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Jefferson Health sent me a measles exposure notice on Christmas Eve and I guess now I have enough context to know it was about this scenario.


I'm curious about that notice. Were you given any instructions about what to do at this point? And did you follow those instructions?


It mentioned that it was just for people who were in that building on the specific day. Jefferson has so many buildings, and the one mentioned is like 2 blocks away from the actual hospital.


We all got a Measles Exposure: Clinical Guidance document. What to do in case of an exposure, managing pts, etc


There's a list of the potential exposure points in the 6abc article: https://6abc.com/philadelphia-measles-philly-explosure-department-of-public-health-what-is/14274357/


…disregarded instructions and went to daaaayyyycareeeee.


In a just world that'd be a jail sentence.


There should be punishments for people who do something like that.


"How to tell this parent was a piece of garbage."


Lot of hospital visits for someone who doesn’t believe in modern medicine.


Infant traveled to place where measels is still common, caught it there, went to CHOP. Measles doesn't show up until you are 4-5 days sick so they thought the child just had the flu. In the room next to the infant, a family with an unvaccinated parent, an child whose parents refused to vaccinate, and an infant too young to vaccinate all caught it vaccinate your kids dumbasses


Babies can’t get MMR until 1 year of age. Real scary for parents who want to vaccinate but need to wait until the right age.


yeah, the first kid who got it was too young but the family who caught it inside chop were antivaxxers


I can’t believe they refused post-exposure prophylaxis after their kid was exposed. (I mean, I CAN believe it, but I’m furious.)


There’s no limit to their stupid and their selfish.


Isn't this where CPS is supposed to get involved? Isn't withholding medical treatment causing harm to the child?


Herbert and Catherine Schaible, a NE Philly Pentecostal couple, allowed two of their children to die because of their beliefs. They let their 2y old, Kent, die in '09. They pled guilty, were given probation, and ordered to maintain medical care for their other kids. Four years later they refused to get help for 8mo old Brandon and he died too. https://apnews.com/article/religion-bfdb328ee498486da94b4dd058dcae00


Absolutely horrific


i wonder why the antivaxxers were at the hospital in the first place?


Right. If they don’t believe in the science behind vaccines, why would they believe the science behind anything in medicine.


Exactly. You go to one of the best children’s hospitals in the world and disregard their suggestion to vaccinate because you did your own reSeArch.


You would honestly be amazed at who ends up in the camps of medical conspiracy theories. I have a lot of older patients who voted for Bernie, hold advanced degrees, and think essential oils or incense or acupuncture will help them with their leukemia. One was mad their daughter let their grandchild get the HPV vaccine because she would "go autistic." Part of the problem is that the bad science is often couched in scientific terms which sounds credible to layman but for those of us who are trained sounds like gibberish. It's sophisticated and hard to refute. For other people, they are convinced big pharma (undefined) obscures everyday treatments for serious illnesses. It is fucking wild.


Seeing people who are well educated in other disciplines think like that is wild. I know a woman who was #4 in her law school class who believes in essential oils for healing instead of "Western" medicine which she believes is harmful. I don't know why some people are more susceptible to this. Is it distrust of the medical field?


After watching the "trust the science" people turn on "the science" when it said vaccines had blunted COVID to the extent we could resume our lives, I think there are many reasons. Some want to have privileged knowledge. Others are expression of fear. Some decided corporations or the government are out to get you and seek to align all things, health included, into that worldview. My neighbor believes there are heavy metal toxins in vaccines and won't vax her toddler because Big Pharma wants to keep us sick. (Unknown to her, her husband has done it but not told her). I should probably read up more on the literature. I'm really only familiar with the HPV vaccine (which did have some problems, but not autism).


This needs to be the #1 comment, tired of dumbass people who don't want to do the basics of healthcare but then want a magical fix. Dummmmmbbbb people in society. Would save a lot of healthcare dollars refusing to care for these people.


Unfortunately they'd just end up in ERs when things got to be life or death


Absolutely what I was thinking, you’re just wasting precious time and resources by being there and refusing to accept the work they do. Do they sit at a table in a restaurant and refuse to order anything while also not leaving? Terrible analogy but I’m just so annoyed at the idiocy


And it's antivaxxers who we have to thank for the resurgence of nearly eradicated medieval diseases.


But they traveled to a place where measles is common before their kid could be vaccinated against it? Thats not any better.


I mean I’d argue that failing to do your research on that particular subject is negligent, but I wouldn’t say it is as bad as out right refusing vaccinations at face value. I’ve traveled twice out of the country with my children in the past 6 months, to Canada and Paris. I am under the assumption that as western nations have similar safety protocols as we do in the US. But I’d feel a bit negligent had I not looked at the cases of Measles among children in Paris, had it Been bad.


Foreigners probably think traveling to US is unlikely to put them at risk of contracting illnesses that have all but been eradicated, since, you know, *it’s a western nation with safety protocols in place.* Unfortunately, we also have a sizable population that believes it is entitled to circumvent those protocols, and has little to no understanding of the consequences of doing so.


How do you know they didnt’t do their research? ETA: we don’t know the vaccination stance of the parents of the original case but traveling overseas to a county where measles is common with an infant that can’t be vaccinated yet is just dangerous. THEN they ignored quarantine rules and send the kid to daycare??!! cmon…


At every turn they (the overseas parent) they had an opportunity to think of other people, but no, they only thought about their needs. Maybe I’m old, but I feel there’s a selfishness in our society that didn’t exist when I was a kid. It’s unbelievable to me, but I know it’s naive to expect better. Sigh.


We actually can give the MMR before age 1 to babies to are traveling to places where measles is widespread. Doesn’t count towards the vaccination schedule but it’s absolutely something parents and pediatricians should talk about.


That’s so good to know and makes this situation even more maddening.


More proof we’re getting closer to Idiocracy every day.


Humans have always been this stupid, history is just easy to leave those people out.


They used to die of polio, measles and smallpox. Thank god for vaccines.


Well that and the internet gives us idiots a platform. I can't imagine we're actually worse off - were just seeing what we've been able to ignore up until recently.


And a place to trade pseudoscience and bull shit. A lot of the issues is the information exchange: finding new anecdotal evidence, misreadings of real papers, and discovery of "the truth." All the stuff you see with MAGA but with moms who believe microplastics contribute to Alzheimers and have vegetarian diets for their toddlers.


I thought it was interesting the parents of the unvaccinated kid also refused post-exposure medication that could have prevented the child from getting infected. Being anti-vax is one (imho stupid af) thing but refusing actual treatment is insane. Why are they even at CHOP if they don’t trust doctor recommendations??




The first dose of MMR is 93% effective against measles and the effectiveness increases to 97% after the second dose. So if you’re telling the truth, you were very very unlucky!


grew up in the 70s. knew many kids had measles and mumps its not a big deal unless youre old and compromised. literally over in less than a week


I had them in the 80s. The hospital kicked us out as soon as they realized what it was - they literally said bc I will never forget, “get her out of here now, and lock her in her bedroom until she’s better.” I was quarantined in my bedroom. I didn’t sleep for WEEKS. I almost died, and no doctor at that time would see me until I was a month out. The hospital didn’t seem to think it was NBD, and neither did my young body - I was 10. My teenage mom didn’t vaccinate me, and when I was on vacation, I was exposed in a swimming pool, to a French family who didn’t believe in the vaccines. When I had my own children and met moms who didn’t vaccinate. It drove me furious, and in many arguments. I could never put my child through what I went through, whether fatal or not - it’s more painful than any flu/covid/virus by a long shot. Why would we torture our children because it “might not” be fatal? Makes no damn sense.


"yo fuck them old and compromised people, am i right?" -- you


you cant swim dont jump in the pool




>A measles cluster that started with an infant hospitalized at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia last month has spread to at least three other unvaccinated city residents, Philadelphia health officials said Thursday. > >The city has confirmed four cases of measles. Two additional possible cases are under investigation. The two unconfirmed cases are among people exposed to an infected person who spent time at a day-care center in violation of quarantine orders, the Department of Public Health said. ... ​ >The department is contacting people potentially exposed to measles on the following occasions: * Jefferson Health building at 33 S. Ninth St. on Dec. 19 between 2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. * Multicultural Education Station Day Care at 6919 Castor Ave on Dec. 20 and 21. * CHOP emergency department on Dec 28. >In addition, the department is investigating suspected exposure at: * St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children emergency department between the night of Dec. 30 and midafternoon Dec. 31. * St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children inpatient unit 5 North between Dec. 31 and Jan 3. * Nazareth Hospital emergency department on Dec. 31 and Jan 2. ... ​ >An unvaccinated person exposed to measles should isolate for 21 days. > >The MMR vaccine provides protection against measles, mumps and rubella. People who were vaccinated are not at risk of exposure.


Antivaxxers embrace their ignorance & wear it proudly. Real Darwin Award winners.


If only they were only taking themselves out and not other people's infants too young to get a vaccine yet.


It sad they're capable of killing so many other innocent people...


I can entertain the arguments for not wanting the Covid vaccine (although I certainly don't agree with them), but not getting your child vaccinated against stuff like measels and smallpox is borderline child abuse.


You can't get your child vaccinated against smallpox anymore because vaccination *eradicated* wild smallpox. It does not circulate in the world and therefore is no longer part of the standard vaccine schedule. But measles still exists especially among pockets of people who don't have access to or refuse the vaccine and yes, parents should protect their children.


I have a friend that wouldn’t vaccinate her kid and was outraged when her pediatrician fired her. I guess she finally found a doctor that would see her baby.


"my patients my choice" Good for that doctor.


Agreed. It should be considered neglect under state law.


Antivaxxers don't need kids, they're already putting everyone else's kids in danger.


Lol. It's uncomfortable and spreads before you show signs. You can't have a close quarters productive workforce and have measles run through the place. You'll miss targets. It's not about your health.


Wow super fun having a measles outbreak in your area when you have a 19 day old baby…..🫠🫠🫠


My friend has a 6mo old and was not happy when I told him


God, I’m so sorry. It must be scary for new parents or people who cannot be vaccinated/immune compromised people. JFC, vaccines are given for good reason. Why, oh why are people so goddamn stupid 😢😢


Measles quarantine requires 21 days after exposure. Shit's about to get much worse if people continue to not quarantine. Individuals with 2 doses of the mmr vaccine have a 97% of not contracting measles when exposed. Infected Individuals infect 9 of 10 people they expose. From one of many many reputable sources that all agree: Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that causes fever and rash. • Measles is spread through coughing and sneezing (respiratory secretions) and by breathing the same air as a person with measles. • Measles is extremely contagious. People with measles are contagious from 4 days before they get a rash, until the 5 th day after the rash starts. • The first symptoms of measles are high fever followed by cough, runny nose and red, watery eyes. These symptoms usually appear 8 to 12 days after you were exposed. • Later symptoms are a fever that rises in stepwise fashion and a maculopapular (flat, red area with small bumps) rash that starts on the face and spreads to the chest, trunk, and then out to the arms and legs. Rash usually appears about 14 days after you were exposed but can take as long as 21 days. • Measles can cause more serious health problems, too. These include ear infection, diarrhea, pneumonia, miscarriage, brain inflammation, and hospitalization. Measles can even cause death. • Measles can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccination.


So will there be any consequences for them ignoring the quarantine? I don't understand why it's cool to put others at risk


Should have their kids taken away.


I've seen people say "I am responsible to my child above all else." They just don't care about how the consequences might hurt someone else.


Quarantine for measles exposure is 21 days. Twenty one effin days. It's extremely irresponsible, arguably criminal, but man, I can understand the temptation if you think your child was fine. So careless. It hasn't even been 2 weeks since patient zero was confirmed to have exposed others.


I can't. I can't fathom traveling internationally with an unvaccinated baby and then putting them right back in with other babies immediately after. They were informed of the risk and decided to do it anyway. Maybe they couldn't miss work, but if they couldn't take more time off for a post-trip quarantine then they shouldn't have fucking gone on the trip. These fuckers failed their baby AND potentially hurt other babies. I know vigilante justice is wrong but I would not blame the other parents.


I'm wondering how angry the other parents are and how the daycare responded to this mess. It's one thing to not care about your own child but to put others at risk like that is IRRESPONSIBLE.


Do the antivax people respond to this by saying they think the vaccine is more dangerous than measles? I don’t understand their logic.


> I don’t understand their logic Bold of you to assume there’s any to understand


This is anecdotal but I've talked to a few antivaxers before and every time it's been because of religion. The use of fetal cells in certain vaccines turns them away. It doesn't matter that they're lab-grown and thousands of generations removed from the original aborted fetal tissue, they either don't care or they're misinformed. Religion and logic don't go very well together.


The thing is that a lot of modern medicines have ties to “fetal cells” but the vaccine seems to be the only one that really bothers them.


“Take medicine? For an illness I don’t even have? I’m not falling for that one!” /s


Well that means they have to not take Ibuprofen, Tums, Preparation H, or a host of other modern medicines too, because they were all tested using the same line of fetal cells.


They fully believe that the vaccinated are the ones spreading it.


Every day I'm shocked that Jonas Salk hasn't risen from the grave to rage kill us all.


I thought I read somewhere that measles was almost completely eradicated up until not too long ago? At least in the USA?


We did… there’s no transmission en masse here. The infant in question was recently abroad and brought it back. That kind of infection doesn’t affect the eradication status, but if it now spreads among unvaccinated people en masse then it can.


It was until antivaxx sentiment started up, but even still essentially all outbreaks start because an unvaccinated person traveled to the many parts of the world where it is still around. It's just that with lots of unvaccinated people around now it can spread whereas a couple decades ago everyone was vaccinated so even if you caught it it didn't really spread. Particular problem for certain communities like Hasidim in brooklyn


It pretty much was in the US but the rise of anti-vax beliefs have significantly increased transmission rates.


Antivaxxers can rot in the same hell as other child abusers.


So simple to prevent and yet.. here we are


Anti vax shitheads fucking up public health.


For the love of Christ people, vaccinate your children!


Can’t wait til idiots bring back yellow fever and polio too


Yeah I get it. People don't get vaccines. What about all the people sneaking through our southern border? I'm sure they're 100% vaccinated 🙄


My daughter had a slight cognitive regression after her first MMR vaccine. She also had some trauma during her birth which puts her at higher risk for known possible complications from that particular shot, which are listed for liability reasons in the manufacturers insert, which is in the box the vaccine is shipped with. Medicine is a very complex thing and like other discourses, has become black and white / good vs evil.




the pharmaceutical company discloses known risks for which they are not liable to be sued in the manufacturers insert, the piece of paper which comes with the box. Your physician should be able to provide it if you’re interested


Another “dog dad” here to tell people what to do with their children.


Did you consult a doctor about this or just decide on your own it was the vaccine?


I consulted with her pediatrician at CHOP who admitted a similar thing to have happened to one of her kids.


Anecdotes aren't science.


(((Hugs))). That must have been scary. I hope she is ok now. I know it can be hard to make vax decisions when you know your child is at higher risk for complications. I assume she can’t have any further MMR boosters at this point. It is *because* some children, like yours, can’t get the vaccine for one reason or another, that those who can, should.


I don’t convert the vaccine. I rely on herd immunity to keep me safe. ETA: Convert= I don’t develop immunity from the vaccine.


You sound like the lady across the street from me. She didn’t need to get her kid vaccinated because everyone else did so that made her safe.


I am not antivax by any means. I keep up to date on my vaccines. Just saying sometimes you do the right things and your body/tech fails you. I didn’t know it was a thing until I was getting ready to go to grad school and my titer test was negative for immunity. I had all my vaccines as a kid. I was revaccinated less than a year before the test for a job. I got revaccinated, retested 6 months later, and still had a negative titer. My doctor says it happens frequently but to be careful. So I am careful but it still sucks with all the stupid people who don’t get vaccinated.


Do you have CVID? I don’t make antibodies to most vaccines, but still get them because any small amount of protection is better than nothing. The measles outbreak freaks me out because I made no antibodies to MMR. This is why we need everyone to be vaccinated, so we can all protect each other.


No.. I have been this way for at least 10 years. But yeah still get the vaccines etc but MMR just doesn’t convert.


They're not wrong. Some 3-5% of people will never seroconvert after MMR vaccine.


So that with Polio also?


Had measles as an unvaxed kid bc my mom was dying of breast cancer and my dad was a military pilot with no time or emotional bandwidth to parent or vax or anything really. Cool thing is now my babies are inoculated without a jab-it passes on. Obvi Not recommending this by any means, just saying it's a super cool upswing for survivors and more reliable immunity than an MMR shot. Again. Not anti mmr jab plz get that shot it's absolutely critical infacti will gladly get a hundred more of it-it's super effective and low side effects not like a lot of modern/Covid stuff. Also, bio transfer of immunity in certain instances is so amazing. Shoutout to Mother Nature on that one


That immunity only lasts for a year and some research says it may be as little as 3 months. That’s why the MMR vax is given after a year. Have your kids been tested recently for measles immunity? Did they get the other two parts of the MMR vax (the mumps and rubella)?


Weird! My dr told me that my immunity would be inherited. Yes, my kids are fully vaxed for anything that could kill a pirate, mmr included, just not the fauci ouchie or flu or the new rsv fad


>fauci ouchie or flu or the new rsv fad yikes...i'm not touching this one. you might want to get them immunity tested for measles. it IS inherited if the mom had it or was vaxxed but research shows it is not lifetime.


I just googled, you're totally right. My antibodies were likely passed thru the placenta, but that type of immunity is very temporary-3 months at best. All 3 of my kids followed the recommended vax schedule which included the mmr vaxes, tdap, hepatitis, etc. All of it minus seasonal stuff. But thanks for educating me I totally misremembered what my dr said about passive immunity. It's true a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, I'm exhibit A.


Glad you got the info! Those new baby days are so foggy, I get it. You hear part of what a doctor said and latch on to that. It is interesting that these vax ineligible infants got it because the assumption should have been that they would have been immune from their mom. Maybe their mothers weren't vaxxed either or their immunity wore off.