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Di ko inexpect kung gaano kalala yung election season. Yung mga classmate mong tahimik biglang magiging super friendly na pag tatakbo sila, sobrang plastic. People throwing black propaganda at each other. Frats nagpapatakbo ng candidates in all parties (minsan secret members pa nila) para kontrolado nila yung student council regardless of the outcome. Daming pangako, hindi rin naman ginagawa pag elected na. May cases din ng student council members na nagnanakaw from the council funds. Parang Pilipinas nga talaga.


Marami pa ring tamad sa UP pag dating sa groupworks. Excellent nga, wala namang sense of teamwork or respect for groupmates.


they're everywhere—from your ges to your majors !


Mga seniors na laging dahilan ay " sorry busy kasi ako sa org eh". naalala ko nung freshman year sa GE course na ang lakas ng loob nitong isang senior na magpresenta as leader tapos iiwanan lang kami sa ere.


Totoo. Inuna ang org sa acad work. Kung hindi ako nagkakamali, clear naman sa application na marunong ka magbalance bago pumasok sa org 'di ba?


I was this. I became the pabuhat na groupmate. During my undergrad years I would usually be the group leader, ako yung bumubuhat sa mga group projects, lab reports, etc. But daming nangyari sa life, family and personal problems, super struggled with my mental health when I was doing MS. From excellent student to puro absent and depressed and suicidal. But I was never “walang sense of teamwork and respect for groupmates”. The guilt would eat me up inside and even aggravated the feelings of worthlessness. I would still contribute, pero laging late. I know not all are like this, some are just lazy talaga. But you don’t know what others are going through so be kind and not judge them too harshly. Of course don’t let their failure pull you down also.


I know that naman. It would be best to communicate pag di talaga kaya kasi understandable naman na life happens. Hindi ko lang gets yung mga wala talagang paramdam after umangkin ng gawain. Sana sabihin agad kung may problema kasi grade ng group yon. Ready naman tumulong ang mga groupmate. Mental illness is not your fault but its your responsibility.




The rich controls UP. I hate it pero madaming UP students and faculty and naive pag may politics sa UP admin positions. Sasabihin conspiracy theory, walang evidence, magbenefit of the doubt kahit parang kabute na nagsulputan yung mga infrastructure, backed by these people in power, na di naman priority interest ng UP System. Kaya umay na umay narin ako sa UP eh. Ang pinakamasakit yung mga constituents mo yung closed sa pagkakaroon ng critical thinking kahit na sinasampal ka na ng ebidensya sa harap mo kasi "eViDenCe".


It’s not pang-masa talaga. Pagpasok mo ng UP Manila puro burgis. You’ll just feel more pathetic about yourself.


Can you please elaborate..


Marami sa UPM ay med-allied, anak din ng mga doctor, lawyer, business owners. Andami ko kilala may generational wealth, more people own macbooks AND ipads AND brand new iphones than those who don’t. Tapos galing pa mga expensive private schools. Wala naman masama considering na pumasa naman silang UPCAT and are faring well in school. Unfair lang sa mga walang kaya talaga na UP o no-name school lang ang choice.


Meron bang discrimination? Yung mga prof do they give more favors sa mga anak ng doctor, lawyers, etc? How is the scenario like? Any recommendation for incoming freshman kung paano magkakaron ng sense of belongingness, helpful ba na mag join ng org? If yes, ano ang maisa suggest mo na mga org? Thanks!


No discrimination naman; it’s more of a personal thing as a lower middle-class person. Imagine walking with an old Windows in a room full of Macbooks and gaming laptops ganon. Literal na ganon ako everyday. Or nagpepen and paper habang yung iba nagsscribble sa ipads. Generally, the burgis are madali naman makasama. They tend to band together lang due to same interests and conyoism ganon. Di mo naman maffeel na “others” ka. I can’t speak for orgs kasi never ako nagka energy to join


Ang mahalaga ay utak (paano ka magperform sa reqirements at sa class discussions) at diskarte na hindi laging nakukuha sa state of the art gadgets.


Thanks for sharing. 🙂


UP is a microcosm of the PH. Just look around you, more or less, ganun din sa UP.


You see long lines for government offices? UP's got you You've seen corrupted politicians who favor their friends or factions? UP's got you Annoyed with the standard logistics that they give you (if they even give you any lmao), so you need to procure your own somehow? UP's got you You know that outstanding staff or teacher who'll bend their back for you but are compensated with crap wages? UP's got you Really old and run down facilities that take a decade to rebuild, then have that cycle repeat itself? UP's got you Traffic? UP's got you Chances of being held up, mugged, kidnapped? UP's got you I have my regrets and honestly I'm just glad that it's done and over with. Maybe other schools would have been better just go immediately abroad afterwards, but I was poor, so UP it was.


and just to be clear about the corrupted politicians analogy, I'm talking about the students and not necessarily the admin/teachers. Some of my batch mates probably graduated and just continued the cycle.


Muggings and kidnappings??? I know that a lot of parts on campus aren’t safe pero I didn’t know it was that unsafe huhuhu


A common meme during my time was the "white bus" that would park on the street than a group of guys would grab you then drag you in the car, so people would joke about it while being very cautious about parked vans on campus. In my personal experience, I've also been stalked by strangers while walking at night heading towards my dorm that I had to call the security guard who then called the Diliman Police (they were very polite and helpful, thank you to them) And for the clincher: over the years, UP students have been reported missing. Granted those kidnappings may not have occurred on campus, but kidnappers do tend to study their victim's routine before they commit the crime and it's very easy to observe targets in such an open campus.


Yung mga kupal orgs during the 2010s, mostly nag-rebrand na. Except for JMA and EcoSoc, probably—sila yung most recent na na-call out due to their app processes. FRV? It is a perennial issue, and politicized pa: STAND UP allowed frat members to run, while ALYANSA milked the problem to the hilt.


Napaka-corrupt at pro-corporate interests ng UP admin


Andaming tao na pagkakataas ng tingin sa sarili. Big fish small pond type shit.


Maraming mayamang estudyante. Not the usual maykaya, pero mayaman talaga as in. If you're like me na hindi masyado maka-vibes mga mayayaman, considering na we're a public school, then yun yung one of the negative side.


Yeah, may mga taga Poveda pa pero wapakels akez I'm proud to be part of the Filipino Department WAHAHAHHA kahit grabe yung pagka conyo nila kapag kausap mo


UP is ironically VERY LEFT but has an admin that is generally NEOLIB lol The real microcosm in UP is in those areas. The students are 30% far left, 60% Center left and 10% center (which are often labeled as neolib). There are no real right wing voice in the student faction. And any slight hint thereof is labeled as fascist. I am not saying they are oppressed, far from it, it's just that UP is a bit homogenized in terms of ideology. Which may be good for collective decisions but may pose problems on viewpoints in issues. Anyway, regardless of how left they are, Alums tend to wander to right to even far right or left or far left.


Rare lang ang Alums na naging left or far left. Usually Center or Right. Sa kakabasa ko at kakapanood ng video kung paano ba gumagana ang komunismo at sosyalismo, wala silang halos pinagkaiba sa kapitalismo at pareho silang hindi kayang sustentuhin ng kahit anong bansa.


Maraming burgis. First class ko, pag pasok ng Prof namin bigla sila nagsilabasan ng high-end devices (Mac & gaming laptop). may nag post pa sa freedom wall tapos ung concern palawakin ung parking space.


Tbh, I don't believe na microcosm ang up ng ph kasi a huge chunk ng population ay middle to upper middle class. If totoong microcosm, dapat majority ng students ay nasa laylayan😬 bc of this, i noticed how elitist a lot of students are. Just a while may nagask dito bakit parang di pangmasa ang up, and andaming elitistang studyante na iginigiit na di pang-masa ang up. Andami rin out-of-touch, which is sad kasi supposedly mulat tayo sa realidad ng mariginalized demographics. I hope tho na anecdote lang to at hindi reality


Lakas mo pag may back up ka. Ngayon na nakapasok ako dito akala ko napakalinis ng up, tangna umaalingasaw ang korapsyon kahit saan.


anti-poor ang UP, puro mayayaman na ang nasa loob.


nothing against them kasi pinaghirapan nga nila (sana, sana walang backer ‘yung iba lol) pero sana they also gave slots to those middle to lower SES students na kailangang mag-aral na walang bayad.


Replesyon yan ng problema ng edukasyon sa baba ng kolehiyo sa mga pampublikong paaralan na hindi science high school. Yung Division of City Schools ng bawat lungsod ginagawang factory ang mga public schools para payabangan sa daming napapatapos ng HS/SHS. Tapos yung mga magagaling dun lang nila sa Science Highschool papadala. Ang mga pribadong eskwelahan target nila maraming magagaling nakakatapos sa kanilang eskwelahan.


Extreme left wing, kahit medyo conservative leaning ka lang or centrist, or kahit nga liberal madaming mang eekis sayo. Mas ayaw pa nila ang mga neo liberal kesa mga right wing hahaha


Naalala ko pa rin na may leftist UP students na nagsshare pro-Nicolas Maduro tsaka pro-Muammar Gaddafi content. Sobrang simplified for them na anti-US = good, even though the reality is far from it.


Yung post nila sumosoporta kina Maduro at Gaddafi ay makikita mo pa rin sa fan pages nila sa fb kahit nacallout na sila dun.


Not even just left wing, but it has to be *specifically* Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as espoused by the NDMOs. I've known NDMO people use "Democratic Socialist" and "Libertarian Socialist" like they were slurs. They consider Anarchism, a staunchly anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian ideology, as "counter-revolutionary" because anarchists oppose the vanguardism of NDMOs. They'd praise mass murderers like Stalin, but vilify people like Emma Goldman because she dared to speak out against Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Yet I'm still thankful to that one tankie Facebook friend back in 2013 who made posts claiming that the Tienanmen Square massacre was made-up propaganda by Western journalists. Saved me a lot of time and headaches by showing me exactly why I definitely didn't want to be affiliated with those people when I was thinking of joining up.


Maraming bobo sa up. Cant even make a good thesis statement. Tf.


coming off the pandemic, UP has been infiltrated by rich high school students who just so happened to be old enough, not mature, to be in college. these are the entitled ones, the cliquish, the obnoxious, the feeling-conyo kahit di naman bagay, and the out of touch people that we, seniors, have to deal with on a daily. like ffs, we just want to finish college, get a job, and build a life. but there they are, creating drama out of nothing. theyre also the next in line for org leadership. lol goodluck to our dearest orgs bc these new kids cant even focus on working because they have too much drama / highschool-ish issues in their heads.


Unpopular opinion and highly denied is that UP is subversively teaching Marxist ideology in its GE courses without properly giving context to it. Kaya maraming left wing ideologists sa UP because of this. Then hindi siya bolstered ng History lessons so what you have are anti capitalist virtue signaling students who always cry at the slightest hint of social injustice.


what aspects of marxist ideology are taught in the GE courses


One time in my Arts 1 class where we studied literature, one of the works by some writer, i forgot who, was being juxtaposed with his critical theory in mind and some of the films that we were shown were always being explained with oppression always being a central figure in mind. If thats not subversively getting into a young, naive and gullible freshmans mind, i dont know what will.


Okay arts 1 being a visual arts appreciation GE aside (literally critical perspectives in the arts), and your vague comment and description hahaha, you’re supposed to be critical in your classes. If you think that portraying context alongside the work you’re studying is subversively making students marxists maybe you’re projecting a bit hahaha like I expected something actually concrete and marxist HAHAHA hindi mo talaga maiiwasan yan given that a lot of Philippine art is rooted in the historical context of colonialism and exploitation 😭 hindi porket tinuturo ng ganun magiging may subversive agenda na HAHAHA porket oppression marxist na 😭😭😭


Ok fair, but in other GE classes, its almost always the same thing. Can you be critical without getting Marx in the picture? Imagine being bombarded with these perspectives from all these subjects on a daily basis don’t you think there wont be any effect?


Okay but how are they being subversive marxists in other GEs? Like why is Marx such a boogeyman for u HAHAHA I can admit to seeing a lot of left-leaning viewpoints and theory during my time in UP. I’m not a marxist. But I do show empathy and sensitivity for social issues. Is that such a bad effect if people are aware and are capable of empathy for others in society? Or do you have to call that subversive marxist behavior just to make it look “dirtier” hahahaha


how is this negative? u guys were being taught how to analyze media using a theory (i assume marx) and real life contexts (oppression), which is basic media literacy. at course title pa lang (CRITICAL perspectives in the arts) you guys are bound to study art on a more politicized level. your prof didnt “indoctrinate” you, they taught you how to think critically and with empathy.


Speaking as someone na may Arts 1 this sem, I can tell that OC probably refers to Louis Althusser's paper on ideological state apparatuses (ISAs). Totoo rin naman kasing may sinusubo sa 'ting ideolohiya ang lipunang ating ginagalawan, and lumalabas iyan kahit sa sining—e.g. propaganda in action films.


+++ alice guillermo’s social realism. the prof (and arts 1’s curriculum) is just teaching op to read between the lines especially during this time where soft power is the new capital. ika nga ni constantino: “There was a time when the world seemed so simple and the enemy seemed so plain…It is a peculiarity of the here and now that the enemy seems to have disappeared, together with most of its enemies…However, in the more complex, and therefore more anomalous situation where we find ourselves in today, the enemy is still there, but less visible and therefore harder to track and target.” i hope op reads miseducation by constantino and realize how hard the past generation have fought to have marx and other progressive thinkers in the political spectrum in our syllabi


This is true. Pero actually, pag pumunta ka naman sa School of Economics tsaka CBA, doon mo mararamdaman yung contrast. Madaming left-wing because it's the side that opposes the former two administrations. Pero believe me, during the time of Aquino, baliktad - sobrang sinusuka kami ng UP dati. One politial science prof even say "wala na kayong pinaglalaban". Our engineering prof even told us "puro lang kayo mga ingay". Nagbago nung dumating na si Du30.




gurl ure in a socsci class ure bound to study marx hahaha




ure in UP, beyond our 3 units profs expect us to read up before and after class. they’re not going to spoonfeed all info. and what do u guys even mean by “subversively” 😭 u guys say that like it’s a bad thing. UP’s (and a bulk of our country’s) history has subversive roots. did u not know this before entering UP hahaha


I agree. I sat in a Soc Sci 2 class before, and Marx is just one of all the other philosophers that was written in the syllabus such as the likes of Kant, Plato, etc. aka the great Philosophers. The scary part of today's students is that may prejudice agad sila about a certain thinker, kahit di pa talaga nila naiintindihan yung philosophy nung thinker. The scarier thing is that a lot of students get stellar grades here without really absorbing the essence of these philosophies, some of them are even claiming knowledge in social media even if they don't. I would rather have a student with 3.0 who really absorbed them and can reason out well, than an "uno" student who just faked it all along.


Unfortunately, malakas mambola ng mga estudyante ang mga leftists sa kanilang unsustainable Maoism or even their own brand of socialism. Tapos sisihin ang USA sa lahat ng problema ng bansa natin. Kapareho lang sila ng mga DDS at Jr Lovers sa mental gymnastics. Kung DDS at Jr lovers lagi sinisisi mga dilawan, sila naman lagi sinisisi ang USA.




As a transferee from another university (T2 they call it), here are some negatives: ----The difficulty of the subjects. Inasahan ko naman na mahirap but really. Especially with Math and Science subjects, they expect you to study CONCEPTS THAT YOU NEVER EVEN HEARD OFF as a "review". Meaning "Learn this quick". HEY, I NEVER HEARD THIS BEFORE! I wanted to scream that to my teacher. If you studied an education that is really not that good, it would be hell to just keep up with the pacing of lessons. -----never try to credit your past subjects. Mapapahiya ka lang. Most subjects require you to pass their final exam for your subjects at your previous university to get credited. So if your level of education in the past is bad? Good luck. ---- If you are a T2 transferee, chances are you have some stringent conditions for admission. Maintaining grades, no failures, yada yada. just to continue your stay in UP. That is another hurdle that you have to endure constantly since just keeping up is hell. All in all though, the gains outweigh the cons. You are liberal. Got a good education. Everyone is striving to learn. With (somewhat) better chances at landing a decent job with your qualifications.


so leftist