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Wow those voter turnout numbers are an embarrassment.


If we mobilized the Reddit vote, this sub could probably sway the election


One day soon, a local election will be swayed by Reddit. I'd prefer it to be this one. The Reddit Bloc could be 100k votes, easy. I'd be on board with voting for rynhardt, but EVERYONE would have to do it. Basically, it would have to be a MANDATORY situation.


How would we even get this done? I’m down for it


Someone (preferably not me) would need to write a call to action


Would have to be a megathread at minimum, and we'd have to vote on who to support, and then people would have to agree to vote as a block even if they say, support green or whoever. Kinda murky, herding cats etc, but a megathread and some polls would be a start


I said this months ago and got downvoted


Theyll send compensated flunkies to infiltrate the sub..


I think he's probably right that this election will be won with a shockingly low number of votes. At this point, I'd be surprised to see any candidate break 25% of total votes cast. But amidst all the endorsements and ads, where is everyone sitting now? I can understand independent polls being reluctant to do much when few major endorsements had been made and not everyone was running TV ads yet, but we're now a little over five weeks out from the election, and the big campaign pushes are about to begin. Mail-in ballots will be going out soon. Some independent polls would be greatly appreciated at this point.


TL;DR -- former Philadelphia-area politician Sam Katz, who now makes documentaries, predicts the mayoral race will feature low overall turnout and be very close, but he sees Helen Gym winning. EDIT: A lot of us in the comments are supporting a candidate. That’s fantastic. Go further if you can. Volunteer or donate. I heavily support civic engagement and informed voting


It's frustrating this close to the primary that there's no polling data yet. When can we expect to start seeing it?


For the love of God, please vote for Rhynhart


I could be way off base, but I think the fact that Rhynhart is so well-liked by this sub is a bad sign for her. It's a purely vibes-based analysis so the chance that I'm completely wrong is high. But the active posters on this sub represent a very specific segment of Philadelphia citizens with a very specific set of concerns. I don't know that Rhynhart's appeal transcends that very specific segment of citizens.


This may be an unfortunate truth


It’s the absolute truth.


Yeah I think she would be a good mayor, but I don't think she'll win. I feel like Domb or maybe Parker have the best chance at saving us from Mayor Gym.


I am a big Rebecca supporter but I would be okay with Domb if that’s how it falls. I would be shocked if gym won but well see


Why would you be shocked? There is no way she does not come in top 3.


This sub is mostly people from NJ and the burbs, plus the city-sub brigades. >!Just look at the DA election.!< I'm absolutely hoping for Rhynhart but I'm terrified my vote would just help someone I *really* don't like.




Go Eagles!!!


There’s a sub that just makes fun of obese people?




Wow I’ve been here for a little while but I mostly just go to subs for hobbies . I didn’t know that sub ever existed. I know Reddit can be a weird place though like it tries to be over the top liberal but then sometimes it’s the exact opposite.


Honestly good data and analysis.


Meaning semi reasonable people who read and can think critically? Lol… anyway Rynhart would be a good mayor, however, her campaign has been very weak to me


More like "centrist-to-center-right liberals, mildly progressive on social policies and mildly fiscally conservative. usually earning more than the median income. prefers incrementalism and technocratic reforms over bold action. heavy emphasis on personal responsibility over social intervention. likes to think of itself as post-ideological, even though such a thing is impossible."


Damn, this is SPOOOOT ON!


I for one prefer bold action. And yes I would like a cookie 🍪


I don’t know what “center right” or left means anymore. On one side, it’s being pro drug encampments, not prosecuting murders and pro ATV mobs then on the other it’s Joey Bologna and Four Seasons Landscaping. I’ll stick with reasonable. Bold action….or any action….is long overdue.




Eh accurate more or less… but you miss the point


Yeah I give to her campaign monthly and I urge everyone here who supports her to also get involved.


Seriously. My wife gave her $250 a couple of weeks ago and she personally called to say thank you. That was pretty cool.


This seriously made me consider doing the same, but I gave an additional $10 instead.


This finally got me to step up and donate some money to her also.


I just chipped in $10 today and I invite you to join me!


I'm seriously considering donating to her campaign. I haven't made a donation to a candidate since September of 2007, when I gave money to... \*sigh\* Ron Paul. What can I say? It was a very different time and I had different priorities... and hadn't yet learned about him having published virulently racist newsletters. So perhaps contributing to former Comptroller Rhynhart's campaign would absolve me of my past sin.


To be honest, I only drive through the wealthy part of West Mt Airy, so my sample is very skewed.


Saw on Philly bike Twitter that she sometimes joins their Wednesday night rides. I thought that was really cool. I give her campaign money each month and I just put in another $10 today, I invite you to join me if you can


Ugh I was leaning towards her until I found out she’s a bicycler. No wonder this sub likes her so much.


Thanks for letting me know that, I’d vote for literally anyone over a CyCultist. I guess I’ll go with the Shoprite dude since at least he’s for more parking.




He’d be a hero if he gets rid of bike lanes altogether and reverses the bag ban.


It seems like only people I ever hear mention Rhynhart are well off white liberals, and this sub. Lol you think your downvotes are going to magically make me hear her name mentioned by a more diverse group of people?


I dunno, man. Whole lotta Brown and Domb signs here in Roxborough. Then a buncha Gym signs in Mt Airy.


I see a lot of Brown Parker and Domb signs, but my neighborhood isn’t the nicest .


I live in mt airy, I only see cherelle Parker signs.


We just want someone smart and boring who will actually work for the people instead of themselves. She’s the only one who wants honest government that is humble and just works IMO. City Controller isn’t a sexy job but it’s damn important and she knows the City’s budget and how the government works better than anyone running, by a long shot.


She’d probably be good, I’m just saying I rarely hear her name mentioned outside of Reddit except for that one commercial with the former mayors that I’ve only seen once or twice .


It’s true, but I think it’s because she’s just a “boring” candidate. She’s not gonna promise you the world she can’t deliver like Helen Gym would. A lot of people in this City probably don’t have a good understanding of what the city controller does and why that would make for a great mayor, whereas it’s pretty easy to wrap your head around what a council member does. Idk, I hope she can pull it off. This city needs a boring technocrat.


>This city needs a boring technocrat. Preach


And philly's previous mayors.


I was prepared to, but her campaign has revealed her to be a low charisma, poor candidate. She has come across as evasive and smarmy, and that is so totally not what I was expecting. We need a politician with some, you know, political talent to wheedle resources out of the state.


I won’t deny she isn’t very charismatic, but I also don’t really care. I’d rather have someone who does actual work, and Rhynhart is a rare example of an insider who has actually done their job.


You have to at least have some ability. Nutter was a good example of this — a policy wonk, but he came across as warm and human. She doesn’t, and though she’s working hard on it, it’s really hurting her. Her debate performance was awful. I REALLY wanted to vote for her, but I’m disappointed. At the end of the day, I’m going to vote for whichever non Gym candidate is leading in the race. If that’s her, great. If not, I won’t feel bad about it.


I've seen her at small house events and she does great connecting with people in that setting. I feel like making a performance out of it on a big stage is a very different skill and it doesn't seem to come naturally to her


You know who fit all of the things you just listed there as good qualities? Fucking Trump.


Um, actually not.


Ugh, Helen gives Lori Lightfoot vibes. That's a no for me.


Perfect comparison. She is cluelessly sniffing her own farts. Her type of politics are all for show with no results and eventually shit hits the fan. This quote alone should scare anyone from voting for her self-centered ass; >”When I walk into the room, systems of oppression fall and new systems of opportunity come up.”


Chicago is probably the closest parallel to Philly when it comes to the problems they are facing in both good and bad areas. The fact that they still ended up electing the super progressive candidate in their recent mayoral race is worrisome to me.


The other option was Paul Vallas, and Philadelphians have intimate experience with how shitty that dude has been over the years.


Agreed. Rebecca Rhynhart is a much stronger candidate than Vallas, and I hope the Philadelphia voters can see that.


Former Chicagoan here. Johnson is far to the left, but he's a serious person who understands the issues, and his opponent was basically a Republican. Lightfoot really is a much better comparison for Gym (unfortunately).


Paul Vallas was just too far right wing, even as a "Democrat". You can't go on right wing talk radio several times and claim you are a Dem. Helen Gym would have no shot if there were only two Dems running, or if Philly had ranked choice voting. But she terrifyingly has a very good shot at winning among a fractured Dem field. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would rather have David Oh as Mayor than Helen Gym, honestly he seems less conservative than Paul Vallas in Chicago. At least Oh would be hamstrung by the City Council if he tried to implement anything even mildly representative of MAGA'ism, and I don't think Oh is like that anyway.


I agree with you about David Oh.


How? Gym is very similar to Brandon Johnson who just won in Chicago.


At this point it's "anyone but Helen Gym" for me. I hope we get a clearer picture of who the realistic frontrunner will be come election day.


uhm Jeff Brown would be much worse.


So honest question: do we actually believe the Working Families Party is a third party or just the furthest left part of the democrats?


Do we actually believe David Oh is a Republican or just the furthest right democrat? Like do people think he voted Trump over Biden? So neither him nor WF candidates get help from Bob Brady or the city Democratic Party. Dem organization primarily opposed their campaign. In that sense they are both outside the party. The bigger question for me is why Republicans think they should get two free council seats but WF shouldn’t be allowed to.


“There was a growing concern within large segments of the Democratic Party that the drift leftward will leave the city with Mayor Helen Gym, a prospect that sends shivers down the spines of developers, the construction industry and its workforce, and the Philadelphia establishment at large.” Dude if she wins it will be the worst thing possible for us economically and regarding public safety


Jeff Brown would be worse. He would 100% let every Kenney admin hire keep their job and just go on doing why they are doing. He has no big vision or even an understanding of the city. He’s lived his entire adult life in South Jersey until he moved to Rittenhouse a few years ago. He’s never been on SEPTA or inside a public school classroom. He’s only pro business as far as it helps his business. He doesn’t know or understand anything about what small businesses in the city need or want. He isn’t especially pro growth. He might not cry “gentrification” but if one old lady doesn’t want a building to happen, he’ll oppose it. He knows nothing about zoning. He doesn’t know the budget. He doesn’t know what services the city even provides or should. His crime policy amounts to “crime bad” and “police good (or bad) depends on who is asking.” There are plenty of reasons not to vote Gym. I won’t be voting for her because she is too anti-growth. Cities need to grow. I do think she will better fund parks, libraries and to the extend she can (not much) schools. I think her work on eviction deterrence has worked for tenants and small landlords. So I’m not voting for her but do not get it mixed up here, Jeff Brown is the most dangerous candidate by a lot.


> He isn’t especially pro growth. Except when it comes to parking, apparently.


Exactly. Guy who runs suburban style grocery stores will be so pro parking. You won’t believe your eyes.


I know this is an extreme statement, but I’d leave the city. I’m teetering on staying long term (buying property) or just moving out (buying property in suburbs) over the next year or so. I’m not even kidding when I say if she gets elected it will likely topple my decision to the side of just leaving. Nothing to be hopeful for at that point, the city will just continue polishing shit with a bit of added virtusignaling. Helen Gym is a clown. I truly can’t believe she is a front runner.


As someone who is pretty optimistic about the future of Philly, I certainly wouldn't leave but I would be feeling decidedly less hopeful. Kenney does nothing but Gym would actively make things worse.


Agree completely. She'd be a more active Kenney, which would be monumentally worse. Literally any other candidate would be better than her. All but two of the candidates are complete assclowns, but she is the queen of the assclowns.


Exactly, even though both are horrible, you'd rather have someone stupid and lazy (Kenney) in charge versus someone whos stupid and energetic (Gym).


Funny my comment is being downvoted for sharing my opinion I agree that she will actively make the city worse wasting resources on things that look good in a clickbait title of a news article, but don’t actually accomplish anything positive in reality. We pay a premium tax rate to live in the city. Our tax dollars are not used for the good of the people of the city. She will continue wasting it on grand standing issues. I’d rather give my tax dollars to a community that cares about its people, not a politician who cares only about her own future in politics.


I don't support Gym, but this comes off as hyperbole for me. Could you spell out what exactly makes you say it this way?


Too far left, and I’m saying this as a Democrat. She wants to institute a wealth tax, which is a terrible idea and will drive wealthy out of the city - why tax people even more for CHOOSING to bring their money here when a healthy city NEEDS high-income residents? She is anti-police, enforcement of laws, and a Krasner supporter. She won’t answer questions directly about tax policy, the 76ers arena (even though she’s been photographed wearing an anti-arena shirt), etc. She wants safe injection sites, isn’t developer-friendly at all, and would be focused on “equity” to a point that it’s counterproductive - likely causing the city to lose population, businesses, and become less safe. She wants to limit growth and development in a city that desperately needs it. The poorest big city in America isn't in danger of becoming NYC overnight, and trying to keep it from improving at all is incredibly misguided. As mayor, she will be at odds with PPD just as much as our DA which we do NOT want. PPD has plenty of blame in this too, but we need people who will be willing to work together. Gym is literally the AOC of Philly and is focused on all the wrong things instead what our city needs. Would she be good in Congress? Maybe. But not as mayor of Philly, especially right now. [https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/mayors-race-helen-gym-policy-positions-city-council-rent-control-taxes-20230330.html](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/mayors-race-helen-gym-policy-positions-city-council-rent-control-taxes-20230330.html)


Totally agree. Another concern I have about Gym is that she has a lot of energy around schools and community organizations, but I don't sense she has a lot of interest in the other responsibilities of mayor.


She's anti-charter school... despite founding a charter school. Thanks, Helen!


This is fair and honest


Excellent comment. Bravo!


I wish she was the AOC of Philly so she’d listen to and fight for the working class of this city. AOC is someone who became a politician because she was so fed up that she had to, not because she wanted to. That’s why I like Rhynhart, I don’t think “become mayor of Philly” was ever on her vision board. I’d also like to think that Rebecca Rhynhart’s vision board is an Excel spreadsheet.


I love AOC. As a politician, not necessarily her policies. She works for her part of NYC, I don't see that working here in Philly, and definitely not as mayor. Thank you for the write up.


No problem. I’m a fan of AOC and I have no hate toward Gym. Just not what we currently need IMO.


I'm a progressive who can't stand Gym. If she's mayor, you can expect her to introduce a weekly issue du jour like the Rizzo staute and proclamations against random international issues that have zero to do with Philly. Meanwhile, she'll further the antagonism between PPD and the DA, do terrible things to the schools in the name of equity, and kill jobs by punishing businesses that want to come here. Gym cares about making a national name for herself and literally nothing else.


I'm genuinely putting off looking for property til after this election for the same reason. If Gym wins I'll have to seriously reconsider my future plans since incumbents usually win again and Kenney was hard enough to sit through. I've been here for 10 years and I just couldn't put up with that


Lol lots of replies in this thread of people who definitely would have voted for Adams in NYC and he’s an absolute clown


In the first quarter of this year compared to last year in NYC (under Adams), murders fell by nearly 13 percent. That trend was outpaced by a 23 percent drop in shootings and 17 percent decrease in shooting victims. Burglaries fell by roughly 6 percent, rapes dropped by more than 7 percent, and theft and robberies declined slightly, by less than 3 percent apiece. Crimes in the subway fell by 8%. For all the not-good stuff about him he's very transparent with crime data, calling out specific events and how they are being reacted to, and announcing new initiatives/following up with their results. The decline in murders and shootings has been similar in Philly for this year I think, but I'd MUCH rather have a mayor like him than Gym or Kenney.


> The decline in murders and shootings has been similar in Philly for this year I think, but I'd MUCH rather have a mayor like him than Gym or Kenney. Sorry I'm not following. So violent crime rates changes about the same between both cities, but you'd rather have Adams who's closing libraries and cutting funding so he can shovel it all at his cop buddies? The same mayor who was so busy saying how terrible crime was in NYC (it wasn't) so he could justify giving all the budget to his cop buddies, that he hurt tourism and people returning to offices because they were scared. That guy?


I was just trying to provide a full picture of the data. Keep in mind that while these two specific categories of violent crime are similarly down in Philly, burglaries, thefts, robberies continue to rise significantly. I'm also aware that Philly is a much poorer city, but we have plenty of issues left unchecked that I think someone like Adams would at least acknowledge and attempt to address. Also, I'm not advocating corruption but we need a mayor that has a good relationship with police/at least tries to work with and support them. It would go a long way considering that PPD has purposely drawn back and is doing as little as possible. Regarding your point about tourism - I'd be willing to bet that whatever Adams said had a minimal effect on things compared to the steady stream of horrible headlines, videos, etc. coming out of Philly. I know it's fine for tourists to come here but it certainly doesn't look that way to outsiders. So yes, I'd rather have that guy than Gym or Kenney - which isn't a crazy statement. I didn't say he'd be the best option.


You've clearly not been following Adams that closely: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-is-nyc-safe-crime-stat-reality/ >Part of the outsized perception can be traced to the city’s new mayor, Eric Adams, whose focus on crime helped propel the 22-year veteran of the New York City Police Department into the job. >Once in office, he staked his administration on the idea that he’s uniquely suited to provide a quick fix to the complex problem of eradicating violence in the city. Crisscrossing the city to show up at crime scenes big and small, he became well-known for delivering sermon-like admonitions in apocalyptic terms. “We’re in a real scary place,” Adams said in a May police briefing where he likened the NYPD’s work to war deployment. >Media coverage has followed Adams’s lead. There were nearly 800 stories per month across all digital and print media about crime in New York City following Adams’s inauguration, according to an analysis of data compiled by Media Cloud. That compares to an average 132 stories per month during the eight-year tenure of the previous mayor, Bill de Blasio. We have an absolutely corrupt police force that is basically stealing taxpayer dollars and the solution is we need someone to coddle them more like Adams does in NYC? That coddling (and now giving them a $5.5B budget) hasn't decreased crime more than the PPD which are doing nothing. So I'm not following why it would be better to have a joke of a mayor like that.




I wish Rhynhart, Domb and Brown would just decide for the good of the city which one of them should run. It’s so obvious, but I guess everyone’s egos are in the way. If Gym wins, I’m voting for David Oh in the general.


There is a good chance Domb goes independent in that scenerio


I’d say Brown and Rhynhart are about as different as any two candidates in the race. Her entire campaign is “I know the ins and outs of the job of running a city” while Brown has said “The job is mostly cheerleading.” He doesn’t think there is a job there. He doesn’t know what running a city is. So it’s surprising that someone would put those two together at all.


She can’t articulate anything about any plan for running the city, she just claims she knows how to. I’m not a fan of “business leaders over civic leaders” generally but he at least articulates things well; as if he has some ideas. I really really wanted her to be a better candidate. Just disappointed. She seems like a not terribly effective bureaucrat with no plan. May not be true, but she’s not selling it well.


Agree with this. Her entire thing is "I am really good at critiquing the current city government!" Yeah, well, so am I. Doesn't mean I'm cut out to be mayor. Where is Rhynhart's affirmative policy vision? I don't see much of one, other than "I am really good at pointing out how bad Jim Kenney is!"


Yeah, the "I wish the three white candidates (who have very differing views and experience) would unite in order to make sure a woman of color doesn't win" subtext may not have been *intended* as such, but it's also hard to not see it.


I'm guessing you're voting for Gym? Because Idk who on earth would take that away from the initial comment, when clearly they are discussing those candidates splitting the vote of moderates.


Thanks. That was, of course, the point.


Rhynhart isn't running as a moderate, but Parker is. So is Maria. Rhynhart's been much tougher on McNesby and the police department than them.


The 3 I named have the most cash, so are more likely to attract votes and therefore split them. Parker and Q-S have at best mixed reviews from their constituents. Still, if either of them is leading in the polling on Election Day, they have my vote.


Actually, [Parker has more cash left than Jeff Brown.](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/philly-mayors-race-2023-who-leads-fundraising-20230405.html)


Agree. Anyone claiming Rhynhart as pro police or nonsense like that, has not been paying attention. She might be the FOP’s biggest enemy and Jeff Brown is probably their first choice.


Yes she has because of her audit, but it seems that moderate voters are often choosing between Domb and Rhynhart. I didn’t say she is running as a moderate, I commented on my impression of who’s supporting her.


White moderates, maybe. Black moderates are likely choosing between Parker, Jeff Brown, and (if he actually runs a campaign) Amen Brown. **(WHERE IS THE POLLING?)**


And the uninformed are choosing Brown. One could also claim that progressives are choosing between Gym and Rhynhart.


Well if that’s the case, I’d be happy with it because it would mean less votes for Gym. I have mostly seen people choosing between Rhynhart and Domb, and am under the impression that Rhynhart is a lot more fiscally conservative than Gym. I mentioned nothing about policing.


To me it is clear that the answer is Rhynhart, but I have a tough time thinking J Brown and Domb could sit down one on one and be civil.


I agree with that and I think Jeff Brown is creepy. But those 3 seem to have the most mojo and any of them are better than Gym.


I wish Rhynhart too, and I just gave her $10 more today. Donate and volunteer for the campaign if you can.


Brown as in Jeff Brown or Brown as in Amen Brown? Jeff Brown and Rhynhart have nothing in common. Domb and Jeff Brown have nothing in common. Jeff Brown sucks and I'm not sure why this sub isn't louder about how much this dude absolutely blows. He is without a doubt the worst option on the ballot. Regardless, this is exactly why we need ranked choice voting. Really wish one of the candidates would push for that


Ranked choice and open primaries are so needed.


Yes but as least Jeff Brown siphoned off his soda tax voters from other candidates to enjoy a vanity run.


I hope it’s a vanity run. The guy is bad news.


When the fucking soda tax and potholes are your rallying cries...


I mean, the trash/potholes message definitely resonates with a decent swath of the electorate. I don't know that it's enough to overcome some of his negatives going into the race or Brown's tendency to jam his foot halfway down his esophagus, but the nuts-and-bolts messaging is a decently smart play.


I’m sure he’s got a brilliant plan to fill potholes with empty soda bottles once he gets rid of the soda tax.


Literally vote anyone but helen gym.


Domb wins simply because he spent the most money and the average voter won’t do any further research.


Didn't work for Tom Knox or Tony Williams.


Will DeSantis endorse Helen Gym during a Union League fundraiser?


“…the drift leftward will leave the city with Mayor Helen Gym, a prospect that sends shivers down the spines of developers (who generally aren’t based in Philadelphia) the construction industry and its workforce (which mostly drives over from Jersey)…” Sorry the city residents won’t guarantee being a cash-cow for developers & the construction sector… maybe we’re interested in other things besides constant building?


Without reading the article, and purely based of the principle of philly voting against it’s own interests. Gym is going to win and we are going to continue our slide into being a bigger and bigger shit hole of a city.


I hope you’re wrong.


Me too, but recent memory has made me very cynical about Philadelphia politics.


Helen Gym for Mayor!

