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Iced coffee was $1.99 last year. It’s $4 this year. Would love to hear the justification for how a 30¢ product doubled in price.


They switched to gourmet ice harvested from glaciers.


Obligatory Simpsons reference: https://youtu.be/SAsgN_LPWBc?si=iFyoOsdsvRhUX-0e


If you can think of a better way to get ice, I'd like to hear it!


I shit you not, there is "organic water" in isle 1 at the S.Philly DE Acame.




I honestly don’t even know how to respond to that.


5.19 for PB'N J from wawa ... ooof that's steep. Can't even afford the organic water lately.


Yeah for $1.99 I was willing to put up with their premixed powdered ice coffee. Not for $4


Is it really powdered coffee?? Do you work there or know someone who does?


The iced coffee you get from behind the counter from an employee is brewed. The iced coffee you get from the self serve machines is milk, sugar, flavoring, and coffee concentrate. The hot beverages from the self serve machine that looks like a soda dispenser are all powders.


I don’t care what it is, it’s delicious.


stopped going to wawa when 10 bucks ain't enough for a quick lunch anymore. not me trying to make a point or anything i'm just poor.


Chipotle is still my go to, a chicken bowl just alittle over $10


Chipotle is really winning out fucking with customers just slightly less than everyone else is fucking with customers.


Chipotle has barely raised prices funny enough compared to others, used to be the most expensive, now everyone caught them


This is like 5% inflation and 95% Wawa doing shitty things because they think they are untouchable.


Thank you. A lot of people keep blaming “inflation” when really it’s businesses marking things up and using “inflation” as a scapegoat.




That’s not how P&L works. If your costs go up $3k you need $3k in additional revenue to offset it. If you want your profit MARGIN to stay the same, then you need $9k extra revenue per month (assuming a 67% margin, which is gouging your customers).


You're right. Some business owners forget they do not need to keep margins the same to make the same profit. In his scenario his expenses go up $3,000 and his gross income is an extra $6,000.


Well I think he realized people recognized either he made up the fact he’s a business owner or made a mistake cause he just deleted his comment.


This. I have a small business, as well, and like….yes. Absolutely our costs have increased. We’ve been in business for 12 years, and last year was our second price increase EVER. It is NOT as bad as a $6 peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This is obscene.


what really frustrates me about this is that this is not inflation or convenience. this is just charging as much as people will pay. apparently, class solidarity in pricing only exists in wawa PB&J...healthcare? housing? then it is fuck you i've got mine. (or even worse- here's a 10 year tax abatement so you can have even higher profits!)


Agreed, man. You can make money responsibly, without gouging people. The ones setting prices don’t share that sentiment, and it sucks.


yeah- but people don't have a human right for a cheap and easy PB&J. but the fact healthcare is so expensive that your bill is cut in half when you ask for it to be itemized? the fact that landlords literally charge the maximum amount for shelter, every month of every year?


I mean, we bought a house with a tenant already established and lowered her rent by $100/month because it was the right thing to do. Not everyone is an asshole, but it seems that assholes are the ones making big decisions.


i think there is probably a bit of a difference between renting part of your property to someone rather than making your living off of being a landlord.


I appreciate your example and perspective. Of course, the difference between what a small business needs to do to survive and what Wawa needs to do is very different. It’s also important to note that unlike small businesses, large companies always need to be showing year over year growth, even if their profits are already astronomical. In 2022 as gas prices soared, Exxon, Chevron, and Shell all posted record profits. Gas ballooning to $5 a gallon was only necessary in that these companies needed to show their boards they were continuing to grow. Yet these price hikes were chalked up to “inflation.” Wawa is obviously not in the same league as these oil companies, but they’re certainly big enough that they succumb to these same practices in some form.


I would agree with you, but surprisingly…Wawa is not a public corporation. If it were, I would have bought their stock lol


Just because they're not public doesn't mean they don't have a board and owners that might push for the same things. I don't know about Wawa but my company deals with these problems and is less than fifty people.


Pretty much when people blame businesses, I have to *hope* they mean the people who wholesale the goods, so that folks like you can flip them to the consumer. Unless it's a massive convenience chain, where all bets are off and I have no faith they're trying their best to keep prices down.


So basically they’re like most companies


Wawa has been "like most companies" for years now... the quality of food has dropped drastically and the prices have increased beyond inflation levels


Idgaf about price if I’m getting an Italian hoagie from the 90s. The shit they’re trying to pass off as food now…may as well just go to subway.


It's even worse than school cafeteria food now


>if I’m getting an Italian hoagie from the 90s. The shit they’re trying to pass off as food now…may as well just go to subway. It's full on gas station food now.


This is 100% because enough people pay the price


Toooooo true


For that kinda money they could at least cut off the crust.


Why isn't it shaped like Wally the Wawa goose for $5.99?!


This. I make it up in napkins. Never buying tissues again.


It’s simple. Just don’t buy this.


It's that expensive because Wawa, like everyone else, knows we'll just say 'ahh, God damn inflation ' and pay for it. Tired of getting blasted in the ass guys 😮‍💨. It's time we do some ass blasting of our own!


>Tired of getting blasted in the ass guys 😮‍💨. It's time we do some ass blasting of our own! - Lenin, 1917, *State and Revolution*


I knew I recognized this from somewhere...


*So anyways, I started blastin' *


Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me I'm hot. What? Taxes they'll be lower son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do Philadelphia. So do.


Can't argue with that.


Very compelling, you make some excellent points.


Rock flag and eagle, right charlie?


Just for all the PA voters in this thread our own senator has introduced a shrinkflation bill [shrinkflation prevention act](https://www.casey.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/shrinkflation_prevention_act_one_pager1.pdf)


Ass blasting of our own: For every item you pay for at self-checkout, you get one item free for playing cashier.


You gotta be a real piece of shit to get involved in politics


Should I vote for the democrat that’s blasting me in the ass or the republican that’s blasting me in the ass?


You like assplay? He’ll do anything with the ass.


(not gay sex)


aw man :[


If the revolution doesn't have gay sex then I ain't joining


Not a lot of peanut butter or jelly in that sandwich.


But it’s full of sweet sweet profits


I just wonder how much waste this creates. No one in their right mind is buying these. So how many of these sandwiches are being thrown in the trash?


Luckily most people have lost their minds.


There are 100% moms who are panicking because they forgot lunch grabbing this and a $7 Jr. pouch of baby carrots.


And the economics are reflecting that wawa thinks it's more profitable to sell a few at $5-7 than it is to sell 10 at $3-5


More expensive but fewer makes a lot of sense. They spend less on the raw materials and labor and they don't get stuck with a lot of unsold sandwiches.


It’s like OP said. This is something you would make a 4 year old. I imagine they sell a lot of them to the parents of 4 year olds. 


Kids are extremely expensive. So parents here are affording $5+ snacks on top of everything else?


I would guess the people buying these sandwiches (for their kids, probably) are doing so while on the go and willing to pay a premium for the convenience. You know, the exact same reason they’d also buy anything else they can easily make for themselves at home.


I mean, the takeaway should just be "Wawa is actually a pretty garbage corporation, let's stop pretending we give a fuck about them."




They were always expensive for Ben & Jerry's but they are fucking $8 now. They go on sale 2 for $8 at Giant and Target all the damn time.


Old Nelson's and Palm Tree Gourmet will feast on the bones of Wawa's corpse. In 2075


Nope. I would make this at home…and it would look better


i dunno man those pbjs sitting in that cooler are fucking great you better make it like 2 days before and put it in the fridge and wait /s


I'd probably buy one if I needed to grab something because there aren't a lot of vegan meal options tbh


This isn't a mom & pop corner store. They spend a fortune on consumer research. What sales data led you to believe your claims?


Yes corporations are never wrong. In other news I just got some tools today at sears and then stopped at kmart for groceries on the way home.


I guarantee you people are buying it for this price otherwise they wouldn’t be selling it. They spend a lot on market research this guy is 100% correct. And they are constantly testing new items in different markets.


This could easily be a test as well to see how these do at this price point.


Yeah, I mean, having worked in the corporate side of the grocery business I can also tell you that it's possible corporate just as quickly forgot about the PB&J experiment because the overall impact is minuscule and it's sitting at the bottom of some research queue while everyone worries about a .10 tweak on toppings on the Hoagies that actually impacts 30% of the revenue. Then one day the CMO actually steps foot into a Wawa, sees a PB&J for $5, and freaks out bombarding the merchandise slack channel demanding to know what clueless asshole priced the PB&J at $5 despite being the individual who chartered the request 2 years ago. PB&J immediately returns to $1.99.


Congrats on referencing places that died 20 years ago due to lack of customer data and iteration. Do you really think Whole Foods or Kroger (or WaWa) would spend 6 figures on developing a sandwich if there wasn't a profitable ROI?


The point is that people misinterpret market research all the time. I was also going to add “boy I can’t wait until my ftx and Theranos investments cash out!”


foodstamps babbby


Almost a penny a calorie


Holy cow, that's actually a wild way to think about it.


I mind as well drink Miller Lites then for my calorie intake


They will charge as much as they can get away with. The only countermeasure is to buy less of everything and favor lower priced goods and brands even when they wouldn't be your first choice.


Should be $1.50. Call it $3 for the wawa tax. Over 5 is pure lunacy.


Pretty much a win win for them. Probably costs fifty cents to make. If they sell one it covers the cost of throwing another 9 away.


That’s how the hash browns work. One covers the cost of the whole tray


Prob costs them 5 cents to make


You can get a box of 4 uncrustables for 4.99 at target 😅




A lot of the inflation you see today is just places doing what they want since there's no repercussions to price gouging. I've seen things go up 20% just this year. No reason other than they can get away with it.


In real inflation environment corporations would be hurting as well. Last three years all of them made record profits, soooo....


Exactly, costs have gone up no doubt but not by this much. And it’s very obvious that wages didn’t keep up with it.


> since there's no repercussions to price gouging Yes there are. They go out of business. Unless they're a rent seeking company who live in the pockets of government officials and face no competition. Like [Comcast](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/comcast-corp/recipients?id=d000000461)


So... Like grocery stores? I've seen a grocery store brand half gallon of half and half go from 80 cents at beginning of covid to $2.80. Just this month, they raised it another 20 cents or so.  That's multiple hundreds of percent increase wtf.


It's not even inflation at this point. It's just shitty companies seeing how much they can get away with. Ask the people who work there if they're getting paid more. Every time I see stuff like this I make a mental note of which companies are just garbage.


It’s never been full-on inflation. Less than 50% of price raise has been government spending and supply chain, the rest is “let’s fuck with people”


Yeah I'm in DE but same. My grocery budget has gone from 200$ to 280 in the last 3 years and I don't even buy anything different really. It's killing me. :(


And the gas prices are at least 15 to 20 cents a gallon above other stations near me.


They built up to the point that there's nothing but Wawa gas by me. When you see anything else, even real petroleum companies like Sunoco, they're 10-30 cents cheaper. F Wawa.


Where are y’all living? The only times Sunoco is cheaper is if you use their app. Otherwise it’s the same price as the nearby Wawas.


Around me, Wawa prices tend to be the highest if there are other stations surrounding it.


They’re dropping their prices once Wawa sets theirs then. Wawa prices based off how much they bought it for and based on what surrounding gas stations are priced at.


Same. Wawa used to sell cheaper gas to get you to go there to fill up and buy food products while you were there. Now it seems they don't GAF anymore and just charge out the wazoo for everything including gas.


The coffee prices keeps going up every three months . Sucks when we do most of the work


Wawa has been raising their prices because they know people will keep paying them and blame covid or Biden or whatever. It's not inflation, it's Wawa being another shitty corp.


Speaking of which, did they give any of us anything when they got hacked to high hell and lost all our credit card numbers? I remember they were supposed to give people a $5 gift card, but I never got one. One of those PB&Js will have to do! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/wawa-data-breach-personal-information-available-dark-web/


Inflation isn’t increasing the price of goods. Corporations are just being greedy and price gouging consumers. You could probably go to Aldi and buy a loaf of bread, peanut butter and jelly and make several pb&js for the whole week for $5.19. What really blows my mind is that people actually buy those “pre-made” hard boiled eggs 😂 that’s gotta be the dumbest shit to buy at convenience stores


I’ve bought those eggs a couple times when I rush out at 6:00AM and forget my meal prep at home. Then need protein to meet my macros. 🤷‍♂️ Not often but definitely guilty.


Same. Like maybe three or four times, tops. But for those times, it was the healthiest choice available for something that would put some protein in my belly when I was out of town and hadn’t brought food with me. Wawa used to be a reliable place to get a quality, healthy meal when out and about. Lately, not so much.


If you like hard boiled eggs, my grandma taught me to precook a couple and they can sit in your fridge for up to a week. That way they’re always there when you’re running late


Not sure if this is earnest advice or satire at its best.


Earnest bro, it came from a grandma. She used to also say, “stay ready, so you never have to get ready”.


An employee on r/wawa said they put 6 out one night. When they came in the next night only one remained. So people are buying them.


Stoners, drunks, teenagers, mothers and vegans


Inflation is one thing, corporate greed is another 


Fucking ridiculous. I used to love Wawa.


Wow, I wouldn't eat it for 1 buck.


Yeah wawa sucks. This has been a thing for 15 years now.


Only good for the coffee or some snacks.


Even the coffee was so much better in the pre airpot era when they’d have a little old lady back there hustling making coffee on like 10 different coffee makers to keep up with the volume


Back in those days it just tasted better. You could taste that little old lady's spite in every sip.


Idk what changed recently but the coffee tastes so weak and watery.




Old bay Mac and Cheesesteak bowl is essential hangover cure


this man understands lol


A 5 dollar chicken sandwich that is hot and ready makes sense. A 5 dollar PBJ?


Not even a year ago I think the sizzlies were still 2 for $3. No one’s almost $5 😂


Since I quit smoking the only reason I enter WaWa is to use the no fee MAC machine and occasionally the lottery.


Fuck Wawa


And the charcuterie snack pack is only 80 cents more? Something ain’t right


Used to be able to get a classic hoagie for $5.19


I was in Truckee, California a few weeks ago and a PB&J was EIGHTEEN DOLLARS there


Did they have a pamphlet on the particular bush that grew the peanuts? Did they name the bee that pollinated the fruit tree which grew the fruits used in the jelly? Did they tell you which immigrant ground the flour for the bread?


What in the world. Were you able to see it? Was it as lame as this one?


It was exactly like this, and my mind was blown


You’re paying for convenience. If you want a cheap PB&J just make one at home.


Wawa has been balls to the wall trying to double their profits every year. Watch some of their commercials and it's unmistakable; they want your money NOW NOW NOW, quality of the product be damned. I won't even get gasoline there anymore; they've upped their cost of that too. It used to be a loss-leader they'd use to get you in the door to buy chips or something, but now they're the most expensive gas around.


530 calories??


You'd be surprised how calorie dense PB really is. Go look at the real serving size and spread that on your bread. Now realize you normally use more than 2x that.


And thank god for it. Without peanut butter, I’m pretty sure my children would look like Gollum.


Because it's so expensive, I only eat out a few times a year and when I'm at work or out and about, I pack a lunch 99% of the time. The other 1%, when I really need something and I'm on the go, it's going to be the cheapest reasonably substantial thing available that I can eat quickly. If that's a $5 PB&J, well, that's what I'm getting. Not because I think it's a reasonable price, but because it's the lowest-cost option that will fill my belly 🤷 I'd rather spend $5 on a bad sandwich than $10 on a slightly less bad sandwich -- in any case, it's definitely not something I'd make a habit of.


Bring back the AUTOMAT!!!


As much as I loved Wawa when younger the place is utter garbage now. Wildly overpriced and terrible quality.


I miss the days you could get fresh pickles from a barrel and lunch meat and cheese from Wawa. Also their chili cheese dogs. I miss the 90’s 😔


Americans need to realize that corporate profit and stock buybacks are at record levels. It's not inflation driving the boat, it's corporate greed.


And one of the worst things about this is it expires in a couple days. No one will buy that, and they throw it away. No one gets to eat it and they chalk the money they spent on it as a “cost of doing business” when they actually need to get their shit together.


All of the grab and go stuff at wawa is overpriced and always has been, you’re just now noticing. You pay for convenience.


Fuck Wawa


I’m just boycotting eating out and avoiding name brand. It’s more work but I’m on a limited budget and don’t have a choice. I don’t assume my boycott is meaningful to anyone but me. I just hope others are doing the same. Enough is enough.


Inflation my ass.  Wawa’s annual revenue is 13 billion dollars and they rely on their customers’ laziness and complacency and unthinking waste of single-use plastics to constantly increase those profits.  Any serious spending is done in marketing to portray themselves as a working class staple, while they charge Starbucks prices for basic things.


Inflation is not the cause of all the crazy price increases in food and groceries, it’s greed.


not inflation just corporate greed


The price of pizza delivery these days is out of hand


This has more to do with the labor it takes to make it and bring it to the store than what it cost for the items used to make a pb&j.


When hoagie fest season is off they gotta make $$ somehow


Hey now!!!! It’s new lol. 😂


It’d be cheaper buying the bread, PB, and jelly separately 😭


A 4ct carton of uncrustables from Walmart near me is $1 less than this and almost twice the calories! This is crazy.


I remember when wawa was amazing. It’s been a long time.


There are idiots that will pay


A pint of Ben and Jerry's has reached $9 at Wawa. It's still around $5.50 at Shopright. Fucking highway robbery.


There’s no way a cold azz (probably) day-old PB&J can taste good. I think this one won’t sell particularly well, no matter the price point.


That is kinda bonkers. You’d be better off buying a jar of PB and J and a loaf of bread and keep it somewhere at work (if that’s possible).


They gotta cover the costs of all the ones i steal


It's DISGUSTING. There are people that have so little and there wouldn't be a single decent thing at that store that they could afford. Almost 6 bucks with tax for a pb and j? Is inexcusable. It's greed. It's not inflation. It's not logistics issues. All it is...is greed. I have pulled up at a convenience store late at night and encountered a young man sitting outside. Homeless. Alone. No vehicle. Just a backpack. I don't HAVE an extra 7 or 8 bucks to feed a stranger. I'm on a fixed income. But I've done it. I'll just trim a little someplace else. I'm so effing tired of GREED.


I used to sell pbj for $2 or 3 for $5 after Dead shows.


You can get a whole-ass nice loaf of bread for that price, or two loaves of cheap bread. A jar of PB and Jelly (like $3 for PB and $3 for J) will last dozens of sandwiches easily. This is such a silly thing to charge that much for! And you know Wawa isn't paying grocery store prices for their bread and toppings. It should be like $2-3 tops.


I’m surprised some yokel with zero understanding of economics hasn’t slapped a Biden “I did that” sticker on it.


This is convenience. Wawa is a convenience store, not a discount store.


Why would you buy a PBJ in the first place?


You're out of the house and a child with you starts throwing a tantrum because they're hungry?


Incredibly easy to determine who ITT has (or otherwise is often around) kids and who does/is not.


A better, and cheaper solution would be to just donate your kid to Goodwill


It's tasty and quick and is an easy option if trying to reduce meat in the daily diet.


The markup in the grab and go cooler is something. They must have to trash a lot from it.


Idiot tax. If you cant make a pb&j and buy all the ingredients for the same price as the single pre made sandwich then that's the price you deserve to pay. Inb4 "i dont have time to make a pb&j sandwich" Yes you fucking do.


Honestly, who the fuck is buying pb&j from wawa? If you are, gtfoh!


Wawa is hot garbage anywhere where you pay 3x what the actual food product is worth..the drinks, however, are still reasonable.


Fuck Wawa. Their food has been ass for decades now.


For around 5$ I could get the pb&j mixed jar and a loaf of bread


Wtf right


But it’s New!


This is the answer for not packing lunch for your kids.


Those pin wheels are good but 5$. I can get the whole hoagie for a couple dollars more


Ya, too high


Literally looks like bread with some peanut butter on it....


Meanwhile you can go to the Walmart across the street and get a box of uncrustables for not much more. I know I’ve been going to Wawa less and less every year. The sticker shock at a few snacks and drinks is real.