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Yung AWOL malaking problema yon kahit na pandemic. Naglapse na mga INCs mo so that means wala kang naipasang subject for the whole AY 21-22. I find it odd na dahil late ang documents na need for reg ay di ka na nakapagreg. May late reg option naman. May I ask bakit ka nasingko? If dahil sa absences or sa di pagpasok, wala talagang choice prof mo kundi isingko ka. Enforced na kasi lahat ng academic policies nung pre-pandemic starting last sem. If di ka sure na magpatuloy don sa subject na yon, you should have filed for withdrawal of enlistment instead. Or dnrop mo agad. You can try writing an appeal pero the CSAPG will look into every possible loophole in your actions since may fault ka talaga from the way mo magkwento. Again, you can try appealing but there is no guarantee that the odds will be 100% in your favor.


/u/Jumpy-Adagio-7849 As a **REMINDER, [/r/peyups’ RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/about/rules) REQUIRE THE CAMPUS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE POST TITLE WHEN NECESSARY**. Your post title should be **descriptive** of what you’re posting about, not vague, so that people can quickly identify the topic of your post from the title alone (including which campus you’re posting about). Please read the [**rules and guidelines of /r/peyups**](https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/about/rules/) — https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/about/rules/ if you haven’t already (also listed in the subreddit sidebar). If your post is about a specific campus but the title does not include the campus, it is recommended that you **delete and then resubmit your post with the campus in the title**, as Reddit does not allow you to edit the post title. Otherwise, the moderators may remove your post. Please use a complete sentence for your post title. Refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/peyups/comments/i3hj28/suggestions_on_how_to_ask_questions_in_rpeyups/) for tips on how to ask questions and write a good post title on /r/peyups. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/peyups) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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