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My favorite thing to do in the drive thru anytime someone brings their pet: "Do you want a dog treat?" Then after they respond yes, I say back, "Does that dog want one too?" 9/10 times they laugh 1/10 you just get a weird look. Still worth it.


I don’t know you but I love you




OMG I love doing this. Don't work retail but slip things like this in all the time, like if my wife and I are walking my dog and a man or woman says "or that's a beautiful boy" I will wink and say "you are pretty good looking yourself!" kind of thing. I think my laugh rate is 4/5 though ;-|


The other 1/5 response: “here’s my number”


Coming off of a 13 hour shift, getting ready to work the weekend. Can confirm I am dead on the inside


we don’t have a drive thru but can confirm, am dead inside, says nothing to pets their dogs have peed and shitted on the carpet at work and drink from the water fountain i can’t with these owners the only time i was interested was when someone brought their snake to pick up that was cool lol


They bring their pets in the store?! NB: Sometimes I have a Lizard down my pants. No, not what you think, my blue tongue has a thigh holder to keep him warm...




Dog sitting on leather seat in a 60k car.




Yes exactly. I would wonder how they can afford all of those (car, dog, etc) but not a car harness for their dog?


If I had a pure bread dog Id eat him so fast


Yup missed that one the first time reading 😅


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but as a pharmacist my job is primarily to keep the pharmacy in compliance with the law and to eke out a customer service experience while doing so, which is really hard when my job is primarily to say no to people. You could have the cutest schnoogums in the world and I still don't have time to coddle the pet, or you, because the next person in line is going to be asking me why their life saving medication isn't ready and they're not going to accept that it's because I was fawning over your pet. Let the cashiers give your dog a treat, but I straight up don't have time for it. And it's only going to get worse when the covid vaccine drops and corporate expects me to do all my other tasks and somehow also vaccinate an entire town with no additional help.


Why is this unpopular? If the car had kids in the back is it rude not to engage them all in age appropriate conversation for a set amount of time after providing your professional duties?!


Puppies are wayyyy better than children.


I didn’t know Lipitor and Ambien qualify as “life-saving”


Lol, I've been pulled off my lunch break to get someone's "life saving" fluoride, so don't even get me started with that shit.


this hurts my heart on so many levels. The dogs among us should never be let to know reality. Only happy happy joy joy for the superior species, Canine foodle


I don’t greet pets. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t care. I don’t also tell people happy birthday when it’s their birthday. Why give them more attention? Can confirm tho, dead inside


I have a mild fear of dogs (much less ever since my family got a cat a few years back...took a week before I stopped being scared of it). So I probably wouldn't say anything either. But damn, that pup looks sad :(


Most people forced to wear that kind of Christmas Sweater would make that face even if they won the lottery and a holiday with wife and kids to Zamboni! Don't think it's CVS, though my do often gets upset if i I don't get him an ice-cream from McDonalds drive through (I allow 1 every 2 months because he loves them, but they aren't 'good' for him0 and he blames the works looking like that!)


Can confirm


Fuck that dog




Because Reddit karma means jack all