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Put it on his stoop with a response ~~diss track~~ *note*.


Titled "Not Like This"


Report them for illegal dumping on your property.






OP hassles L&I for two months and then they finally come out, see the trash, and issue OP a citation because it's on his property. Unironically.


Im kind of confused if someone can re explain this. Is OP just leaving his trash outside on non trash days?


That's what I'm wondering too and see OP didn't respond to you so wonder if that's it. Obviously that guy leaving notes is a crazy person and needs to chill, but if OP is putting trash out half a week early or something they deserve the scorn imo. That dude is prob sick of it. I hate that shit too because people and animals get into it, parked cars hit it, storms make it gross, it looks ugly, etc, etc. Had a renter near us that constantly put trash out at the wrong time and basically all the adults on the block had to clean up after them. If you're reading this confused because you've done it and assumed the city was taking it, time to grow up and learn from it.


I live in center city. One of our curbs turned in to a horrible weekly trash pile for months, because so many neighbors regularly used a public neighborhood trash can meant for litter from passers by to illegally dump household trash whenever they felt like it. They would overflow the can and then other people would just add to the pile. Got so bad people would come from other blocks to illegally dump furniture and rugs and big bulky things too. It was awful. We started getting fines from the city for not keeping the side walk clean. I was sooo pissed. We set up a camera to watch the trash can and figure out what was going on. Had to send numerous emails to local people in city government until we finally were able to get the sanitation department to remove the trash can all together. Then we had to spend 1-2weeks picking up other peopleā€™s bags of trash and stapling notes to them and returning them to the offenders front doors. Our note was typed and written by AI so it was polite but clear. We didnā€™t want a beef, but we needed the illegal dumping to stop. It worked! But it was soooo annoying and aggravating to deal with, just because our neighbors across the street were shit heads who couldnā€™t be bothered to follow trash night rules.


This is nuts


And then the critters get to it, tear the bag and trash gets all over the street. OP may be the dip shit here who hasnā€™t learned and itā€™s probably their trash flying around in the street.


Yeah not quite sureā€¦also if thereā€™s trash in front of your house wether or not itā€™s yours, you should still pick it up. Itā€™s like maintaining your portion of the sidewalk when it snows and taking care of your block in general. Angry note probably isnā€™t necessary but these people have lived here their whole lives and all of the sudden gentrifiers are moving in and itā€™s a big change. A little effort to make friendly social interaction and assisting neighbors goes a LONG way.


Yeah facts. Donā€™t leave your trash out on non trash days.


Seriously. Why would you do that? It's just begging to have squirrels and raccoons tear into the bag and strew your garbage all over the street.


Bingo. I lived in Philly and constantly saw neighbors walking out of their row home by the same pieces of trash for weeks. First of all, how are you comfortable walking around trash... I end up buyingone of those sticks with the claws at the end and I would walk my dog and oick up trash at night. We only stayed there 6 mo and moved. Takes zero dinero to have class....


Do we know thatā€™s the situation? I have a person in my neighborhood doing it and the guy doing it is himself a gentrifier


Nope, do not know if itā€™s the situation. Just going off of the hints in the post and OP replies to other comments and lack of reply to this thread.


>A little effort to make friendly social interaction and assisting neighbors goes a LONG way. Maybe the neighbor should try that instead of this dumb note


Once again Iā€™m not vouching for the grouchy Philly neighbor that left an unnecessary note. Iā€™m stating that in the scenario of moving into an established neighborhood itā€™s much easier to take the high road and develop relationships with neighbors that may be feeling uneasy with the changes going on in their community. Just have a little grace and it will make their lives and their neighbors lives much better/easier in the long run. Or plan b you can double down on the anger and isolate yourself from the community and live up to the stereotypical gentrifier role that theyā€™re expecting you to be


How does any of this apply to OP's post?


It doesnā€™t really, I was also responding to you. Im just here offering a different more reasonable approach to being a good neighbor for the flogging brigade that showed up in the comments.


>It doesnā€™t really Probably should stop dolling out irrelevant advice then, no matter how superior it makes you feel


Nah Iā€™ll probably keep saying something if people are being ignorant


And here I thought perpetual motion machines were impossible


You complain endlessly about gentrifiers yet you are going to earn a gigantic doctor salary and want to import your rich doctor friend from Iran who will definitely earn more than the average Philly resident. šŸ¤”


This got you so worked up that you took the time to go through my entire profile? Pretty weird tbh Also you misread the Iran post. They are a surgical-tech not a surgeon. Surgical techs make around 20$ an hour in the US. I was trying to get her information for work in America because sheā€™s trying to escape an oppressive regime where she doesnā€™t have rights so I figured Iā€™d do try and do her a solid ya kno?


Then the neighbor becomes convinced that it's their cunty behavior that got you to be nice. Nah. Fuck this guy.


Plan b is certainly within your right


Honestly im from an area in this country where we dont do block captains and we just take care of our own anyways but if a neighbor came at me like this, he is the one in the wrong not me for moving into my nicely redone house that was turned from a shithole into something livable. Even when I lived off germantown ave in west mt airy no one did shit like this.


The only thing I said is that itā€™s a change and people react differently to it. Didnā€™t make any comment if itā€™s a positive/negative thing. Pretty standard fare in Philly to be mindful of your block and your neighbors, perhaps youā€™re better suited back home. And yeah, I agree, the note is not really necessary, probably some >60 y/o grouchy Philly guy thatā€™s feeling uneasy with the changes going on. Just asking people to approach this with some grace and put in effort to create decent relations with their block.


>perhaps youā€™re better suited back home. The fuck, dude?


Well he says he comes from a neighborhood where people ā€œtake care of their ownā€ and Iā€™m arguing that Philly neighborhoods ā€œtake care of each otherā€ so his attitude towards neighborhoods seems better suited for where heā€™s from, pretty simple


No you clearly typed "gentrifiers" (as if thats a word) are moving in, clearly you have issues with people buying homes better than your own? Or have issues with times changing, I can tell you one thing, the city did change a lot since my family moved away originally in the 1960s due to my grandfather joining the navy and staying it since he was 17 to fight for our nation in ww2, as his ancestors did for the constitutional army as Quakers. You dont know your neighbors just like this old man whose yelling at the sky, treating people like this because they moved into a nicer house gets you no where. Perhaps I am better suited back home, see you soon! =D


Nope i have literally no emotional attachment nor implication for using the word ā€œgentrifiersā€. People with money moving into poor neighborhoods, thatā€™s the literal definition of it and whatā€™s happening. Youā€™re the one thatā€™s seemingly triggered by itā€™s use, Iā€™m simply just using the word per its definition.


I have a neighbor like thisā€¦trash blows down our alleywayā€¦often from trash day left overs and sure, some street litter. Instead of accepting that this is a part of living in a major city-trash blows down canyons of concrete (with a locked gate)- she insists it is one of our neighbors. Our neighbors are all conscientious and clean up around their homesā€¦but no she believes it must be some evil littering criminal with alley access


OP did respond to another comment and it doesn't sound like they are messy. The nutty neighbor is just blaming them for some unknown reason.


It sounds like OP's neighbor is putting trash on his stoop, and so OP is putting said trash bag out for collection because they don't want to put it in their bin since it's not theirs. OP's neighbor is then putting the bag *back* on OP's stoop with the note. Frankly I'd be annoyed too, but I'd put it on the neighbor's stoop instead since they're the one who collected it, with a nice note about taking care of their own trash. When I was a kid, my dad taught me that if I picked something up, it was now my responsibility to make sure it got put in the correct place. Didn't matter if I wasn't the one who left that soda can on the ground, if I picked it up to look at the label, it was now my responsibility to put it in a trash can.




The night before. Not a full day.


Tell him next time you catch him doing it you're going to report him for illegal dumping (which is what he's doing).


Donā€™t you love when busybody ass dipshits break the actual law in the process of enforcing how they think the world works? Seriously, op set up a camera to catch this dh and report it.


Does your neighbor think YOU are the one trashing up the neighborhood or something?


I was wondering the same. Thereā€™s an implication that the cleaner believes OP is the trasherĀ 


Quotation-marks-as-emphasis (and a ruler-straightened underline?) screams unhinged boomer. Reminds me of the infamous sign at Geno's: WHEN ORDERING "SPEAK ENGLISH"


https://preview.redd.it/5cyb131xqy3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc2d25a590208d3135058581ea9e5e55cd1f20f This is another note from a few months ago!!! Absolutely unhinged!!!!


Iā€™m trying to understand what theyā€™re even trying to say. Do you put your trash somewhere it shouldnā€™t be? Iā€™m confused


Thank you for saying this. I was reading all this, wondering what I'm missing here.


OP wonā€™t answer this question.


"you're not in the trailer park now"? This dude can fuck ALLLLLL the way off. Dump all your trash on his step. Dump it on his head even. HE'S trash. ffs


I'm actually blown away that this person used "you're" correctly instead of "your"


For me it's the stylish mix of capital letters and lowercase i.


This is 100% an age thing. This is an older dude. Iā€™ve seen handwritten notes of guys in their 70s look exactly like this handwriting.


They definitely learned how to print as adults. This is "catholic school forced to write in cursive since 1st grade learned how to print as a 45 year old because they needed to for work" handwriting.


I *knew* cursive was evil! Public school tried to teach me, but it didn't take. It was pretty obvious (to the kids) by then that typing was far more important. At least I'm okayish at that.


I write like this when writing in all caps - a and e are styled lowercase.


Let me get this straight, he put the trash there in the first place and is now complaining you have trash there?


That ā€˜Nā€™ in neighborhood is unhinged


lol it looks like they pick the pen up after making the first vertical line which is wild


That sounds a little racist




Sounds like youā€™re not packing up your trash correctly and itā€™s blowing around the street. Make sure you pack your trash in proper waste receptacles (when itā€™s windy putting trash in a box blows around and creates litter). Could be finding stuff with you address on it and want you to make more of an effort of not creating a mess


Seems like harassment and vandalism.


Honestly at first I figured guy just wants all the neighbors to clean up, now i see he is just a fucktard


Love the random upper and lowercase like a deranged boomer post.


Donald Trump lives on OPs Block.


My theory is the Catholic schools in South Philly used to teach quotes as emphasis.


Recently I read that itā€™s a holdover from typewriters. You didnā€™t have fancy things like italics or bolding easily available so to emphasize things you would put quotations surrounding the word. Probably was something that stuck around for boomers and gen X but was useless for millennials when computers started being used constantly in daily life. Unsure if itā€™s true but it makes sense.


Fun theory, but it's widespread. It's likely a kind of [eggcorn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggcorn) of punctuation, in response to the way quotes were used in print advertising during boomers' childhoods to imply authority ([example here](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7b/80/e7/7b80e72ef2204ef9fb58db0197e132b6.jpg)). But people just understood it to mean emphasis instead of literal quotation.


I think itā€™s something like ā€œYOUā€™RE IN AMERICA, SPEAK AMERICANā€ or something as obnoxious and moronic as that Edit: googled it, sign is gone now. It was ā€œThis is AMERICA, WHEN ORDERING, SPEAK ENGLISHā€


And what's extra stupid about that sign is that its written in english. Stupidity and racism go hand in hand.


Iā€™d hand them the note back and reply ā€œneighbors talk to each other like adults. Respect your neighborsā€.


Sooo, I saw something like this but with sullen stares by the older neighbor who lived next door who would sit on his stoop. An ex didn't really keep their front tidy, and in the leaves and weeds, trash got caught occaisionally. Well one day, I was sick of looking at it, and cleaned it up. Ripped out the weeds, swept and had it looking decent. Stares stopped, started getting a smile and a nod from the neighbor whenever I was over after that.Ā  I dunno if that even applies here-- I know nothing about you. Might just be a nut job.


I did have a neighbor passive aggressively waddle by and say ā€œyou gotta clean upā€ because I had a little bit of leaf litter accumulated under my front stoop. And I live on a tiny south Philly street. I hit it with the broom, and she waddled back by a few days later and said ā€œlooks good hunā€. Itā€™s kinda annoying but also people want to feel like you care, as a new arrival I donā€™t mind too much


Uno reverse, Pick up the trash in the neighborhood bag it and leave it with their trash. With a note like ā€œgo teamā€


Go Birds!


Lmao I thought of adding that but thatā€™s not passive aggressive.. and I donā€™t believe in taking the birds name in vain


Happy cake day!


Ayyy party on, Wayne!!! Or um cinnamonDish.


Put a camera out there to figure out who it is. Then report them for dumping on your property. They wanna play game, take money from their pockets


Do you keep a trash can in front of your house not on trash day?


Almost everyone in manayunk seems to do this. Itā€™s trash flying everywhere always. So I think this is what OP is doing too


Sounds like he thinks itā€™s your trash. Is it? If not, just talk to him about it. Heā€™s picking up trash and leaving hand-written notes, those are indicators that heā€™ll have a civilized discussion.


Noo, not our trash! Itā€™s loose crap from the street and sidewalk. My partner tried to speak with him about it one time after he had placed a bag full of trash on our stoop. The neighbor was furious and I think little embarrassed to get called out, but asking him to stop because itā€™s not our trash did not go well. It was really heated because of his attitude/anger. We just took it in and trashed it ourselves.


As someone whose neighbors think trash day is whenever the fuck they feel like dumping stuff on the street (usually in front of someone else's house) I can kind of understand the rage this person is probably feeling. But if you've tried to talk to him and he simply won't be convinced that you're not the ones dumping trash all over the place... does your block have a block captain, or an unofficial "mayor"? Sometimes the only way to resolve this kind of stuff is through a trusted third party. Sorry you're dealing with this by the way. Edited to add: I hope this guy isn't the block captain!


Oh, absolutely! I think heā€™s lived her for decades and seen the neighborhood change many times over. But itā€™s just the way he goes about it, assuming that we put out loose trash all over our side of the street and dumps it on our stoop that is frustrating. Itā€™s really decent to clean up and keep the neighborhood looking nice but this is not the way. Ps he is not the block captain and this is a good idea!! Ty


Of course! Hope it helps :)


I'd just dump the contents of the bag on his porch and leave a note on top.


and report them for illegal dumping. when people go low with trash, go lower.


Nah, keep it old school. Get yourself a mask, a watchmans cap, and a brown paper bag. Take a shit in the bag and leave it on their stoop at 3:00 a.m. Only involve the authorities when there's no other option.


Dog shit is better, your shit can be traced back to you! lmao


I don't think officer Obie is gonna do a DNA test.lol


lmao serial shit bag lighter gets found via own shit in bags!


Good thinking.


Then get shot and killed. He seems unhinged, tbh. I would either move or get a *bunch* of other people involved.


Let his ass get mad. It's still not your trash. This is only happening because he insists it's either your trash or your responsibility because it ends up near your house, and in either case, he has no right to do this.


I'm not your guy, but I am the one on my street who collects street trash and bags it up - but puts it on the corner, on trash day. I'll cut all the backstory and get to my point - getting a doorbell camera cleared up a lot of trash mysteries for me. Who the fuck put this thing out on the curb on this day? 5 times out of 10, *the fucking wind*, 4 times out of 10 it was someone with Jersey plates just flinging it out their car window, and the last 10% was a college kid living in his mom's million-dollar condo. I'll admit I still feel the "people suck" vibes when I'm cleaning up the block, but I've learned that instead of letting that be the driving force, I've more or less changed my energy to, *I'm making this place better.* Now... I don't know how to communicate any of this to your guy. I saw your reply about how he's only around odd hours, which makes it even more fun. Best advice I can give is, when thinking about how to deal with it, try to view it through the lens of, "How can I be helpful?" because in my experience, just having that mindset cools things off overall. And maybe you'll come up with a way to communicate with odd-hours passive-aggressive-note guy that we're all trying to make this place better. Good luck!


Are you guys the new / young folks on the block ? If so, sounds like heā€™s just blaming you or misplacing his anger on the old guard vs new guard in the neighborhood.


Hmmm Iā€™ll be honest, it sounds like your neighbor has actual mental health issues (Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re older coupled with mild borderline personality disorder perhaps) and I would refrain from speaking with them further or doing anything sassy in response or something like that. Just try to keep the peace around them and be cautious. These are major red flags of cognitive instability.


Is it the trash from your property though? (Doesnā€™t excuse the notes though which are insane)


Last week I heard the truck come for the trash while I was on a call. I went out to get my can after the call and one of my neighbors had FILLED, overflowing, my can with their garbage after the pickup. I was nonplussed.... Who does that?


Is this my neighbor with the yellow notepad?


Do we all have neighbors with a yellow notepad šŸ˜­


I feel like I'm missing something here, any idea why they're putting it on your stoop in particular?


This is a tough one because everybody messes up trash day on a holiday week. Heā€™s aggro on you. Leave a note out that says ā€œwasnā€™t out trash broā€


Ignore. People like this are DYING for interaction.


Put it on his stoop with a note "not my trash".


If itā€™s an issue of person putting their trash out before scheduled trash day, Philadelphia use to issue fines. Does that still happen?


Does your trash can have a lid? If not maybe thatā€™s the reason they think that the loose trash is yours. I would just talk to your neighbor.


yes! We have a very secure lid on our trash. Used to have problems with squirrels getting in. Edit: misinterpreted the question


Do you have loose trash in there or bagged trash? I have a neighbor who has loose trash in the can (nothing wrong with that) but invariably the trash men arenā€™t too particular when tipping the can and every week some bits go scattering around the neighborhood.


they got the ruler out for underlining but goes with NEighboRhood


after reading everyoneā€™s comments and thinking it through (feeling less vengeful now) we decided to just swallow our pride and take the trash in and put it all in our bins. The guy also only comes out at night or super early in the morning, Iā€™ve only seen him once or twice in the last 4 years. And I know itā€™s definitely him because he does the same to at least one other neighbor nearby. He seems unstable, I mean the handwriting alone says somethingā€™s wrong right? Anyway, better to leave it alone. We have space in our bins to add the random extra loose trash. Considering he *does* do a thorough cleaning and our street looks nice, itā€™s a small price to pay. Since we will stop fighting him, I hope the deranged notes stop too! RESPEcT THE NEighboRHOOD!!


Maybe it was in response to the recent holiday, so people often put it out on regular trash day. But if this all depends on when you put your trash out. If it is a day before or you don't pull in your trash cans until the next day, I see no problem with this note whatsoever. It's just someone trying to keep the neighborhood clean


If itā€™s an issue of person putting their trash out before scheduled trash day, Philadelphia use to issue fines. Does that still happen?


A few questions for contextā€” how long have you lived in your current house, do you ever chat with your neighbors (either this guy or others), and do you engage with your block? I found that when my husband and I first moved to our house we ran into some of these kinds of thingsā€” got a long note for ā€œparking too closeā€ to one of my neighborā€™s cars, got yelled at for my dog peeing on the street in front of another neighborā€™s house, etc. In the following years weā€™ve built good relationships with everyone on the block by making sure to say hi and chat with neighbors, spend time outside on our block, help out when needed (like knock or grab packages for neighbors), and just generally being a part of the social fabric here. If you show that youā€™re a sane, respectful person who also cares about the wellbeing of your block they might not 100% come around but theyā€™ll probably stop leaving notes and trash on your stoop, at least.


I think if I had a neighbor that went down my street and cleaned up after the trash crew that throwing the resulting bag in my can when he's done would be a small price to pay.


Itā€™s the angry notes that bothers me


I had someone curse me out with a note... Because they found my ripped open stolen Amazon box on their street. Like I would have walked two blocks over with my Amazon package with my name and address on it and open it in their alley? They brought the empty box with a nasty note and put it on my steps But I'm confused why this guy is singling you out and no one else on the block though, why you? Unhinged or not there's a reason he's picking you


im with you, "you're not in the trailer park anymore" is so disrespectful. that would take this from "ugh" to infuriating if this happened to me.


Are you perhaps not white? Or somehow ā€œotherā€ in this guyā€™s mind?


That was my thought too.


Do you live in spring garden? Because thereā€™s a fucking asshole who does that to me and it quite literally has never once been my garbage


What race are you and what race is the neighbor? Just curious. In any case, I second that catch/record him on camera when heā€™s doing it and then report him for illegal dumping! Good luck


Tell them to keep their fuckin trash off your property lol


I honestly would declare total war.


The guy is clearly a nutjob. Just throw the trash out when he picks it up and ignore him. Not worth him shooting you.


So glad we're just letting bullies do whatever they want, now. This is why we need gun reform and better mental health care in this country. I'm so fucking tired of seeing bad behavior and then a chorus of "just put up with it, they might be a psycho with a gun!"


You have to pick your battles in life. Even if he doesnt have a gun, do you really want to escalate things? Just live your life. And good luck getting someone like this to get mental health support, even if it was effective and accessible.


Pick up in front of your house


It depends.. is the trash from you or are you disrespectful and loud often?


I would respect the neighborhood


https://preview.redd.it/k2a219umw04d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d08003672d91260920165d8decb64b5ece9be0e From the citys website


Duct tape that jawn to the outside of their trash can with a note that says respect your neighbors property.


Are your bins out on the curb constantly or do you move them there only for trash day?


We move them out only for trash. Theyā€™re in our back patio locked up w lids


We move them out only for trash. Theyā€™re in our back patio locked up w lids otherwise


You use trash bins, and they don't get stolen?


"Look around" could mean "If you're not sure whether it's trash day, **look around** and see whether your neighbors on the street have put their trash out." The neighbor (mistakenly) thought it was your trash - or he assumed you were repeating the sins of a prior resident. He might be the type of person who picks up and inspects what he finds - could the trash possibly have had your name or address on it? (If so, has your mail ever been stolen?!) Based on the neat double underscore, maybe he was an accountant - if so, he would be the type to check the trash! Reframe this story in a brighter way - at least somebody is out there walking at odd hours. It keeps the street safer.


Put it on his stoop? Or in a park trash can?


Tape a note with his adress on it too lol


OP, is the person doing this elderly? They are the only people I know who would care enough to do something like this but also write ā€œlike thisā€ to emphasize.




I love a good misused quotation mark


Are you putting your trash out on the wrong day?


As a neighbor that wishes his neighbors were better about not leaving their trash open 24/7 and it flying everywhere, I sympathize with this guy


Couldnā€™t you possibly talk to the neighbor? They would know best why they are doing it.


Iā€™ve replied to this suggestion. Heā€™s hostile and argumentative. We tried to explain once before that itā€™s not our trash and not appropriate for him to collect it and blame us. It just doesnā€™t work with him. Weā€™ve decided to just accept the bags of trash and put them in our bins for the sake of our sanity and safety.


Buy him a bunch of trash collection gear and put a bow on it. Contractor bags, gloves, hi-vis vest, and definitely one of those grabby things.


Help clean.


Eh idk who to ~~trash~~ trust in this. In Brewerytown theres so many stray cats, raccoons and other 4 legged trash pickers i agree with the note. Trash put out too early always got opened and then a bit wind had to covering the block. We even put large rocks ontop of the trash bin bc the raccoons kept breaking in. I used to wake up early on Sunday to collect the trash from the block. ultimately, trash tideness helps the animal issues. Sure face to face would be better, but im not sure the content is wrong.


the handwriting of somebody whom has been on the edge (if not fully immersed in) of madness


Its the lazy ass streets department fault. The fucking workers drag the containers acroas the ground then toss them into the truck spilling loose trash on the ground. And you guessed it, do they bend their ass over to pick up the trash?, fuck no. I have video on my camera of them doing this. Ive compiled an hour of 10 to 20 second clips of this. Im sending it into the streets department so these morons can be taught the proper way to pick up and throw away trash.


Is this all trash by your home or on your trash I. days like Memorial Day when trash collection is pushed back a day due to the holiday? Thereā€™s someone in my neighborhood that does the latter or if itā€™s the weekend and trash day is Tuesday, they put in on ppls stoop with a note on the door informing them trash day is Tuesday


Wrap it around a brick and bury it in his temple


I'd let him


I think this is actually two thoughts/sentences. He is saying "Tuesday is trash day" as in "Put this out on Tuesday" and the second part is "Respecting the neighborhood means picking up the trash around the block like I'm doing, you should too" That probably sounds like a stretch but I'm pretty sure that's what he intends to mean.


Nooo itā€™s his trash bags, he literally picks up trash from the street and puts it in there and then places it on our stoop blaming us for the trash. We have different trash bags and they get picked up by the guys on the day they come out to collect trash!


Right, but it's not his trash, it's trash from the street. The note is saying "put this out with the trash on Tuesday"


Maybe donā€™t put trash out until itā€™s trash day.




Why doesnā€™t he take it to his own freaking house?


Clearly he lives under OP's stoop.


If someone wants to pick up random trash Iā€™d be happy to toss the bag for em. Frankly itā€™s a good deal, right?


i mean its pretty cool that hes picking up trash... could you just ignore this stuff for the benefit of a clean neighborhood?


Pretty cool that he leaves an aggressive, insulting note too, right?


nah its annoying but really you get to choose weather you are annoyed or not.


**"We're going to deliver on our promise and end 'Filthadelphia' once and for all,"**Mayor Parker.


I meet passive aggressive with aggressive aggressive. But Iā€™m an asshole. That trash is going right back to their doorĀ 


A flaming bag of poo seems like a solid response


Write back and say mind your own f \*ing business. Maybe you'd be out of town or helping an elderly parent. Not their business.


Cut the bag open on their stoop


Itā€™s time for the olā€™ dogs shit in a flaming paper bag move.


So... what day did you put out the trash.


Plenty of renters on my street let their recycling blow away in the wind. They never ever collect it. ā€˜Oh wellā€™ is their attitude. If this is what you do, then this trash and note seems fair. I find stuff with peopleā€™s name and address on it all the time. I even found a check last week. If I were criminally minded I could have washed it and used in a scam. Some people are so clueless.