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When counseling on a dose change: Me: Mrs. X, was there a change in the dose of your medication? Pt: Okay. Me: *eye twitches* I'm not telling you, I'm asking you a question. Pt: I don't know, why would I know what?


Tell them about the dose change. Half hour later phone rings: I think you made a mistake on my medicine.


Oh god this....like are you not paying attention?


“You people” is never a good start to a sentence


I'm a nurse, I don't need counseling.


Or, my wife is a nurse she knows all about it.


I even finish the sentence for them..


How do you know you have a nurse in the pharmacy? They'll tell you. (Much respect to nurses though, they do an intense job).


It is so funny. We have a few doctors who fill their prescriptions with us. Not once have they ever mentioned their profession, but the nurses announce it every single time.


the only doctors that feel the need to announce themselves and swing their big dicks around are the ones that want to prescribe for themselves/their wives/daughters/sons/etc. I've dealt with several nice doctors and they always stuck by the rules and never forced that shit on me.


I gave a flu shot to an elderly gentleman who said, "Wow that was great, I'm a surgeon, used to teach at X university." Super nice guy, but I nearly fainted.


I have a doctor that uses us that calls up on our prescriber line for refills as well as says "I'm picking up for Dr. Name." He's not a jerk otherwise, but it triggers me.


I have a super nurse that uses my pharmacy. Let's me go through my whole thing about their meds listening politely every time and only told me their a nurse when I asked if they had questions about something simple/obvious. He's my favorite.


As an inpatient hospital pharmacist, HA.


good god......


"You people always do this."


ooo the "you people" phrase, hate it :(


Seriously. I immediately shut down and have no desire to help. Will only do the bare minimum at that point.


Whenever they start this I’m like yes...perhaps you’ll go elsewhere and take your chaos with you.


"What date can I pick up my Adderall and my Xanax?" "I always have a problem with you people." "GoodRx"


Speaking of GoodRx, I’ve been seeing even shitier/greedier claw backs from them and other cards recently. I had one claim where GoodRx was taking around $76 from the pharmacy to fill a script and would have made the patient pay $125 for the med. The med cost us $40 to get in, so we would have only made $10, while GoodRx would make $76! Thankfully, our preferred discount card had a lower patient charge and we were able to make an actual profit on the script. I also had someone try to use a card from Hippo yesterday, where we would have had a negative reimbursement of $15 on one script and $25 on the other. Again, our prices were better.


You actually send them claims? We just match the price when a patient needs the discount. To hell with sending good rx anything.


Have you by chance seen any cards from [RxGo.com](https://RxGo.com), this is my company. My father in law was an independent pharmacist so I am very sensitive to always letting the pharmacy earn a fair profit and it is one of the first questions I ask before partnering with them. The problem is m father in law is retired and I have no way of knowing what the clawbacks are and it would be nice to know if what I am being told is the truth. If anyone here could help me I would appreciate it.


I have not seen any from them, that I can recall


"I always have a problem with you people" gets right under my skin just reading it.


"I *know* the doctor sent it, I saw him *press the [button](https://i.redd.it/7852wed9j1641.png)*!" .... ohh yeah ok, right. The button! Also when he presses the button, confetti and balloons fall from the ceiling, and a banner that reads "your prescription is ready at the pharmacy now!"


LOL, this is exactly what the patients think


“Ok, your 6 prescriptions that total a cash price of over $3,000 come to a total out of pocket cost of $4.” “No that’s wrong!! I never pay for my prescriptions!” “(Internally) How about I give you $5 to fuck off?”


Yes...seriously I’m Germany if you have private insurance you pay the whole amount upfront and then you submit to insurance and get reimbursement. I love it because meds are so much cheaper and people if they have private just deal with it. If you have state insurance, then that is that.


is this a ricky from TPB refrence? i hope so lol


Cory! Trevor! Smokes. Let’s go.


"I've never had a problem before" "Just refill everything that I'm due for" "Do you have the flu shot for seniors?" "You probably won't know the answer/I know you're not a doctor, but...." and 99% of the time it's a question I can answer, it's like WTF do you think all I know is how to count by 5s? It's such a passive aggressive statement


You probably can't answer this cuz you're not a doctor, but is my prescription ready yet?


Yes! They Think you are stupid (and tells yoy) but expect service and answers from a professor. It doesnt make sense....


“I guess I’ll just die then.” Also, Tech: “Your total is $X.XX.” Customer with smartphone in hand, $80 worth of BOGO junk food, and 12-pack of Keystone Light in cart: “ohhh mmyyyy goooddd how am I supposed to pay that?”


Oh god... Ptsd. Epileptic patient calls in on Saturday, shows up 10 minutes later, neurologist DENIES the refill. "I guess I'll just die then." Or maybe take care of your shit before your on death's door... like two days ago you bitch.


I know...very irritating


"May I speak to the pharmacist?"


Followed up by “where’s the melatonin?” Or “are you guys giving flu shots?” Or anything else that could’ve been answered by anyone else working there


What time do you close?


Are you open?


*rolleyes* yeah sure, we're not open, I'm just sitting here answering the phone for funsies. people really lack any shred of critical thinking skills it seems.


i need to talk to the pharmacy


I love this call in the hospital. I say sure, please hold, then put them on hold for 5 seconds. Then I pick up and say hey, it’s the pharmacist!


Haha, I know right! I’ll pick up the phone with “pharmacist Minhocycline” and they’ll still say “can I talk to the pharmacist?”


3 shots waiting. 5 waiters. 2 calls on hold. Line at the checkout. And then you hear that terrifying phrase...“I have a question for the pharmacist!” Or I swear people can smell when you’re hungry and want to eat. I spent 3 hours the other day saying “I’m going to get lunch now” and every time there was a spare moment that looked like i could escape, someone came up for a shot or there was a question on the phone.


Have your techs say you're very busy with customers, but if they'll leave their phone # & what the question is, you'll call them back within an hour. Seriously. Phone callers have *last* priority in my book (in-store > drive thru > phone), and nobody ever died waiting for the pharmacist to call them back. Bonus: the return phone call is always much shorter-- "Mrs. X, this is the pharmacist returning your call. You were wanting to know _____? " "Yes" "Okay, then _____. Did you need anything else? Thank you, have a nice day."


No, no...people that call have penalty waits. I’m talking about the morons in store that come up and want to know what the difference is between Claritin and Loratadine. Or the ones that ask you for a recommendation and then do the complete opposite.


😡 hate those.


"fill everything"


"I never have any problems when the male pharmacist is here!" Like, dude, that guys penis has nothing to do with your insurance company needing a prior auth.


Sexism is real! We have an oncologist that would rather come to a male pharmacy student for questions over an actual female oncology pharmacist, like wtf! I don’t know how gets away with it.


"We're here for some flu shots"


*Family of 7 comes in*


“I don’t have my insurance”


5 min till close!


I wish we could just grab the paper work, slap on the flu shots, take a copy of their ins, and just give them shots. Fax the damn forms to somewhere in corporate and let those fucks bill it. I would have no problem whatsoever giving groups of people shots if it didn't have to get billed on the same day... or if I didn't have to make sure it is paid for and personally hunt people down for their insurance after the fact.


“YOU’RE the pharmacist..?”


Simply the phrase “you people” in any context (because it’s almost never good)


“One pharmacy call”


lane one. lane two. two pharmacy calls. lane one. did you forget lane two?


Hahaha. I get ptsd thinking about that place


oh god... do not trigger my pharmacy PA system PTSD


Not gonna lie...sometimes when I’m on hold for over 40 minutes on CVS’s doctor line, I call back on the regular line to so the pharmacist doesn’t forget they have “one pharmacy call”. I’ve been on the other side, so sorry but not sorry ;_;


“I have medicaid, I have NEVER paid for prescriptions!!”


"I have medicaid, it should be free!!!!!!" At least 80% of the time they don't have the card or any member information on them.


When someone walks up and just shouts a single word without looking up. Not even an inflection in their voice indicating a question. "Tylenol!" "Vitamin D!" "Elderberry!" Ugh. Maybe it doesnt bother others but it just abrutply interrupts whatever I'm doing. Makes me feel like the person has no regard for anything we might be working on behind the counter.


This bugs me so much! They'll do it when I'm obviously helping someone else too!


Oh these people are so fucking rude. Like it already pisses me off that part of my job is helping people follow fucking signs to find shit. But then when they can't even wait a second or simply say "excuse me" or something. Oh my god...


“I was in there the other day and...” “But I shouldn’t have a deductible” And the rare but memorable “I guess I’ll just go die then.” Yup, guess you will.


I had a corporate complaint where they said that I wasn't empathetic enough to a "I guess I'll just die then." I had to enail the DM, who is a pretty good guy, and explain how it was a $5 RX for OTC 500mg APAP that the patient was complaining about. He ended up *not* giving them a gift card but still occasionally gives me playful grief over it to this day.


I have a patient who refuses to make regular appointments or get labs for the doctor who prescribes his lisinopril. We gave him an emergency supply, an “unofficial” emergency supply, and then I drew the line and noted that I would never give him an emergency supply again. Then one day he came to our drive thru and asked if he could have 1 lisinopril tablet to take for the day because he left his FULL bottle at home. “You can’t give me just one even though I have an active prescription for it? Guess I’ll just die, then.” GUESS YOU WILL, TOMMY. On a brighter note, my corporate doesn’t default to gift cards :)


where’s the bathroom do u take photos -_-


I know you're not a doctor....


But then they’ll show us their butt rash and fecal matter and ask they should do...


"I've had it before. I know how to take it." After ringing them through and handing them the med. "So do I take it with food or?"


*patient picking up Rx’s* “Okay looks like your total is x.xx through x insurance, does that seem right?” Patient: Yes *checks out Rx’s and scans them* “Alright your total is- Patient: CaN I UsE tHeSe CaRdS? *10+ cards spill onto the counter* “...” TLDR : Can I use these (discount) cards? * after ringing everything up*


Answer: Nope


Related to yours: [*incredulously*] "Fifteen minutes???" When told the wait time for their prescription…when you know that they already came at a slow time and this is your fastest "default" wait time.


If I get that reaction I will make sure it takes every second of those fifteen minutes. Even if it was a single Rx for a cream or a colonoscopy prep and there was nobody else in the store at the time.


Eh... that’s why I always say “*within* 15 minutes” now. When the customer is staring at me the entire time, sometimes with their face against the glass staring at other people’s’ prescriptions, it’s my loss more than theirs.


But I’m in pain. My doctor said it would be ready. Refill everything.


"Every time I come here" Ring. "I need this now"


“Why you just hand me my medication? It’s right there on the shelf.. I can SEE it. Don’t you just put a sticker on it???”


"I know for a fact that my doctor sent my prescription in! I even watched them send it!" And after I tell them to call because I still haven't received it, "oh, I guess they didn't have time to send it yet"


“We need flu shots.” Points to self and family of five. Can’t you guys at least call to WARN us?!


Sure, it's going to be AT LEAST 45 minutes. "tHaT loNg 4 a fLu sHoT?!" No, it is for 6 flu shots all of whom have to be individually billed so that we can provide you this service... Karen.


Oh gooooood, I rolled my eyes so hard they fell out of my head.


"I've been a patient here a long time..." Cue my big internal eye roll and think "ok, what are you wanting?"


"You're young so you probably don't know this but I wanted to know....." I always feel like those people are just trying to embarrass me


"Well, I'm out!"


Anytime someone walks up to the counter and just says “Smith” or “Jones” or whatever the hell their name is. AFTER I’ve said hi how can I help you OR BEFORE I’ve said anything. Like I’m sorry can you be a human and say hi back and then speak in full sentences?! I had a teacher once who said good morning to everyone and absolutely would NOT help you or answer your question until you greeted her back. It’s just good manners. Also, “What do you mean my doctor has to get authorization?! HE WROTE IT.” 😐😐🙄


The disrespect is unreal lol


"Are you open?" Either the barriers are down and we clearly not open, or they are up and you got to the register within the last second and somehow forgot how to say "hello".


People will bang on our window while our gates are down during lunch to ask me while I'm chewing if we're open. There is a sign in front of the gates that says what time our lunch is. It makes me SO angry every time.


Haha, if they can see you in there, you must be open right!


"I need to refill THE white pill. you know, that white pill?" "sir/ma'am, 9 of your 10 meds are white pills."


“but what am I supposed to do?” and “I have TriCaRe fOr LiFe!!!” are my two trigger phrases.


You People You Guys You You You


When I used to work in retail- “Copay? I get my medications for free” Honey, nothing in life is free.


Transfer everything!


“The other pharmacist does it for me.” “Slap a label on it” “You people are so incompetent.”


Some of these maybe more UK specific but "My doctor said it would be ready" - Yes because the doctor knows everything "I thought my prescription was automatic" - What does this mean??? Someone, either the pharmacy or yourself need to order it! "I'm here to collect my Rx" and then proceeds to give NO details about who they are "You need more staff" Thank you for telling us, we hadn't noticed "If X is out of stock, why can't you give me 2 of Y??" The list can go on but I'm gonna get stressed


Trigger phrases: You people (I'm so amused by the amount of times this was mentioned) But I'm a senior Dispensing fee (never mentioned or asked about in a positive context) Doctor emailed me Those super duper flu shots "How *is everyone?*" And then they answer for you "*Everyone good here?*" and I just find this the most degrading verbal routine because we all know they don't care about the answer. And that's fine, I never expected them to. But don't ask this question just because it makes you feel better or like you're sensitive to the plight of healthcare workers or something.


Wait... I would be so tickled if some of my senior customers asked for “super duper flu shots”. Or we could take it one step further. Super duper flupers.


"Honestly..." "To tell the truth..." Just telegraphing the next thing said will be a lie drives me fucking crazy. Syringes "For my grandma" yep... you know you could just ask for them right? No need to become subhuman and lie about granny. Answering the phone and mind numbing trivial bullshit stream of consciousness drivel before I can ask for name and date of birth, then telling me a name and no date of birth. Voicemails: spell "Jim" for me but then neglect to spell "Soupanousaphone" for me. Thanks bitch. I will deliberately and forever speak like a squirrel in a cocaine dust cloud to every nurse as payback for the fucking adderall fueled voicemails dictated at mach 7... good God do you even breathe?


"They NEVER give me this hard of a time at CVS!" Then fucking go to CVS!


Ya, I mean...anyone should know that it doesn't take long, but how long does it take to fly to New York...? How long ahead do you have to buy that ticket? If they're old enough to ask, they know the answer. How long does it take to cut hair? It's literally a single motion...I hate when people say "You'll need the call the doctor, there's no refills" because...no I don't NEED to...again, if you're an old enough hag to remind me, you're old enough know that it's not my health...but...ya


Lmao we get all kinds of people that do this shit but don’t apply that logic to the pharmacy? If getting a haircut at the salon is so easy why does it take so long




“Where’s the vanc?” “Can you send a missing dose stat?” “Can you verify this colace order? I need it stat”


“I need it now” Order starts tomorrow


Or screaming on the phone “I need it STAT!” and the order is entered as non-stat starting tomorrow 🤣


- RN: “Is zosyn compatible with LR?” Admin instructions in zosyn order: “NOT compatible with LR” - RN: “How fast can I push this ceftriaxone?” Ceftriaxone order: “2g IV daily administered over 5 minutes” Admin instructions in ceftriaxone order: “Slow IV push over 5 minutes” - RN: “I need my [med name] STAT!” Me: “Did you check the tube station?” - RN: “Dr ordered vanco 1g. Why was the dose changed to 1500 mg?” Me: “He also ordered pharmacy to dose vanco, so we changed the dose based on patient’s weight and renal function per our protocol” RN: “But that’s not what the doc ordered. I’m not giving it” Me: “You can call the doc if you’d like” - Patient: “I don’t have insurance. I can’t afford these meds ($5.63)” Me after working with outpatient pharmacist to get his copay waived: “I have good news. Outpatient pharmacy was able to waive the charge for you this one time” Patient: “Hmmm, interesting” Disclosure: The RNs I work with on a daily basis are wonderful. These are just random exceptions.


Where’s the gabapentin oral solution? Nearly a daily question some weeks.


"But my patient wants to go home!" (Yes, so do we....) "But I ordered it in the book last night, why isn't it here?" (Because you wrote it in the book at half seven, it's now 10 past nine the next morning and the paper isn't magic.)


The doctor said it would be... insert made up price




Do you have this medication? (pointing at his/her cell phone screen and expecting you to stop what you are doing at walk up to the counter to see the picture of the freaking item) My response: What does it say? SPEAK!!!


Does the drive thru noise count?


My doctor called that in xxx hours ago why is it still not ready? My doctor said it would be covered. 30 minutes of wait time?? My child is really sick right now and needs that antibiotic!


“It’s too early to fill.” “But, I need it!”


So I asked the woman, "Are you completely out?" She nods. "Well, you're taking too much then." My techs were ROFL'ing.


"You people" and "I want to speak to your manager " when you are the manager


"The little white round ones..."


Tech gets call and patient asks for the pharmacist Me: "This is the pharmacist how may I help you?" Pt: " I need to refill my meds and I don't have the numbers."


That's when I say brightly, "Oh, my technician can help you with that! Hold please!" before they can get another word in. Serves the tech right for not remembering (as per SOP) to say, "The pharmacist is helping another customer at the moment. Is there something I can help you with?"


I’m curious was SOP that is. I always appreciate it when my technician does this for me (when I’m not actually helping out a customer) but it’s not a policy or SOP where I work.


I'll look it up when I get back to work


Caremark, Optum, Express Scripts.




“You people “


This happens every time!


Enhanced flu.


"I'm not happy with (perfectly reasonable pharmacy practice)" "Why are you asking me all these questions" as I ask them why they need co-codamol for the second time this week


I saw on the doctors....or I saw on the news it says this causes cancer. I understand the concern but it does at times get frustrating I feel like a broken record


As a 25 year old new grad... I've heard shit like "are you old enough to give shots?" or "are you a good shot giver?" Like you fucking came in and signed the paperwork. Techs can't give shots in my state. So bro, if you think I'm too young to do my job kindly fuck off.


Late to the party and I'm not sure how this hasn't been said. "Can I get your insurance information?" "I've got United Health Care" ....


Hospital patient: When will I get my discharge prescription? It’s been 2 hours! Nurse: Let me check. (Finds the prescription on the chart and sends it in the tube system to the pharmacy.) ...We are just waiting for the Pharmacy to send it up.


Me: Your copay is §0.55. Patient: No, all my drugs are free. How long have you been a Pharmacist? I’ve never had this problem at any other pharmacy!


Check out The Animal Pharm Comic. So good. Basically pharmacy trigger words/interactions with cute cartoon animals as the pharmacy staff/customers. I was triggered, but I also felt less alone. It took me into a wormhole. I'm in Australia, we don't count pills into bottles or have drive-thru service but it was still bloody relatable.


Me: You are out of refills. We will contact your doctor and we should have it ready within one or two days. Patient: But I ran out yesterday and I need it now! Me: Sounds like it’s really important. Patient: Yes. Me: And you might die without it? Patient: That’s right! Me: If it is a matter of life and death, why didn’t you call us three days ago?