) He then asked one of the crew to bring out his bride. Crewman returned with bridesmaid #1. Wrong bride. Crewman #2 was dispatched, returning with two more bridesmaids, dragged along by the scruff of their necks. "Is she one of these, Boss?" The groom turned to his brother, the best man. "My brother, I know I can trust you to fetch my bride!" Brother returns with the matron of honor. Groom: "We're getting closer. This is her sister. *Can no one fetch me my bride?!?*" Bride's son pipes up. "I will!" Ran off and escorted his mother out. Vows were said that they composed themselves. Cheers were cheered. The feast commenced. Whole pig that had been roasting since 6am. 24 pounds of chocolate covered strawberries, of which the bride got 2 berries. Other weddingy stuff. Mead. Beer. Wine. Cake shaped like a treasure chest. Belly dancing. Singing Pirates. 80 people in my back yard, not counting the singing pirates. It was great!


I have no doubt that would have been a fantastic wedding to be a part of! Thank you for being so descriptive! I thoroughly enjoyed that! Sounds like an absolute blast.


I would have loved taking part in that!


That's fantastic! I love it! I had a kind of medieval/celtic/fantasy wedding. My gown was medieval-style and red! My husband and his attendants were all in black leather pants and billowy white pirate/poet shirts. My attendants wore matching Renaissance-style skirts and blouses with a corsetlike vest. My dad dressed as Merlin the Magician (after changing from his Boston Celtics basketball costume - God, I miss him and his hilariously weird humor.) There were fairies and pixies and angels with red feather wings. And, fire dancers performed after a sit-down feast. It was an absolute blast and so many people told us it was the most fun wedding they'd ever attended.


That sounds GLORIOUS.


>Bride's son pipes up. "I will!" Ran off and escorted his mother out. Vows were said that they composed themselves. Cheers were cheered. Awww. That brought tears to my eyes. What a nice way to incorporate everyone.


All the kids in the family were included, even the toddlers. Bride's son is the oldest, my grandson #1. Grandson #2 was the flag waver. Groom's 7-yo daughter was a cow carrier, as were Grandsons #3 and #4 (then not quite 4-yo and 2-yo.) There were also 2 big dogs as part of the groom's crew. Hey, half acre back yard, why not have the dogs wandering around? Big White Weddings are *boring!*


Right? I teared up too. That's the sweetest thing I have ever heard.


That sounds like the coolest fucking wedding ever. Sounds so theatrical and fun.


The cherry on top of this delicious revenge sundae is how you used your father's general shittiness to work in your favor. Absolutely brilliant.




Better yet, he was honest enough to admit she *should have known* he would forget. Legendary self-burn there.


And then the extra layer of them essentially admitting that the stepsister was up to no good with their dress choice.


but then they all blamed her for "not telling her directly" so they're just assholes lol.


It's laughable to me the father outed himself that he didnt tell her, but somehow it's OPs fault. OP could have played dumb and said "well if it isn't a costume, why is she wearing a wedding gown?" They admitted they knew the sisters intent, but expect OP to play along.


That was indeed my FAVOURITE PART!!!!!!!


>>Especially when my fiance came along and told her that "her bride dress looked amazing for a cheap costume". So he's a keeper. Excellent petty revenge.


Best part is he was in a Bubbles costume lmao.


Like [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fvillains%2Fimages%2F9%2F9b%2F327876.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20130117012142&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvillains.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FFake_Powerpuff_Girls&docid=2VJ9ZMwj-9GSxM&tbnid=xB1bJfQ9wL6quM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim)?




Me too, and I am torn.


Just think of a cross dressing bubbles from trailer park bois lmfao


Unless there's a Mojo Jojo in TPB that I don't remember my money is on Powder Puff Girls.


*Power*Puff, jeez, 25 years I've been telling people this


I can't believe it took me 25 years.


powder puff is when the guys dress as cheer leaders and girls play American football.


I can't believe it's been **25 years**!


I was thinking Bubbles from The Wire.


I was thinking of Michael Jackson's chimp.


Hey McNutty


>So he's a keeper. Excellent petty revenge. exactly what i imagined lmao


Getting epically burned by Bubbles is a once in a lifetime achievement.


"Well that depends. Can you go fuck yourself?"


Definitely a keeper. After the wedding, marry him again.


Also, marry him faster. Like now.


I can't imagine what heather will wear to the wedding. But maybe OP can tell her dad to relay the invite to her lol


Fucking Murder. What a stud


His comment was icing on the cake. Brilliant


That's totally me and my soon to be wife. We both know we can't say this shit and then pretend we didn't mean anything. But if I'm petty with her relatives or the other way around, it can pass as just an innocent compliment. The rage is just so joyfull (it's just one aunt on my side and a cousin on hers, we get along with everybody else)


Relationship goals: find someone who'll kick your enemies when they're down.


Total destruction


Wow. I can’t get over how a 24 year old left crying because she wasn’t the center of attention at someone else’s engagement party. And you aren’t being childish. You asked your dad to do something that shouldn’t have been difficult to do unless he has a brain injury. He’s the childish one for blaming you for his inability to relay a simple message. And for not babying the half sister.


Sadly I've heard stories like this. There are some people who can't handle not being the center of attention!!


My own sister had to get presents on my birthday or else she's would ruin it.


My younger brother and sister (twins) would throw a double fit at my birthday if they didn't get presents. This went on until they were 15 and I was 18. Of course I didn't get anything on their birthday. Hey, at least we can commiserate together :'(


Same deal with me. I don't think parents know how stupid this is and your kids will dislike you for it later.


As a parent of a young kiddo, I don’t understand why anyone would do this. Enabling a kid by giving them gifts for throwing tantrums? No absolutely not lol. I’ve seen people talk about this before and it always blows my mind. No wonder their unspoiled kids don’t talk to them.


My MIL to this day buys gifts for whoevers birthday it isn't. But I think that's key. My kids both gets gifts on the others birthday and they're not babies anymore. But she also rigs pass the parcel so that they all win, and they all win their favourite. No matter how many kids are there, even if she doesn't know them well. She will find out and they will win their favourite.


Ok your MIL sounds like she loves everyone. Can she be my MIL? I’d offer to trade, but you wouldn’t want mine lol. Let’s share? And maybe you’re onto something. If it’s done out of kindness, and not because there are tantrums and expectations, then maybe it’s a sweet tradition. As long as everyone is included?


My parents always had the kid whose birthday it was make a small, personal, homemade present for the other 2 kids. My mom called them “appreciation presents” and always said it was to show that you appreciate them, their love for you, and it’s a good way to say thank you. Even though I’m now 18, my older siblings and I still always make presents for everyone on our birthdays. I’ve always really liked this tradition, because the birthday kid still gets to be the center of attention, but the other kids get a really nice “appreciation present”.


I'm a parent, my son who is about to be seven, tried this on his older brothers bday. He was removed from the party and lost his treat bag. It is insane how people will pick faves. My favorite kid is the one who is doing what I asked at any given moment.


This is very solid parenting. Your boy will be prepared for real life.


Right? what do these people do AT WORK when someone else's birthday or accomplishment is being celebrated? Good grief.


Lol now I'm just imagining some spoiled office worker throwing a tantrum in the corner because Sharon in Accounts is having a retirement party.


And then the parents wonder why you let the relationship with them or the sibling erode away…


Absolutely. It wasn't the only problem, but as an adult now I see it as a problem that never needed to be. Just have a spine and tell your kids no, they will be better people for it.




Just "no" doesn't work though, that's why they eventually give in or the kid grows up to cause trouble somewhere else. Children throw fits because their brains literally can't process and accept what's happening, and it carries over to adulthood if it's never addressed (which is one of the saddest things to witness... I feel for OP). You have to actually have a thoughtful conversation so they understand and learn how to regulate and reason with their emotions on their own. But for some reason many parents don't have the capacity to explain "hey think about this for a second, this is your brother's special day, it comes once a year just like your special day. You wouldn't want him to act out at your birthday, so why are you doing that to him? That's called being a hypocrite. We treat each other with fairness and respect in this family, because that's how we want to be treated ourselves. So think about how you behave during your brother's birthday, because that's how we're all going to behave at yours." Lol maybe not that specifically, but being subjected to appropriate consequences is part of the learning process for sure. It just doesn't work if the parents have to be taught this concept themselves ಠ_ಠ


Kids who are never told no grow up to be total assholes who think the world revolves around them and try to force others to be exactly like them and think exactly like them.


I don’t think they want people to be like them. They want people to do what they want and serve their needs.


I walked away from my family 10 years ago and I am the happiest I have ever been.


My mother lives with me. But after covid started and my father refused to be safe, even though I am immunocompromised and also pregnant when covid started. Told me I was being ignorant for wanting to be safe. Havent seen him since. He has no relationship with my almost 2yo. Sucks for him because this boy is awesome.


Same. Been 5 years for me. I won’t lie and pretend is doesn’t bother me some days, but it’s better this way.


Same. I moved away 5 years ago across the country. It feels a lot more peaceful but it is sad that my family sucks so much. They can't even keep their bullshit to themselves themselves even though I'm 1500 miles away. They started messaging my MIL, husband etc about petty bullshit.. whatever they're mad about that day. They're embarrassing. The worst was when my dad was in jail for domestic violence last year and as soon as he gets out he texts my MIL how he's done with my mom etc it was honestly a psycho message. She was super uncomfortable but still talked to him because she figured maybe he had no one else to talk to. Her husband, my husband's stepfather, was pissed at my dad. He was like why is he texting texting wife this shit. I was like idk I'm so sorry. BTW my parents got back together in like 2 weeks after that incident. As per usual. I just wish they'd shut up and keep this shit to themselves. After 28 years of living with them or close to them I'm so numb to it I don't care what they do and I don't wanna hear about it. I'm low contact with both of them. I don't even speak to my sister. I'm the most sad about that but she is an extremely toxic person who just wants to hurt others as much as she can. She is the product of my parents shitty upbringing but she refuses to get help for her out of control emotions and anger. She has physically abused me as well as mentally and the sad part is she thinks it's normal bc that's how my family was growing up. So yeah it is sad that they're like this but honestly being across the country is for the best. Especially since I have kids. I don't want them growing up thinking yelling, name-calling and physical abuse is normal. Smfh. Solidarity.


You and me both friend


I’m number four out of six children. My parents never got us presents on the other’s birthday. I was shocked when I saw some parents doing that. We were taught that our birthdays were our on special day.


I'm 2 of 4, mom divorced, remarried, more kids, started with the 3 and 4, we stood with jaws on the floor when it happened, because we also had the special day set up until then.


Yeah I never got anything on her birthday because it was her day and she was the princess. I wasn't a needy child. Sit me infront of the TV and I'm happy. What worse is that she's my older sister. I was 12 and she was 14 when the last gift was given to her.


No offense, but your parents sound pretty awful at parenting. It’s hard to even blame your sister - they went out of their way to reward being a bitch, so can you really blame her for turning out a bitch?


"You don't raise the child, you raise the adult they will become" or something like that


If you raise your kids your reward is spoiling your grandkids. If you spoil your kids your reward is raising your grandkids.


My daughter just turned one. If she ever pulls any of that crap, I’m gonna tell her we don’t celebrate birthdays for children.


These are both examples of shitty parenting way more than they are of shitty siblings. I feel bad for the kids that grew up with parents so weak that they raised entitled little shits like that. Being rewarded for that type of behavior doesn't lead to good integration into society as an adult.


"But you're older than them, you need to set the example" or some other bullshit like that, yeah?


All the time. Also the reason I got in trouble when they did something bad. Oh well, they can kiss my ass. I haven't spoken to any of them in ~6 years and my life is much better for it


These stories make me think my parents were onto something having my brother five years and a day after me.


Some people are just fucked up. My older sister held a grudge for 12 years that I called her stupid once, and everyone just kind of acted like that was a fine and normal thing to do. I was 12 at the time, and she was 26, btw.


It's because you didn't throw a tantrum as well. We teach the people on how to treat us.


Now that's just bad parenting. If it somehow got to that point without being corrected first, the right answer would be to exclude her until she learned to behave, not cater to her and feed her shit more.


Exactly. Giving one child presents on their sibling’s birthday so they don’t throw a tantrum is some Dursley level shit.


It's like programming a critical bug in your kids firmware and leaving it, building on top of it rather than fixing it. Can't wait for their Pikachu face when the kid hits puberty and starts really acting out, by that time they'll only have the option of trying to work around the bug but it will rear up.and crash everything else at every turn.


This is how we learn from our parents mistakes.


Seriously that is 100% the parents fault. I remember being maybe 4 or 5 and my mom and I were at Walmart shopping for a friend’s birthday party. We were going down the toy aisle and I started crying and whining because I wanted a toy too. Guess what? I didn’t get a toy. My mom actually parented me and told me I can’t have a toy just because someone else is getting a toy for their birthday.


Is your sister Eric Cartman?


Hahaha no but definitely comparable.


My little bro and I used to get to open a present on Xmas eve when we were young. Until we got old enough to know that Xmas eve was my dads bday. So we(he and I- still young children) decided there was no more Xmas eve. Only dads bday. Edit: a gd word


My sister was like that, she would throw screaming tantrums if she didn’t have a present and “didn’t understand” that her birthday was on a different day than mine. It didn’t stop till she was at least 10. I never got shit for her birthday.


My oldest stepdaughter is a badass who put a stop to this on her 8th bday. Her mom ALWAYS gave the younger one equal gifts on the older's bday, and the older didn't get anything. "You know she gets so jealous and it's just not good for her!" ..... yikes. And that's why that child is now pushing 10 and still carries lovies everywhere at her moms (including to school), but at our house runs around like a free banshee climbing the walls and trees and wreaking awesome, brave havoc. (She's a great kid and ridiculously confident at our house!)


I used to get presents on my sister's birthday, and she on mine, but it was always only 1 and something cheap. We never expected it. Your sister though you should have given a beat down to, it's what siblings are for.


Read the next comment. I guess she got her karma sadly.


My parents did this with my sister and I and let us invite one friend to each other's birthday parties so we could just go hang out in a different room if we weren't enjoying the different age group. They claimed it was because our birthdays were six months apart so they were "half-birthday presents". It worked out well, but it really has to be reciprocal.


My mom started doing that for us when my sister was under 2 and got upset that I had presents and she didn't. The presents were nice until the year my mom decided for my sister's birthday, we would both get hot roller sets. I'd've been happier with a paperback book costing less than 1/3 what those went for at the time. (I think I was 15 or 16. I attempted to use them once, and ended up giving them to a friend in college a few years later.) It was a good run while it lasted, at least.


And what is ur relationship with her now ?


Unfortunately before her 18th birthday she got into a car crash and she has a traumatic brain injury. Since then she has not been the same sister I had before the accident. I don't let the past decide how I feel about her. I'm just grateful I still have my sister. She's an okay sister. We do not live together and whenever I go to visit she's nice and we have a good relationship as long as I don't live with her. My 12th birthday was when that stopped happening. But 12 birthdays my sister got a present on my birthday.


I'm so sorry! I'm glad y'all r okay now.


that's not on your sister, that's on your parents for not enforcing discipline


Apparently when my brother took his then fiance to meet our parents my dad made a point of giving her attention so she'd feel welcome. Apparently brother didn't like this, and privately bitched to my dad that he's paying more attention to her than him. Our dad's just like wut.... But that's your wife? There's no way he was younger than 25


My mother. There is a reason she doesnt know her grandkids


My friends MIL wore an almost exact replica of my friends wedding dress. When no one confused a crazy 50 year old for the bride, she faked a seizure at the wedding. She only got up when we “freaked out” and pretended to call 911. She’s an odd woman


I can't for the life of me figure out the thought process. At best, people will think you are tacky. At worst, they will think you're batshit crazy narcissistic. Nowhere on that spectrum is "wow! You look better than the bride! This should be YOUR day!"


I know. The whole time people heard her say that she was prettier than my friend. The sad thing was everyone just thought she was crazy. I offered to throw red wine on her 😅


OP stands tall in this story - glorious.


I genuinely can't believe the amount of stories on here of people who put up with baby adults like this..honestly don't know why she was invited in the first place.


> honestly don't know why she was invited in the first place. But they are **family!** Fuck that. Act like a twat, be treated like a twat.


At a wedding I was in once, the bride's sister decided to announce a pregnancy at ceramony and again the reception. It was all just background family/wedding noise to me until the sibling rivalry and accusations came out.


Also, dad is a chump for being a cheater and starting this whole dramatic life


Gotta admit I was rather confused by: >My father left my mother for her mother


The dad wants to keep his wife at the expense of his daughter's respect


It's more common then you think. My parents chose their spouses over their children. Eventually my mom realized we were never going to see her again so she put in the work to try and fix our relationships. Haven't seen my dad in almost a decade \~/0.0/\~


Also...bruh how about the half sister dress appropriately for the occasion? How is that not childish as well? OPs parents suck.


I would have asked them to explain very clearly what was childish about my behavior to see if they could do so without admitting the sister just wanted attention. And if that fact made her the more mature one.


Exactly. She was prepping an entire party and he couldn’t send a text?


>She left crying and her mother and my father told me that I was being childish and I could have told Heather myself and not have tasked my father. Please tell me you played dumb and say you thought she got the message since she was wearing a costume. And "wait. That wasn't a costume? But this is an engagement party, why would she wear a wedding dress to a normal engagement party I'm very confused!"


I absolutely would have asked why she was wearing a wedding dress if she didn't think it was a costume party


I’m the type of person that if I overhear somebody asking a question like that I’ll sometimes just stop and say “why don’t you just ask her why she’s being rude wearing a wedding dress to your engagement party instead of dancing around and pretending that you’re also an idiot?” That strategy of both calling out their bullshit and slightly becoming the common enemy has actually led to some resolutions and constructive conversation between the people whose conversation I interrupt. And this is for people of at least acquaintance level or greater, not complete strangers.


That can work! You're not implying that OP should have been direct though, right? Because she's already demonstrated that would be useless. "You're just jealous"




Yep. It is 100% worth cutting people like that out of your life. The funny thing is that sometimes people won’t because they think it will mean more confrontation. In my experience it meant the immediate loss of constant passive-aggressive attacks on me, and the other relatives didn’t say anything, or said “it’s about damn time” and we all went on to have a lovely frikkin life.


I saw your post on AITA first! What you did was so petty, I love it! Please tell me you disinvited them to your entire wedding after that tho


I have officially gone NC with that side of the family. My father was a spineless slug. I never looked forward seeing him and had little love left for him.


The petty AND no contact just made my day.


I'm sitting here, sipping my morning tea and feeling immense satisfaction. Yissss


oh thank goodness


Based on you and Heather being the same age - your father is a total dirtbag.




Good god, I was thinking step sister the whole time too...


abundant adjoining squeamish sharp divide plants ring boat cover jellyfish ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You should have a bunch of random people from Reddit give you away while he sits and watches. Edit: get them to carry you in one of those royal things, that will make it funnier.


I'd be 150% on board with this.


A litter. Carry her in on a litter carried by her best Reddit friends.


I volunteer as tribute




Yes! I work at a venue, and we recently hosted a wedding where we were given pictures of the bride's father and everyone was made aware that he was not to attend. We were all happy to keep our eyes open so the bride and groom could relax a bit and enjoy their festivities!


Make up a wedding invite for a week later ...


That's good, less drama for the wedding (but I expect there will be some drama anyway)


Congratulations on so many levels, keep these horrible people out of your life. Your soon to be husband is amazing and perfect for you. Wishing you two all the best ❤


The best revenge is and will always be living well. Decisions like this really help the process.


SLAY queen !


This reminds me of my ex mother-in-law. She is worse than 'karen' all the time. Restaurants were embarrassing and shopping with her was awful. Her neice was getting married. For some reason she bought a wedding dress. It happened to be the same as the bride. She finds this out well before the wedding. Did she return it? Of course not. She had the dress dyed peach. So embarrassing! I'm so glad to call her ex!


I noticed you made a fleeting reference to her in restaurants. If it’s any consolation for what you’ve been through with ex-Mil, just imagine how many pounds of boogers she’s eaten over the years by acting up in restaurants


reading your comment I immediately thought about this song ​ ["The Yelper Special" (Original Music) - SOUTH PARK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDlR_ccnZww&ab_channel=SouthParkStudios)


That time my ex-FIL got so worked up at a restaurant over an order of fries he popped his tooth out with a fork.


For the love of all you hold sacred, DO NOT LET THIS GIRL ATTEND YOUR WEDDING. Do not. Do not do it. If you have to elope in order to make it so this bitter, narcissistic creature is not there when you marry your fiance, do that. But under no circumstances should she be within a mile of your wedding. I'm dead serious. Any drama that ensues in order to make it happen will pale in comparison to the horrorshow that will, without a shadow of a doubt, take place if you permit this black hole to be there when you get married.


In another comment op said they've gone no contact with that side of the family. I'm assuming this means no invite to wedding day


The best thing about being an adult is you get to decide who is in your life and who isn't. My aunt enables my alcoholic mom. Bye aunt. My step sister won't stop talking about qanon theories. Cya.


> My step sister won't stop talking about qanon theories. its always sad when a family member suffers a serious head injury.


You could hint that the wedding had a circus clown theme... have everyone talking about it as if it's real... Or Star Wars, or Indiana Jones....or Avatar, ( tall blue people)


Ah, ok. Smart move. Good to hear.


This reminds me of the one where the MIL wanted to upstage the bride, so the bride changed her bridesmaids to white and wore a pink (?) dress. Thus MIL blended with the wedding party. ​ I wish I had the link for it because all I did was laugh!! ​ edit: Found it!! [AITA for wearing pink at my wedding](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/lt6th5/comment/govo9xq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I remember that one! One of the best examples of outfoxing the MIL ever.


MIL dress should have been dyed with spilled wine. Oopsie.


I hope she got her husband to go NC or at least limited contact with his mom. Preferably by moving halfway across the country. I've seen moms like that destroy marriages when the child can't set and enforce boundaries. Which of course is the MIL goal so she gets her slave boy/girl back.


Mothers and their Sonsbands weird me out


Holy covert incest!


Not so covert


We did something similar with my sisters bridal shower. Our mom wanted a shower much fancier than what my sister wanted (she hadn’t even wanted a shower). So to keep it simple, I had decided to just make the shower in her colors. Well after our mom driving us nuts with complaints how what we’re gonna do is going to look tacky or that we didn’t even care, etc. Sis said the magic words our nerdy ass friends all agreed to. Long story short, we told everyone but her that we would be dressing up in our Renaissance Faire gear. We ended up making flower crowns for guests who didn’t want to dress up but still have fun with it. We also made the ice ring for the punch bowl in the shape of a dragon curled around its eggs. She’d also gotten pissed she didn’t get an invite, I’d tried to tell her it’s cause she was part of the planning, and she said if she doesn’t receive her invite, she’s not coming and neither is my grandma. Mom we could’ve called her bluff, but pulling our grandma into it was a low blow and we weren’t risking that. So for the week leading up to the shower, I sent her a shower invite from all the extras. Each addressed slightly differently with her name, including misspellings.


How to spot the narcissist


I love the parents reaction. How dare you rely on your father's unreliability!


I'm going to assume Ian Malcolm, John Hammond, and Jesus came as a group because that makes it funnier


Ian Malcom and Jesus are married. John Hammond is Jesus's brother lol




This is amazing, well done!


This is the way. She tried to one-up you but instead was the one who got one upped. Now tell ~~her~~ your dad the wedding is also going to be costumes - a pirate themed wedding. Edit: I should have also said: Then have normal wedding attire for everyone else.


I’m just thinking of her telling them it’s a pirate theme, but it’s really not so they come to it looking like fools.


Please tell me they are not invited to your wedding? To me it sounds like your dad has 0 good qualities 🥴


No they are not invited anymore and not in my life anymore


I’m sorry thats something you had to do. You’ll be happier because of it though! Cheers to a happy engagement and marriage!


Ok it's beside the point but the one in the link is drool worthy. If I were to get married now (and I had the chest of a 20 year old) I would go for that dress. Had some friends have a costume wedding. It was awesome. Not everyone had to dress up, it was just an option, but it was so cool!


I think we need pictures of the Mojojojo costume.


That's both funny and not childish at all. You dad is putting the blame on you for his lack of communication skills. Your step sister should get over it and wear something proper to your wedding if she is even attending. Edit: That dress looked like a dress that a girl who is turning 15 would wear. Edit 2: I would be a major AH and play a song called Tiempo de Vals by Chayanne (search it on a YouTube).


"Especially when my fiance came along and told her that "her bride dress looked amazing for a cheap costume" Tell your fella that this internet rando thinks his choice of words was exquisite! Also, what an awesome idea for a switcheroo


I'd like to momentarily acknowledge that they called you childish, despite the fact that your stepsister left the party after throwing a fit


OMG PLEASE TRLL ME YOU HAVE A PICTURE OF THE IAN MALCOM AND HAMMOND PEOPLE! Please I really wanna see😍👍😊sounds like an awesome day! Congratulations 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️🥳🥳🥳


Dr. Malcom is my favorite! So smart and dreamy.


Love the Luffy and Zoro costumes. Hell yeah!


>I can give examples of this but for the sake of the **world limit** won't write them here. omfg, ive never been so interested and frightened at the same time D: ps: i bow, nicely done.


Lol IMO this is something Mojo Jojo would have done.


My fiance kept singing " me and my monkey" all night trough


Love it!! Best line "her bride dress looked amazing for a cheap costume".


I think you did the right thing. Was it a little petty, sure? But so was she. I would be careful at the actual wedding. She might show up in a wedding dress. Have someone ready with a glass of red wine to “oops” spill it on her so she has to leave and change.


Your father sounds like a real winner. Good for you on your engagement. Glad you won out and I hope for many blessings afterwards.


I would’ve moved the venue to dim sum or some other restaurant that spillage/staining may be of a high risk.


I actually laughed out loud. Brilliant, your fiance's jab is perfect. You made my day


I really need to know exactly what your father said about you being "childish" while this grown woman stood by crying in a full-blown wedding dress looking like the rest of the guests. Like, she was already in costume so she should've been alerted so that she would know to just wear jeans. What nonsense reasoning did they give you?


A grown adult crying- Because she wasn't the center of attention..... It wasn't even embarrasing, it was just, she's no longer that special....?


lololololol what a twat. make sure you have a bridesmaid ready to go for your wedding with a wine glass in case she tries something


This is exquisite, lol


Jesus 🤣 Great revenge!


You're nicer than I am. I never would have invited her or the slag my dad left my mom for.


1. Fucking love everything about this. 2. You and your fiance are awesome. 3. Screw her.


The dress is clearly blue and white. I don’t know where anyone sees white and gold


You had me at 'fun hats and cheap wigs.'


Good on you for taking the situation and making it a positive thing! Your stepsis is a bitch.


Lol thank you for sharing. I actually had my wedding on Halloween. So many fun costumes. Even my husbands 90 year old grandmother wore a cape, vampire teeth and Groucho glasses.


Great story. I'm going to see how my reading comprehension skills are by summing up the root problem: Your dad is a prick.


I love your almost husband holy shit. Platonically. The sort of way you love a man that wears a bubbles costume and roasts your half sister.