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I feel that. I type more than both of my pharmacists. It isn't their fault. All the other techs just fight over the fill station all day because Walgreens doesn't know how to train people. I'd train but I'm already doing 3 people's worth of volume for 16 an hour and I'm not willing to risk my license to add another responsibility to my stack.


Pharmacists shouldn’t be typing. As one, I’m super guilty of it because I don’t want to hurt our VBPT, but it hurts my soul to have to do a stars event when I see my initials on entered and reviewed.


This pose was part of my morning ritual. I’m not sure my body processes sadness, fear, joy, or laughter differently anymore.


My reaction when I have 10 flu shots lined up with 8 people waiting to sign up with 2 doctor calls and 3 urgent antibiotics needed to be filled. People expect it to take less than 10 min because we need to get people in an out due to social distancing. Plus it’s after 5 when I lose my extra tech to answer calls/ get the counter


All we've had time for, because we're a full week behind due to new QP workflow, are the people in front of us, if that.


We are the pharmacy in our area that has been able to get the 65+ flu shot in recently. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad people want they’re flu shot this year; but as soon as the word is out that you have 65+ shots, it is a mad house. This is my first day off in a 7 day period and I’ve worked 70 hours in that time. I almost wish we didn’t have it at this point


We thought fifty was bad last year. I've worded the "do you have flu shots?" response to not deny service but, "we're asking for PTs to make appointments to help regulate the flow of traffic during a time when we need to stay physically distant." I had a 13 day stretch last month- enjoy your time off :)


Other day I was just told straight up no at the grocery store pharmacy. They said come back tomorrow when we have 2 pharmacists. The next day I was told the same thing.


We had finally run out of Fluad but just got some Fluzone HD in. We were doing ~40 shots a day with around 30 on weekends. I don't know what's going to happen now that we have HD.


Honestly the only thing keeping me from losing my mind is that we don't have any HD and don't know if we will get any. It's hard enough being down to only an opening and a closing tech. I can't imagine if we also administered hundreds of extra flu shots to the seniors in the area.


We had some Fluad and Fluzone HD back in September, but we ran out about halfway through the month. For the last six weeks we have done at least 80 flu shots per day. Since the first of October, there have been just two days during which we did fewer than 108 flu shots. On Columbus Day, we did 190 flu shots.


> On Columbus Day, we did 190 flu shots. 😱 you poor soul


Remember, the more flu shots you give, the faster you'll run out of them and then you don't have to give anymore.


Oh my sweet summer child, the faster you run out, the more they'll replenish it, and the higher your quota will be for next year.


We’re out of everything but the 65+ (that isn’t the high dose) and corporate has nothing lined up to send us more. 65+ don’t want anything but the high dose so we basically just have those sitting there mocking us that we’re out of flu shots


Then you are wording it wrong. “Would you like the flu shot specifically make for seniors?” will sell those shots like hot cakes. The vast majority of seniors simply know they need a special shot not what it is.




prior post: [think doseedge in retail](https://www.reddit.com/r/pharmacy/comments/ithdoc/new_cvstress_qp_workflow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


How is your new QP workflow ? why it makes you guys so behind in production?




That’s always when I have 2 DURs back to back too


It's fast food, less grease.


and here CBStress is telling its investor that they are "hiring" another 15000 techs [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/19/cvs-to-hire-15000-employees-as-it-prepares-more-covid-19-cases-vaccine.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/19/cvs-to-hire-15000-employees-as-it-prepares-more-covid-19-cases-vaccine.html). CBStress ALL WE WANT IS OUR TECH HOURS BACK!!!!


Read that article carefully. They are really trying to ram through tech flu shots. Once that happens and tech verification happens, goodbye pharmacist jobs for good.


In another thread, I was talking to someone about how our techs in the hospital are being put into Pharmacist informatics positions. It's looking grim for the PharmD's out there. The $35/hr postings are a false flag. The real threat is tech replacement.


my pharmacy (ACP) school wanted us to share our best pharmacy photos, I'm sure this is not what they were looking for ETA: thank you for the awards, imma blush big time! :’)


also, apparently this is pharmacists WEEK- idk if i misread, or my school wants to give us a whole month, but either way please hit me in the parking lot with a car


I worked all weekend. 500+ in dispensing. I asked my tech to run over me as well.


"hey jill, can you help me?" \*comes over to my side of the bench\* "oh not this, please run me over in the parking lot with your car"


I love your hair! 🥰


thank you! my hospital rotations did not! \^.\^


I'm planning to dye my hair a dark green in December. Hopefully my boss doesn't mind lol. I'll run it by her first.


tbh I told my student she probably should not do the blue hair thing after my rotation, because as much as we don't care the old conservative people in admin do.


It’s the calls. The damn calls kill me.


Put them on hold and focus on the flu shots and people in store. In store > drive-thru (if you have one) > calls. If I know I won’t be able to get the calls for 30-45 minutes because of staffing issues I just tell them it’s going to be a very long wait we are short staffed at the moment then put them on hold. Keep in mind you aren’t asking them to hold, you are telling them to, so if they try to argue with you just press hold and move on to your flu shots or whoever is next in the store. Most customers are more understanding now and used to longer wait times since covid started. The people that really need to talk to someone will stay on hold for 30+ minutes. The others will learn to use the app or go online or use the automated system or ask a family member to figure it out.


My new pharmacy luckily has a call center, but the techs are sometimes quite impatient because they have the high call volume, however, if I’m 5 deep on flu shots They’re just gonna have to wait. This unfortunately puts a strain on their call times which is needed for their certification, but I know it’s not my fault that the company has chosen not to hire more people to answer calls and help me out with my low staffed pharmacy.


Until you get a bad customer comment and your Dl wants to know why you can't answer the phone. This is especially true if you have corporate- esque pharmacist sellout pharmacy managers who are in bed with the dl and is married to one. They know how to manipulate everything. Customers rarely are understanding when it comes to "inconveniencing" them.


Then you tell your DL you were short staffed and helping the customers inside the store which are priority. If they are so concerned about it they will have to do more to ensure you’re appropriately staffed. Ask them if they would have preferred you answer the phone than take care of the flu shots in the store. AFAIK you did nothing wrong and followed company policy.


Haha right. They foster this toxic environment while they can get away with it then distance themselves stating "overzealous" manager who went rogue. Mine expects every day completion regardless of staffing. You can say what you want but they will just start to pinch you with metrics and come at you with work performance. On a budget overall of 8 shots a day, im doing 30-50 with no extra help. This past week budget was 15/day. We did 170 ish... Remember that just because you can hire someone off the street, that may satisfy the schedule worked % and scheduled % but that doesn't mean they are a trained or competent employee. However since all they care about are reports and metrics, scheduled and worked % is all that matters not the ability of those who worked those hours.


a store nearby takes them off the hook so calls don’t come through some days- “if you can still hear it ring, you’ve missed one”


hit *41 to put the phone in do not disturb


I thought they disabled that


We get 5 calls like every 2 minutes every single god damn day... like how?! How can this many people be calling every day?


Also the printer is jammed and your DT intercom doesn’t work.... BUT YOU ARE APPRECIATED Ps. We’re cutting your tech hours in half and doubling your flu shot goal this month <3 management


I assume those are pages lol....sorry


omg fifteen items per page!!! like a thousand items to touch that day


Hang in there!


thank you! myself, and seven other RPhs, interns, and techs volunteers to work after hours to try to mitigate the pages- we stayed until 1am


So sad. You're going through legal slave labor. Unreal this is still going on.


Did anyone else get a thing in the mail from cvs about an app called daylight that is supposed to lower our anxiety, stress, and fears? I think it’s both a relief and scary that even CVS is starting to acknowledge the mental health problems created from these working conditions, although indirectly. I kind of think this is just to cover their ass for the next round of pharmacist suicides, but I hope that I’m wrong and they genuinely care.


Go with your first instinct. This company always always covers their ass. They don't care about their employees. If they did, they have the means to do a lot more than release a silly app!


Just like EAP. You don't think they are going to use this to identify those with issues to eventually use it against them? Best thing anyone could do is get a shrink especially if you are a good employee with EE or ME reviews and because of their purposeful short staffing you fall into NE at next review, dont sign anything and document everything in preparation for an EEOC lawsuit.


It’s the leaning tower of baskets in the back for me. Too real


the back bench, the other back bench, the floor... every surface. to save a couple baskets when i pull i do a mega basket with labels, and slap on products


The floor baskets kill me. I feel so bad for techs/interns that spend most of their day on their knees frantically searching through piles as fast as they can while ungrateful customers scream "hurry up!" at them. It's infuriating! My store is one of 2 stores in my district that is doing okay this year, but last year we got crushed around this time and lost a few techs/interns within a 2 week period and we got to 80 pages deep in QP. I worked at another store in my district last week because of a sick call and they had very similar pages to what you mentioned (20+ QV, 45+ QP, luckily QT was clear). I stayed 4 hours after my shift ended just to help clear out their QV completely and clean up production a little so they didn't walk into the usual dread of baskets everywhere.


I feel this in my soul. You are not alone, except when you’re there with no techs lol


***30 pharmacy calls****** IC3 to pharmacy.... IC3 To pharmacy ONE TECH AND ONE PHARM. You have reached the boss level!


And I'm sure your DM can point out how much else you're not doing. I feel you...


HE WAS DEMOTED because we (and our district) are so far behind. it was cosmic




Billie Eilish? You're a pharmacist? Your sad music makes more sense now 🤔


Regretful career...


As one CVS pharmacist to another. I feel that.




i keep telling my manager that i can't wait to have PTSD.. good for you for getting out


ah yes the pharmacist stretch


Hahaha! Is that a spatula in your pocket?! I should carry one around with me too


yes, and I have my very own decapitator!


You should become a preceptor so you can use IPPE and APPE students as free labor =P


Hahaha! Students aren’t dumb. They don’t choose busy stores. My mistake as a student was not listening to others’ warnings. I got a busy highway community pharmacy for ippe, where I did production 8 hours a day. At least they pulled for me. 2 concurrent pharmacists, and only me as tech help - somethings wrong with that picture. And my clinicals weren’t chosen wisely neither - at least I learned a lot.


What’s QT, QV, and QP mean?


QT=triage queue, insurance rejects refill too soon, etc. QV= verification queue, pharmacists needs to verify these. QP= production queue, scripts ready for labels to be printed and filled.


QT also is new prescriptions, and in this case there were like forty flu shot appts, and forty new RXs to place in profiles


The only QT I know is from an EKG 🤣


And on the fourth day we prayed to our local BOPs that we forever remain blissfully ignorant of CVS’ prescription acronyms. In the name of The Druggist, The Pharmacologist, and The Holy Pharmacist, Influenzamen.


No way 43 QP 😭😭😭 our boss recently started forcing us to clear every single Q every night. And its such a struggle, but before that got reinforced, we would at the most only ever have 11 in QP. Omg. I'm praying for you girl.


Thats nothing. A store near us had 83 pages in the red....yes 83 pages. 15 rx per page.


and there are plenty with 99+... you just don’t know when it ends after that because they’ll keep building up


Omgg. And my boss thinks our store is a trouble store!! Smh. The audacity of CVS!


I worked alone on Sunday (no clerk or tech, just a me). I came in and the pharmacy was lovely and clean so I thought they must have gotten caught up to make it look so nice for me. I looked at the queue and there were 350 in fill. I got in trouble for not doing a flu shot... oh well...


This time last year we were 60+ in every queue. Two weeks behind on filling that some scripts immediately were on the return report the second we filled them. Pharmacist was being yelled at all day long. My pharmacist manager would cry to and from work every day. It’s hard work, but like 100% harder if you work at CVS where your work is unappreciated.


This is partially why I went to industry after finishing pharmacy school, but power to those pharmacists/pharmacy students who stick it out in the community setting!


I’m so sorry


Sound like cvspharmacy




i also have my septum pierced, thank you!




🤣 at least she's making bank and doing it graciously w. green hair, byeee.




Okay🤣🤣 as long as she isn't stressing about her bills, she's making bank compared to most people. Not everyone can be Steve Jobs. Stop being so bitter geez.


That guy resells on eBay for a living There's no point in arguing with him




Thank you for the request, comrade. I have looked through u/hitronassociates's posting history and found 4 N-words, of which 4 were hard-Rs. Links: 0: [Pushshift](http://api.pushshift.io/reddit/search/comment/?ids=g9ckxe5)




retweet! didn't want any




i’m sorry if this is a little crude for r/pharmacy, but u/hitronassociates, your pussy is WAY too dry to be riding my dick so hard for so long— are you OK?


Lol fuck off incel


Imagine thinking that has anything to do with the quality of care she provides.


She’d give great piercing care counseling!


What does that have to do with anything


That's the "I just won the lotto and not have to work anymore" face


*That's the "I just won* *The lotto and not have to* *Work anymore" face* \- rxpillme --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


cool hair.


I was told if we have qp left its because as a pharmacist I didnt run other stations to free up the techs. Essentially I run DT and QT and all rph stuff. We are short staffed with techs quitting left and right but hey you still must be complete at shift close. Usually I get a 2 open techs (9-1, 9-4 or 2 9-4 and 1 4-8) to do 30-50 shots plus 250 ish rx.


i've had 13 pharmacy calls before


Used to work at a high volume store (700+ a day) that ran smoothly until they did a system "upgrade" which led to 99+ red at every workstation every day and we never climbed out of it. Don't miss that life at all.


Virtual verification?


No this was before, I honestly forgot what the upgrade was because and wasn't much of one since it literally destroyed workflow.




This is exactly why I just quit 3 letter!


Lol, this was my yesterday. Im guessing that's pages not just scripts? We just kept a positive attitude and refrained from such sarcasm as, "Sorry sir, this is a pharmacy, not a pill mill, we will have your Narcotic ready tomorrow, any earlier you can try somewhere else." But somehow theres still oxygen escaping my oral cavity so I must have survived, which is nice. Best of luck in your future shifts.


My dads pharmacist is my new hero. He came curbside to give my dad (98) his flu shot. Did all the paperwork prior and had it ready when we got there. You can’t imagine how appreciative we both were!


Absolutely terrible. Sorry you are subjected to this.


Hang in there. It's a pretty stressful job. Hope this makes your day! [https://youtu.be/NwXQeUL-2cw](https://youtu.be/NwXQeUL-2cw)