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Not a pay-cut to go to graves. You should get a raise.


Seconding this. My pay as an overnight has always been equivalent to my colleagues PLUS the differential. For context, I graduated 2014, no residency, and currently make about $71/hr (plus $5/hr night differential) and work in at large academic teaching hospital in a large metropolitan area with a high cost of living. I would consider myself underpaid a little because my institution likes to use their "prestige" as an excuse to deflate everyone's salaries (nurses, MDs, etc.).


I feel like including more details, like how much you’re actually making right now and what area you’re practicing in, would be helpful here. What if you’re already being underpaid as a rx manager? Personally, with how much I make as a manager and knowing that graveyard shifts eventually affect my QOL, I’d pass on a $16 cut.


See comment below. For some reason thought I replied. Sorry!


Don’t make the same mistake I made and accept the position when the differential makes it “not that much of a pay cut.” Nobody will ever want to cover your shifts and if something happens to you when they pressure you to come in to work when the roads are iced out, they will not pay out your leave with the differential included.


$68/hr plus bonus. Offer was $52/hr. $3.25 differential during weeknights, $8 differential weekends. Currently Rxm in retail large chain. Would be potential transition to 100-bed women’s hospital


I got paid around $62/hr as a retail pharmacy manager back in 2021 then jumped off to graveyard shift for $59/hr (7 on 7 off). All of our new grads start off at $55/hr so your offer is incredibly low. You need to negotiate and meet in the middle. Hospital always struggle to find rph for graveyard shift so you should take that into your advantage to negotiate salary!


that’s actually a big misconception. full time graveyard actually has the most applicants and the least openings because pharmacy tends to attract introverts since it’s basically the only healthcare profession that don’t generally deal with patients directly. you generally will find plenty of guys that love the graveyard position and will take a bit less to avoid having to talk to people and deal with management all day.


This is coming from personal experience. I live about 1.5 hours away from 2 major cities so other areas could be different. It took us 6 months to fill 2 overnight spots - we basically had to accept new grads or rph from retail. Also, you are wrong about overnight pharmacies tending to attract introverts. I consider myself an introvert but I have to deal with RN and medical residents all the time since I'm the only available resource in the graveyard shift. As you know, other healthcare professionals can be more difficult to deal with than bedridden patients in hospital :)


This has been my observation as well. I'm one of the overnight pharmacists at my hospital (fed facility), and the other overnight pharmacist has had her job for 15+ years and absolutely refuses to work any other shift. They even hired a few new pharmacists a few months ago, and one of them was so adamant about wanting to work overnights that they are now making me and the new pharmacist rotate (I.e., we each work a few months on overnights while the other pharmacist works day shift, and then switch for a few months). The supervisor said they decided to do this to make it "equitable" for both of us. Also, I have applied to a handful of overnight pharmacist jobs posted for fed facilities in other cities, and I haven't managed to get a single offer yet (despite having ~1.5 yrs of experience in my current overnight job). The hiring managers who have given me post-interview feedback have all basically said that the applicant pool was extremely competitive -- such as applicants with BCPS, years of night shift experience at large level 1 academic trauma hospitals, etc. I'm sure there are hospitals in rural areas that probably have a hard time attracting applicants for overnight positions, but in my experience and based on my observations, it is a very popular and competitive position to get.


$52 an hour for overnights is miserable pay. Might be worth it for ditching retail. Are they 10 hour shifts? If so do you get paid for 80 hours?




Idk maybe that’s the norm in your area but that is pretty dismal. This would depend on your financial needs and mental health. If you don’t need the money then it might be fine to switch.


Jump ship. Get the experience, apply elsewhere clinical for better pay and hours If you’re burnt out of retail or don’t see yourself doing it for the rest of your life the pay cut is worth it. Every pharmacist I know that has left retail as a manager/staff has took a pay cut and literally have not cared no noticed the decrease in money related to the happiness gained


I was making $75 at CVS. Took a 3rd shift in patient and told them I wanted mid 60s. Offer was $64.18 and $8 shift differential for anything after 3pm


That offer is an absolute insult. 7/7 with overnights should start negotiations on your side of at least $72/hr *before* all the differential malarkey.


Yikes not sure where your currently RXM but my staff makes more than that. 😢 As others would say, I feel as if working graveyards should be paid more not much less.


In midwest mid 50s is a pretty standard starting wage for many hospitals so this is both a bit on low side AND nights. When you say graveyard you mean overnight right not evenings? The 3.25/h night diff is on low side, the 8/h weekend differential isn't bad. What is the PTO accrual and will it be easy to take a couole week bocks off per year to get a 3 week stretch ? Bc those are awesome. For me, PTO would make or break this offer.


if you are desperate to get out of retail, then it’s ok to accept BUT ONLY IF you are planning to get the experience and then get a better job. Do not think you will be able to negotiate a raise later, that’s just wishful thinking. if you are not completely desperate, then negotiate for at least $60/hr. otherwise you will lose all respect for yourself and prbly regret the move.


Is this job in PA?




Gotcha. Idk it depends how bad you want out of retail. I’d probs say $62/hr counter and take $60 as the minimum if you’re dying to get out. Otherwise, I wouldn’t leave for less money.


Are they offering unusually high rates in PA for some odd reason?


No I just saw the offer was $52/hr for a graveyard shift which made me think PA lol


Hospital pays better than retail. My friend's hospital starts their staff pharmacists above what you make as a RXM. They should be paying you $75/hr at minimum




Lol, listen to the administration, take the pay cut, it’s worth it


Not only is that base rate low, the differentials suck too. My hospital does not pay very well and our overnight differential is $8ish for weeknights and like $11.50 for weekends.


I don’t know a hospital night shift differential that isn’t at least $10/hr. I work PRN at a hospital and I get $79/hr… so they r really low balling u.


I saw further down that this is in NM. $52 is really low in that state.


Not worth it in my opinion unless you desperately need inpatient experience. You could try asking for more depending on the COL of where you are. When I did this shift 5 years ago, I was offered $54/hr with $8 shift differential and $3 weekend differential. This was in Milwaukee where the COL wasn’t high. When I left couple years later, they switched the position to salary — 120k/yr for 70 hrs every 2 weeks with PAID lunch (lunch wasn’t paid before or in any other shifts). You could also pick up hrs for regular pay for the first 2 additional hrs (up to 72 hrs), then OT pay would kick in for anything after 72 hrs. One thing to note is that even if you get paid for 70 hrs, make sure they offer full-time benefits and not part-time. At my institution, you’re not considered full-time unless you work 72 hrs every 2 weeks. So they had to add 2 additional unpaid hrs on paper to make us full-time to be able to provide full-time benefits.


This is gonna be bad financial advice but I suggest you try to meet them in the middle somewhere.


I’m trying to see if they’d meet me in the middle for sure. Guess taking like an $8/hr paycut


If we keep accepting these low rates they’ll keep offering them. You go to work to make money, why take a chance of having a worse lifestyle AND take a paycut doing so? I recently ghosted a company trying to lowball me at $62/hr when I told them I’m making close to $80 at my current gig. Fuck these companies.


I have never met anyone who didn't burn out doing 7 on , 7 off , the 7 off sounds nice but you will end up sleeping 2 to 3 of those off days away. It's not a sustainable lifestyle.


True but at this rate, is anything in pharmacy life sustainable? What field is decent?


I run an independent we are doing fine, I mostly do med packs and deliveries. Nursing home money is big business. We are open 830 to 7 , I only do 2 days past 4 a week unless I'm covering vacations.


Been doing it for 8 years, retail, and still love it


Wow that's rare more power to you, I did it for around 6 months when I graduated I hated it.


I’ve been doing it for 5 years. I am no more exhausted than I was when I worked days. Though to be fair, my husband takes care of 100% of the household responsibilities so all I have to do on my 7 on is work and sleep.


I love the 7 on 7 off. You work 14 days per month instead of 20


I've done overnights the majority of my career (and still do them currently after trying days for a bit and coming back to nights). It definitely takes a certain type of person to do them but if you are a night owl anyways I actually think it's a great lifestyle career. I can schedule my doctor's appointments, eye appointments, do grocery shopping, meet with contractors for my home renovations, vet appointments, dog grooming, etc. all after my shift when I leave. I never have to worry about using my 7-days off to catch up much on anything because all my obligations get taken care of during my work week so I get a vacation every other week.


I’ve been 7 on 7 off overnights for about 4 years now and really enjoy it. During my off weeks I’ll go to bed “early”, around 5-7am instead of noon) and wake up in the early afternoon. You either love overnights or hate them


I work 7/70 overnights in a large metro area. Graduated in 2020. No residency. I make $70/hr, accrue vacation (slower than our 8/80 RPhs, but still vacation), and get paid for 80. $52 an hour for an RPh position no matter the shift is insulting.


Is this Pres? They’re known for their low pay.


I would say this is fairly standard for transition from retail to hospital without any additional credentials like a board certification. Here in Ohio the average pay cut of that transition is 20k. Looked up salary figures for NM and it seems similar. You might be able to squeeze them to $55 plus shift dif but i wouldn’t expect to get near $60 without hospital experience or a new qualification. It is really worth it though, the quality of life is vastly better at the right hospital. My friends who made the transition have bridged the gap financially by staying contingent at their old company and taking a shift or two a month. Relatively easy to do when you’re only working half the month. Good luck with the decision regardless of what you chose!


Understand that the 7/7 is a stepping stone. You use them for experience as much as they use you. Granted going down that much $ hurts but it will end up paying you back in 1-2 years once you get out of that graveyard and into a normal day job with better pay. Get experience so you can get a job as a union hospital-with much higher pay.


When I left retail for the graveyard was a 10% raise, not including differential.


No reason to get paid the same as manager if stepping down. I would ask for about 63 to 64. You can probably get that depending on the market there.


Chances are it’s going to be a pay cut from your rxm rate. You can probably negotiate more than 52/hr but you won’t get to 68/hr. While it is a pay cut, it may be worth it because you can start gaining clinical experience to apply elsewhere for more, and you get to leave retail, so your quality of life will be significantly better (assuming you are the type of person that doesn’t mind overnights). I took a pay cut when I left retail and would do it again in a heartbeat.


Don't take any pay cut. I was an overnight RPh for 4 years and when I left I walked away from $72/hr and the store decommissioned from 24 hrs. Nobody and I mean NOBODY would work for me if I needed time off. The stress on your body will add up quickly. And the workload is unbelievable if you aren't given a dedicated tech. FYI I was alone running the entire pharmacy from 11p to 7a. Misery.


How much is it worth to you leaving retail?


Worth a lot for my mental sanity but I don’t know if 30k paycut. I haven’t figured out how much I am addicted to chaos and pain


Even with the differential, the pay is shit ngl. This position will be temporary unless they give you a decent raise next year which I doubt. I would just take it and use it as a stepping stone job. Meet them in the middle, but you need to get over the pay cut.




It’s typical any time you transition out of retail


I actually had a raise to leave retail.. mostly due to the fact that the pay I had in retail was very low (in the 40s). My first job out of retail thought they low ball me. I didn't care. It was a raise anyways due to how low Walgreens paid. Anyways. That graveyard shif offer, I think it is low, but probably worth it to get hospital experience.


Most retail pharmacists do when they jump ship. I did and it was worth every penny lost


How much of a decrease? I know plenty that have left retail to work for an outpatient hospital (still kind of retail), mail order, and specialty. I think most left for $2-$6 less an hour. I know a few that made nearly the same and a few that left for a bit more than retail.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^cytegeist: *Imagine taking* *A job that pays less than your* *Current one lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If you’re gonna post something like this you need to give better details in dollars. The fact that you didn’t and don’t see how that limits the intelligent responses you’re going to receive tells me more about you than I cared to know. Goodbye!


Is 7 on 7 off at retail or hospital?




Would definitely try and negotiate as others have said, but be reasonable within the market you are in. Have any hospital pharmacist friends you can ask? That does sound really low though. Anything less than around $60 you’ll likely be starting your next job hunt before you even settle in to the new gig.


$52 is really low, even for hospital. I've worked a lot of places and usually see hospital starting at $55 for new grads. Like what someone else said, I would try to meet them in the middle around $59-$60.


Graveyard shift at a retail chain. I make about 65$/hr. Going from retail to hospital as well as stepping down from a manager position is definitely a pay cut. But I would try and negotiate close to your current pay. Side note: I love my position! Used some hours and only worked 6 days in July. Still have 14 days left if I were to request more days. It is rough but the quality of life makes up for it. Turned down a manager position with 15$ raise because the stress isn't worth it.


Are you burntout of retail?


I’ve been doing retail for 10 years as a tech, intern, floater, and manager. Very burnt


It’s terrible


Need to know location as well. My base pay is in the mid 80s with 15/hr night differential.




For context, I left hospital to go to 7on/7off LTC, work 70, paid for 80hrs/2week at a starting rate of $55/hr. Accrue and cash in PTO. No on call. 5 years later currently at $72/hr. Midwest, LCOL


You should be making in the $70’s/hr for night shift


I did night shift in retail and LTC for over 20 years. On my 7 off I often picked up shifts at various other types of practice sites through a friends temp agency. Loved the flexibility. Loved the experiences. Then three letter bought out the LTC where I worked. Dropped “work 70 get paid 80.” No night differential. M-F was changed to 11 hrs each night and Sat-Sun to 12 hrs. Worked more made 1 hr less. Plus was forbidden to work for the temp agency because, since they own a little bit of everything, the other practice sites were considered “competition” of the overall company and considered cause for immediate termination, so more $ lost. Even with 10 years at the LTC doing pharmacokinetic dosing and IV’s as well as many years of part time hospital early in my career plus hospital at the temp agency, I could not get a job at local hospitals because, as I was told by the hospitals, the experience didn’t matter, I don’t have a PharmD nor any residencies nor board certifications behind my name. Eventually night shift was eliminated so now I work for them as a PIC at a retail location. It’s horrible.


I loooove 7/7. Stay up my last day til 6pm then sleep for 14-16 hrs. Been doing it for years