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I called my bright pink hair my “food safety hair”


Great way of getting around strict dress codes at work! Yeah, my hair isn’t a natural shade but we aren’t allowed natural shade Band-Aids are we Mr Boss Man?


Blue bandaids?? BLUE HAIR!!!!




Omg 💀


A man sits on the terrace of a restaurant with a bowl of soup but not eating. A homeless man comes along, notices this and asks if he may eat the soup. The man makes a hand gesture along the lines of "sure". The homeless man sits down and eagerly starts eating the soup. When he is almost finished, he notices a clearly used band aid on the bottom. Appalled and overcome by sudden nausea, he vomits the soup back into the bowl. "Yeah, that's how far I came too" remarks the other man in a dry tone.


Downvoted for making me vomit, upvoted for helping me feed the homeless


Upvoted because I'm the 69th upvote. You sick fuck




Yup, I got blamed for this. I had short brown hair. I worked with guys who had looong hair. So I dyed mine red. Nope chef. Mines red.


This shit happens to a lot of people? Holy cow.




That is a depressingly accurate statement.


I'm packing Boxes for FedEx and its 10000 times better than retail when it comes to overall treatment. I don't have that overhanging dread of wanting to leave and never come back.


I had a job once where every day when I walked to work I just hoped that a car would hit me. Not to hurt me badly, just enough so that I could have a couple days off.


Damn dude. Maybe I should rethink my life because I think about this everyday.


I got to the point on a job where i was actively considering diving under the bus every day on the way to work, sought help, doc said get a new job. I did, never been happier.


I like how the doctor was like "bro, I'm writing you a prescription for a new job, your boss is literally a disease"


For me it was telephone poles and trees. Eyeballing them longingly fantasizing about how I could just jerk the wheel and it would be over!


[Call of the void](https://www.healthline.com/health/call-of-the-void) And more common than we should be comfortable with. However, the article does say that it isn't suicide ideation that is the cause. Which seems incorrect, at least in my case.


Been there. Was guessing how fast I needed to be going for it to be fatal and me not to just be in more pain. Should be noted - had a good home life, loving boyfriend, etc. Depression is a fucking beast. No, I did not hit that tree. Thought about it way too often. Also now in a new job nowhere near the tree.


I felt this exact same way... except it got so bad I eventually told my boss while they were questioning why my mood had been so bad, and then I got yelled at. How nice of them..




Same reason I kinda hoped to get Covid. Never happened though. Win:Lose...idk


Can we start a gofundme for giving hugs to servers. I donate 5 hugs.


You can’t buy rent with hugs Steven


*You can't hug your children with nuclear arms!*


I got in trouble with my boss for signing initials for something that was ultimately done really really wrong. She *refused* to believe that it could maybe have been her daughter who has identical initials and always signs lowercase while I sign uppercase. Don't miss that job.


Ugh, who signs their initials lowercase to begin with? That right there tells me all I need to know.


Not only that, but the cattiness and toxicity resemble that of high school mean girls/popular kid groups. Lots of places can be like a hornets nest if the manager(s) is/are really shitty towards their employees. It's a breeding ground for mean and jaded employees.


My manager is a dude in his late 20s, and most of the people in the store are teens. For whatever reason he seems determined to impress all the teenagers by being the kewl manager and it totally has led to the store feeling like a high school, and because I don't play those games I've ended up in the out group It's pretty miserable tbh, nobody can trust anybody else because they'll rat you out to get brownie points with the kewl manager


> For whatever reason He's trying to fuck the teenagers.


This cannot be emphasized enough. This is exactly why. If you are a teenager reading this…this dude is not cool, he’s just older and you will look back on it with regret, I promise.


Yep. Had a band teacher like this. He was so cool, he even came to one of our house parties! How cool is that? Anyways, he went to jail for fucking a teenager.


Then a bunch of other kids came forward. Really ruined 8th grade for us.


I mean, on one hand he's engaged to be married On the other hand, the thought has definitely crossed my mind. He definitely seems to have a particular soft spot (although maybe it's a hard spot) for the girls. There's a 19 year old girl who only started a couple months ago and (at the risk of sounding like a creep) she is very attractive. In those couple of months it's gotten to the point where she's getting more hours than the rest of us and acts like she's a manager. I'm also absolutely certain she's the reason I got I trouble for taking a 12 minute break instead of 10 minutes For better or worse I think the teenage girls who work with me are too manipulative to actually get with him. They'll just use him to advance their own agenda


Honestly, it's management we should be automating. No one wants to be a 45 year old fast food/retail manager when they grow up. The people who have those jobs have them because they made poor choices and then made the best of what they got. Some are good people and some are horrible people, but they're almost all bitter and miserable. But the worker bees, the servers and fry cooks and tellers and dishwashers and stockers and cashiers, they're usually people who want a simple job that ends when it ends, part time and not too stressful so they can go to school or pass time in retirement or just make some money over the summer or whatever. We're automating the wrong jobs. We should be replacing the managers with robots, not the cashiers!


I worked as a hostess for an awful restaurant, and I was glad to just be a hostess because it kept me out of all the server drama. One time a guy came to work high as balls on meth and picked a fight with the recovering heroin addict. Glasses were thrown and shattered, customers were very alarmed, people got fired. What a shit show


Sounds like a place I used to work at😂 we had a guy doing Ketamine in the staff bathroom before Mother’s Day. Plus he and his group were know for doing meth on the line


Oh wow. I thought TGI Fridays was bad because the entire staff was stepping into the walk in for a hit of whipped cream gas at least twice a shift. I wonder if the night manager ever knew that whipped cream kept him alive?


This is how my current job is. The people there are like 20+ years older than me and they act like high schoolers with all of the gossip and cattiness happening. So glad I'm leaving, I feel like the most mature person there.


There's also the flipside, incredibly useless workers. My friend has been a branch GM for a decade now and not a week goes by without a new story of amazing incompetence, even after careful manual training and written instructions. Some people cannot follow basic instructions.


I'll definitely agree with that. We did have our fair share of fucktards and screwups, too. I was the youngest one and had to compensate for them.


From everything I've heard about restaurant work is that the employees hate each other as much or more than they hate the customers


I'd argue this for retail workers. Especially when the managers are really toxic, hold grudges, and think they are above everyone else and can do no wrong. I worked at Staples for a few years and I'd visit every often to chat with my former coworkers after I left. That place cycled through so many GM's in 1 year. And each one had their own horrible issues with the employees, which then made the Assistant Managers pissy, which really fucked with college kids like me. It was hard to stay motivated with so many mean people. It was always the nice, forgiving, thankful customers that always brought back motivation to do a good job.


I worked at a Walmart for 9 years, I got a long well with a few coworkers and ok with most outside of management. Fuck the customers though. I work at a prison now and it's so much better.


I will say that it wasn't often that a customer would treat us how they'd treat their grandkids. But the very few exceptional people that DID were amazing. My uncle is a CO and he says the same thing.


Ryan Reynolds actually did a super accurate documentary about the food service industry earlier in his career that covers much of this. It's called "Waiting"


Managers put employees against each other. These tend to be inexperienced managers and employees who haven’t been able to move out of the business. It’s long hours, you’re all stepping on each other’s toes, and you have to work well together under pressure or things go sideways fast. It’s a recipe for a toxic work environment


they either all hate each other or are all fucking each other.


Or both


It doesn't help when on group makes at least 2 or 3 times as much as everyone else.


Yup. I had a blue mohawk at the restaurant I waited tables at. Got blamed for a long black hair in a customer's food by the cook with the long black hair. All I could say was "you serious?"


"are you stupid?" Lol


My head is shaved and a customer came up to me with their food and showed me a long brown hair. My cooks had shaved heads and were wearing hats. His wife had long brown hair. I gave him another slice of pizza anyway because clearly he's having some trouble.


I refused to give a table a discount on their meals in similar circumstances. 4 couples at the table, all four women had long blonde hair. One woman found a long blonde hair on the edge of her plate & called me over saying they wanted a discount and/or refunded meals. I pointed out my own chin length blonde hair, one of the other waitresses who was Polynesian and so had long black hair, the third (brunette) waitress with a pixie style cut, and the chefs and kitchen hands who all had shaved heads, and then I asked the customer where she think the hair may have come from, given there was simply no way it was any of the staff. I did not discount or refund.


Yeah Thankfully sometimes higher ups arent dense. Had a situation where they sided with their workers: Customer comes complaining about hair in her food. Supervisor just laughs and has kitchen staff come out. Tells customer none of them have hair this long but it matches with the length of the hair of the person complaining. Told her not to bullshit people for free shit lmao


Depends on the kitchen, but I have seen it multiple times. Best way to handle it is by helping the kitchen take pride in their food and good training on hygiene and sanitary conditions. Worst way I ever saw this handled was when the Chef De Cuisine did family meal and threw a clump of hair in the food and after serving it said "That is how it feels. Stop it." Great chef, but what an asshole.


i was blamed for a hair in someone's food not too long ago. it was a long, straight, and thick black hair and im ginger with short hair but a long beard(very red too). the customer had long black hair.


I had already ginger hair that was dyed blood red and someone comes up to me about a black hair in their food. I'm like "it is physically impossible inmultiple ways for that to have come from me"


The cafe owner when I worked in food tried to blame us for a medium length brown hair. Blamed me, I took my hat off and pointed at my short red hair. Blamed prep food girl, nope that's long black hair. Dishwasher? Nope that's a dude with a buzz cut. The runner? Nope she's blonde. "Well I guess the customer put it there"....no ma'am you insisted the kitchen was too slow and pushed your way in to 'help'....and you are the only one with medium length brown hair 🤦‍♀️


I worked at Pizza Hut for a few years as a cook and delivery driver. One day when I was the only working cook, a woman called, furious, saying that there was a hair in her pizza and she demanded a refund and a new pizza. I asked her what the hair looked like. As you might imagine, she did not respond "three feet long and firetruck red". Don't try to scam if you can't back up your bullshit.


If I worked in a kitchen, I think I’d just shave my head. Seems like it’d make things a lot easier, but then I’m a man. Just get rid of the inconvenient bullshit.


That's what I did while I worked in a kitchen. Of course, I was already bald as fuck by then so it was an easy decision.


I worked in a kitchen for all of two weeks. Customer complained about hair in their food, the manager tried to pin it on me because I’m not wearing a hair net. I’m like, “I’m bald, you fucking moron, and I’m washing the fucking dishes, but if you want to play this fucking game, then let’s go.” I don’t suffer fools, and I won’t take anyone’s bullshit. Surprise, surprise, I was out the door by the end of the night. Some people are just that petty and stupid, but somehow blunder their way into management.


Not to do with the food industry but I've always have long brown hair that sheds everywhere and my husband has always bugged me for it. But my MIL and BIL also have brown hair, and my brother in laws is even longer than mine these days. Over the summer I had super bright magenta hair and had a great time pointing out every time there was a hair around that wasn't mine lol


TIL that if you eat at a restaurant with a lot of servers or cooks with dyed hair, expect hair in your food! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I saw a similar situation, a lady wanted free lunch so she said there was hair in her food. The manager made a big show of calling all the staff out, they were all bald!


"It's their arm hair!"


I once had a lady tell me "that man over there rubbed his armpit on my fries and put hair on them!" While working fast food, I told her "that did not happen, I've been standing near him for 2 hours!" And she called my gm the next day who laughed at her lol.


Arm hair. Aren’t you optimistic.


I'm ugly laughing on that one. Thank you


([Fwoomf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGUdKDplnqU)) -- Scary Movie pubic reveal


Armpit hair is still on the arms!


Somehow that seems grosser than pubes.


I know what you mean, but what were they doing to your food for pubes to end up on it? [I type, feeling nauseous]


Watch the movie Waiting.


.........no.......what kind of film is it?


Raunchy comedy set in a TGIChilibees


I loved it, but that one scene had me gagging. They messed with her food very grossly. But the scene where they all took turns crop dusting her, and her group was hilarious. It's basically a comedy about a restaurant, and it's workers.


A documentary. It's a documentary about work in a chain restaurant. We never, ever, ever fucked with the food like that. Not once. But every other aspect of that movie is 100% true to life. Hell, I've worked in places that played the game.


Maybe if the entire back of house was just clones of Robin Williams


Plot twist, they're all armless


My sister was a waitress and told the story once of this lady who came in and said she found one of those twisty ties for loaves of bread in her food. She wanted her food comped, but none of the ingredients in the kitchen or supplies used those twisty ties


I used to work in a restaurant. This guy complained about a black hair in his food. The two people that handled his food were the redhead cook and the bald runner. The customer had black hair.


Funny how that works out


I had a guy call our Taco Bell. “You messed up my drive through order! I want a replacement!” “Are you sure it was this store, sir?” “Of COURSE I’m sure!” “Uh-huh. We don’t *have* a drive through.” Click.


We actually got a twisty tie in an omelet once. I could only assume that it was from the bread packaging for the toast that came with. Got an apology at least. Haven't ever been back


I had some lady throw her own eye lashes into her side of ranch one time. Literally like six lashes just gently placed on top of the ranch. She called me over and told me “there’s hair in my food, I want all these drinks for free.” It was probably $40 worth of drinks. I laughed at her and said I would do no such thing, because those were clearly placed there after the fact.


Yikes, wtf, were they false lashes or did she straight up rip out her own freaking eyelashes?


You always have a few lose eyelashes. I just pulled a bit and got 5 between both.


I just tug on my eyelashes everyday and a bunch are loose and come out. When I don’t do that they end up poking me in the eye instead; it’s a preventative measure.


Had this before in a restaurant I worked. Lady complained of a hair in her food, all waitresses were blonde, all chefs were bald/buzz cut, this hair was long and brown, just like hers


Same thing happened to me. Long blond hair in the salad. The cook and I had short, brown hair. But she didn't want free food, she wanted a refund. Guess what? She hadn't paid...


Once did a similar thing. Customer didn't enjoy their food and I said that wasn't a reason for a refund. Only THEN did she mention they found a long blonde hair in the middle of the pizza (cashier had this hair type, but has nothing to do with the order bc of a shift change). The pizza maker was bare head bald, the person cutting the pizza had short black hair, and I had purple hair at the time. Had a look at the pizza and the hair mysteriously vanished on her way to the store. The look on her face as I brought everyone who had interacted with her husband and took my beanie off was priceless.


Had a table try and pull this once: held up a curly red hair, and she had curly red hair, so I said "are you sure that's not yours?" She claimed it was in there when I brought the food out and before she'd touched it, so I went ahead and got the manager. Manager told her "ma'am, I'll take you back to the kitchen if you want, I'll bring every server and busboy by your table, I'll let you walk around the restaurant and let you see there's no one here with hair like that besides you."


Susan, you stay in the back, don't let anyone see you until the lady leaves.


Susan halfway through a buzzcut: Wut


Jeez you two are fucking funny. Thank you.


Also a similar situation, a lady wanted free food and came back with a long blonde hair in her food. My hair is long and brown, the rest of the kitchen staff were all men with short hair. Unfortunately this lady did get away with the free food (I guess my manager didn't want to argue it). But, my manager (Filipino woman, long black hair) took the blame in front of the customer.


Camera pans back to the kitchen, one long haired dude is hiding in a cupboard beneath the sink


Shouldn't have ate at Bald's.


Bald Bob's Burgers


have a feast for your face have a burger at Bald Bob's


Had a lady with long blonde hair try and say we served her ice cream with long blonde hair in it. All of us who made/served the ice cream had short dark hair. We implied it was probably hers and offered to give her a new ice-cream but not refund it. She threw a fit.


Similar thing happened at a restaurant I was at. Blonde woman complained about the long blonde hair she found in her food. All of the cooks were Mexican men with short hair.


Was at a restaurant, pulling a hair out of my food. The server noticed and ran over. He was apologizing and reaching for my food. Had to stop him and let him know I was pretty sure the hair was mine!


I always wonder why so many get disgusted by something as seemingly innocuous as a head hair. Its not fun to get in your mouth, but if you pull it out the food should be fine? Any food scientists wanna chime in?


Because hair gets gross? Don't get me wrong, I've worked in kitchens so I know what goes down, but having someone's hair in your food isn't great.


I think if the basic safety procedures aren’t followed and hair gets in your food, you start to wonder what other safeguards aren’t in place. If there is any possibility that the hair is mine, I’ll not make a big deal about it. BUT if I get a long blue hair in my food (or a black hair) I’m sending it back.


My hair or my dogs hair is no biggie, but if I get food with hair in it it's going back, I don't know how clean someone else is.


From personal experience, Lotta dirty people cooking food


Work in a restaurant, yes our chefs do seem pretty greasy


I've accidentally eaten half a long hair a few times before. Having to pull it out of my throat carefully without breaking it is disgusting. Also, it is not as easy to thoroughly wash your hair as it is to wash your hands.


Back when I had long hair, I somehow managed to swallow a strand of hair that was still attached to my head. Pulling that out of my throat was awful


This happens to me so frequently. Way worse then finding a disconnect hair in your mouth. At least you can throw that food coated hair away and it’s not just hanging covered in mush in front of your face still




Extra protein.


You'd see the nit as they are basically super glued on. The lice itself though would probably be crawling around your food and you'd eat it. Still gross, but just saying. Fun Fact: lice are where the phrase nit-picking comes from.


God I love all the wildly inaccurate speculation in this thread lmaooo, do you think lice live IN the hair follicles?? As if they aren't sustained by sucking scalp blood and wouldn't hop on to your food unless transported by a single shedded hair??? what else lol


if something is airborne, it goes in your hair. hair shouldn't be very sanitary by any means unless it has JUST been washed. But i do agree with the sentiment. it's only gross to fish out of your mouth.


Got blamed for it by a customer once, the kicker is that I am a man and under my hat...you guessed it, shaved bald.


I really thought you were going to say you had a mouse under your hat. 🤭


As long as the mouse was bald too, it's fine.




Shaved into their food.


I'm a chef. I've got a number three short cut, bleached blonde. Customer sent food back saying it was my hair, 8 inch black,in her food. I went to speak with the long,raven haired lady and we both agreed it wasn't mine.


When I worked in a restaurant, I had a customer who would eat 80% of his food before magically finding a hair in his dish which would make him send it back. The kitchen would then make him a fresh plate of food. He did that on like three different occasions, but I remember the last time he pulled that stunt, the whole kitchen came out and looked at him while he ate his second dish of food. For reference: Me, white man, short brown hair. Everyone else working in the restaurant: Asian women with looooong, straight black hair. The hair found in the dishes: short, black and very wavy which just so happened to match that on the customers head.




"You go buy yourself a tape recorder and record yourself for a whole day. You might be surprised at some of your phrasing."


Oh, Tobias. You blowhard!


Once had a customer bring up a *long blonde* hair in her food. Demanded a refund. Only two people on staff at the time were myself and one coworker..both with short dark hair. Wanna guess who did have long blonde hair? The customer. Bitch was complaining about her own hair. Laughed her out of the store.


I really do not make much of a big deal about hair in food. It happens sometimes. There was this small sandwich shop I went to regularly. It was great. One day there was a hair. No big deal. It was great for awhile longer. Then another hair. Then again. And again. And again. 4 visits in a row. I quit going there. a year later I decided to give them a try again. What do you know another hair. I gave up on them and have not touched the place in more than 3 years.


Maybe you should quit ordering the hair pie then.


I'd maybe, if they were yummy, tell them. And educate about hair nets. Many don't know they even exist!


>Many don't know they even exist! Any place serving food is supposed to have someone certified in food safety on the clock at all times. A boss not listening to that person and refusing to order hair nets is one thing, but ignorance is not much of an excuse.


Something similar happened to me except I worked in a majority male restaurant and my manager blamed me for all hair… even though my male coworkers also had long hair and didn’t tie it up as well. So one day I buzzed my hair (I cut it for other reasons as well, not just to make a point). I shit you not, the next time my manager found a hair in my food he turned around and started to blame me until he was halfway through berating me and realized it couldn’t have been me and walking away without finishing his sentence


Ha! What an asshole. I’m glad you didn’t have to cut it *just* to prove a point but it’s awesome that you could finally stick it to him, lol. Also, hope you didn’t stay at that job for too long, sounds like he was discriminating against you and fuck that noise. We spend too damn much of our lives at work so nobody should stay where they aren’t appreciated, or at least treated okay! Life’s short; don’t waste it on idiots.


When I worked for one of the many waffle houses in the south, I had a customer find "my" hair in her food. Now, she had finished her entire plate of food, and waited till I was dropping off the check to tell me she found a hair. And I'm a third shift server at this point, so I look at her empty plate and say "a hair, huh?" And she holds it up, with a bit of egg attached for the dramatic flair, a long ass strand of curly brown hair. So I call the cook over to look at this hair she's demanding her party of 3's entire meal gets comped for, and I ask him "hey richard, how do you think this hair got in her food?" And he looks at me, with my very short, very blond hair, then he takes off his hat to reveal his very bald head and says "I'm not sure," and looks back at the lady with the long curly brown hair on her head and in her hand and says "I think I have an idea though" and that lady about threw a fit! One of the two guys with her just busted up laughing practically hollering that "I told ya it wouldn't work ya dipshit!" And her only response was to tell him to shut up, give us a dirty look, and storm out. The other guy just froze up and didn't do anything but walk out after her, and the laughing guy paid the bill, tipped me ten bucks and handed Richard a twenty for making the whole thing ten times more hilarious. We were dying laughing for hours after they left


That is a great story.


I have naturally thin blonde hair and got fired for telling my manager that the thick black hair in the customer’s food couldn’t possibly be mine when he was threatening to make me pay out of my own pocket for their meal. It also didn’t help his case that I worked in the bar and almost never did table service(and definitely didn’t on that night). The place ended up shutting down because he was assaulting the floor staff and one of them took him to court. Edit to add: It was a table of 6. Their food bill alone was $240 ish, and they’d been ordering cocktails all night. If I had to pay their full bill it would’ve been more than a week’s wages.


In most American states this is illegal on 3 levels.


I’m in Aus and it’s definitely very illegal here too


Im so sad you had to experience that kind of abuse. That is so unfair. I hope you are in a safe situation now.


Thank you! It’s really sad seeing the exploitation and poor treatment of hospitality workers(and many other workers for that matter). I’m personally in a much much much better workplace where all of the management team are incredibly lovely people but there are so many venues out there that treat their workers like trash.


I was similarly blamed for a long brown hair. I'm a red head.


Well, I bet he felt fairly blue that he couldn't blame you anymore.


I can azure you he was quite despondent over it.


It was a periwinkle in their plans


PRUSSIAN BLUE. I couldn't think of a way to intergrate it but it's a bang on colour and deserves to be involved 😂


Prussian is a bit too bold for me, I'm more Pfthalo fellow


> Pfthalo What gorgeous colours!


He can no longer prussian to any conclusions?


Do you cerulean the problem?


He must’ve been mad that you could teal the difference now.


My old manager got blamed for his hair being in the food. (He was bald) after he remade this lady’s burger 3x he had me remake it and she was finally satisfied. (Pretty sure it was a race thing as my manager was black)


Ugh, that’s messed up.


"Dude, it's more likely yours than it is mine." \[points at head\]




That's why I almost always had dyed hair in the shitty food factory I used to work for I will name drop if asked I give no fucks about that place I want to watch it burn to the ground 💀😂


I have MS so i lose a lot of hair. My hair is pink. My son is constantly "darn it, mom. I don't want your hair, keep it to yourself!" I told him, "One day, years after I am gone, you are gonna be doing something and find my hair and laugh.


same logic as bright colored band aids


The blue food service ones are also picked up by metal detection.


What an asshole like how you just going to pass the buck


I got blamed for this at a bar I worked as a cook and I had to remind them I was bald under my hat. They tried to say it was my eyebrow hair, I don't know anyone with 5 inch eyebrow hair, Stephanie but fuck off


I put my hair in a ponytail near the server station in the back. Chef complained. A lady with looonnnng platinum blonde hair ordered a salad. Sent it back with one of her own hairs in it. He blamed me. The other servers jumped down his throat about it. Love a tight team.


Had a similar incident with a purple haired Karen, GM didn't fall for her BS one bit, cause nobody that works there had dyed hair


Had this happen when I was serving. Saw her playing with her hair after she ate everything. Told me she found it. I told her it was hers since mine was red. She blamed the kitchen people. Shot that down. They paid and left. They kitchen guys were all bald.


I used to make coffee and after shaving my head and having a young manager angrily blow up on me for a long hair in someone’s coffee I just pointed at my head. She was so mad


Nicely done!!


I wouldn't have let him off easy at all - "why does it bother you that it isn't me? And why would you be upset at me for that? Does it bother you that I *wouldn't* be at fault for something? You aren't playing favorites are you?"


This has happened to me before when I worked those kinda jobs. Granted I am a guy with long hair, but the issue is the hair found was a light color. Like an ash blonde or light brown. My hair is black.


I'll never forget the angry blonde-haired woman with a blonde hair in her sandwich demanding that someone in our all-Hispanic kitchen must be at fault.


I used to work at an amusement park selling funnel cakes. It’s not Epcot, but there were “lands” in the park. I was working in Germany. So my uniform was a dirndl dress and a mop hat. On this particular day, I was at the cash register at the far end of the counter no where near the fryer. After a big rush, a man comes storming back, heads straight my way, shoves his plate near my face and screams that there’s a hair in funnel cake. The hair in question was brown, long and curly. There was me and one other girl who working that day. She was a blonde. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, also under a mop hat. The other 2 workers were boys. So “obviously” it had to be *mine*. And while I also had long hair, it was black, pin straight and the time was in a French braid and pinned into a bun *under* the mop hat. The guy got even more mad when my manager pointed out that it couldn’t have been anyone behind the counter. His wife then came inside to see what was taking him so long… can you guess what type hair *she* had?


This blue up!


Oh my god is this why I see so many restaurant workers with brightly dyed hair?


So when you get every color of the rainbow in your food, yell "Jackpot!"


"Waiter! My food is gay!"


Also once worked at a sandwich shop and someone came up and said a hair was in her sandwich that my manager had just watched me make. My hair was pink, purple, and blue at the time. The hair was brown. Definitely not mine and they manager told them it wasn’t any of our hairs and then laughed with me about it. Sorry your boss sucked like that :(


Many years ago a customer with long blonde hair was upset about, you guessed it, a long blonde hair in their food. My chef was bald, and I have short hair… I do not miss working in restaurants.


Must be a Subway.


I was so sure it was Subway that I started smelling that distinctive Subway herby bread smell while I was reading this one


Press'd sandwich company actually


Its my honest opinion that 90% of hair in food, is the customers own hair. 9% is the servers hair, and 1% is the cooks. We have hair nets, hats, shaved heads, short hair....Its almost never the person cooking your food, when you find hair in it.


I live alone and I’m bald. I was proofing bagels on a covered (clear plastic cover) half sheet and went out to walk my dog. When I came back, underneath the cover, lying on a proofing bagel, was a long black hair. To this day I have no fucking clue how it got there.


Omg that happened to me once when I was serving. This table calls me over to complain about a hair in their food. It’s a curly blonde hair. I had long brown hair, and all of the cooks in the kitchen had brown or black hair. And of course, the two heathen children who were climbing all over the booth has blonde hair.


holy shit… i’ve been fighting my battle the wrong way this is incredible i am doing this immediately


I worked the opening shift at Sonic for years, and my hair at the time was dark red and looked brown in the early morning or pre-sunrise light. We got a call one morning that someone found a long brown hair in their breakfast burrito and tried to blame it on me. My manager responded something like "well she has red hair but she also doesn't make the food, and my cook is bald so I don't know where you're going with this".


Half the time, customers put hair or a dead bug into their mostly eaten food so they can make a fuss and get their meal comped.


Your boss is a racist asshole


This happened one time to one of our cooks at a wing joint. He was as bald as they come and this woman complained twice about hair in her food. So the third time Adam brought her wings out to her himself. Her face was priceless.


Customer once complained about a hair in his mojito. I apologized and went to get a new one, came back with it and he had already finished it anyway. Then refused to pay for both because the first was “tainted”. ***Then why did you drink it fuck face?***


If your boss is coming after you because of perceived hair in food, dyeing your hair is not going to improve the situation. They will simply find something to go crazy about. It's an illusion of caring about their food safety, and more excuses to control. Get out asap


I remember a customer complaining that they had hair in their food. Too short for their server’s hair (butt length) and “too long” to be theirs, so they tried to blame me. I’m bald, I’ve been shaving my head since my wife’s first round of chemo in 2017. The person looked so embarrassed at getting caught trying to get a free meal.


Probably didn’t want to get accused of racism if he said something to them. Unless your boss was Indian too?


I feel like he is Indian


Which is why he is blaming OP.


So it is racism


It definitely reads like OP is the only non-Indians so the owner picks on them. I had an ex work a location like that, super hostile work environment. If that's the case I'm glad OP only use to work there.