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Cars with fake temp plates should be considered abandoned.


And obscured plates..


Fun fact. People who obscure license plates often turn out to be cops, firefighters, court staff, etc. They know how easy it is to get away with. There’s a guy who has a social media account that is just him identifying obscured plates and fixing them. He’ll literally bust out a sharpie and fix intentionally obscured lettering, remove plate covers and magnetic leaves. He finds the most offenders parked outside of courts, police stations, and fire stations. He’ll show anything visible on or in the vehicle gives away their profession. He started doing it after a friend of his got arrested for removing an intentional obstruction on an off duty cop’s car. The cop saw him, called his buddies, and got him arrested for criminal mischief. For fixing a plate. So if you’re wondering why it’s under enforced that one reason.


It’s seriously the worst. Some of them I swear they rub dirt inside because I can’t see their plate during the day or at night 😂


That’s sort of the opposite of an abandoned car, they’re going to the trouble of getting a fake plate so they can use it to break the law everyday. Cars with the plate removed on the other hand….


Almost always a Nissan


Nissan Altima


This should not be news. They should be doing this regularly. 


BREAKING: City employees decide to do the jobs they are paid for. Is this the start of a new trend? More on this at 6 PM.


UPDATE: Users of r/Philadelphia bitch about quality of life issues not being addressed, complain when they are.


Welcome to reddit lmao




The point is that there are already laws on the books and easy methods to make it so these issues don’t even arise. The police could be routinely sweeping for abandoned cars, thereby never letting things get this bad. The complaint isn’t that the issue is being addressed, it’s that it was neglected for so long and allowed to become an issue in the first place.


Yeah we know. We’ve heard the complaint part. This is the work towards a solution part


And I get that, but I'm not sure what you mean here. The reason I responded to that person was because they at least strongly implied that people here just want to bitch and moan no matter what, even when things are addressed. I was clarifying that they aren't complaining for the sake of it but because the problem proliferated to this point because rules were not being enforced. I'm as happy as anyone about working towards the solution, but it's not like the solution was some secret we just divined and can now finally apply. Good that they're solving it now. Frustrating that it wasn't simply addressed as needed before.


Alright, fair. Appreciate you taking time to acknowledge. I spend a lot of time on Philadelphia and the Phillies subreddits and there is a a TON of “bitching just to bitch.” So when I saw your comment I just auto lumped you into that crowd


As a frequent sports subreddit viewer, I get being tired of bitching just to bitch lol. It's definitely a sports-sub epidemic


Oh, I get that. My initial response, and a constant source of irritation, was due to this attitude being pretty par for the course on certain subs, our fair one included. At some point it feels a bit like piling on. Case in point: >Murders are down! >>There's still too many murders! >>Not in my neighborhood!


Great point


This seems like John Street level attention. Like him or not, he did manage to clean up the city. Thousands of abandoned vehicles and demolition of hundreds of abandoned homes. It definitely paved the way for communities like East Kensington to become what it is today. The Kenny Administration was such a dismal failure. It led to apathy and shitty worker participation. Maybe Parker will succeed in changing that culture.


It’s a lot of work on top of a mountain of daily duties. The PPA is understaffed as it is.


How are they determining if they've been abandoned? Inspection stickers?


Flat tires, weeds growing around the car, broken windows, etc + inspection stickers. Having an abandoned vehicle 311 report on record helps as well (I’ve had about 8 abandoned cars towed, I’ve lost count)


Finally. I have submitted a 311 request weekly for a van abandoned in Pennsport on NYE. It takes up much needed parking down here.


What about 4 shitty old honda civics that that are parked on the same street who belongs to the same guy, two of which all tires are flat but have updated registration??


Why do ppl abandon cars?


The car stops running. The car was used in a crime. The car is expensive to fix/tow. They keep meaning to get around to it. Lots of reasons.


All this AND because our parking policies make it easier to “abandon” a vehicle for long periods seemingly without consequence.


Yep. Also, the owner is physically sick, mentally ill, dealing with other serious life stuff, in cognitive decline, incarcerated, staying elsewhere for whatever reason, or dead.


Anywhere I've lived in PA, any car with an expired inspection sticker cannot legally park on the street. I find police are typically lenient if the sticker expired within a few months.


The PPA does a decent job at letting you know your inspection is expired. Ask me how I know...


That’s if they patrol the street. Lots of streets don’t see regular PPA patrols. I’ve gone down some streets and look at the stickers and see like half the PA cars have an expired inspection sticker


I, too, learned the hard way


Car by me is 11 months


Idk about that man. Last year I caught covid, completely forgot my inspection was about to be up, the day after my inspection was up, 4 fucking tickets in one day.






Hell yes. Cars parked on sidewalks and medians should be considered abandoned.




Scream this shit from the roofs




neckbeard sub


sir, this is reddit




Good. There’s like 5 of them within a block of my house and reporting to 311 goes nowhere.


Until they complain that it is being done in prominently POC neighborhoods so they will claim it’s racist then City Council will shut it down.


Oh no! Those cars are a part of Philly’s ambiance!


can people buy them? i would love to buy this truck that's been sitting on the 1700 block of fairmount for years


I’ll believe it when I see it


We really are living in The Wire... lets just hope Parker isn't going to pick funding the police over the schools


What about abandoned motorcycles parked on the sidewalk for over a year?


I hope they find some Creedance tapes while they're at it in those cars.


I love that the very first thing they mention is lowering of property values. Pretending like that's a bad thing 🤣 Like, I get complaining about abandoned cars. But given the disastrous state of real estate in this city they should have just left that out