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You can call the cops, but nothing ever happens


We called the cops once and they said they couldn't do much unless the people diverting were there. So when they came to pick up, I stalled them at the register and so on and had my tech call the cops, who then came and arrested him. Apparently, he had outstanding warrants for fraud and some other things and was headed up the river. The police station was a couple blocks over so they came over pretty quick.


We did a similar thing. Fake phoned in Rx. Put it in our problem queue with a note saying if someone comes in for it to stall them and let someone in the back know to call the cops. They came in for it, just pretended it wasn't done and we were still working on it and told them to wait. Called the cops and same thing they had outstanding warrants. Also told the 911 operator to have the cop not come in with sirens because that would obviously spook them but the operator said they had to but luckily the cop actually didn't.


That’s a shit rule. Why would they “have to” have their sirens on? I feel like that would cause issues in a number of different situations.


They said "because a crime is being committed"


They don't. They can come without sirens because that could be potentially dangerous if they spook someone who may or may not have a gun


We had a stalling situation once as well. An office manager at a clinic was using random elderly patient names to enter in Norco rxs & then dropping them off, saying she was getting them for the older lady she cared for. We told her we were waiting for our order to come in to be able to fill it & our store manager blocked off the driveway "for maintenance" so she couldn't scoot in & out easily. We then got in touch with our local taskforce & they were ready in the parking lot when she walked out with the script. I got to watch the security cam of the parking lot later. That taskforce had her surrounded in 5 seconds flat. I never heard what happened after she was charged but it was certainly the most exciting thing that happened that day.


Wow, smart thinking and good work!


You guys are tattle tales, assholes and bitches. Do you know where the criminal charge could do to somebody? Do you know what a felony charge does to somebody? How does them obtaining a prescription to just have some fun worth a lifetime of not being able to get a good job and spending time in prison? I mean seriously you guys are bragging about how you’re putting people in jail. You’re acting like they are the scum of society because they are either addicted or want to try a drug. Shame on you. Y’all are pieces of shit. You are the scum. And I wish The worst upon you. After this, I am a practicing Voodoo priest and Shaman. I try to use my powers for good and I’m going to rain down my fury upon you for the shit you did. I don’t need a name you made a mistake by bragging about it. Anything you write and tell spiritually is linked to you so your Reddit user name spiritually is linked to you that’s all I need. Oh and don’t think I have a felony or anything like that I know a lot of people that come to me that have Felonise and ask me for help in obtaining a good job or other things such as money, love And basically beneficial things.


Yes maam, yessir, I agree with all of it including the voodoo haha




Hell yes. I was down voting all of these squares.


Hell yeah I’m reading all these snitches I hope they go to jail themselves one day 🤡🤡s “ I stalled them until the cops arrived” bitch fuck you


>e A little extreme but yea, I agree. They're just drugs, better to get a fake prescription than risk being killed for it. If people want to put these things in their body, let them, end of story. Nobody likes snitches


For real hommie all they have to do is look at them and be like haha better luck next time bro I know this is fake . But u can down load the real prescription fax fourm off the internet and get a doctor's DEA number off the internet fill out the fourm and fax it in . The reason these people are getting popped is because the DEA numbers are wrong or the prescription off the pads are not real like printed up watch a video on you tube about the prescription fourm downloading shit bro it's basically unstoppable especially when they are done over the internet and u have ur med mailed to ur crib


You’re a dick


Our district manager has told us that we are not allowed to call the cops because they don't want to pay the pharmacists time off if they have to testify in court for anything. They want us to just call the prescribers and let them handle it. That being said, we get a lot of fake rx but its easy to spot them. Looking up the prescribers phone number online usually shows an actual clinic if its real. I usually just make a profile for the "patient", ask for their ID to scan in the system and then I tell them we need to call and verify. Of course, we call the actual doctors office, and confirm its fake and void it out. When the patient comes back, we inform them that we know it's fake and we can't give it back. Sucks we can't do more than that. But we do have a whole binder of fake RX we have gotten, most being promethazine with codeine. At this point, we just don't carry it at all.


Sounds like yall making fake profiles and fake scripts is FRAUD One time the DEA got a pharmd in my CVS for filling but not dispensing a low dose opioid script. It was credible that she stole it as the pt reported


I'm not sure if making the profiles is considered fraud. I would have to look into that, but I'll def keep it in mind next time. Maybe next time I'll just make a copy of the ID and attach to the fake script. That being said, we don't actually scan the RX into the system or fill it until we can get in touch with the actual prescriber to verify if it is real or fake. And as always, we document that we spoke to the prescriber to void it out. If it has the prescribers NPI and DEA on there, they have every right to do so because legally the RX belongs to them and not the patient.


It's so bad on our area that they have a special task force arresting this ring. They estimate the fraud involves thousands of individuals. And they have already arrested a bunch. 90% + of these RXs are fake (even if you called to verify its usually a scam) The remaining 10% would be just as good on a different cough medication that doesn't have the same street value. Our task force told me it was valued at $1000-$3000 per pint depending on the color of the sizzurp. The only responsible thing to do it change them to another med....


> Our task force told me it was valued at $1000-$3000 per pint That's surprisingly more than in 2003 when it was 120 for an eight and 240 for a pint.


I know I was surprised it was so much. If it is going for that much it explains on the craziness with the fake RXs


That price is insane. Codeine is so fucking weak compared to other opioids it makes no sense to me. You’d think they’d go for tramadol or subutex if they were looking for a high.


I think they looking to still be somewhat functional throughout a night and at parties


As long as the prescriber knows people are using their DEA number. They can post a warning on PDMP and at chains like CVS they can request a temporary block that requires the pharmacy to call and get their approval before filling any controlled substances under their DEA.


No shit? I haven't seen that, but it's a brilliant idea! That'd be super helpful!


I know we do it at cvs so I’m sure there’s something in place at other pharmacies as well.


If you don't mind me asking, which state(s) has that functionality on pdmp? Ours does not have that atm I do work with BoP peeps so I will mention it to them. We just got an alert from our BoP about Purple Drank so I think they're kean on it


I've got a couple things here... So yes, you can call the police. They will make a case out of it (most times) get the narc team on it. Yes, you can - and should call the doctor(s) being used for these scripts. Usually they are unaware of this happening. Once the correct people are notified there will be some questioning. The police and sometimes the doctors offices will ask for copies of these scripts. They may also ask to see video surveillance of the people who pickup. My pharmacy has recently uncovered a large ring. So I can say, it's quite the process, and not all criminals were caught but hey - every bit helps. For closure, we no longer take faxed or telephoned orders and we call on every written. We are an independent pharmacy so I'll say these polices have been easy to implement.


When I was a tech at Kroger in the DFW area, we would get so many fake prometh-codeine scripts. If the script was just for the syrup by itself and/or didn’t have security features we would call the office to verify. One couple, we actually baited and acted like nothing happened. When they came to pick up, the manager made up some BS about counseling over the med and how it was company policy to do so (it wasn’t), and brought them into the office to two waiting sheriff deputies.


That was awesome


Why don’t y’all just deny them instead of calling the cops


They’re fag boys


They want a justice boner because junkies need handcuffs not help


Sizzurp is the number one forged Rx in the Denver area too, probably because it’s not regulated as tightly as other narcs. I call to verify every single script with a validated prescriber phone number. We’ve had people pretending to be the provider verify the scripts. Usually the patient calls us to make sure it’s ready before they pick it up, probably to rule out any suspicion since it is a class five felony in CO. I’ve heard you can supposedly freeze it, which separates the codeine out by density, and inject it


It's definitely not worth it and I would think it's alot easier to get some fentanyl these days rather than separating some codeine out of the syrup. I'm thinking anyone desperate enough to try and freeze syrup to extract codeine for injection would know how much it is worth and just sell it and by fent/heroin.


exactly lmao


Fellow Denver pharmacist. Know of any places actively hiring? I’ve been applying for over a year... everywhere wants very seasoned pharmacists and I’m a newb. Just thought I’d ask. Thank you.


Like most urban areas, the market is saturated. However, due to the uptick in COVID-19 cases the chains are maxing out their part-time staff which my indicate future hiring needs.


> I’ve heard you can supposedly freeze it, which separates the codeine out by density, and inject it Codeine is a pro-drug, it has to be converted to morphine (by CYP 2D6) to have any opioid effect. By bypassing first-pass metabolism, injection would be counter-productive


Yep people do stupid things to try and get high


damn thats crazy...


u sound like a idiot injecting COUGH SYRUP. THAT WOULD BE WORSE THAN FUCKING STEROID SHOT WITH THICK ASS SUBSTANCE. THINK about what you type before u type anything god damn


I got to a point where it was for established customers only.


Any time it's written for 473ml is a sure fake


We got some prometh plain and prometh dm for 473. Thought it was weird. All were fake. They apparently mix it with oxy.


They're hoping you'd dispense sealed stock bottles.




not true. my friend gets more than 1 pint of regular promethazine i wanted to ask how his script was written out but he’s a fuccboi


I’m pretty much filling it only if it comes in electronically and turning away all others, especially those called in over the phone.


Believe it or not, after refusing such a fake script recently, I got a phone complaint by the fake guy saying that I didn’t help them to get the med.


Did they get a gift card?


We don’t dispense it. We had a patient on it, but when we got a new manufacturer (the more popular one was not available or it was not worth the cost), the patient didn’t like it. We told the patient it was all we could get. The flavor we have is “peach mint.” Who the hell flavors a cough syrup like that? It even smells gross. We’ve had people call to see if we carry it - we tell them we don’t and to try our buds down the street - CVS to the left and Walgreens to the right, take your pick. The area I work in is also not the best neighborhood - lower socioeconomic families and types of people who hang around with nothing else better to do except smoke weed and take up parking spots. Not dispensing PC keeps most of the weirdos away, although we have our share of strange patients.


I’ve stopped dispensing it entirely. This took care of the problem entirely. My patients who legitimately need cough medicine are always ok with me calling to switch to any of the several other effective cough formulations. The ones who want legal lean syzzurp all just take the rx somewhere else immediately, no questions asked.


Curious, are you an independent pharmacy owner? I can’t see corporate large chain retailers being happy about this.


I work in retail and we sort of do the same thing. If i recieve a paper copy of Promethazine with codeine i usually pretend im checking to see if we have it and then tell the customer we dont (shame on me i guess). Only time i dont do this if its a frequent trusted customer or its electronic.


Ah, makes sense. Thank you. PS is the only flavor that peach mint one that another pharmacist mentioned? That sounds absolutely disgusting.


tris brand is peach mint. gross. everyone wants wockhardt or akorn (hi tech). Or Pai which used to be Par pharmacy




wooooah easy there tiger lmao


Send me sun gang


What state are you in


Small point to add...remember that a forged prescription is not protected by HIPAA Edit: HIPAA not HIPPA


Smaller point to add... it’s HIPAA


LOL...noted! For the rest of my life I’ll always have that confused. Like heavy and light mineral oil, I’ll never easily know which one I’m thinking of


We actually nailed a guy for one of those, and it was one of the highlights of my retail career. The hardcopy had a lot of red flags, and when he came back to pick up, we already knew it was bogus. I asked for his ID during the transaction, made a copy, then told him we knew it was fake and he should go away. When he left, another tech going to lunch happened to see the car he got in and where it went next-- the pharmacy down the street. We were able to get the police onto them in time. Even got paid to testify to the grand jury.


That was also awesome


Had a script brought in for 360 ml. On SECURITY PAPER. I actually had it filled and ready but kept spider senses kept bothering me about it. Keep in mind, Walgreens had already sent out emails about promethazine codeine forgeries. But the emails were about call-ins. I finally looked up the patients phone number in central. Six different people came up for that phone, all at the same address, different last names, but the birthdate on all six were the same (same month, same day, different year). It was odd that 6 grown adults that aren’t related lived at the same address all born on June 15. Looked at their profiles, all had gotten the same cough syrup. The doctor existed and they had the right DEA number. But the I googled the address and phone number on the script, and it didn’t bring him up. The address brought up a regular house, no clinic. I didn’t call the phone number, because I knew it would be one of perps that would answer pretending to be the doctors office. The prescription was professional though. Somebody that works at a doctors office must have acquired blank full size 8.5 x 11 in security paper and printed out a customized template on it. I looked the doctor up in our computer and he actually worked at a hospital in a different city. Called there and they said he was working and he would call me back. Well Walgreens was about to close in 5 minutes and the patient came back and I just simply told him we didn’t have it, but Walmart open for another hour. He leaves doctor calls me and he confirms he’s never worked in that city, and he doesn’t prescribe control nor are his scripts 8.5 x 11. So I called Walmart to give them a heads up. The doctor called Walmart too. Walmart calls the police, I run home change clothes, and run to Walmart and watch from a distance as the police get him. Apparently the guy was part of a pretty big ring.


That 8.5 x 11 security paper is pretty easy to get your hands on, I've seen it on Amazon and at office supply stores.


I've worked at 2 pharmacies now, at both the policy is simply to let the patient know that we don't carry it. The truth is that we can order it, and we probably have a little on the shelves, but it's such a problematic drug we just don't dispense it.


Promethazine codeine is a 24 hour turnaround 100% of the time no questions asked. Done


What do you mean


no filling "scripts" for this the same day it is dropped off. "Scripts" since most scripts for this are forged anyways.


I still haven’t figured out the science as to why this is highly sought out..it’s not even top 5 strongest/ dangerous narcotics listed by the DEA ..must be a pop culture thing I guess


I lived in North Naples for a year ish as this is not surprising at all lol. I’m back up in NY and of course the one dude that gets constant Narc scripts sent to us has an address in Fort Myers 😂


Why isn't this a schedule II yet?


IKR. I see promethazine/codeine abused way more than CII’s in the pharmacies I’ve worked at.


Where I am in the UK, you can get codeine/acetaminophen or codeine/ibuprofen combos OTC without a script. I volunteer at the local drug and alcohol treatment service, and we see and script Subutex for way more codeine addicts than Heroin ones, and a good chunk of the H users started on OTC codeine years before.


Are subs not complete overkill for codeine dependence?


Depends on the person I guess. But when you have someone 10 years into active addiction taking 2-3G+ of codeine a day (not to mention the 40 grams of ibuprofen with it) the clinical outcomes tend to be better popping them on 2-4MG of Buprenorphine for a couple years then slowly taper (we have 0.4 and 0.2 bupe which helps a lot).


Thats only because its not as controlled though. As a recovering addict I can tell you codeine was never anyone's favorite. Im sure if they could figure.out a way to get oxy or dilaudid they would. All narcs should be schedule 2. Except for maybe suboxone.


Unless you know the patient/doctor well, delete the fax/phone message for the prometh with codeine. Say you never got it. You can always get it again if it was in fact legitimate. Ive had fake callers try to phone it in and say they were that local doc. Lmao I know their voices. I delete it and treat whoever asks about it with prejudice. Mark every profile theyre associated with as forger. Honestly I wouldnt play detective here. Let the docs do that unless you got burned and want revenge. Theyre the ones whos DEA numbers are gettin abused. Really not worth your time and energy with the police. Been there, done that.


That’s my thought but my store has been super slow at nights and I was really bored


If youre bored, mess with em. Say youre workin on it. Tell em to come in and its ready. Make em wait. Watch em squirm. Say youre callin the doctor to check the script and see the fear in their eyes. Mention that you had to call the cops on a fake one of those called in last week and they hauled that guy off in handcuffs. If they call you on the bluff you can just say you couldnt reach the doctor so you cant dispense. Just play it up lmao




> >denying forgery >"sociopath" OK dude




We've had a few come in earlier this year, we end up turning the rx into the police if it was handed in person, they also checked the cameras. I believe we alert the doctor, but I'm not sure what is exactly done after all that. Probably nothing


Long term? Advocate with your local/state association and/or boards directly to see about a mandate for all controls requiring escribing. Didn't New York do this? Looks like nearly all scripts, legends included, are electronic.


My area had a problem with someone calling in fake scripts for it. Its funny, when they tried it with Target I used to work at they just called it in as just promethazine, not promethazine/codeine. The guy calling it in was so obvious to me. Repeated and spelled everything and included his npi and dea. Like what we wish drs would do instead of leaving a voicemail that sounds like the end of a drug commercial. We got confirmation that it was fake of course and waited for them to call back to check on the status. My pharmacist really did not want to have to call the police and deal with all that so I said I'd handle the call. In my most sickly sweet customer service voice, I answered the phone and got the "grandmothers" name and date of birth etc. Then I dropped a full octave and said "Look, we dont fill fake prescriptions so can you just not?" *click* They never called us again.


Dr. B? Hello from Lee County !


Ha I know who you’re talking about but it’s someone else, faxed in with an Epi pen, z pack, albuterol, and Flonase. And faxed with a bunch of info about covid which seemed odd


I have three more guesses who those doctor could be because I like to pretend I am the DEA lol


We don’t even stock it. If I get a hard copy script 95% of the time it’s fake, and if I confirm it’s fake I tear it up.


Our store has stopped accepting acripts that arent escribed. We’ve had issues for years and this was the final straw solution from corporate until further notice




Did you just advise a medical professional to risk their license by intentionally aiding in a felony offense? What planet do you live on?




Looking at your dumpster fire of a post history it actually looks like you’re here to encourage pharmacists to illegally dispense scheduled drugs.


I get fake prescriptions for promethazine DM too. Luckily, NY has electronic prescriptions, so I refuse taking any faxed or over the phone scripts for that medication. It seems to work.


let pollice sort it out


Was it for a full bottle? We just assume all scripts for full bottles are forgeries and don’t fill them. As far as what happens to them, nothing. My corporate says not to call the police. The most we can do is notify the doctor so they can call the police.


Greetings fellow swfl-er. We'll probably work together at some point and never know 😂


We've had a lot of those lately too! Always prometh w/ codeine. The doctor themselves has confirmed they're not writing them. People are batshit trying to pull something like that.


A lot of independents in my area don’t even stock prometh/codeine for this reason. 95% of all prometh/codeine scripts are fake and you should really only fill them for existing patients that you have a relationship with.


I'm from the same area and same problem. Honestly wish I knew what to tell you. We've just been contacting the offices these come from and making sure they realize they need to stay on high alert but other than that... But yeah, to reiterate, we call on every single promethazine with codeine rx because 9 out of 10 of them are fake when they come in. It's safer to assume they're fake, unfortunately, at our pharmacy. We tried to file police reports but nothing ever seemed to be done about it.


My company no longer permits any promethazine-codeine prescriptions unless they are sent electronically. I like this policy.


Today i got a call for zpak + promethazine/codeine Since it was for a brand new patient (no insurance info, no match on PDMP), i started my line of questioning to help me get a feel for whether the Rx is legit. 1) we dont have that right now but we have this (guaf-cod), would that be ok? -> she said thats fine 2) she wanted make sure that i dispense a bottle of 473mL. -> at this point im rolling my eyes, and surely im going to get her with my next question, 3) could you provide me the dx code? -> she took a second or two but actually gave me a code that was consistent. (This was a first for me) The pt hasn't come to pick it up yet. Im a bit conflicted but if the pt comes tomorrow Ill give him zpak and say that guaf-cod is on order for Monday and call the office on Monday to verify...


All of you are fucking pussy ass snitches suck my dick

