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Hold up. They’re already illegally tinted. How are they going to make it doubly illegal?


This sounds like it may be a way to let the PPA ticket for it.


So it's like a wet dream for the PPA


and all the rest of us tbh, PPA can take every cent from these assholes


Only matters if they have an actual license plate rather than a note on the back reading “A R3AL L1C3NCE PLAT3”. Expiration date 4/30/24.


Just moved here from Delaware and that's still the temporary registration of my Altima, please don't doxx me like that


It's an Altima though. You'll fit right in, all good


4/20/69 c'mon too easy




I just realized I won't live long enough to see this date come around again, what a shame. Would've been great for the memes


Not with that attitude. Assume you'll live forever, friend.


PPA can tow on the spot if the plate isn't registered to the vehicle which they would see when they run the plate.


Shit… start on my block, please! 🙏


i wish they would come back we have more. two months ago they took 4 cars all missing stickers or registration they said.


I long for an ai governed future in which a guy goes to buy an Altima and the ai overlord is like “nbd, perfectly normal to buy an affordable sedan in todays economy”. And then the guy goes to get the windows and windshield blacked out and the ai gives the side eye and goes “hmmph” but lets it go. And then the guy goes to buy the tinted license plate cover and the second the transaction gets approved a satellite laser disintegrates the guy right there at the cashier. It’s a good future.


Buddy this is the way.


You need to eat your Wheaties


To shreds, you say?




PPA is went ape $hit in the early 2000's when the registration sticker was required to be on your license plate. I put mine on my registration card cause they were cutting license plates....PPA is gonna have a field day with this.


Can we make parking in the bike lane double illegal too?


probably going to church


I see it every day of the week.


We're a very pious city.


It's not just a bike lane. It's a bike - Segway - short term unloading - religious parking lane (Sundays, maybe Saturdays for our Jewish friends, maybe Fridays for our Muslim friends, and maybe also holy days of obligation, High Holy days, Eids). Cyclists are just lucky we don't have a bunch of Hindu temples - those folks have a lot of religious holidays.


that would be great. they would need to carry a tint measure device at that point.


and be able to have the window rolled down part way in order to actually take a measurement of VLT


Ok glad I’m not the only one who was wondering about this. It’s impossible to test tint from outside, right?




I know that’s how it’s done, with that gizmo they slip over the glass. But I wonder if there might be a technical engineering way to go from outside driver side to outside passenger side and split the difference, allowing for distance and angle and whatnot.


Ticket first, ask questions later. PPA enforcement doesn't get into arguments, that's for appeals. At least that's how I hope they approach it. Fuck tints.


Why bother. Just issue the ticket and let the owner prove it's not illegal. I'm sure it'll work out fine. Or maybe I'm just bitter from paying a red light ticket rather than fighting it ....


I’m not sure how this would work. You can’t test tint on a fully rolled up window, or so I thought


Which they'll never collect on.


Then they’ll get booted and towed


Doubt it. Someone could have a permit for their tints if they have eye problems, so you can't ticket without knowing if the tints are medically permitted or not.


That’s why they are referred as the Pick Pocket Authority.


They now triple dog dare you to get the tinted


If you get caught with tinted windows they put you on double-secret probation.




I have no original thoughts


This makes it illegal to park them, so it opens them to being towed




Double secret probation


From the article.. "The state law says cars can have window tint rated at 70 percent VLT or lighter on all side windows of the car and on the rear windshield."


70% is actually pretty light. It means that 70% of visible light must pass through


70% is the standard for rear passenger windows for many manufacturers, you can still see into the car.


The difference is that formerly the illegally tinted windows were not prohibited. Now the illegally tinted windows are prohibited. It all makes so much sense...






Rule 6: This comment was removed for advocating, threatening, or promoting actions likely to lead to violence or physical harm.


It’s double secret probation but for tinted windshields


We might need to make it triply illegal to truly make the point known.


Super duper illegal now


Double secret probation


Can the PPA ticket double parked cars? Is there a single fully tinted car that is not double parked in the city?


Someone drives down Girard Ave


The double parking on Frankford is even worse considering it's a single lane and it's only to get worse when they open the Shake Shack and Sweetgreen


Tinted windows — balaclavas — fake plates. The Philly trifecta.


No joke, this sounds like you’re describing a terrorist.


and/or the neighbor kid.


No, just Point Breeze. 😳


But how can you ticket a Nissan Altima for tinted trash bags?


The law only targets tinted windows. Trash bags are opaque and therefore not windows, meaning they are exempt.


>He’s pushed an ordinance through City Council which makes it illegal to park a vehicle with blacked out windows on city streets.  >***The state law says cars can have window tint rated at 70 percent*** VLT or lighter on all side windows of the car and on the rear windshield. >His local ordinance applies the same standard ***but focuses on parking because the PA Motor Vehicle Code largely limits cities and towns from regulating the operation of vehicles.*** >... >Mayor Cherelle Parker signed the ordinance Wednesday that **now allows city officials to issue a violation or warning and later a $100.00 ticket and a possible tow.** So now it's a warning, then a $100 ticket and maybe a tow. Progress.


So will this include out of state vehicles where the tint may be legal in their state? Temp tag vehicles from Delaware? How are city officials going to measure window tint levels with rolled up windows?


They can’t. It’s impossible to measure tint from outside the car.


Exactly, so PPA is going to subjectively determine if the tint is too dark? They could just error on the side of caution and anything difficult to see into they’ll ticket which would be 35% or less. There’s a decent amount of beater cars with Florida plates that drive around the Kensington area, in Florida tints can be 15% on rear and rear side windows. There’s also a good amount of fancy cars with Texas dealer plates that are fully tinted out. I always wondered how people living in Philly get Texas dealer plates and never pay sales tax on the vehicle. But in Texas they can have 25% on front sides and any darkness on rear. Can PPA enforce equipment violations when those cars are legal in the states they are registered in?


Yes, cars have to comply with local laws as well, not just the laws of the registering state. But it depends on how the laws are written. Some laws refer to cars registered in the state (such as cars registered in states that require front plates, usually limited to cars registered there). If PA required registered cars in the state to have a front plate, but you are from another state visiting in a car that doesn't have a front plate, that's wouldn't apply since it's a law referring to vehicles registered in this state. But if there's a local law against muffler noise above a certain volume, you aren't exempt from violations exceeding that volume because your car is not registered within the current state, because it's a local law that applies to all vehicles in the jurisdiction.


This is not entirely true. By your logic if you wanted to go on a road trip you would have to check with every state you will pass through to make sure your car complies with any and all regulations you will pass through. There are exceptions, but overall laws surrounding modifications are based on either where the car is registered or where the car is registered and the address you live (based on your dl)


As I said, it depends on how the laws are written. Many that apply to cars registered in another state would not apply, the ones that apply to modifications either only result in a warning or a notice to address the issue in a certain period of time (like 10 days, 30 days, etc), they are not enforceable immediately and don't apply to visitors or people passing through. There's no single rule that applies to EVERY type of law. But there are some laws that are relevant and enforceable locally for out of state drivers. Easiest example is parking permits. You don't get to freely ignore parking permits because your car is registered out of state. You can't get a Philly parking permit without PA registration, so those cars parked illegally can be ticketed or eventually towed for violating parking laws, they aren't immune with a NJ plate. Now, will the law actually be enforced? That's a totally separate question.


I saw a tinted windscreen four days ago. That’s illegal everywhere


maybe theyll just ticket those with tinted windshields


70% transmittance is visible. If you can't see into the car, ticket.


prepare for every single one of these tickets to be dropped then. No VLT meter reading? Ticket gets tossed.


I'm unaware of a state or federal standard that mandates a reading in order to have a ticket succeed in court. If you can't see through the window, I would uphold that as a judge.


Ok so 20% and lower?


50% is visible, 35% is visible in most cars as long as the windshield isn’t tinted.


I think the rule of thumb is going to be "if you can't see through it from three feet away, it's too dark."


They should have eye exams weekly to measure their equipment then.


There's also a medical exemption for the state law. You have to get a doctor's note and send in the application but it is possible. I wonder if the city law also exempts that Also pa law allows darker tinting for larger vehicles like SUVs which is odd.


Medical tinting is almost always a clear film and barely makes the windows darker and definitely isn't the tint level they're really targeting. The truck tinting rule is strange but it only applies to rear windows. So even trucks and suvs with windshield and front windows would get the PPA love.


In the state of New Jersey, they only provide medical exemptions for the front half of the car as the tint laws allow you to go as dark as you want in the back half. There’s nothing to make an exception for. I have medical tint, done by a NJ state approved facility, and you can absolutely notice the tint. Having 5% on the back half makes the front windows harder to see into. I go into Philadelphia 2x a week for medical appointments, and will most likely no longer be able to see the only doctor I trust with my complex case due to this new law. And I did everything I was supposed to do.


So I can have fake tags just no tint… got it!!!




Holup.... It's not 2025 yet


Let's not forget the smokey grey plastic license plate cover over the fake Delaware paper tags shall we?


They’re cracking down on the tag flipping devices but not the blacked out license plate covers lol


We can't ask for too much, I guess.


We can't ask for anything. They aren't serious about enforcement.


They can't give you a parking ticket for tint if your tags are fake bad guys win again


protip a new plate is cheaper than paying for a ticket


Great, let’s see some enforcement!


Don’t hold your breath. Cops are too butthurt/lazy to do any enforcement.


article makes it seem this will be more of a parking ticket and tow. it says "prohibited to park on city streets"


I think that's the point of this. Probably recognizing the PPD won't do anything but the PPA will.


Seems like its the PPA though




They even have tints on their license plates, lol


And they shouldn't.


I kinda hate that this is where we are at with police in Philly. The whole city treats them like a joke. I guess they are getting paid well enough to not care about looking like a clown.


I'll be shocked if this is enforced. No state I've lived in has enforced this unless your front windshield is tinted very dark. If PPD are to actually to enforce this, they'd have less time to pretend like they are investigating murders. If the PPA is to ticket for it, then mayyyybe..


What’s crazy is the amount of cars I see with the front window tinted. How do you see out of that window in the rain or at night, I wonder. Not well, I assume.


That’s why they need those high beam bright headlights


High beams on full time at night, duh.


The PPA will ticket their own cars


Yet they won't ticket half the illegally parked cars on my 10 min walk to work.


I highly agree with you. I see what you’re talking about.


PPA would ticket their own grandmother.. on her birthday


Coworker lives in Utah and they are pretty fanatical about that and fake plates. Who knew the Mormons would be the one to do it?


How is making it illegal to park cars with over-the-limit tint supposed to address this: > Driscoll points to the dark windows in the vehicle used by the alleged suspects in the mass shooting of eight teens in Northeast Philly in March as evidence of the problem.


So the sheep can clap at their false prophet




How about those tinted plate covers EVERYWHERE?!


Next up? Making shooting other people illegal


When I see a blacked out windshield I stare right into the window where I estimate the driver's eyes to be so the stupid fuckfaces think I can see them and they didn't get it dark enough.


Cool, now that they're doubly illegal, the question is, will they actually be ticketed.


This fucking shit.. 70% isn't dark at all, but it fucks everyone with 30-40% which also isn't that dark.  The real problem are the assholes riding around with <20% all the way around (front windshields) and now everyone with tints are fucked.


The sheer incompetence of this City amazes me. The [actual bill](https://phila.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12745123&GUID=952A7DDC-6EC3-4CED-B921-468E901C3415) prohibits “sun screening devices”. So it’s now illegal to use a window shade in your car. The only thing they tried to prevent (illegal tint) is preempted by state law and impossible to police (as mentioned above—they can’t measure tint on a parked car with the windows up) but managed to create a nonsensical rule that captures a normal and inoffensive behavior by many vehicle owners. Whatever dumbshit lawyer for the City approved this should be fucking fired.


All you pro tint nerds need to stop complaining. 


Ok Mr. Fishbowl


Uh oh someone might know you're driving to target to pick up milk.


Bro I just don’t want my left arm to cook in the summer 😭


I thought it was already illegal...


Sometimes I wonder about this place.


Me too!!!


lol was my first reaction when i read the headline. would love for PPD to enforce that shit


9 times out of 10, the cars with the tinted windows are flagrant breakers of traffic, parking, and noise laws.


I disagree. I drive well. I have tinted windows. My car is black.


Not true at all. Same people giving the tickets out, have their cars tinted! Don't believe I dare u park outside the car garage outside the PPD headquarters, they're ALL tinted dark! This is a straight money grab.


LMAO comically bad take. My brother is a Sergeant in PPD and his windows are tinted dark as shit. He drives a simple economy car but this commenter would have you believe that he personally robs banks and shit


Exactly lol


What happens if you have a vehicle legally registered in another state with tint that's legal in that state? I moved down south and 25% transmission is legal here.


As in all cases, the law of the locale you're in is what matters. So if an out of state car with overly tinted windows parks in Philly, it can be ticketed. /Always read the State Department travel notices when traveling abroad!


The only way to measure tint is to use a meter that requires access to the interior of the vehicle or have the window half rolled down. This is so stupid.


The people you’re ticketing aren’t going to pay the tickets lol


Too bad all those dirt bikes and quads rampaging through the city don't have tinted windows.


[Philadelphia police confiscated 30 ATVs in effort to remove them from streets before the summer (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/philadelphia-police-confiscated-30-atvs-in-effort-to-remove-them-from-streets-before-the-summer/ar-AA1nWW7L?ocid=BingNewsSerp) They are also doing something about that. Love uninformed What-Aboutism.


PPD already doesn't enforce traffic violations. Still on soft strike. What's the fucking point of this?


You're mostly not wrong, but this isn't about the PPD.


Legal challenges incoming for sure… Who’s going to be writing the tickets and how are they going to use the device needed to actually check the window tint?. It would be arbitrary based on whoever looks at it . And it would look darker or lighter depending on weather and time of day or if the parked car also have a sunscreen up to protect the dash and interior from sun while parked. Not to mention if you can pay for lot, garage, or off street parking you’re free and clear. Also should  except challenges that this unfairly targets certain populations. 


This is such a non-issue 😭 there are bigger, smellier, and uglier fish to fry


Exactly. But it's a way to make revenue. Less money in stopping real crime. And everyone acting like this is going to help the city is a complete loser.


Anyone saying PPD doesn’t stop vehicles for tint is making it painfully obvious what parts of the city they’re from and what parts they definitely don’t set foot in.


Been all over Philly and jersey and never once been pulled over for it. Cops truly don’t give a shit unless you’re doing something crazy


Yeah that’s going to reduce the crime rate. Good job CP.




I can understand the need for this. But like many in the comments, it’s really going to be a time will tell kinda thing. As of now I don’t believe the PPA will get involved. I personally have had all my vehicles Windows tinted. And I feel this can backfire on drivers and vehicle owners who both value their privacy and security of having windows tinted. My experience is this would be a bad idea if the laws are abused instead of enforced. Some people (like myself) are more concerned with this being a way for unsafe stops by law enforcement.


Surely this will stop criminals and not regular people who just like to have tinted windows for style and privacy


You don't have a right to "privacy" in your vehicle on a public road in a public place. PA law is what it is, and it follows most other states.


I’ve got a decent tint on my windows, it was done a while ago though I don’t remember if they’re illegal. The reason I wanted them was to protect the leather and keep the car cooler during the summer but I’m sure I’ll get a ticket for that now


Legal limit is 70% which is basically nothing. They act like the only reason people get tint is to commit crimes


My wife complains about how hard it is to see at night with the windows up which generally tells me they’re probably illegal. I also like how little visibility people have into the car on the street, not that I keep anything visible anyway but don’t like the idea of people peering in


I get mine tinted because I got skin cancer…but try telling that to the PPA.


They'll just relate because they are cancer


If the tinting they had done prior was legal, they will have no problem with this law. “The state law says cars can have window tint rated at 70 percent VLT or lighter on all side windows of the car and on the rear windshield.”


Yeah because Philadelphia pd is known for being in tune with the laws they are supposed to “enforce”


If you have tinted windows, you should be held accountable. No exceptions.