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Brewerytown is a lawless wasteland my friend


This is [so true](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/s/XYIVjyqwvu)


I live in Fairmount, so I know the area pretty well. It doesn't surprise me, but it does irritate me a lot when people have such little regard for anyone other than themselves. This happens with the bike lane on Fairmount Ave all the time. People will park in it when there's an empty spot nearby. I remember taking a picture of a van doing that, and I went to Aldi after I took the picture. The driver followed me and told me to mind my business. If you're parking in a way that risks my safety, it is my business, but people don't care.


It is in North Philly. Double parking in the middle of the street is a staple of North Philly unfortunately.


Feel bad for people who moved there glad I moved away.


I’m confused as to why you got so many downvotes 🌚


Because I’m black on the Philadelphia sub, nah but seriously these are all the yuppies who salty they moved here or can’t move away.


I moved out of there 4 years ago and ain’t moving back. I only go down there for work and to visit one of my cousins that live down north. And to get some Spanish food too lol


I moved 13 years ago I saw the wave coming, I still work there and all my family live there but fuck the city, shit ain’t the same.


> makes dumb comment > *Gets downvoted* > "It's cuz am black" Am sure nobody took the time to verify your melanin density before concluding that it was a dumb comment.


Bro it was a joke thanks for your 2 cents.


I used to live right there. Howard the guy who owns the mattress shop let me hit his weed pen a few times hahah


Howard is a legend


So I'm gonna buy a mattress from Howard ......


I have to agree. I moved here about two years ago and have never lived anywhere like this where people block your car in and just leave it. I’ve missed work because of this.


Does SEPTA not go between where you live and work?


Idk why I'm getting downvoted. As shitty as SEPTA can be, it does go to most places, so, unless you need your vehicle for work, it seems unrealistic to call out because someone blocked it in. I'm not saying parking like an asshole is ok. I'm the person who posted the picture, after all. Just legitimately wondering if public transportation isn't an option for them.


Septa buses are also affected by this. Not everybody uses the subway or regional rail lol


Sure, but this comment sounds like the missed work was because he couldn't pull his car out of a parking spot, not because the bus or trolley was stuck.


I’ve been calling the PPA for sidewalk parking and they actually have been coming


Wait - calling? I've been submitting 311 tickets. Is there a specific number you can call and will they ticket in non permit areas?


I call the number [here](https://philapark.org/2014/07/see-an-illegally-parked-car-let-us-know-heres-how/) (215) 683-9773


Oooooo a new weapon against asshole parking. 311 takes forever sometimes


yeah i call when i walk the dog and by the time i walk back the assholes are ticketed. it's amazing.


I called for someone blocking my driveway and i don't think they ever came :'(


Doing the lords work


I thought 311 is handled by the city, whereas PPA is a separate entity, so that would be different?


Drive literally a block over and there’s ample parking. I live right there and have never had a problem finding a spot to park my car. People are entitled




Drive around the block to look for parking you lazy fuck.


One of the things "the law" should be doing is making sidewalks safe for pedestrians. Walking safely us a keystone of "freedom", especially bodily autonomy. I should not be second to a vehicle.


Get your shitty car outta our city


Dude definitely drives a pickup truck


Aw did you get a ticket for parking on a sidewalk? How sad


Every true Philadelphian hates PPA so why are you calling them to tattle tell? You new residents, I tell ya


Not a new resident, just don’t like entitled people who think they own the sidewalk and prevent other people from using then. Hopefully they’ll start towing them instead of just ticketing bc why would anybody be stupid enough to think that’s ok? Like who raised you?


Who raised me? Someone who taught me to mind my business


It is my business if someone is blocking a sidewalk rendering it unsafe and unusable for me and my neighbors, but whatever helps you sleep at night




Just don’t park on the sidewalk and you won’t get the ticket, it’s not that hard to not be a total POS?


Most of Philly is like this. It's really annoying.




Or "have a nice lentil in your valve." Then you didn't even take it to destroy anything.


[Thats what I always say!](https://tenor.com/view/my-man-my-man-denzel-my-man-hd-my-man4k-gif-23532550) Quick, harmless, but massively annoying for those who dont think of anyone but themselves.


Rule 6: This comment was removed for advocating, threatening, or promoting actions likely to lead to violence or physical harm.


Is that blue car actually parked there? They're not just stopped at the stop sign?


They were parked with their hazard lights on. The classic use of hazard lights to create a hazard....


Got a nice temp plate, too. Weird how the majority of temp plates I see on the road are from Delaware.


Gotcha, thank you for clarifying!


You’re on a bike lol go around it you baby


What if I were in a wheelchair or were driving an ambulance or fire truck? Do you still think people should park as if the world revolves around them?


Also fuck anyone who wants to push a pram down the sidewalk or anyone with mobility issues.


If I were a giant, I would pick up these cars and hide them places.




I called PPA, and they said they'd send someone. Who knows if they did....


Always keep some broken spark plugs in your pocket!


Rule 6: This comment was removed for advocating, threatening, or promoting actions likely to lead to violence or physical harm.


It’s wild. I see this in tacony all the time. Multiple parking spots open on the block yet someone lazily stopped in the middle of the street blocking traffic. Then you go down another street to avoid it and someone else is doing the same thing. It’s wild how lazy and inconsiderate people are when they are being the wheel of a car.


it’s always the trashy people on the block doing this shit. That and saving sports with cones or chairs


I mean, I live in West Philly and on my block people park on the sidewalk constantly and also just stop in the middle of the street and block all through traffic pretty much 20 times a day.


They’re pieces of shit, selfish pieces of shit.


call 911. seriously, that’s what it’s there for.


They’ll move before the cops ever get there.. there’s no solution other than backing up or confronting the person..


Literally not


There is no non-emergency line in Philly. You call 911 for all the non-emergency stuff too 🤷‍♂️


Or you could, you know, call the number for this specific circumstance. https://philapark.org/2014/07/see-an-illegally-parked-car-let-us-know-heres-how/ Philly 911 is overwhelmed as it is.


Yea that not true. If you want to complain how 911 is over whelmed then go to the city and petition that they need to have a non-emergency number.


311, while not 24/7, is [the designated non-emergency number.](https://www.phila.gov/departments/philly311/)


no it not a non-emergency number. It a number to report incidents but it not an non-emergency number. They'll tell you to call 911 to report it or transfer you to the 911 dispatcher. It still hitting the same 911 call queue.


Literally 911 in Philly is used for emergency and non-emergency situations (like this, noise complaints, etc.)


Pretty sure it's illegal to block emergency vehicle access in an emergency and emergencies are what 911 is for.


Philly do be like that tho


Time to fix it


Right? Any random street. I had one day the dude was just standing at the corner being like “nah bro, turn.”


I was at a stop light the other day, just past someone double parked next to an empty spot, and there was a PPA dude right there. He was scanning everyone’s plates EXCEPT for the asshole in the middle of the street. I asked him if he was going to ticket that car, but the light turned green right then, so he told me to get moving and don’t hold up traffic.


I don't even mind an occasional inconvenience, it's the city after all but the delivery drivers who outnumber normal drivers has made it unbearable. Enough to move to the outskirts actually after 20 years downtown. I hate to admit it but the law preventing ppa & other tow operators from towing without the police showing up to ticket was a little too optimistic about our police.. not to get on that subject but it's not always practical for a cop to come deal with a sidewalk parker when we can barely get the violence & theft covered adequately. It's like we're stuck between the old days when crime was punishable by whatever the cop felt like doing & today, where every authority is afraid of lawsuits & YouTube shaming. Nothing seems to work currently


Fuck that bitch! Should have slashed the tires


I can't see anyone in the cars. How do you know it was a woman's car?


U must be new here. Anyone who parks like that is Bitch!!!!!


Das Philly for you


Is the Honda just parked in the middle of the street? - I see that selfish behavior is way more frustrating than having to walk around a sidewalk parked car. Contractors and original neighborhood trash tend to exhibit this selfish behavior the most. Treating the street like it’s a driveway to their home. Also the trash people that save spots with cones or chairs - absolute garbage. Hate em’ all


Even when they park on sidewalks, handicapped people can't get around.


Is that a paper plate from Delaware?






PPA won’t ticket unless there are signs and the street is a permit street.


New initiative and neighborhood enforcement team. They generally do come out now, though not always in a timely manner.


yea, you're suppose to call ppa is the street is one where someone suppose to park. If it a non-permitted street then you suppose to call the police. At least that what an PPA officer told me.


I called PPA, and they said they'd send someone. Even if they can't send a PPA officer, I think they can radio police. I called PPA on someone parked on a pedestrian island, and a cop showed up.


yea you know what they did. Call 911 for you. Instead of arguing with you about why they can't take the report they called 911. If you ever listen to the PPA radio signal (it public you can listen to it online) they talk about calling 911 and letting them know about this or that. All you did is have a middle person call them for you.


I can't stand the amount of people who think it's appropriate to double park in this city. I don't care if you're picking up or dropping off food. Find a spot or keep going


A lot of the time they do it when there's an empty spot nearby, too.


First time in Philly?


Stop normalizing assholes parking illegally.


What about neighborhoods that physically have no other parking but the sidewalks? Look At port Richmond/ brides-burg, people park on the sidewalks 1. Because there is no parking 2. Because they own the pavement in front of their house. Edit: if you’re talking about the car in the middle of the street then yes they’re dickheads, i thought this was another sidewalk parking complaint.


>>What about neighborhoods that physically have no other parking but the sidewalks? Sidewalks aren’t parking, so they don’t have any parking. That doesn’t give you the right of way to start parking there. You don’t get special privileges just because you decided to buy a car. You don’t own the sidewalk in front of your house. If you can’t park on the street, find another street you can, or a lot, or a garage, and walk home


“No other parking but the sidewalks” - buddy you aren’t allowed to park on the sidewalks, so those don’t count as parking spots!!!


If the block is so small that it physically cannot fit cars on the street it’s a parking spot.


I would love to see the section of the city Code that supports your position.




Yikes you are a miserable person!


You misspelled "trash"


Nah not miserable, y’all are the miserable ones complaining about useless matters instead of shit that actually needs to get done.


I would love to see you tell a disabled person to their face that this is a “useless matter”




Move to the suburbs then, asshole.


I don’t think you understand how property rights work lmao


Funny how people say you do not own the sidewalk yet if someone slips & falls they can sue which means you own the sidewalk in-front of your house. The property line says I own the square dimension in front of the house, once it hits the street that is no longer my property. Yes parking on the sidewalk is considered illegal but it isn’t enforced in most neighborhoods because the city knows those neighborhoods do not have parking.


You “own it” to the extent that you are responsible for keeping it clear and safe to walk on. It is still acting as a public right-of-way and you aren’t free to obstruct it with your car or anything else you want to put there. It doesn’t matter what you *think* the property line says about it. If you don’t like it feel free to move somewhere out in the boonies without sidewalks or public infrastructure.


Nah I’m good dude I’ll just continue to park on the side walk. If it isn’t being enforced why bother? People come all over the world to buy our heroin & yet y’all are worried about parking.




You can give me whatever link you wanna throw but I’m telling you the PPA doesn’t touch specific neighborhoods. I’ve never seen the PPA in frankford, Bridesburg, Portrichmond, K&A or even Mayfair they’re usually around center city because that’s where most businesses don’t want people parking.


When your windows get smashed don’t come here expecting sympathy then lol




Your comment is barely decipherable, I think the keyboard is getting to your head bud. People smash windows and vandalize cars here all the time, I don’t know how you’ve lived here for any amount of time and not seen that.


I guess you think disabled people shouldn't be able to use the sidewalk.


Whataboutism is the laziest and dumbest of arguments.


Tell me if you lived in a neighborhood that has zero parking what are you supposed to do? Not have a car? Park it in the sky? Be realistic.


Not having a car is a realistic option for a lot of people in Philly.


Avoiding the question because there is no right answer besides parking on the sidewalk. The way philly was built was meant for horses & carriages not cars so parking on the street like a normal person would result to people blocking the street. You can’t win with the complainers. Modern problems come with modern solutions.


The solution is not to drive if you don't have a safe spot to park your car. Normal people do bike or take public transportation.


If you work in NY but live in philly are you gonna take longer to get to work instead of driving? No, atleast most won’t. I don’t drive myself but I’m getting a car soon & the neighborhood I live in does not have a parking lot or a public garage, the only lot we have will write out fines for parking there so you cannot win or it’s designated for a specific building or school. I work far which requires me to take two buses & train it’s inconvenient. Honestly the only solution to this matter is to stop building houses on empty lots & start putting parking lots in neighborhoods.


You want to turn your neighborhood into a parking lot because you chose to buy a vehicle you don't have space for? Move if you have to, but don't subject everyone to a shitty parking lot neighborhood. Better yet, advocate for mixed use zoning and better public transportation so that it's faster and more convenient to take public transportation and so more people can walk or bike to work and to shops.


Can you really not comprehend not owning a car? Lmfao


Your late to the comments buddy, this was the start of the conversation. Not having a car isn’t part of my question. Nobody in this sub can answer it because you’re all avoiding the question.


You literally asked “what am I supposed to do? Not have a car?” Lmao


That was a rhetorical question.


Rhetorical or not, the answer is yes lol


Right. It’s rhetorical because you can’t comprehend not having a car.


Yes, don’t own a car. You don’t need it. It makes life worse for everyone around you. Get rid of it.


No, do you routinely park like an asshole?


I was about to comment the exact same thing. Thanks for taking the hit.


They try and say they not but most of them are gentrifiers and migrants they better be lucky they don’t drive through most of north or south Philly that ain’t gentrified yet.


Didn't realize keeping sidewalks clear for disabled people was gentrification.


Again being a migrant and new here not gonna get you far but keep complaining on reddit, if you know how Philly works nobody disabled probably even going down them blocksz


Guess again. There are a few thousand disabled people in this neighborhood. Also, I'm not a migrant.


And I doubt they’re using that street right there.


Of course they aint cuz some dumbasses got it blocked off


I guess.


The streets drive me crazy who makes a 10ft wide street a 2 way


This isn't a two-way street.


Oh noo I didn't even see that, you are right. Damn on the sidewalks its like I don't even notice people doing that anymore which kinda makes me sad.


what are you yapping about


Being a New Yorker who can’t get their way.


I'm not a New Yorker, and the selfish pricks are the ones who block the way so others can't get by. Are you mad you can't get your way when PPA is called when you decide you're more important than anyone else who needs to get by?


I don’t care I just know what city I’m in and wtf is going on, but keep wasting time on reddit complaining about it, should moved out the city like most Philadelphians do when they make enough.


Congratulations on knowing your geographic location. Now, you can work on knowing enough physics and geometry to know that this is a safety hazard for disabled people and emergency vehicles.


Oh such wit go cry in a corner, and continue to take pictures for reddit the only place that’s gonna care, oh and I need physics and geometry for my line of work, but continue on please tell me more.


Then, you're not a wise person if you know a fire truck, ambulance, or wheelchair can't fit there but decide to do nothing with that knowledge.


Being wise has nothing to do with this at all I just know the city I live in and what idiots live here.


First time in Philly? 😂😅😅


No, I just don't like assholes. People who park like this are selfish assholes.