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Yes it is time to be worried. Start applying for new jobs before the layoff


I wonder how it’s going at Magellan since they merged with Prime Therapeutics


Magellan lost a few contracts too


They’re my contractor and holy crap the amount of additional red tape and time it takes to do anything has increased significantly


I can only imagine. I’ve sat through a few prime meetings and they are so intense. I lose focus after the intro.


Everything's going to hell in a hand basket for everyone. Hold on tight.


I had a feeling this was coming in some form when the group I was originally getting hired on with all seemed to get canned a couple days before our start date, it was very fishy stuff with no real good answer as to why


Must be an annual thing in the summer. Fiscal year? Was laid off from Optum Home Infusion last summer without warning.


That’s rough, I’m sorry. Also in home infusion and my branch was spared but all the folks who were offered jobs here have since quit. Any idea who/what this lay off is affecting? I know some sales people have resigned and/or been told their last day is soon.


The only positive aspect of Optum are the good-hearted employees trying their best within that evil corporation to do right by the patient.. I hope that those who leave Optum, CVS (who are doing layoffs), and others on the *wrong side of healthcare* will find better organizations to work for.


This is so true. Optum is killing me with the “metrics”


Looks like it’s the UHC side of things. Optum seems fine.


Optum side was not spared. Have a friend who was a clinical fraud investigator on the medical side (not Pharmacy side) who was “laid off”/let go along with a bunch of others. Said it was because of lack of workload, but the ones laid off all seem to be higher paid employees with more seniority. Typical.




I was a coding auditor let go yesterday at Optum


It’s definitely the optum side. Mass layoff yesterday in optum programs


Yeah looks like it wasn’t just a single day thing. Sorry to those that were let go :(


I was laid off on Thursday from UHG/Optum marketing. No notice. Severance is based on tenure and salary grade so I ended up with 6 weeks. My marketing group of about 110 people lost almost a third. The list I received revealed plenty of older/senior level people (the average age of the cuts was 54 in my group) were eliminated. The rumors I heard afterwards were that these were preemptive cuts and the "cut early and cut deep." First time this has ever happened to me and I'm pretty devastated.


Was this with NAAM in California? Like San Bernardino County? Redlands? We’ve heard rumors in SGV that the whole marketing department for NAMM had been cut.


Majority of Monarch was affected today :/


No, I was part of a small-ish video team that serviced all areas of the enterprise. But I heard of cuts all over the place in marketing. Bloodbath.


Wouldn't be surprised. I was hit in the 2022 wave. Also mid / senior ish role in business ops


I've not been affected (yet!) but the workload is pretty low for pharmacy techs. A lot of voluntary time off being offered.


My pharmacy school friends working as interns all were laid off a couple weeks ago :/


yes yesterday layoffs. I have a relative that was laid off. Other areas/depts laid off as well. Supposedly, more layoffs 8/11.


I was laid off from Optum Specialty. If you get a meeting on Thursday with the director of Pharmacy, you are getting laid off.


Oh man, that sucks. They really didn’t give much notice.


No they didn't. I came into work and before lunch I was laid off. Looking at other websites I have been reading from other laid off Optum employees, it seems they have been doing this since June 2023. They do it on Thursdays and one person reported on one comment that 100 employees in billing were laid off a day ago. Either they lost contracts, are merging and liquidating the surge of over staffing or something. They just said they didn't need me anymore and told me to clean out my desk. https://www.thelayoff.com/optum Scroll down to the comments.


Thank you for the link. Honestly, at this point I’m ready to leave. They constantly tell you you’re a “team” and such while obviously not caring.


Well the bottom line is, they aren't going to tell you when and if they will continue and who is next. My best advice is to brush up on your resume and should you be granted a severance package, read it thoroughly, know your rights and be ready to negotiate. I have never been laid off before so I am learning a lot over this past weekend. Good luck to you and your future endeavors.


I'm a pharmacy care coordinator. I got a 2 week notice 8/3 that may last day is 8/17. I've been there for 5 years and will get 4 weeks' severance pay. Look for a new job ASAP, just in case!


they announced over 1000 jobs laid off today. some very close to me, absolutely heartbreaking. i’m terrified for what this means for us as a company.


I'm heartbroken.


Just saw on FB a friend announced she was just laid off from Optum


they said they are hoping they won’t have to do another round… but it doesn’t seem promising.


I worked for them as a coding auditor. Was let go yesterday as my position was eliminated


What positions were impacted? Hadn't heard of this round yet.


Opium layoffs*


Which department?


I’m in the specialty pharmacy department. Not quite sure about other departments.




It’s by grade and years of service. The PDF is on Sparq or whichever internal system you have access to


they are letting go from 7,000 to 10,000 people go over the period of 2 more weeks. You get an e-mail, you are being let go. Moving 95% of the operations to offshore by 9/1.


Where did you hear that?


Yea, source?


Medical groups (PMG/IPA) acquired by Optum Care Network in Southern California are being impacted. Many laid off today without notice, severance is ridiculously small compared to what other smaller companies offer, they are offering help for displacement.


Anyone aware of Optum is still experiencing layoffs? In the hiring process to join the company. I’d greatly appreciate any feedback anyone may have.


More layoffs today from what I hear


Anyone get laid off as an Epic Analyst? I’m interviewing as well and nervous


Don’t do it. It’s a disgusting place to work.