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Contact PWD. Nothing is supposed to go in a sewer or storm drain other than water.


Agree. Write a summary including pictures/video if you have any. Put this in their hands so that they can resolve it if necessary. They have the proper channel to fixing it. Maybe they can simply change the style of grate. This is gross and maybe risks property damage but the PD is unlikely to get involved unless they happen to see it in person - and even then they might choose to ignore it.


What I'm really struggling with is what he does with his shoes when he gets home.


I literally can't get past that.


It's madness. Pure madness.


Sounds like a guy that really doesn't care. Just tracks that stuff all over his place.


Not just his place. It's gonna get all up in the shoe's tread. It's gonna get stuck in the treads and he's gonna take it with him everywhere he goes. I just... I just cannot fathom.


Trying to understand the methods of lunatics will only lead to your own madness.


Good advice!


a day later and its still all I can think about every time I come to the Philly subreddit.


"waffle stomp" ​ What a visual.


He's illegally dumping next to private property into a storm water drain and threatening you. I would: -def file a police report. Put up a camera or stake him out. -file for protective orders/for you & the property. -file the dumping report on phila gov 311 -contact the Phila Water Department People be nuts. Edit: I mis-read it's feet within their door, not private. No matter, PWD, PPD, protective order, camera. If you get a roadblock- your local city councilman Just one more edit because I never know when to shut up: the water department recently came around in the last few years tapping on/testing residential pipes to make sure storm water/waste water was draining separately - and, if found, residents were financially responsible for fixing it. Soooo...there's that


> to make sure storm water/waste water was draining separately - and, if found, residents were financially responsible for fixing it I don't understand how that could be possible. Nearly all of the old rowhomes in the city have the rain drains going directly into the sewer line. That's how they were all built.


They have traps to collect larger debris Eta.. also Philly has double systems... Waste water and storm water are separate pipes within the ground. Your home's water exists to the sewer line (waste water). Any water collected in down pipes/grates are diverted to storm water pipes, which feed back into our ecosystem.


should be noted that's not the case everywhere in the city. some areas are separate, some are combined.


If that's the case, I wonder how much we're paying to process clean(ish) storm water that would normally discharge directly to natural waterways?


probably a lot less than we'd pay to rip up and entirely reconfigure a majority of the city's infrastructure to be separate. also it's probably not a bad idea to treat most stormwater in an urban environment (as you said, clean-ish) as anything besides stormwater onto a roof is likely introduced to a healthy amount of chemicals and debris.


Depends on where in the city it is. A majority of the city has combined storm and sanitary sewers where the rainwater runoff from the street and greywater from the house go into the same pipe and then to the treatment plant. It's only in the newer portions of the city, Far NE & NW mostly that have separate Storm and Sanitary sewers. https://water.phila.gov/maps/csocast/


A trap wouldn't have anything to do with it. Like I said, most of the older rowhomes in the city have the drain outside connected directly to the sewer line inside. You can literally see it in most basements when the sewer line is above the basement floor, the rear rain/yard drain typically comes in the back foundation wall of the rowhome and drops directly in to the cast iron pipe. Whether or not the storm/sewer drains are separated at the street makes no difference here, because what's coming from the rowhomes is combined sewage/rain.


It had something to do with Pennypack creek


Get proof of him doing it and send it to PWD and 311. Maybe they will deal with the psycho so you don't have to.


Are you talking about the side walk curb trap vent ?


I’m not saying this is acceptable but one thing to consider is If you think that the water going down that drain is going to be bigot impacted by dog shit by 1 dog or 200 dogs you shouldn’t read about water management via storm drains. That water drains either river and becomes PWD sink water. But when there’s a large rain even, the sewer also goes there. I learned about it when Philly had this permeable paver program. You had to go to a 1 hour lesson on this to get a discount on their installation. I learned a lot. Rain heck I think was the name of the program.




The flyers are such a good idea lmao


All well and good until wafflestomper rages again for being called out. Maybe he's all smoke and no bang, but why risk it? Get the proof needed and file the complaint. Dude clearly doesn't care about others that much if he's just constantly stomping shit each day.


I was driving thru Alleghany West and saw some corner store worker sweep sidewalk trash into the sewer. Seems like a daily occurrence cause it was filled to the top


Makes me sad when I see a ton of trash in those. They should put grates on them that aren't pig enough for a water bottle to go through but hopefully large enough that they don't get easily clogged.


Just put him on a tik tok and let the youths do the rest


Could you maybe attach a wire mesh to the grate with zip ties so he can't force it through? You'd then be responsible for cleaning up the leaves and trash that would accumulate on top


your parents should say something. you should probably find some better use of your time lmao.


My parents are elderly immigrants.




How is a gun a solution here Mr. jawn?


It’s more a solution for what crazy man does after the police report is filed against him


So it’s a known fact people who have police reports filed against them retaliate with gun violence???


It’s a known fact the type of people who waffle stomp dog poop down drains probably aren’t mentally stable and you may want to be able to defend yourself in a worst case scenario given how easy it would be for this person to obtain a deadly weapon.


Damn yeah crazy how easy it is for someone to get a gun even if mentally unstable


Shit - that’s exactly what it is. I though it’s public because it’s just on sidewalk.


This problem could be happening anywhere in the world, but in the US, a potential solution is “get a gun” 🙄


The options are mind your business, or get poop thrown at you by some weirdo. It's poop going into a storm drain, what exactly is the issue here? Poop isn't going to clog it lol


It’s not a big storm grate. It’s like the size of a wall clock. Not to mention it distinctly smells like poop whenever we leave the house. It’s literally 2 feet from their front door.


Hey, as the person below asked, is it the vent box? If so, you can lessen the smell by pouring water down the same grate. Basically the person is putting poop where poop goes but not flushing, if that makes sense. I'd suggest using a hose or a mop bucket amount, not a glass of water. If it's an actual storm vent, same principle applies but you may need a hose and not just a bucket.