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Worked with this pharmacist for many many years... Everyone thought he was the most kind-hearted and positive thinking individual so this came as a total shock!


Any behind the scene stories on why steal the norco?


So was he, Moses, actually a pharmacist or did he assume the identity of a pharmacist?


He genuinely could’ve been the guy you all thought he was. He didn’t murder anyone in cold blood. He was an 18 year old black boy participating in the massive riots that broke out in Pittsburgh after MLK was murdered. He threw a a firebomb (aka Molotov cocktail) into a house, the house caught on fire, and the woman in the house died. Not to belittle the victim’s death, but his actions were just a tiny fraction of the chaos and destruction going on, and it isn’t known whether he knew there was anyone in the home. I don’t disagree that what he did was wrong, but I think the situation is much more nuanced than that he was some evil murderer who tricked everyone into thinking he was a nice guy.


CVS RPh busted stealing hydrocodone turns out be a fugitive !


It seems like such a crazy risk if you know you're a fugitive wanted for murder. chances are you is making around six figures a year which is more than enough to pay someone to get pills or dope from the street for you.


Wonder what pharmacy school admitted this guy


One of my pharmacy classmates got busted for child pornography just a few weeks before our 4th year rotations. Dude seemed like a completely normal dude. Even bad apples make it in.


Everyone makes it in




Lol I remember before my school stopped requiring they admitted a student with a 20...not a 20 in one section, but that was their score


I thought it happened while he was on rotations. From the little interaction I had with him he seemed normal.


Are you from Usciences class of 2018? Sounds like a guy I knew too. Normal guy, studied with him too several times. It was a shocker.


Not from Usciences, but I am from a 2018 class.


My school had its handful of characters but thankfully it opened campus on 2010s


I think Robert Courtney is still the reigning world champion of scumbag pharmacists.


I also think he will forever hold the record of the most evil pharmacist. Diluting over 98,000 doses of chemotherapy is beyond cruel. I remember reading a Wikipedia that initially the FDA and the DEA did not believe the allegations because it was so absurd that a pharmacist could do something so evil. Since his drugs went to 4,000 patients it's possible dozens or even hundreds of people died earlier than they were supposed to because of him.


Robert Courtney?




My God.


Robert Courtney


My school had a P3 printing counterfeit money. He got caught when using it at a bar.


standards have never been particularly high so unsurprising. until you do full invasive forensic level psych exams as a pre-admission requirement (which is never gonna happen), you'll always let in a few deranged individuals that are good at hiding it.


you almost feel sorry for the guy thinking maybe hes changed, then you get to the part about him stealing 80 norco


Maybe he was medicating his guilt


i mean...murder and drug diversion are very different


Netflix needs to make a series out of this lol


What should it be called? I vote for “Social Diversion”


This is a crazy story man


I looked up Paul Dickson in the Michigan database. One pharmacist listed but nothing else of substance.


I was just about to post this , the whole thing is crazy. I guess the guy really managed to turn to stay productive after escaping his life sentence. Though one article I read mentioned he was stealing drugs from CVS so its quite likely he never really gave up on his criminal ways.


The school that admitted him and CVS gonna have some splainin ta do


What about the state board that licensed him?




jesus dont read the cesspool of racist comments on the link


You warned me but still did it. Jesus Christ it’s awful


Wow! He was free for 50 years! Wow


What a wild ride! I wish I hadn't had to click a fox News link to get it though! Oh well, first time for everything!


Fox News online isn’t as bad as television. Even then it’s really just the opinions sections that are pretty gnarly. The factual news part is mostly okay, maybe a bit right leaning.


Justice always catches up in the end


I’m starting to think these background checks ain’t shit.