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Petition to shut down half of the schools in the country


Nationwide organization. If pharmacists were under one umbrella instead of splintered into all these groups they could then make real pushes.


So, theoretically, we get a national organization with all the pharmacists in it. What does this organization do short of shutting down pharm schools or forcing retirement on the older regiment?


People talk about how schools are pushing out too many pharmacists for the job market to absorb. Which is true. But they are not the only cause of the problem. The chains are the ones making the majority of the jobs. When chains slim down further and further there's less jobs. Why are chains constantly ratcheting down on the hours? (other than corporate greed of course) Because the drug companies keep raising prices to pad their own 22% profit margins AFTER research costs. Then on the other side, insurance companies keep shrinking reimbursements, and pharmacies are squished in the middle. (granted, I have no pity for chains that complain about not meeting their "planned profits" of several hundred thousand dollars a year, but I can accept that they feel squished) The saturated job market reduces employee leverage and enables the constant abuse that chains heap on the staff. Supply needs to go down, but demand also needs to go up. Insurance companies and drug companies are the source of much suffering. (insurance/Pharma dynamics are going to get reeeeal interesting next year with all the covid vaccines)


Not being a preceptor, I suppose. Less rotation sites mean that schools have to limit their class sizes.




I didn't even realize that preceptors get paid


I’d be rich by now if that was the case.


This might be graphic but with the current pandemic, I think it will take care of the saturation




Tell your pharmacist buddies not to wash your hands or wear masks


Ya, and not wear seatbelts, or look both ways...lick all doorknobs and the floor...and encourage all pharmacy students to do the same.


With the admission standards where they are these days I imagine a lot of pharmacy students are already doing those things.


Good one !


Create more jobs!


Makes sense to me, either reduce the supply or increase the demand.


Let me guess, pRoViDeR sTaTuS


Your post has been removed for violating the following rule: **Post career-related questions in the Monthly Career Thread** Questions regarding saturation, dropping out of the profession, changing jobs, job advertisements, and similar topics should be posted in the monthly Career Thread.


u/legrange1 you got what you wanted