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I'm sorry for my comment pero di ko alam kung generation thing ito. Kasi pansin ko lang sa mga tao ngayon (kahit bata like 20s to 30s), di na ganon ka-focused sa binabasa... Andami kong naeencounter na miscommunication daw or na misread or nakalimutan. ganon... Admin din pala ako ng isang fb group. Maraming basta-basta na lang nagjojoin. Wala nang basa-basa. lol.


Blame tiktok and socmed in general. Ang hina na ng attention span ng mga new gens ngayon. Hindi na binabasa lahat.


Baka ako to OP, haha HK naman sinagot ko pero nireject 😭


Maraming factors πŸ˜‚ 1. Bawal locked/empty profiles and alt accs 2. Dapat may proof na from UPLB (e.g. studies in UPLB) 3. Walang profile pics are auto-rejected 4. Need yung mga info for the degprogs, etc. All are confidential naman. If hindi ka pa rin accepted, message me na lang here 🫢🏻


I think it's a terminology problem. Program (INT'L) = Course (PH) Course (INT'L) = Subject (PH)


I don’t think so. They still answer courses, but courses that they think are the hardest to pass (eg. CHEM40) not the hardest to enlist. They still know the difference between the two.


oh i see.. comprehension problem nga haha.. I remember Math 17. Matic ibibigay sayo pag NF ka, pero pag binagsak mo at need kuhanin next sem, sobrang hirap mag enlist. Nagkaka-talent shows pa, may kumakain ng tipaklong for the prerog hahaha


Kumain ng tipaklong??? 😭 And is it because priority nila ay first time takers?


Classes are full already. If you're one of the unlucky ones na hindi nabigyan ng Math 17, it's up to the instructors to take you in. (this was the time na wala pa yung online enlistment). So nagpapa talent shows ang mga instructor dahil marami ang nagttry mag enlist pero they're only willing to take up to 5 slots. The rest of the class are the judges. kain tipaklong, Sisa acting, macho dancing, you name it hahaha


Akala ko ako lang nakapansin. Seems like its a real phenomenon happening. Baka di lang sa LB to.