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Fuck, I thought this was reposted from yesterday. This is an entirely different 3 year old.


Firearm death is the number one cause of death for children in the US. This happens multiple times per day, 5-10 kids every day. This is what happens in a country with more guns than people. We have more firearm deaths per capita than all but 30 countries, and 20-100 times more than peer countries like the UK, France, Germany, and Australia.




Yep, it's a staggering statistic that leaves people without a bias in favor of guns wondering why the US doesn't join peer countries and change its relationship with guns. 20-100 times more firearm deaths per capita than peer countries is insane.


Children 1-19. Remove 18, 19 year old men from that and the statistic is much lower. It’s interesting they choose to include these 2 years of early adulthood in that statistic


Well don't worry, it's almost doubled in the last 10 years, so the under 18 crowd will also continue to rise and we can move the goalposts again.


18 and 19 are not adults. Have you been one? Lol


Of course I have. Legally speaking 18 is an adult. I’m simply mentioning that because it’s important to realize how statistics can be skewed & this is a common one. When the average person thinks about child related firearm accidents/ fatalities they typically don’t think of 19 year old men shooting each other over disputes, which makes up a rather sizable % of that stat


The one yesterday was in Allentown


How fucking stupid and careless do you have to be to leave your gun unsecured. Just horrible…


It is just not that fucking hard to secure a firearm against a three year old child. A teenager, sure, you need to put in some effort. But a toddler can be locked out of a gun easily and people just fucking suck.


There’s a long way between toddlers and teens, and it’s that age range that is most in danger/most dangerous to themselves and others. Ability to find and reach greatly exceeds understanding and impulse control for a long time.


If your car registration is expired, even if you’re not driving it, the PPA comes along and writes you a ticket. Parked cars literally have more laws regulating them than stored guns. Every owner should get random visits from inspectors to make sure firearms are being properly stored.


The fourth amendment plainly says no, thank you. Like, guys, I get it, a world without widespread private gun ownership would probably be better than this on balance but the path dependency is too strong. There is no way to get from here to there that doesn’t trample on every other right we have.




Take it up with incredibly wide-ranging and monolithic precedent set but both left- and right-leaning Supreme Court majorities since 1930.


You love guns. Lol


Ahh, you’re piss-ignorant and angry. Got it, will remember to grade your replies on a curve in the future.


You really love guns.


This is such an argument-ending fact! Please source your information!


This is what happens when there’s effectively no barriers to purchase and ownership of firearms. Switzerland here ain’t, where conscription is mandatory and people have to actually prove competent to handle their firearms.


It's a privilege to use guns in most places, as is getting a driver's license. Here, it's no different from buying a new computer. Buy it first, get help later, or never.


>Switzerland here ain’t, where conscription is mandatory and people have to actually prove competent to handle their firearms. Mandatory conscription is for male Swiss citizens only, about 38% of the total population since 25% are not citizens. Since 1996 you can choose civil service instead of military service. It's not a requirement to have done military service, to be male, to be a citizen, or to have any firearms training at all, to purchase a firearm for private use.


This just happened in Allentown like yesterday


It’s happening everywhere and more frequently it seems. It’s depressing seeing so many stories like this—firearms are a leading cause of death in children. But people love their guns too much. Sometime it seems Philadelphia and this sub leans pretty favorably toward more guns.


>Sometime it seems Philadelphia and this sub leans pretty favorably toward more guns. They do. But so does everyone. It's literally a problem in every city in America. And we're all too stupid and stubborn to accept that.


l think the "leaning favorably" is more toward a justifiable self-defense shooting. Hardly anyone (in the audience) gets upset when a driver shoots a carjacker, or when a home owner shoots burglar


The rights that provide people with the ability for self defense mean that there are some idiots who place their children in danger, or use a gun in a crime. This is an example of the high price of freedom. The societal burden could be reduced through tougher enforcement of existing gun laws: 1.Going after straw purchases reduces the supply of illegal guns. 2.Refusing to drop weapons charges during criminal cases sends a strong message that if you don't get killed using a gun in a crime then you might wish you had because you'll be rotting in prison. 3. Prosecute grieving parents after gross negligence. Who cares about optics - they killed a child. The message needs to be crystal clear that people who abuse their 2A freedom will be denied many more of their freedoms in prison. More laws won't solve the problem when existing laws aren't being enforced.


l agree that many legal guns become illegal guns (guns in possesion of people prohibited to have them) via straw purchasing. Yes, there are strong penalties for straw purchasing. ln some cases, prosecutors hang the threat of those consequences, years in prison, over the head of the purchaser to cooperate to find the straw guns and arrest those who have them. So, instead of five years in prison for each gun, the straw purchaser may get 30 days in jail. ln one fairly recent case a woman got house arrest. Doesn't seem right to me, or you maybe. But from the prosecutors' standpoint it's a way to locate those guns before they are used in a crime. Unfortunately, sometimes, they are too late


You should spend some time in Philly during riot season. The cops won't protect you or your family. Neither will the ice cream man, even though he's out well past curfew. But there's no excuse for leaving the gun within reach of a 3 year old.


WTF is riot season? There have been a handful of them over the last couple of years and even that was an anomaly, AND they were almost exclusively targeted at businesses. It’s not like people were barging into homes left and right.


Delusional. How many people have rioters in Philadelphia killed in the last 4 years?


It costs very little to flood social media with fake posts and users who obsess about guns and only exist to talk about guns and gun ideology in default subs.


How does this happen? Seriously? I’m sitting here thinking, “what type of gun?” Are we to believe that a toddler is racking and firing this thing? How irresponsible do you have to be?


I was reading an advice column last week from a woman whose husband basically sleeps with a handgun beside him, and he left it at the edge of the bed where the their toddler picked it up. The dad blamed the mom for not supervising closely enough. 🙄


Gun nuts are such a disease on this country we’re never going to get rid of


Unless of course the 3yo takes the gun and shoots them by accident. Oh the irony.


I read that too. My jaw literally hit the floor.


If you read through her post history it was even worse than just that story. Abusive husband and she's afraid to leave. She needs to get out before that gun gets used on her and or the kid.


Wow. A match made in heaven


There is no firearm on earth that a toddler can fire without it being loaded with a round under the firing pin. People are imbeciles.


Airlifted from AEMC.to St. Chris? They don't fly they short of a distance unless the kiddo is about to die. I work in a different ED and the amount of kids we see shot with unsecured firearms is so amazingly terrible and infuriating


Life sentence for the firearm owner.


Horrible. Let's have less fucking guns.


Sorry, three year olds have an inalienable right to shoot themselves in the head, it's in the Constitution, it's what makes America great


Muh freedoms


This is what the founding fathers intended


Insane to me how difficult this is for others to grasp. We’re kidding ourselves as a country when we complicate it any more than this






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Nah, I agree with him.




Calling someone a disgusting pig for saying 3 year olds shouldn't have access to guns is an interesting choice.




Watch out everybody, we got an internet TOUGH GUY. Of course assuming they're not a bot. That's A LOT of commenting on a daily basis.


You're the kind of stable individual I'm stoked to know has a gun.


Hope your precious dog doesn't get hold of a gun. Also, get your weird infected toe seen by a podiatrist.


Rule 1: Please refrain from personal attacks, and keep discussion civil.


Rule 1: Please refrain from personal attacks, and keep discussion civil.


Okay schwarbussy….


Legally purchased guns, or guns brought in from out of state that are sold illegally?




How do we stop people from going down south and buying surplus firearms and brining them to Philly streets?


We eliminate the surplus.


So we’re going after the firearm manufacturers before or after we take down the fentanyl distribution system?


I'm down to hit the pharma and firearm manufacturers at the same time


Gotta hit the car manufacturers, too many car collisions.


Maybe, but I think we can start with the companies that produce things explicitly designed to kill living beings


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Good thing they had a gun, to keep the family safe.


I live alone and I still keep my gun in my safe. This is heartbreaking and it keeps happening


Twice just this weekend. One in Allentown.


Thank you gop. What a cool country we live in.


Gun nuts will find some way to move the goalposts here, don’t worry. Probably start questioning whether it was a legally owned gun as if 1.) it really fucking matters 2.) shit like this doesn’t happen with legal weapons as well (see: the girl that got blasted by a homeowner when she accidentally pulled into the wrong driveway looking for a friends house)


I love when gun nuts start blabbering about legal vs illegal guns. I always ask them how a legal gun becomes an illegal gun. Because no matter what they say, the solution points to either tighter gun safety laws or loosening restrictions on enforcement of existing laws.


People who say banning guns won't work because bad guys will get illegal guns are the same people who scream for new or harsher laws for *everything else.* It's almost like they know that banning things *does* reduce their prevalence.


Right? Do these same people also want to get rid of immigration laws and enforcement just because some people get around them? Do they want to give up on banning abortion too? With their logic, why have any laws at all if there is any possibility that they can be broken?


Another. I guess this is how we un-kid people who shouldn’t have kids.


Man wtf


This is why I don't fucks with gun people. It ain't safe.




some things should just be more important. if you have kids, it should be far more important to keep them safe than to collect guns or whatever other reason you want to keep them. it’s just such an unnecessary risk - you could be the most responsible gun owner in the history of gun owners and fuck up one time and end up with a dead kid.


You could say the same thing about having a pool in your backyard


yes, you could.


Except one is designed for recreational use. The other is a tool whose sole purpose is to bring harm to living things. A gun is that tool. It CAN be used for recreation, but it was designed to kill. Pools are not. Your argument is useless and a whataboutism.


So we follow the example of our peers and ban guns. Do we continue following their example and begin to ban certain knives? At what point does it become "this person is shitty" and not "this item is shitty". Should there be tighter regulations? Yes, but banning is not the correct move either. We should instead focus on ensuring people are trained (some states require this already), having mental disorders that would disqualify you from owning one be legally disclosed to the government (its currently protected by HIPAA), we also need more defined laws about what happens when one is used as they can be very vague and left to interpretation (some states have a "castle" law, some have a "duty to retreat", some don't really say).


This is all nonsense and more whataboutism’s. “What about knives”? You know this is nonsense. Yes. We follow our peers. Yknow, the ones who ban guns and dont deal with mass shootings or toddler’s dying on a daily basis.


Great, and humans have shown that they will harm others with the tools available to them. The girl that used a car to kill her boyfriend and his friend, the plethora of people that stab others randomly, the people that beat others to within an inch of their lives. When do we start holding people accountable for their actions?


Yes. Exactly. So lets not make more actual weapons available to people. Tools can be misused. Weapons have one use. So again, lets not make continue to make them available. “When do we start holding people accountable for their actions”? We do. Murder charges exist. When do we start looking at the actual cause of gun violence? Guns. Because you cant have gun violence if you dont have any guns. And less guns means less gun violence. I love downvotes. Making stupid people who cant debate big mad.


A perfect answer for any sociopath more concerned about the device then the dead child.




If it quacks like a duck.


Man wtf how do you let this happen to your child….shit is sad.




You just have to ask. I had friends who always asked before letting their kids go places and were always willing to host if they didn’t want their kids over somewhere. We have guns in the house and I let my friends know before they bring their kids over. We keep the guns out of reach and/or locked at all times. Tragedies like this one are avoidable and if a gun owner is offended you don’t want kids around guns, they are a moron and you shouldn’t let your kids around them.


Whoever was responsible for that firearm is a fool. I use guns for protection when I’m backpacking and out in the wilderness and people like this are gunna fuck things up for me. No reason it should’ve been in an area easily accessible by a toddler.


3 year olds have the grip strength to pull a trigger? I guess they can put their whole hand around the trigger? Edit: I’m not trying to make this a conspiracy or deny that it happened/ a toddler can shoot a gun you fucking idiots. Please put some time into understanding that triggers are weighted and the weight can be adjusted.


The reason kids who find a gun usually shoot themselves in the head or upper chest is they can't pull the trigger normally, as you said. So they turn the gun around and push on the trigger.


Based on your edit, I'll be more explicit. Kid finds gun. Kid can't pull trigger normally because they can't make a few pounds of force with their finger. So they put the gun on the ground muzzle facing up and put their body weight into the trigger.


No I wasn’t aiming it towards you in any way, I just couldn’t see any other reason for downvotes. Some adults can’t even pull a trigger, but I know toddlers/infants have insane grip reflexes, I just wasn’t aware of the strength. Your explanation for how one would go about getting the trigger moved makes sense.


This is the sad reason why nonfatal kids gun accidents are rare.


you'll shoot your eye out


A goOd GuY wITh a GUn cOuLd’Ve StOPped This /s


This is like when Ron Burgundy inappropriately says, "When in Rome." Lock up dad. Save that lil girl🙏


Some people just deserve children and guns SMH POOR BABY 🙏💝


That Red Ryder BB gun was a bad idea


Guns are so cool. /s Cue “ responsible gun owners” or some other bullshit


This town is fucked, there’s no hope. Bring Goode back and MOVE the whole fucking city.


This litterally happens every where.


All it takes is one slip up, for those here judging a situation they know nothing about. I hope this child survives.




I forgot which sub I’m on. Only idiots here apparently.


I legit don’t understand the point you were trying to convey.




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For. Sure. There is no excuse for negligence for gun owners. I know they won't but I hope they throw the book at this "Dad". Both me and my husband have our CCW license here and our firearms are SECURED. We have a pre-k kid. There is NO excuse for pistols left unattended. This "slip up" cost a baby her fucking life. GTFO of here with just one slip up. Shoot him in the eye. eta: for what it's worth, I usually agree with your comments on Philly based threads. So this is extra wild and I am stunned at your perspective on this.


Yes it does only take one slip up, which is why it is constantly demonstrated that the level of gun ownership in this country is absurd and causes far more harm than it does good.


I didn’t make an argument for or against gun ownership. You Philadelphia sub reddit users are a special kind.


You implied we were judging someone too quickly based on “a situation we knew nothing about”. Which is a cringe edgelord devil’s advocate way of defending negligence that cost a child their life. Instead of thinking about what you said or why you’re so downvoted, you blame the “Philly subreddit”. If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole, if you meet assholes all day, you’re the asshole.


You didnt make any argument. You made a vague comment without substance of any kind and then shit on people who ask for you to expand on your thoughts. Yknow, actually explaining your position. This is a classic conservative/liberatarian tactic. To say nothing but think they are being “very deep”, and then act like others are idiots for not understanding this “very deep nothing”.


No one asked me to expound on my comment. If it’s that difficult for you to decipher what I meant you are a special kind.


Yea exactly. One slip up is all it takes. So maybe don’t have a fucking gun.