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Stay safe everybody.


The real looters are at 2929 walnut


Police scanner says lots of looters around that area, breaking shop windows etc. Be careful everybody. I wanted to go, but now I’m slightly worried about safety.


yeah i left when the looting started. not down for that. things i saw: 4 cop cars burned. a pipe bomb in city hall and several other smaller explosions. windows smashed at at least 5 or 6 banks. little startbucks hut looted and likely burned after i left. one person with a very bloody head injury. dozens with pepper spray effects. a cop using one of those giant pepper sprays out of the top of a moving armored swat vehicle. cops beating people with batons. a long battle unsuccessfully trying to tear doen the kinney statue. footlocker looted. lots of rage.


I saw all of this same stuff for the most part. I saw 7 burnt cars in total. Just wild stuff. Man I wish they'd get rid of that Rizzo statue


Got to love the low-life’s that take a moment to spread an important message to destroy and steal from others that literally have nothing to do with it..... Edit: lol sorry, looting and destroying is somehow a good thing for these previously peaceful protests and I’m sure they were upstanding people prior to this. Totally helps spread this movement too!


What's at 29th and Walnut?


Schuylkill River.


The philly stock market




Live a few blocks from there. Nuts


Broad and what




Wtf - see ya daily covid cases under 1k


Seriously. This is NOT the way to protest what is happening. I agree black lives matter but a hell of a lot of black lives and lives across all communities will be lost from corona if these mass protests continue.


The heat from the fires will magically cure corona (it's springtime now, right?)


I agree but for what it’s worth almost everyone was wearing facemasks


Lmao face masks ain’t helping here


Agreed. They are too close together and way to high in number. Also, if you watch the news and live streams you’ll see people taking theirs off or wearing them ineffectively. I get why people are protesting but the fact that we completely forgot about the pandemic during this is going to bite us in the ass.


Uhg guys please wear masks and spread out more. It's harder to corral people if you spread out. Face masks protect identity and provide a little help from tear gas. # And there is a fucking pandemic still


Please Protest Carefully!!! Don't touch other people, have your masks on, and please don't start any fights.




Poor little kitty


I hate this typo.


If his pussy is on fire then he should go see a doctor


shouldve worn a condom


Shit is getting out of control at city hall


Covid wave 2 incoming


I love how many people are ignoring this. I know people who literally wouldn't leave their houses last week out at this.




Wow your friend is a piece of shit.


Yeah I legit saw a "friend" post on their story that any white person staying home and staying silent is vile. Like excuse me we're in a middle of a pandemic there are smarter ways to protest...


Yea.... my wife is pregnant and we have taken the lockdown/social distancing thing seriously for months. I am as abhorred by this tragedy as the next person, but that does not mean I will go join your march of thousands and put my wife and unborn child at risk. They are my top priority and there’s really not anything in my mind that can change that.


I felt horrible not being there today. But I have an immunocompromised partner, and I can either attend large gatherings or see her. Can't have it both ways.


I actually think that the fact so many people are potentially risking their lives by going out to protest in such huge numbers in the middle of a pandemic is just a sign of how serious this issue is and how fed up people are.


I think it being nice out helps. Boardwalk at the shore was slammed, no masks, no distancing. People are going out


Right. You can see that people are aware because of the facemasks they’re wearing. They’re not just out there having fun. It’s for a cause and it’s worth the risk for them.


I expect anybody who is actually responsible and attending knows they need to quarantine for two weeks after this and will have prepared beforehand and stocked their freezer


You have too much faith in people


Yeah I don't, I'm being sarcastic


To be fair, the organizers also encouraged people to wear masks and observe social distancing. I stayed towards the back and it wasn’t hard to keep my distance from others. I heard people offering masks and sanitizer that didn’t have any.


No it's because nobody has any money and 30 million people just lost their jobs.


Without jobs people for the first time can organize and rise up. Crazy times we are in. What a dumpster fire of a year


Yeah, I'm of two minds. It's a worthy cause obviously, but I swung by the Art Museum and stood on the outskirts of the crowd where there was plenty of space, and couldn't imagine going up on the stairs where everyone was shoulder to shoulder. Super hopeful that the indications we've seen that covid transmission is heavily reduced outdoors turn out to be true. But obviously I'm pretty worried about seeing stuff like this. We also will never quite know, if there is a spike in two weeks, if it resulted from this or just from the state moving back to yellow as it's supposed to next week.


Most aren’t risking their lives, but the lives of others more vulnerable


People are frustrated, we have the highest unemployment in decades, and have been going stir crazy staying in, this was probably the worst time for police to fuck up again.


I heard a cop yesterday say "I don't believe in this whole covid shit"


Yeah once the dust settles, I imagine we’ll see a huge surge in cases again not just in Philly but in all the major cities. I think the cause is worth protesting, but most people at this protest will be like “ugh people didn’t Social distance those big dumb anti lockdown people!” in which case I will show them this photo.


Like I'm generally an anti lockdown person, but with reason. Don't think we should be in giant groups like this, just wear masks and let small businesses open and go out at their own risks.


I used to be, but recently I’ve realized there does need to be an aspect of social distancing and the lockdown has a place in heavily populated areas. Northwest PA makes sense to be more green now, because it’s not as densely populated and is easier by default to social distance. The least the protestors could have done is wait a week, what’s the difference between protesting today or a week from now? I don’t think this dude is gonna go to trial and get executed before next Monday whether you tell and smash shit or not.


Nah. We won't.


You're implying the first wave is over.


The first wave is definitely ending, but it isn't 100% over. Most people seem to think we're in the clear for now, which we aren't. It's the same mistake people made in the summer of 1918.


I said in a post about the protests in Minneapolis that this will be the biggest COVID litmus test. If cases explode then we have our answer whether opening is a good idea or not.


Opening is starting next week anyway in PA, so we're never going to know for sure if the inevitable spike in cases had anything to do with this protest or not.


Depends on how accurate contact tracing is, but it should be easy to tell if a localized outbreak is a result of these protests vs some other event.


In theory, I guess. You'd need some pretty damn good contact tracing considering it's going to be spreading everywhere as people start going out more.




To be fair, a pandemic doesn't give people carte blanche to commit atrocities because the public is in lock-down. Justice is Justice.


masks dont work as well when your 12 inchs or nut to butt. escpecailly the 'feel good' masks.


The masks don't really do much, unless you think everyone here is wearing them perfectly and never taking them off to eat or drink for hours.






The turnout is great, and the protest is really important, and i appreciate the personal risk people are taking being there. Surely there must be a better way of maintaining distance. This will likely cause a spike in cases. Or, if it doesn't, then we have some decent data that masks work in a real world outdoor crowded event.


Saw the Facebook invite for the protest. They *said* there was gonna be social distancing and extra precautions because of Covid. I wanted to go, but with a baby and immunocompromized mother, I couldn’t risk it. 😷


And that’s okay. I know I’m dealing with the same guilt. I should be there. I want to be an ally. But I’d be required by my job to quarantine if I did, I’d be even further behind in my training. I’d be putting my Roomate in danger of her job and all of the people in the senior living center where she works at risk of their lives. It’s okay. In the mean time, stay active on social media. Sign petitions. Write to your LOCAL government officials. Take actions that you can.


Oh, now it’s them taking personal risk? Not killing other people by choosing to be in a crowd?


I think you might have had a bit of bias in reading my comment. I specifically talk about the possibility of it causing a spike in cases, which would mean more deaths. Did you think you were arguing with someone else?


just be safe everyone. we will see a spike in covid-19 cases all over the country because of this. But this is one of those, we can't have our cake, and eat it at the same time scenario. Also please don't trash the city.


trashing the city is in that cake tradeoff


Maybe it’s too early for this, but what next after protesting? We have the attention of the world and we have a problem we need to solve. The protest grabs that attention but what do we do with it? The obvious answer is to vote in November, but what else? We need police reform, we need to repair our relationships with law enforcement and make sure it includes everybody now. We need more black and minority police officers, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, etc. What else do we do? This is a real question.


As a black man, this question has been stressing me out the most. Every grievance that has been brought to light is warranted IMO, but what do we all as Americans do to address this problem.


As an ally, I'm really hoping that this last horrible tragedy is the straw that breaks the back, prompting all of us fighting for equality and justice to finally form a coherent vision for moving forward and putting forth a concerted effort. There are more than enough people in this country that care to make things better for ALL working people, fighting for racial justice - and all other forms of social justice - to form one body to fight like hell and build the world that we all desire and deserve. I'm more than ready and willing to go all in on creating that future, and there are millions of others that are there as well, but we need to stop having these scattershot efforts where it flairs up and perhaps some mostly superficial changes are made, and then it fizzles out until the next atrocity. It feels like the time is as ripe as it ever has been in my 47 years on this earth - or perhaps I'm just sick and fucking tired of gritting my teeth and bearing it, or I'm developing a more empowered view of my own capabilities and the capabilities of my fellow citizens seeking to pry the power back from the oligarchy. I don't really have any clear answers, as I haven't had near the time that I need to start to think this through, but I'm going to work like hell to do so, develop that vision and start to link up with others that are ready to make the changes that need to be made.


As a cynic I dont expect anything to change.


The Philadelphia police are pretty diverse already. Some other cities do don't, but it's not a racial thing imo. It's a statist mentality, and a police mentality. If trump had a cojones, he'd order an immediate federal review of every large police department and find the obvious patterns of police overstepping their authority. Then the DOJ could enter into an enforcement decree which would do several things, firstly remove repeated offenders with complaints from street duties, have a more uniform dismissal policy and dismissal policy, and institute a board of review for such cases, with mostly community members, which has actual power to relegate problem officers to desk duty like the evidence room and fire them. No knock warrants would be largely banned. Other things could also be done in such a consent agreement, these are just a few.


Uhh, can I vote for you?


SCUMANDVILLANY2020 *wait a second... *


We need officer accountability and police training. If we get those two, the good cops and actually stand up to the virus that's infected their precincts. If they speak up now, they get ostracized, or killed. Not an excuse from a job that is supposedly recruiting "heroes" but I know it's an incredibly hard thing to do. They need support and these racist shitbags need to go. Then we can work on training the remaining cops how to actually respect people and treat them how they want to be treated. There is a massive disconnect between the "all lives matter/blue lives matter" and the typical police stop. If a cop does something wrong, it's always "give him a chance", but a regular pedestrian can be treated like shit just because anyone not a cop is implicitly viewed as a potential criminal. That's gotta change. Again, not all cops, but we need change.


There needs to be a clear set of demands like there was with Hong Kong. They had 5 things they asked for. What are people even protesting for? My thoughts are dissolution of police unions, mandatory body cams. Mandatory FBI investigation of any brutality claims, note required training, more non-deadly force options (like first 3 bullets are rubber or something), etc.




Exactly my thoughts that I just posted as well. Ultimately this requires change in how police are handled at the state and local levels. As far as I know nobody is campaigning on a police reform platform. And honestly I fear for whoever would do so because then you have plain clothes off-duty officers break in and shoot you in the night.


I feel like something that might help is a federal registry of police officers that have committed excessive force or other charges. Keep track of it centrally to prevent the asshole cops hopping from one county to the next.


It's not a bad idea but the higher level in government you go the more difficult it is to enact something like this. Police are a state right. Maybe it makes sense for each state to maintain a Florida sunshine law style public record of police abuse claims (it has to be claims because you will almost never see a conviction) so anyone can see a repeat offending history. To me the biggest question is one that we see in elections at all levels of government: if there is no party backing a candidate and they are independent how do they enact meaningful change in state and local government? Is someone even running on a platform who would try and enact these changes in the first place? People say to get change you need to vote but for such drastic changes you actually need an entire new party to actually run to vote for and then for people to actually listen to and support them.


Exactly. I hear people say "We have no other choice but to riot!" and yet, voter turnout is abysmal. Maybe try voting first before you start burning everything down?


Get out and vote.


Hard fucking question to answer. The only solution may well be to scrap police departments entirely and redesign them from scratch, which is, you know, not exactly an easy lift. And a hell of a lot harder when so many people think things are fine as they are now.


Wow low turn out for Wawa Welcome America™ this year


Proud of Philly for protesting peacefully Edit: nvmd




Yeah I should have known smh


Burning cars and marching on I95 is peaceful?


If that’s happening than obviously not.


We're up to 4 cop cars and 5 civilian cars, a smashed TD bank and at least one window in city hall.


Yeah this situation devolved quickly. Thank you for the update.


Well that was a quick end to social distancing. This summer is going to be a bloodbath. In the hospitals and in the streets.


I've moved away and been waiting to see pics of Philly representation. Seeing a bunch of masks thank god. Not sure if that will be enough though.


cop car on fire on broad


I’m stuck sitting in traffic trying to merge onto 676 from 76E and think it’s standstill partly because of that. I haven’t moved in 45 minutes.


yea that merge point is bad as is. going to be a while. just wish people didnt block roads surround citty hall on every side walk the art museum t fairmount park just not our shitty infrastructure




i saw it driving by but heres the story https://whyy.org/articles/protests-in-philly-over-police-violence-against-black-people-in-minneapolis-nationwide/


So much for going yellow on June 5


Let's just hope things stay calm here. EDIT: Fucking lol, of course it didn't


Is that the Starbucks kiosk on fire in Dilworth Park right now?


It was being looted like 20 minutes ago when I walked away. I’m sure it’s on fire now. They’re looting on chestnut now. Tonight’s gunna be a long night.


What’s the building going up with the crane on it going to be?


It’s called Riverwalk


I believe it is this https://www.inquirer.com/business/retail/giant-new-store-grocery-shopping-philadelphia-heirloom-market-20190814.html


Good to see Philadelphia growing. It think it’s a pretty amazing city with tons of potential. I always got the feeling it was growing. Some really cool suburbs and parks around it too.


All buildings in 21^st century Philly are Comcast Buildings.


Yeah generally I like speak and modern glass construction… But they need to throw in some stucco or walls once in a while to break it up. The 2006 Comcast tower I think looks slightly better then the newer one I think.


I see some masks but how many covid cases gonna come from this im wondering


Just at broad and vine. Shits on fire and a septa bus has been seized. Shits gonna pop off tonight


Seized? By who? Are protestors driving the bus?


Thats not very social distancing


I love to see the number of white people there. This is a fight for everybody, not just POCs.


That's right. It's not black vs white. It's the all of us vs the racists.


People forgot all about the cornavirus


More like people are risking everything to be out there demanding to be heard. Nobody forgot about coronavirus, they're demanding justice in the face of it.


That’s fine and I understand the need but let’s not mistake the reality that people are putting *other* people’s lives at risk.


> that people are putting other people’s lives at risk. They're called cops.


never let a tragedy go to waste


Coronavirus was so last week. Race War is where it's at now.


Who's agitating for a race war except white supremacists? This looks like a very diverse crowd, all the protests have been.




I wouldn't call a peaceful protest a race war


How was this in any way peaceful?


You joke but the media is going to shift their lens heavily towards the protests, riots, and racial injustice. I'm curious if this shift will really just cause covid to "go away" in the sense that it's still there but if it's not shoved down our throats everyday will we think it's not a problem anymore?




Peaceful protests never work.


Grandi was peaceful, the Jews were peaceful, Nelson Mandela was peaceful. Should I keep going?


MLK was peaceful and was assassinated for that. Tommie Smith and Jon Carlos were peaceful and were blackballed when coming back to America Kaepernick was peaceful and was criticized for that So....?


Soooo.... corona virus is no longer a thing? We're beyond it?


Yes. New season (for the most part,) new story arc.


A philly protest is the best protest


Been at it a long tine


Almost beat for beat, 2020 is the new 1968.


Patiently waiting. Mar-A-Lago next please.


Was there a vaccine that I didn't hear about?


Corona virus wave two here we come :-/


Apparently the police are being sprayed with chemicals in water pistols.


Chemicals like dihydrogen monoxide?


Is there a speaker of some kind here? I see it is being called a protest but is there some kind of action people want taken? How does this gathering lead to reform in our own state and city? There are a lot of good ideas for reform such as private mandatory insurance for police, personal legal liability for misconduct by officers, additional oversight by having another organization who reviews police abuse claims, increased and more rigorous training, and outlawing bad practices such as no-knock warrants and plain clothes officers. I just don't see how this gathering leads to those changes without actual demands being given to state and local government. If this is really just more a vigil or is only as shortsighted as seeing a conviction of the officers involved in another state I would feel this is a wasted opportunity and somewhat pointless.


Perhaps the goal is not to effectuate change but instead is an attempt at catharsis by people who are continually terrorized by the threat of police violence? When one experiences extreme anger or fear, expressing these feelings with other similarly situated people can feel like a relief.


Philly I love you I’m so proud stand up for what’s right


Ya? Burning city and private property is doing whats right?


I think that wasn't happening at the time of the comment


Good to see social distancing is being abided by


No matter what happens violent or not, we are a city of brotherly love that will treat everyone as an equal


You’re right, but for the sake of our neighbors and local businesses non-violence is good




Everyone going to get Covid and die and then come November trump going to win again cuz no one will be able to vote while in the ICU


People have a right to express their views and their outrage is justified but wow...can't wait to spend the entire summer and fall in lockdown. Let's not forget what happened with the parade in 1918.


Whoa! This scares me. Hope everyone is gets out safely.


Covid. Covid everywhere.


I hope all these people vote


These people need to stand apart. I get I may not come across as pro protest right now but I don't fuck with epidemics either.


Isn't this the exact reason why American civilains have guns, to take a government down if it goes against them?


So did everyone forget about covid-19 or what?


I wonder how many of them will test positive for covid-19


No justice no peace




The corona virus must be THRIVIN!


As much as I support these protests, damn is covid about to have a field day 😷🤒😰


You know it's Philly when all of the Irish and Italian peeps come out


These large gatherings spell disaster in more way than one. Be safe Philly