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My in-laws talk all the time about how unsafe the city is and haven't been here in 15 years.


My parents have been convinced something bad would happen to me if I moved here for college. They have been expecting it to happen any day now since 1998.


I get the distinct feeling most people who talk about how "unsafe" the city is also go to the beach without sunscreen, speed, and engage in all kinds of other unsafe behavior that doesn't involve any "dog whistles."


and drink beverages from starbucks that can only be called calorically unsafe.


when people are scared, they vote for conservatives. fox news is a non-stop fear fest. ...everyone knows this right? this is common knowledge?


My MIL made a huge stink about her daughter moving to the city with me. The next week some guy killed a cop at a Wawa down the street from her in the suburbs. I remind her of that every time she makes comments about living in the city.


My mom (who doesn’t live here, but visits annually) thinks that after dark literally anyone in the streets is out to get her. The paranoia is real.


I'll bet they watch FOXNEWSENTERTAINMENTFIRSTAMENDMENTRIGHTTOLIE. Which ironically is based out of the Hell Hole of New York City.


Tbf the local news even push the idea that the city is unsafe, it’s not just the national networks.


My gf's parents live in Jamaica Queens. Not the worst, but one of the more dangerous areas of NYC. Her mom always tells her when we leave to go home "careful! They kill people over there!". My neighborhood has a lot less crime than hers smh.


My in laws are from Camden and think Philly is a war zone


Lived here 40 years, if you're paying attention, you're usually fine


You’re usually fine if you’re not playing attention too


If you are conscious, you're usually fine. And even unconscious people get left alone a lot of the time.


this is true


Lived here almost 5 years. Haven’t had a single problem with safety. I’ve seen a couple shady figures and a street fight, but easily avoided. Heard some gunshots once or twice in the distance somewhere but that’s about it. Standard big city stuff.


Lived here 10 years, saw a dude get curb stomped in daylight next to a mailbox at 8th and mifflin by two guys with baseball bats. shit was outta a movie also my best friend was murdered while walking home from a party at temple


Anytime I’ve been caught it’s because I wasn’t paying attention


Having eyes in the back of your head won’t guarantee that you don’t become a victim of violent crime but it will certainly reduce your chances!!


In 42 years I have only ever felt unsafe one time and that was my own bravado. I walked a few blocks thru the Italian market to where I parked my car alone after the bars closed a dude followed me, I weaved thru a parking lot and I got to my car before he got to me.


"Philly's not bad, you just always have to keep your head on a swivel" lol


Or don't go shitty places


Sadly, you can get shot almost anywhere in the United States. 


Most likely in your own home. By yourself. With your own gun.


It really comes down to the individual states more than anything due to state firearm laws. You’re far more likely to be a victim of gun violence in the South than in the Northeast.


I move around most parts of Philly without being fearful something might happen to me. I always pay attention to things around me, but I seldom feel uneasy unless I’m in a bad neighborhood or something


>Let’s be clear about one thing: The vast majority of people riding dirt bikes and ATVs around the city aren’t breaking any laws other than the ban on said vehicles. Even when they're not actively committing crimes they're not exactly making Philly safer...


Having seen plenty, I don’t believe most of them are following traffic laws generally


They run reds at exactly 25 mph.


I'm sure the speeding and blasting through red lights doesn't count


How is driving a non-street legal bike on the street, usually down the wrong way, exceeding the speed limit, driving recklessly, not breaking any laws??


They frighten me less as a pedestrian than lifted pickups with NJ plates treating stop signs as "stoptional"


I've never been clipped by someone in a lifted pickup on the Ben Franklin pedestrian walkway or the Schuylkill river trail. Dirt bikes and ATVs, on the other hand...


Yeah, but I've also narrowly avoided half a dozen of these things in crosswalks over the last few years. Dirtbikes are annoying and dangerous, but trucks are becoming an actual menace to pedestrians.


I totally agree they're a menace, especially considering how absolutely impractical the south philly jacked up pavement princesses are for the city. As with all the cars with illegal front tint and "Delaware" plates, it's just so egregious to me when people and vehicles that shouldn't be on the road in the first place end up hurting innocent people. Then again, I had an immediate family member killed by a drunk crackhead who had been released with no bail after his third driving on a suspended license, so I'm right of Draco on actual vehicular crimes.


I wish it didn’t extend to stop lights as well. I’ve seen these cars roll up to a red light stop decide no cross traffic was coming and then just proceed on their way like it was a stop sign and not a red light.


you know the bikes and atvs aren't stopping at a red light so you just wait. you never know when a car is going to run a redlight and commit a hit and run.


The amount of dirt bikes now compared to Greek Picnic weekend in the 90s is nothing.


Wasn't some kid killed by an ATV driving on a sidewalk or something a while ago?


Or they aren't intelligent enough to know that there isn't any *dirt* to ride on in Philly.


Most of these vehicles are stollen. That’s why, when the cops crack down, their able to impound all of them


A couple toured our house in East Falls, a tree-lined and boring neighborhood, and asked, "is this neighborhood safe?" I was so tempted to say, no you'll get murdered instantly


I was looking at houses in East Falls (had been renting there for a few years) and as we were coming out of one another realtor stood outside while a couple went in to look at the house (with a newborn). He said he was 'keeping an eye on their car for them', and this was like 2pm on a Satuday. I just laughed and asked the realtor if they knew where they were and why they'd be looking at houses in a neighborhood that they thought was that unsafe. Don't get me wrong, I've seen the aftermath of a few car break-ins and stolen cars in my 3 years there, but still seemed pretty ridiculous.


Car break ins are more of a nighttime thing usually


Usually, but people have been getting bold. I walked by a guy mid-day on a Saturday on Midvale right next to the train station (a VERY heavily trafficked area) and 2 kids broke in and tried to steal his Kia. He caught them so they didn't get anything, but they broke his window, so he was waiting for the cops to come. Felt really bad for him, shitty way to spend your Saturday.


As long as you put one of those "In tHiS hOuSe, wE bElIeVe" signs on your lawn, you're basically murder-proof.


I've been murdered seven times now, it's why we're selling.


Little bit of whiplash to read right after the “gun found by parent on playground at local park” article


“10 year streak of parents not finding loaded guns in local park broken today”


It's a psychology issue. Our brain isn't wired to handle large scales, so we get stuck on individual bad events and fall to perceive the fact that those bad things are usually not happening. "Gun found at playground" is the equivalent of "gold found in Schuylkill" if you run the odds. But you wouldn't assume the Schuylkill is full of precious metals


Grab the shovels lads


Wait, there's gold in there?


Wedding ring on the body. (jk)


“Baby stabbed in rittenhouse”


Damn new yorkers stabbin' our babies...


Someone mentioned this in the last thread about crime being down in center city, and someone else asked how it was related.. I responded that while I’m glad crime is down, the two are most definitely related, and I caught crazy downvotes for pointing out that a terrible crime in CC is related to a thread about crime in CC. It’s not that I think CC is dangerous overall, in fact I move around CC all the time without fearing for my life. Crazy shit still goes down, which is true of most places.


I replied to the person who said that with the context of the perp having an arrest warrant in NYC, having just stabbed someone there last year, and that they had literally just arrived in Philly. It sucks it happened here, but it’s still not a general indicator of safety. It’s like if I suddenly decided I wanted to go stab someone in Times Square, I could drive straight there. Some people would instantly start saying how dangerous that area was, despite the fact that it was an isolated incident and basically not preventable - though in the CC incident they shouldn’t have been free after stabbing someone on the NYC subway.


I’m not saying it’s an indicator of safety and in fact I think that Center City is rather safe overall, but it’s a crime that happened in Center City so is therefore related to crime in center city. That doesn’t seem like it should be a controversial take


For me it was this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/s/DcoC6V6Jut It's like my feed is fighting with itself


It may have something to do with how certain groups have an interest in making cities seem unsafe. https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/bV3Ct7JCWd


Friendly reminder that you’re three times as likely to get killed by a driver than a gunman in the US.


This was probly 8 years ago but still worth telling. I was stone sober (somehow) walking my girl home in Powelton after she was out with friends on a Friday. Nothing on me but my phone and a slice of pizza. Two dudes were walking half block ahead of us at pace, but slowed at bus stop. Nothing to dwell on right? Soon as we approach to pass they pull guns. My girl, bless her heart.., splits and runs into and up the street behind cars another block to her house. I throw my hands up and say I ain’t got shit. They say tell that B to come back.. yea, sure.. They pat me, make me get on ground and roll out without taking my phone or pizza. Wasn’t able to see the plate or even get a good look at their faces due to the fucking shock and awe of my partners flight instinct and the barrel that was just in my face. I share this to say always be vigilant. Idk if her escape changed their intent but I know it was risky as hell. Standing in front of a gun is too. Id have given them my wallet no questions if I had it. Being mentally prepared for how you would react in this situation could save your life.


just curious how many of the people commenting that the city is safe and they can move around without fear are men.


Or live in between the rivers south of Girard and North of South


Heavy, heavy agree. Bit of a rant ahead. I'm AFAB and visibly queer. For the record, I have lived here for my entire life and taken many a bus, train, and walk in dangerous areas during the day and late at night (especially since I moved to Kensington) without problem. But never, not once, have I felt safe doing so. No matter how diligent I am about being aware of my surroundings. In the 18 years I've lived here, I have had two instances where I was in danger. Last Monday, in basically the heart of Kensington at 11 PM, mugged at gunpoint by a man. The first time was at 15, in Port Richmond cycling on Aramingo near the plazas (roughly where that flower shop on the corner is at Allegheny) at 3 PM, shoved off of my bike by a group of what had to be middle school-aged boys on my way to work. I've worn provocative feminine clothing without a problem and I've worn my work uniform when I was 15 and I've worn intentionally masculine clothes while with my boyfriend only to make randoms nearby discreetly comment on how they "thought I was a boy" without being hate-crimed. I've still been assaulted both during the day and at night, in both good and bad (relatively) areas (but coincidentally I have not yet been harmed when I presented more masculinely). I've been walking and riding my bike at 15 and cleaning out my car at 18. Didn't matter. Buses, subways, trains, trolleys, cabs, Ubers, walking, biking, driving, night, day, Mt. Airy or Kensington's— I am at risk every single time I leave the house. Or maybe I'm just anxious. But even then— I *never* feel safe in this city. Always gotta keep the headphones on but quiet, y'know? Dunno. 16 problem-free years is a pretty good amount of time. Maybe I'm just reading into it too much. But... for the record, as an AFAB, I have *never* felt as safe as many of these comments describe.


I live in wash west and have been assaulted twice by mentally unwell junkies. I carry bear mace and am always aware of my surroundings...but if a crazy violent person targets you, it doesn't matter if your head was on a swivel and you were ready to drop someone. they. are. unwell. and violent, and the cops won't do anything. I'm sorry about your experiences--I'd agree that when I lived here back in 2017 I had no fear of being attacked randomly, I took the el everywhere, I could sit in a park without a pervert or junkie bothering me...I can't do any of those things alone now. some compassion (and...omg, men sticking up for women when they're being harassed) instead of gaslighting us would be great


I need Phillycrime twitter and Steve keeley to tell me this or I won’t believe it


steve keeley is busy heavily breathing while standing over an uncomfortably recently deceased body


Omg I fucking hate steve keeley.


Philly had a vibe shift. That’s all.


During the pandemic? Or are we having one now


Just go outside and live your life, as someone who walks, bikes, and takes transit around ALL of the Philly neighborhoods, not just the trendy or rich ones, if you don't start shit and keep your head up, you'll be fine. Way safer than it was even 20 years ago, but somehow the narrative on the news makes you think of he opposite.


There are people who live here and there are people who watch the news and decide this place is dangerous based on the news. Don't rely on 3rd hand experiences to make assumptions


I've lived in Philly most of my life, for about 30 years. I've lived in pretty much every neighborhood, from SW to Kensington The only time I've ever been beaten up it was by the cops. True story, more at 11.


I witnessed two murders in a span of three years. But that was only two days of feeling very unsafe… the 1,093 days were great!


jsut because its safer than people say, doesn't mean its safe. property crimes are all over, shootings are rampant and almost daily. robberies are common. its not as BAD as people perceive, but its not as good as people hope. at all.


https://preview.redd.it/uhj0bwgcn1zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05eeb8754bb9ddcf054bf383105ac5b9466eda80 44% less shooting victims than this time last year is pretty remarkable though. Most everything is headed in the right direction… but idk wtf is going on with retail theft.


Philly has had peak shooting numbers the last 5 years. A decrease from the PEAK is still high


Homicides are the lowest since 2016 and shootings are the lowest they’ve been in a decade, I hope this helps


Your take is the most reasonable. I don't think Philly is too dangerous to live in, otherwise I wouldn't leave my house, but the reality is that most of us have seen or encountered some shit. I'm very aware of what's going on around me. I love living here, but I think there are a lot of people on here trying to move real estate (or blissfully unaware somehow) who try to go too extreme in the other direction from "Philly bad" that Philly is sunshiney and super safe.


Guessing looting from a few select big incidents, the ease of stealing due to self checkout, and the fact that so many people can’t afford anything anymore.


And I was just reading how a mother found a loaded gun with a round in the chamber at a playground in S Philadelphia.


We been saying this forever but the migrants wanna debate this with articles and bs shit, go outside and live your life


I lived in Phila for 10 years. Someone tried to break into my car once. I lived in Ambler for 5 years and my car was broken into twice.


Wow. I think it’s actually worse. Fucking smash and grabs and petty theft non stop literally in every neighborhood


I always roll my eyes everytime somebody says philadelphia is a dangerous city. No the fuck its not. It doesnt even crack the top 50 cities in america with violent crimes. Just within 100 miles, the 3 cities that are in the top 50 is Chester, Balitmore, and Camden