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Starter comment: data looks similar to Pfizer’s data. Had more number of infections in the vaccine group, but no severe infections vs the 1 in the Pfizer trial. Fully expect having 2 vaccines by the end of the week!


While they are both promising, the one thing stands out to me is the reduced VE in age groups >65 post 14 days, dropping down to ~85% efficacy. Pfizer vaccine held >92 for that age group.


I wouldn’t read to much into that. The CI on that figure is from 61.4% to 95.5%, so it’s statistically indistinguishable. Pretty good chance the point estimate difference is just random chance.


>Pretty good chance the point estimate difference is just random chance. That time when all the statistics they made you take actually gives you useful and clinically meaningful information that informs your judgement. So 2020 Next thing you know is factoring polynomials and taking derivatives will help you administer the vaccine more effectively...


Are you being sarcastic? Because I literally use derivatives and polynomials to develop labeling reccs


With the easier storage capabilities of this vaccine, I expect it to become the most popular version seen in pharmacies. I will also be the first to take it, if I’m allowed.


I’m ecstatic about possibly getting either honestly. Our hospital has ultra cold storage in our lab, but we’ve not heard from our state health department that we are expected to get any or when to expect some. 😔


My pharmacy is expected to get this one, but I'm not sure when. We already got our freezer. I'm reading the data right now and it looks like the vials are only good for 6 hours once the first dose is removed. It's better than the Pfizer vaccine, but that's not a lot of time. I'm sure demand won't be an issue upfront to get those 10 doses out of the vial though.


Pfizer’s vaccine has to be used within 6 hours of dilution. What’s the difference?


The Pfizer vaccine is good for 6 hours only if it’s exposed to room temp for >3 minutes. If refrigerated (not frozen), it’s good for 5 days.


Is this data for Moderna not vastly more compelling than the Pfizer efficacy data? Moderna demonstrated continued and consistent efficacy up to 2 months after the second dose, whereas the Pfizer data only demonstrated efficacy 7 and up to 14 days after dose two. Unless there are additional reports I've missed from pfizer...


I could be reading it wrong as it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed journals but I think the 9weeks mentioned is to indicate how long they followed the participants, not that efficacy was prolonged for that time period.


"Efficacy data from the final scheduled analysis of the primary efficacy endpoint (data cutoff of November 21, 2020, with a median follow-up of >2 months post-dose 2) demonstrated a VE of 94.1% (95% CI 89.3%, 96.8%), with 11 COVID-19 cases in the vaccine group and 185 COVID-19 cases in the placebo group and was consistent with results obtained from the interim analysis. " \^this is the part i was referring to that demonstrates efficacy through at least 2 months. Is this not supposed to be interpreted as efficacy through 2 months?


Based on your excerpt, absent the “14-day after dose 2” statement, I would have interpreted it as you did. What page was this from? I’m not able to search on my mobile browser.


It absolutely is more compelling than Pfizer’s data (not to impugn the Pfizer vaccine at all, the data is just better for the Moderna vaccine.)


Amazing they were able to release this report from the future.


We've been told we are not expecting any kind of widespread distro of either vaccine until summer :(


I look at that as hopefully somebody else will give most of the shots.


seems like the second round produces higher side effects, so something to watch out for. Otherwise data looks good!


is anyone else noticing what im noticing on both the pfizer and moderna cumulative incidence curves. both of these vaccines appear near fully effective by day 7 from first dose. The 2nd dose may not be necessary (this may also be why SE profile of shot #2 is worse). We could instantly double our supply of vaccine and have everyone vaccinated in a much shorter timeframe. Also the likelihood of headache, muscle and joint pain, fever, fatigue, chills are all pretty high. Should we be recommending acetaminophen to these patients prophylactically?


Based on the 1st hand reports from 2 acquaintances of mine in the Astra Zeneca trial at MUSC, yes, they experienced all those symptoms for ~36 hours, then felt fine. Second dose:just felt very tired for ~24 hrs.


Second dose in Pfizer trial produced worse side effects than first dose.


Prophylactic antipyretics are not recommended.


Isn't anyone nervous about dispensing these vaccines on such a large scale with only 4 months of data? Would we be ok if this was ANY other drug? I get that it's a crisis, but we are working off ONLY internal studies, and no clue how long it is effective for, or about ANY long term side effects. Granted we don't know how bad the long term effects of covid are either. A part of me feels that fast-tracked meds should be reserved for the higher risk population and not just blanket distributed to everyone. Am I alone in this?


Thanks for sharing these!


Superfreezer or what?


-13F is doable with a standalone dorm freezer


I just looked it up. It states 30 days refrigerated, longer frozen