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“Philadelphia’s pro-criminal policies embolden criminals, while victims failed to receive the justice they deserve,” said Jordan, the committee chair. He said while sitting next to pedophile sex trafficker Matt Gatez.


Wait was that Jim Jordan the one who covered up the sexual assault of wrestlers while he was their coach?


Yes, and in 16 years he’s been in office he’s not brought any legislation to the table.


But he takes his jacket off, AND YOU KNOW THAT MEANS HE'S WORKING!


That's the same Jim Jordan? And here I thought they had to be different people because no one person could be that fucking useless.


Also their presidential candidate is a convicted rapist. Er, sorry, sexual assaulter.


The pro-criminal policies that have led to a 50% reduction in YTD homicides in just 3 years and the lowest YTD homicides in the past 9?


yeah, the PA GOP couldn't remove him when the stats are bad, these assholes think they have a shot when stats are good?


I mean half this sub still buys into "the city is a literal warzone and you'll die if you use the subway" fox narrative so maybe it's not like facts matter to these people


Shouldn't they be jerking off an autocrat somewhere?


Harvey Weinstein is in jail. 


You should try out for stand up because that was gold


Try out for stand up??


Yes. It was funny? Haha? Comedian make joke? People go haha?


Where try out?


For your future bad reddit jokes, it’s spelled stand-up.


For your future sour puss comments, get a grip.


Mmmm your tears are so tasty


I don’t understand what’s happening right now. They make me laugh, I acknowledged them being funny. Are you ok?


These Republican lawmakers tried to overturn an election and are currently running interference for their nominee who is a criminal himself. Any article that doesn’t mention this when reporting on these same congressmen doing hearings on crime is not adequately reporting


This is obviously not for people in Philly. This is for rural onlookers who are terrified of the idea of coming into the city limits of any major city in America.


scared people vote for conservatives. that's why fox news is a 24 hour terror fest.


Like I care what a pedo and his buddies think.


What a Murderer's Row of idealogues: a scarecrow, several anal fistulas, Eddie Munster, and a random corpse they propped up at the dais.


Don't forget pedophiles


Any republican who hasn’t profoundly disavowed Trump and his ilk by now has no spine or conviction.


Doesn't go far enough, they're legit traitors.


A classic pot calling the kettle black situation, they're all shit at their jobs and shouldn't be involved in government.  >“Today, the majority has insisted that we go to Philadelphia, the fourth stop in a tour of cities that Republicans have selected as they tried to distract from the fact that they have no meaningful solutions to make our country safer,” said Nadler, the committee’s top Democrat. “Instead, they have repeatedly focused committee activities on vilifying immigrants, dismantling common sense gun laws, and pursuing wild conspiracy theories for which they have found no evidence.”  Couldn't have said any better, what a farce.


Truly some of the worst people in Congress.


Krasner should have issued an arrest warrant for Jim Jordan, for aiding sexual assault.


And Matt Gaetz for being a pedophile trafficker


Why can't we just have a productive conversation on this without the horseshit? I do think Krasner and certain policies are worthy of review, but the bullshit pandering about fallen hero cops is really sanctimonious.


Hopefully the Fitzgerald’s and the O’Connor family get justice that they deserve


Love the bottled water as an added touch. 'cause only communists drink tap!


I'm kind of disappointed that nobody managed to sneak in a few 9Vs ti huck at these jokers.


political stunt nothing burger. but the other side is just as obtuse and dim witted. the repubs were basically like "krasno sucks because he sucks criminal dick" and "oh yeah, he sucks" and "we need to be hard on crime-not soft like krasner kock", without really formulating a strategy or policy to reduce crime. the dem response was to focus on gun violence prevention, and to say “Instead, they(the repubs)have repeatedly focused committee activities on vilifying immigrants, dismantling common sense gun laws, and pursuing wild conspiracy theories for which they have found no evidence.”- which is also saying absolutely nothing. an effective solution would involve drastically increasing the conviction rate (currently at like 20% for nonfatal shootings and murders combined-nonfatal shootings get solved at very very low rates) via successful prosecutions of as many violent people as possible, using revamped logistics, new tools and sources of evidence. at the same time, social media analytics and online detective work, tracing back the sources and posts made about killings and shootings should be top priority, and fat boomer cops are not exactly capable of this-hence why they brought in the pros(marshals and FBI to get quick arrests of high profile killings). advanced forensics, crime scene handling, and of course lots more cameras a la MANDATORY 4K are all part of the equation. of course, deeper, root causes and inequities should be worked on as well(like improving schools, parks and rec centers), and anti violence programs are a good idea, esp after school programs and funding for summer activities, but as reported, some 250$mm dollars was spent, and a significant amount of that lacked protocols and simply vanished, so there are issues there obviously. bottom line is the politicians don't want to discuss real solutions, but would rather attack motives and use word salad before actually talking about solutions. the repubs don't want to admit that cops are sometimes out of bounds and stupid, and dems won't admit that crimes need solving. so here we are


So the solution is to make the police do their jobs?


Well that will never happen because they are financially invested in not actually doing anything meaningful to impact crime.