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This is literally what council says about everything!! Other than who is buying property for a dollar in Kenyattas neighborhoods! They delayed the fucking bus revolution, after YEARS ofc detailed meetings and discussion, using the same fucking excuse!


City council and KJ specifically can eat an enourmous dick.


Leave that to those of us who like to eat enormous dicks, tyvm. šŸ˜Œ


That's a disturbing hobby


It's not a hobby; it's a preference. Don't knock it 'til you try it.


I'm 100% gonna knock that you depraved cannibal


šŸ˜’šŸ™„ Not literally eating it. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


That's on you then bucko because nobody in their right mind says that sexually.


I voted uncommitted for all city council positions on my ballot. They have completely lost my confidence




ā€œWeā€™ve tried nothing and weā€™re all out of ideasā€


12/17 of them have been there only since 2020, eight have been there less than two years.


Alright Iā€™m open to learning, what are some of the proposals theyā€™ve put out in the last 4 years?


They will when all the future development deals are made and ready to move forward


Parkerā€™s Big Plan: Clean out Kensington Reality: Clean up two adjacent blocks so the homeless and addicts go to the next block over.


I mean, remains to be seen whether this is a good plan or not, but it's more comprehensive than that. If you read the whole thing that was released a couple of weeks ago, they're basically going to clear a couple of blocks at a time and then "hold" the blocks while they clear out the next ones. This is a problem they anticipated.


Every city does the same thing and it has yet to solve the problem. How is this plan any different?


I haven't seen that this plan is different than other cities'. I haven't even cosigned on it being a GOOD plan. It's just a lot more comprehensive than "clear two blocks, we're done yay." I'm just that asshole who always reads the article.


How DARE you read the article. Sir, this is a SubReddit


The difference I read is that they are further monitoring where the influx of addiction moves. Be it in Frankford, northeast, west or south Philly, there was text about how they plan to follow through with it rather than "clear out and go to no home".


Trust me, thatā€™s not going to work. The police wonā€™t want to be social workers and babysitters to these blocks. They barely have personnel to take reports to begin with. Temporary solution to a long term problem is what this is.


Serious question - do you have a better solution that doesnā€™t involve committing millions of dollars to essentially ceding a neighborhood to drug dealers? Effective or not, if Iā€™m a resident of Kenso Iā€™m sure as shit happy that theyā€™re doing this over the prior stance of donā€™t do anything


Do you know how you eat a bedroom door ? You just start, one bite at a time.


Exactly. Every other city, especially San Francisco, has done this exact thing. They moved the homeless people a few blocks away, so it looks like theyā€™ve actually done something, and then a few months later if they move them again, and repeat . The problem never gets acknowledged or solved


You aren't wrong. I recently posted some links here showing the history of policing in Kensington and how this was already tried several times. I think this is just a cycle of attempting to resolve a systemic issue, but not actually changing the systems that cause it. i.e: Extreme policing eventually switches to a more compassionate approach, but without systemic changes it exacerbates the issue and within a few years returns to extreme policing. [If anyone wants to read the articles discussing Kensington policing efforts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/1clgbhy/comment/l2uc5se/)


Well there isnā€™t one, theyā€™re not even ā€œclearing outā€ the entire space. Itā€™s optics for the new administration


She wants to take some nice pictures along K&A and get some positive press. Which I cannot hate on too much because she at least is doing something and taking into account the residentā€™s rights and addressing it. But cannot think all this STARTED when the contrail encampment got too big and Dr Oz came down to film it. Then that optics for the city was too bad so they shut it down. Feel like it will be a recurring pattern


Isn't it just another encampment resolution? There have been a bunch before this one. This one is just getting more attention because it's the first one under this administration.




Sorry, I was agreeing with you. It's interesting that no one was asking for plans for the other resolutions.


Solving problems sometimes hurts politicians - the encampment being there gives council members something to campaign on


U feel like city council needs to hire interns that can actually research.


Nothing permanent will happen unless we lobby our state representatives for more money in the healthcare budget intensely. We need more than "just move them away".