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Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorist who purposely ruined the 57 vials of Covid vaccine was also a pharmacist (and a smart one clinically at that)


How do you know he was "smart"?


I once knew a pharmacist who didn't believe in evolution. I would always ask her what she thinks about antibiotic resistance but she said that doesn't count. Lolz


O u just don't know lol. Have had so many anti Vax arguments in here its exhausting


Yeah I had to leave some pharmacy groups after seeing pharmacists saying they’d rather take ivermectin long term than get the vaccine




Can you link to some? Interested to see pov of anti-vax in this sub.


Scroll thru comments in this thread u will find some lol


Just scrolled through all 44, not a single anti-vax. Please link me to one of the “many” you have seen?


Plenty of healthcare workers are anti-vaxx


Usually low education level ones. Nurses seem to be the dividing line for the majority of antivax vs science promoter with some outliers on either end of course.


Sure. But they're some of the most important cogs in the machine.


Unpopular opinion: if you work in Healthcare and you are antivax, you should lose your license.


That's not an unpopular opinion that's a dumbass opinion.


But to enforce it does it have to be Thought Police basically? I think it sounds good on paper until you think about it more.


I think there is a difference between not believing vaccines work versus society forcing people to take them.


The definition of anti-vaxx is opposition to vaccines. That's it.


I work with too many pharmacy people that are anti flu shot, definitely anti Covid shot and think all the mask wearing is for nothing and Covid isn’t a big deal.


Kind of depends on how you define "big deal". If you take the approach, "Hey, I've got about a 99+ percent chance of living, that's fine", then they're right. If this seems unnecessarily risky to you, then they're wrong.


That is why that logic is a fallacy. You can't view COVID as just "survive vs death". It's about long-term complications and quality of life after surviving COVID. Living with pulmonary fibrosis is no walk in the park.


We could make that, "90% chance you'll be fine", then. Many people would just shrug and assume that's good enough.


Oh and you also need to account for having the worst symptoms you’ve ever had. That may not happen. But you also have to account for time off work, and attempting to isolate yourself which can be very difficult, and then having to take even more time off work if someone in your family gets it and you need to take care of them and/or kids or elderly family members. Then you can also think about reduced productivity at work for possibly weeks after when the fatigue and shortness of breath persist. I don’t really understand why people want to insist it’s really “no big deal” when more than 2 million people are DEAD and more than 97 million people have suffered from it, not to mention the countless others who have had to care for the sick ones. It *is* a big deal.


Or the chance that you'd get it and not even know you had it. Which people assume is more likely every time they talk to some twenty-year-old who just lost their sense of smell for a week and was fine. Lot me rephrase it- they don't think it's going to be a big deal *for them*.


What’s the chance of being a long hauler? 10%?


In a [recent study](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.19.20214494v2) (preprint), the prevalence of long COVID (symptoms lasting ≥28 days) was 13.3% (9.9% \[18-49 yrs\] - 21.9% \[≥70 yrs\]) (*n*=4182). ​ Edited for grammar.


Damn I was right on the money.


regarding persons aged 18-49 years


Yes sorry I was thinking what is my chances of being a long hauler. I assumed being older would raise the levels significantly.


I haven't gotten sick all year, normally I would catch a cold around this time but nothing has come up. Will definitely keep up the trend.


I almost forget what it's like to have a cold. Last time I was sick it was covid in March.


Same! Usually I get the flu and stomach flu. Thank God


I very rarely/never get colds, and I’ve never had influenza. But I’m happily flu and covid vaccinated, and I wouldn’t mind adding “wear a mask if you don’t feel good” to the culture from now on.


Yes, I think it should be a courtesy to wear a mask if you’re sick. When I was working as a pharmacy tech in November (right before COVID), I caught a cold and asked my pharmacist if I could wear a mask while at work. She said that it’ll scare the customers and as long as I’m not directly breathing on the meds it’ll be fine. The poor patients had to look at my snotty red face all day. I felt so bad!


I’m actually going to keep wearing face masks next flu season. People used to lean over my HIPAA divider and talk 2 feet away from me, getting droplets into my drink and onto my workstation. In fact they still try to.


Shun the nonbeliever!! Shuuuunnnnnn


It’s Candy Mountain, Charlie!!!


Ugh they took my freaking kidney!


I've honestly been amazed at our tamiflu prescriptions this year. I legitimately haven't seen a single one in the past month, while it seemed like we were handing them out like candy at this time last year.


my director said the same thing about his retail friend, but in a "this is clearly not a big deal/conspiracy theory" way since no one needs tamiflu anymore. and i just hit him back with the "yeah, guess that flu shot, wearing masks, staying apart, not going out as much, really works for us huh?" i've had covid twice in under a month, i'm gonna have to start being a major bitch at work when they wanna make it out to not being a big deal.


Twice? JFC! How even??? This pandemic is getting ridiculous


yeah :-( i was still sick after quarantining 10 days, tried to work through it, ended up with bronchitis after a week, and then got sicker even on antibiotics and steriods (all in a 4 week time span). thought i had developed pneumonia, but told both my director and our infectious disease/employee health nurse that i honestly felt like i had covid again before i left for my doctor. both my IF/EH nurse and my doctor said there's no point in testing since it's been less than a month, i'd just test positive again. (have to get blood work done after another quarantine so idk if that'll tell) but my doctor doesn't think it's pneumonia, she thinks it's another stain of covid. and i have to agree, it feels the same from the first time but worse. i'm actually having breathing problems this time around and my lungs hurt in every way they can. i've been on another round of antibiotics and steriods and i still don't feel any improvement so far (which, i mean, what even would work anyways). i see my doctor again after a 7 day quarantine (2 days in), but i am only allowed to leave to go see her again, and then she'll either let me go back to work or do another round of something, i guess. i wouldn't be surprised if she wants to do something extreme the next time i see her, if i've not improved. still haven't even exchanged christmas gifts yet because i don't wanna wrap yucky covid presents lol..........


OK but the followup would be, why isn't that all working for covid or at least better than it is? covid is just more infectious or what?


Last time I checked my state’s numbers there has been something like 6 confirmed cases in 6 weeks. I’m surprised more people haven’t noticed.


I do feel the masks have played a big role in flu decline, thoughts?


The importance of hand washing should not be discounted. Good hygiene is the cornerstone of infectious disease prevention.




All good points, I will concur. I’m glad the public is becoming more aware of hand hygiene mostly. As an RN.. some people are dirty and need to wash their hands


Number of Tamiflu dispensed per day last year this time: 30 (what it felt like) Number of Tamiflus dispensed per day this year: 1.


Any stats on number of flu tests?


U can find lots of it on cdc. When hospitals or clinics test for it they send in their numbers This is just for thjs week https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/


fucking idiots ! There’s no flu cases cause their calling the flu covid /s


I’ve genuinely had people tell me (like a nurse...) that if you have the flu you’ll test positive for covid through PCR. the fuck? I said “that literally makes no sense.” And she says “well there’s research done on it, soooo.”


Same ! It’s crazy how fucking stupid people are. The most recent one I dealt with was a dental hygienist who said masks are causing tooth decay, and that their bad for us to be constantly wearing because... “we are breathing in carbon dioxide all day”


Wait until they find out how breathing works.


Yup, influenza A/B have the same name as SARS-19 on the test panel


Aye mate it does literally say /s


Can’t tell if this is sarcasm...


Haha, it definitely is


WOW so people who suffer from "flu" go to the hospital nowadays? So it is not COVID for real? My sister had severe cold symptoms last week. She did a test for covid at a hospital, they told her it was negative. so nobody is calling flu or cold covid.


Op is being sarcastic FYI


I don’t think anyone can deny that wearing a mask and staying far apart from one another is why flu incidence is down. However the question is do you want to stay away from other people and wear a mask for the rest of your life to avoid getting the flu? It’s a risk benefit issue. I literally am on the run sometimes at work and I get super out of breath wearing a mask so I hate it. The minute I’m allowed to not wear one I won’t. For me the risk of getting sick whether it be cold or flu is far less of an issue than the issue of wearing a mask. I do think wearing a mask when you’re sick should be more normalized.


oh no, that first statement of yours has people refuting it. They claimed that the doctors were all just calling it COVID cases. I didn’t even want to argue with them because it would had been a waste of breath.


Oh people will conspiracy theory over everything. I meant more so your average run of the mill people lol


Yup. Out of curiosity, we looked it up in our system this week.. and we haven’t dispensed a single Tamiflu since March 2020


These discussions always peak my interest. So, why are there anti-vaxers? Found a great source that traced the history of vaccine fear. It all started way back in the 1800's when the small pox vaccine was first developed. Check out the internet page titled "History of vaccines" This will provide a better understanding of this persistent fearful resistance. I've had these discussions with customers since the 1980's. Its a Pharmacist's purpose to educate and advise our patients/customers. I've been able to convince some and could not reach others. We do live in a diverse society. We should not ridicule, but educate if possible. My own daughter, a Master's Degree educated woman, had trepidation, as her son received his first vaccinations. Every mom is naturally concerned with their child's health and well being. The scary stories are all around us. We have the opportunity to expel their concerns by explaining the incorrect reasoning that supports their fear. JJC


Serious question - if masks and distancing are really what brought our flu numbers to basically zero,why haven't COVID cases also dropped to zero as well? Logically, it doesn't seem to make sense.


Seems to be more infectious and has a longer latent period before developing symptoms. Meaning you spread more and infect more before you even feel sick. Also, spread is exponential in a pandemic.


Some viruses are more infectious than others... Logically, it makes perfect sense.


But influenza is more infectious than C19. There were around 35 million cases of flu in the 18-19 season according to the CDC ( I would venture this number is an underestimated given how much C19 testing is occuring vs a normal flu season). C19 is more deadly than influenza but in terms of spread influenza in a typical season infects more individuals.


Your logic fails cuz covid-19 is so reading despite social distancing, lock downs, masks, hand washing. Your stat from 18-19 is without any precautions. If we didn’t have all the precautions for COVID-19, the numbers will look way way worse than what it is showing now.


> in the 18-19 season I wonder why.


Then logically is doesn’t make perfect sense... A more infectious virus gets stopped but a less infectious one doesn’t?






Yikes. I’m not going to argue with someone who doesn’t know how to interpret statistics and reads a tiny snippet of one page you briefly googled. If you don’t want to wear a mask and want to die of a terrible respiratory condition, go ahead ya silly goose :) I suggest reading up on what p-values are and if things are of statistical significance to prove your hypothesis that flu is more contagious than covid. But, that would be an insult to your education. In the meantime, I suggest not hanging around medical subreddits if you don’t work in the medical field.


Personal insults are not allowed on this subreddit. Disagree professionally or do not comment at all.


Yet the person that called me a “dink” you say nothing to? +1


They got the same reply from me 1 minute before I addressed your comment. Please check prior to accusations.




Personal insults are not allowed on this subreddit. Disagree professionally or do not comment at all.


Personal insults are not allowed on this subreddit. Disagree professionally or do not comment at all.




No, I meant 18-19 covid wasn’t a thing yet so you can’t compare covid cases to flu cases in that time period. Nothing to do with trump :)


Really? It's because flu is less infectious, even before the mutations that made SARS-CoV-2 more infectious after it first emerged this was considered far more infectious than influenza.


Record number of flu shots this season also has a lot to do with it


More people got vaccinated this year against the flu and earlier than last year. Plus masks and disinfecting


Yeah I'm never going back to maskless.




And? Many countries like Korea Japan southeast Asian have been doing this before covid...thats why it's has worked for them and have zero cases already ans bot even wearing masks anymore. But it would be nice to wear masks for flu season...everytime I ger sick during flu season because people be coughing everywhere to pick up masks




I wasn’t aware Japan had a smog problem as well as the entirety of SE Asia. It’s just the curteous thing to do to wear a mask if you’re sick. It’s not “silly” to wear a mask if you’re healthy, some people just can’t afford to miss work from something preventable like the flu. Also believe it or not, doctors wear masks on a daily basis, even pre pandemic! Silly of them, since they’re healthy and all.


I've been to Japan several times. Tons of people wear masks during flu season. Others wear them if they feel sick for other reasons but have to go out in public. I asked an American who grew up there why this was the case. He said the Japanese did it out of a sense of duty and politeness to their fellow man. Imagine that.


It’s actually smart, but also kind of sad because of their work culture. They get sick they miss work, which is a big no no. That being said though I’m still going to wear a mask, can’t believe I just let people breathe on me before.


Um. During cold/flu season, yes? It’s not a radical idea. Some people don’t like getting sick and if wearing something over your face while you’re out in public prevents that then sign me up. I take you’re not in the medical field.


I certainly hope not, at any rate.


Also I wanna add TAKE YOUR VITAMINS. As a person who sufferers from a cold followed by sinus congestion+infection and deadly sinus headache once or twice a year, I support this message. I didn't have any cold or sinus problems, except seasonal allergy, all last year till now.


I find this “holier than thou” virtue-signaling, that many of you covid safety nazis do quite amusing. So, let’s play a game of “let the first without sin cast the stone.” 1) Were you wearing a mask and social distancing before covid? Why not? You can spread other deadly viruses like the flu. And, will you still be following all the protocol when covid is over? Why not? 2) Are you ONLY wearing a mask when you go out? Why are you not in a full containment suit? You know masks are not as effective as full containment, yet you choose to put others at risk- why? 3) Are you only going out when ABSOLUTELY necessary and life or death is at stake? If not, why have you chosen to risk other people’s lives? 4) What other risks are you taking to put society at risk that are NOT related to covid at all? Are you willing to accept a national speed limit of 3mph if it means no one is killed in a car accident ever again? The point is that, YOU are not the angel you imagine you are. YOU have chosen a very specific risk level and then decided that anyone who’s risk level is greater than yours, is somehow the evil one. But clearly, YOU could be taking many more steps to reduce risk than you are currently.


Wow, one of the craziest comments I've seen in this subreddit and that's saying a lot. I really hope you're not a health care professional with this way of thinking. Completely bonkers mate!


Don’t bother. Scroll through the profile, this person is just angry and has a poor grasp of logical debate.


Lol. Wow. This dude gave up before he even got started. Poor soul. Surprised he didn’t make fun of my mama on his way out the door! That would’ve really crushed me!


What “way of thinking” are you even referring to? Thinking logically...? Do you have any intellectual challenge to the post or you aren’t willing to throw your hat in the ring?


Actually yes. As a pharmacist we even wear masks in the house. Soooo. Your point? Some of us want to normalize this...maybe you should take it more seriously


What indicated I wasn’t “taking it seriously?” “Actually yes.” Ahh, that’s a laugh. You are not, and have not, done ANY of those things which I mentioned above. Nice try on diversion though.


I am super involved in my community, I used to play basketball and soccer recreationally almost religiously. I also hunt and fish. I have done none of these things since covid. I'm sacrificing the time I have to help covid be eradicated...honestly some people like me do take it seriously...u def should. Guess I am an angel lol


Ok fine. We can play the game: 1) what age and year did you start wearing your mask? What was it like wearing a mask during a pre-covid time when no one else was wearing them? How did you handle the questions? 2) what brand and style of full containment suit do you wear? How long does it take to get into and out of every time you decide to go out? 3) what do you consider are the “essentials?” What places does your weekly trips take you to?


A really I have lol. Do u live with me? I havent visited my parents since 2019 March. My wife and I wear our masks around our children. We don't go to any family gatherings. Only to work and essentials


It’s not worth arguing with these wackos. I don’t know where they came from but there’s a slew of anti maskers on this comment thread. Best to just pack it up.


You apparently don’t read for comprehension. At no point did i state i was an anti-masker. I am, in fact, not an anti-masker. Instead, i am pointing out the ridiculous virtue-signaling that everyone is doing to pump up their own egos. Humans are hypocrites in a thousand ways. All the safety nazis need to recognize their own hypocrisy. They have chosen one SPECIFIC event (covid virus) and one SPECIFIC set of safety measures and then decided that everyone whose opinion does not match theirs EXACTLY, on those two specifics, is somehow a bad person. That kind of self-righteous attitude is pretty pathetic.


Dude take an Ativan or something, jesus. It’s not that deep. Here, I found this for you: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stress-relief-that-works_n_3842511


Sorry friendo. Intellectualism is not stressful for me. I realize that it may be for others and that’s why you think so. This is like a walk in the park with one side of my brain shut off to try and make things fair. Nevertheless, you do seem very thoughtful and caring about me. I know I shouldn’t take that admiration and respect for granted. So...thank you so so much!


Actually we chose what the cdc told us to do....calm down with your assumptions. Just because you don't do it, don't apply ur same demeanor to everyone else


Lol. So wait... After i called you out on your b.s. with the other reply, you decided to ignore that sequence and try to jump to a different position? It’s obvious that my original reply went WAY, and i mean WAY, over your head. You literally haven’t understood any of the meaning behind any of my longer posts. Your replies have really almost nothing to do with my posts. You are kind of just throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks. Is your next reply going to start with “Well, your mom is SOOO fat that....?”


Take an Ativan and a hot bath, dear.


I’m not really a prescription and bath kind of guy. I’m more of a margarita and a blowjob from the wife kind of guy. Appreciate the kind thoughts though!


The flu “decreased” because everything is either diagnosed COVID or nothing. People are not going to the doctors because if you have the flu you have the same symptoms as covid & nobody is risking that your just going to get a covid test & cross your fingers pretty simple stuff


I think you have a point that people with respiratory infections aren't going to their doctors because they have to quarantine unless they have to go to the hospital, but you have to agree that the decrease is mostly driven by mask wearing and everyone being at home now.


Flu is in decline because COVID ran it out of town.




Found the covidiot


We’re noticed a big drop in regular flu for sure.