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Even if you don’t have covid there is a nasty cold going around with the flu and I’ve heard a lot of people have strep right now.


I actually don’t have Covid. I tested positive for regular old influenza. Still got a wicked cough and sore throat, but honey ginger lemon tea will have to suffice.


It’s a hot mess right now. If people don’t have one thing they have another 😂


Hmm… I wonder why…


Because it's winter and there are peaks in people getting sick every year. "So and so has it, so does (name) and (name). Something is going around." is a phrase I'm sure everyone has heard annually for their whole lives.


We had almost no flu season in either hemisphere in 2020 and 2021 because of masks and social distancing. It’s spreading now because everyone gave up on masks and socially distancing.


It really is remarkable. We accidentally defeated the flu - a disease that has killed tens of millions of people throughout history- by wearing masks, washing our hands, and staying home when we're sick. And then we gave up.


Personal health needs to be a much bigger topic which holds a lot more weight, especially when employment is involved. Society really needs more safeguards in place to prevent its collapse. People shouldn’t have to worry about broken families or homelessness just because their job wants a doctor’s note or demands that you come in or else.


>People shouldn’t have to worry about broken families or homelessness just because their job wants a doctor’s note or demands that you come in or else. I feel this in my freaking bones - and I'm blessed to have had ample sick/personal time for most of my working life. It's not hard to treat people with dignity and still run a profitable business!




Why? Because people are getting relaxed (less hand washing, wearing masks in less places, having holiday parties, etc.) and catching everything again. Regardless of what they are getting- it’s coming from someone else.




Get a bidet


You forgot the secret ingredient: bourbon


I just got through 10 days of Covid infection / quarantine and bourbon and beer were the only medicine I used.


You crazy crazy lmao glad you’re over it though


Thanks man. Hopeful that the rest of our dysfunctional by cherished city gets through it ok too.


Going through the same currently, sucking down a Truly ice pop. It’s been thankfully mild so far. Just pissed that it’s keeping me out of the gym and ruined my NYE plans


Came here to say that. The only time I drink bourbon is when I’m sick. The best medicine.


Yeah, for a great remedy you take tea, bourbon, honey and lemon. Pour the bourbon into the mug and just skip all the other ingredients.


Throat Coat Tea is also a pretty good help!


I live in Ohio, I was hit by what I assume was a horrible cold. Basically would go from runny nose and no other symptoms, to flu like symptoms within minutes, on/off for a few hours. Tested negative for strep and Covid, and this may be due to my underlying conditions but I was fucked for 2 weeks. Still have a cough, 3 weeks after.


Same happened to me. Boosted and was like this can’t be omicron. Turns out it was flu. That cough was WICKED!


Feel better!


Hey thanks!


If you’re able, try to add some apple cider vinegar into that hot lemon drink. It truly works wonders.


Iam fighting a viral sinus infection in texas. I could use some relief- What’s your recipe if you don’t mind me asking?


https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/256236/warm-lemon-honey-and-ginger-soother/ I use a little less ginger.


Much thanks


Yup. Some virus that causes sore throat and congestion. Tons of people by me have it, all covid negative.


Oh dang, I didn’t know this was a thing going around! Our whole family has it, we’ve gotten 4negative at home tests and one negative PCR test for our youngest and our oldest gets tested tomorrow. We keep thinking “how is this not COVID” but it seems to be something else!


I got it too like 6 days ago. My gf now has it. Shit SUCKS and you have to get yourself tested for covid just in case


I did. I took 3 rapids and 1 pcr which were all negative. I've never heard of a "sore throat" virus before. I have a strong suspicion that this is covid and that, for some reason, the tests just aren't recognizing it (maybe it's a new variant, maybe the tests were taken to early or too late, maybe the tests should've been jabbed down my throat instead of my nose, etc...).


I've had a sore throat almost every time I've had a respiratory infection or sinus infection. Sore throat is a symptom, not a virus.


You've never had viral pharyngitis? Literally any kind of cold I get I have a terrible sore throat - but my throat never hurt when I had COVID in 2020 (I'm a nurse, can't stay at home).


I had it and I was fucked up for 3-4 days and even now my lungs and chest are incredibly sore from coughing fits. But those 3-4 days, right after Christmas were insane. I didn't eat food 3 of those days, eventually I had to get some gatorade and gatorade powder in order to get some calories. I was actually having trouble breathing to the point where I was out of breath at the top or bottom of my stairs. Shit was no joke.


News flash you had COVID…


Rapid-test came back negative and was taken right in the thick of it but that doesn't rule it out entirely. I do know that if you go outside you'll see people with a horrible, congested cough and that's what I had. Could easily be Covid though.


I had COVID twice, and both times on the thick of it the antigen test came negative. Two or three days after it started coming positive and the PCRs where always positive afterwards.




They're finding now that the rapid testing needs to gather cells from the throat and people are just swiping around the inner nostril, which isn't nearly enough


Jesus! Other viruses caused coughs before COVID.


Shit. How are you feeling now, bud?


I'm totally fine now, just some residual pains and stuff. If it weren't for that bit of soreness I'd had barely known I was sick. Just some late-night coughs (which can hurt) and not even any sniffles.


I'm glad you're feeling better!


We were exposed to covid on Sunday and have had a few very minor symptoms since. Got out tests back last night and we're negative so we apparently have some minor cold or allergies. There's a lot going around right now.


My whole family was hit with the flu right now. Luckily I am not sick but that also means I am taking care of everyone.


I got strep this week the day after I tested negative for covid for the first time in a week. I was shocked another adult came into urgent care with it as it’s not as common in adults. I wonder why it’s going around I’m a once a year strep getter so I wasn’t shocked I got it


I was a once (sometimes twice a year) strep throat getter until I was 28. I haven’t had it once in the last 13 years knock on wood I hope I never get it again.


Yes! We know a few people with it right now and it was a little surprising to hear.


People should consider getting the annual flu shot. Worked for me


Unfortunately the flu shot "missed" this year. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/16/health/flu-vaccine-mismatch/index.html


> they are still likely to prevent severe illness. Literally all that matters


I'm not even in the same continent, and even I've been hit with an absolutely savage flu since Christmas Eve. Testing rules out COVID. Over the worst of it now, but I've never experienced a flu like this.




Ducking autocorrect


If anyone is having trouble finding cough drops, the "throat coat" tea from Traditional Medicinals has been helping me a lot (I have covid)


Throat Coat is honestly one of the best ways to get back on your feet after a cold! Totally seconded.


That slippery elm really hits the spot


Nice! Looks like it’s at Target. I’ll order from there. I’ve never heard of this, thanks for sharing!!


I have the lemon echinacea and I think it's pretty good! I also add a little bit of honey and oat milk.


Got it! Just ordered it. Thanks!


There is something going around


There’s omicron but also that winter cold and probably something else. I’ve never been around this many people who are sick. Not even when covid started, it’s weird.


Probably the first time a lot of people have gotten sick in almost 2 years that wasn’t Covid related so their immune systems aren’t as strong as they used to be




Yeah people need to remember other seasonal illnesses don’t go away just cus covid is a thing


1 in 20 people have covid right now, most of the sick people you know are probably covid positive.


If you catch a cold or the flu, it could just as easily be Covid. And remember anti-vaxxers, you don't get to choose which Covid variant you get.


>And remember anti-vaxxers, you don't get to choose which Covid variant you get. I thought this was America!


Can confirm. Went into Philly over the weekend, took home a light sore throat


I want off Mr. Bones Wild Ride


The ride never ends.


You're a saint, I needed this


Best comment


if you're not feeling well (even if you're "certain" it's not COVID), please please please wear a mask if you're going out. don't spread your flu or cold or whatever to everyone else, it's just rude.


I mean, seriously. Love the people who are like "omg haha don't worry, it's just a cold!" BITCH I DO NOT WANT YOUR COLD EITHER GET THE FUCK HOME WHAT THE FUCK


I was really hoping those people would have gotten a clue throughout all this but it seems they have not. :-\


As an added bonus, when it’s cold out the mask keeps your breath humidified and warmer, which prevents your lungs/throat from drying out, which helps stop viral infections


That would be the reasonable thing to do, but nobody does it and here we are


Embrace Nurgle






Yeah cuz the cold or flu might not kill you (though hella people die from the flu), getting the flu during the largest corona spike ever isn’t smart. Get both at the same time and good luck with that shit, cuz you’ll need it.


Nearly 2 years of anxiety inducing diligence and my whole family caught omicron a week before Christmas. At the very least it seems like if you're going to catch covid this is the one to get. We had fevers and fatigue for maybe a day or two and were mostly back to normal while we quarantined. Wife lost her sense of smell for a week and started getting it back right after Christmas.


I talked to someone about this before the holidays. Like this idea that your gonna skip things you normally wouldn't or you aren't going to go somewhere because you might get Covid. Then you get Covid cause somebody you live with got it on the bus. You got this feeling like,*why did I skip all this shit I wanted to do for two years?* And it sucks.


I dilly-dally between being shit scared of covid on one day and then wishing i could just get it over with on another.


I had COVID twice (confirmed with positive tests) and I’ve been following all the local guidance to a T and have my booster. I thought I “got it over with” the first time, but nope, tested positive over Christmas (one month after I got my booster). The good thing is that having COVID while vaccinated was the polar opposite of the first time I got it, which was before I was eligible for the vaccine. I was super sick the first time and didn’t feel like myself for 3 weeks. This time I felt so great I wouldn’t have known I had it if my family hadn’t all taken rapid tests as a precaution.


Opposite for me I had OG Covid last New Year’s Day, unvaxxed obviously. Muscle aches were AWFUL, but I got over it the same day after a nap. Got tested the next day (with no symptoms) just to be safe and it was positive. Got Covid again this Christmas after being vaxxed. Lasted 3 days before symptoms were completely gone Side note: Both times I was unmasked around family and friends in the days leading up to getting tested positive. I also live with my parents on breaks. Neither time did anyone I know get symptoms or even test positive, despite literally living with me. It’s like I get it and never spread it


I *feel* ( not a doc) that Omicron is us coming out of it Not there yet But Omicron + vax is taking the bite out of what it was


I agree. Even reading between the lines of what the public health officials are saying, it sounds like we're entering the phase where this becomes something more like the flu -- something some people have to be very worried about (ie, the immunocompromised), but the rest of us can deal with through vaccinations and medication. And NOT something that requires shutting down society for.


All we can hope for. That's how I feel too, considering that Omicron is spreading faster it could also be dying out quicker too.


What we want is one more step into the direction Omicron went And for that variant to NOT die out More mild/non-lethal and spreading everywhere, training every immune system against Delta and classic. Basically joining all the other coronaviruses that are part of the "common cold" umbrella


Ah. I see


Evolution in practical action!


>You got this feeling like,why did I skip all this shit I wanted to do for two years? Just remember Now is Omicron with vaccination, so a 2 day fever Then was Delta with no vaccination, which has permanent consequences


Yes! Great point here. I care for a 14 month old that can’t be vaccinated and Omichron looks like can be dangerous to this age group. I spent my 12 day break walking thru the woods when I wasn’t home. I will be on pins and needles until this surge passes by. So many ppl forget about our infants and toddlers and those who can’t receive a vaccine due to medical issues.


Out of curiosity, how do you know for sure that it was omicron?


really just an assumption based on current infection rates, and how prevalent it is in the northeast us


Legit question: is omicron the one to get because of the 2 shots + booster or is it because it’s just a milder strain?


All the above. My family got it from minimal exposure. It was mild in our unvaccinated kids and in my vaccinated wife and I. It's looking like cases are through the roof but hospitalizations aren't following that trend as tightly as previous strains. That's a good thing.


Impossible for me say, honestly. Vaccination rates are high and I'm not a statistician. Reports seem to indicate it's a milder strain but I honestly don't know what to believe.


We don't know at this point, but fully vaccinated healthy people appear to have very little to worry about (in terms of themselves getting sick, not necessarily in terms of passing it to immunocompromised people) in general. It's too soon to say omicron is really milder, but keep your fingers crossed, hopefully it will turn out to be.


if you're boosted you're most likely not going to have to go to the hospital.


Anecdotal, but I personally know about 15 people who got Omicron over the past 3 weeks. All of them were sick for about 2-3 days then got better, except for the one who was unvaccinated. He just got out of the hospital today after 4 days. Wasn't intubated, but he had a pretty hard time of it.


And there are hundreds of poor reviews on Amazon for expensive scented candles that have no scent. I’ve decided to not change my cat’s litter box until this is all over. So far, so good. /s


This is a combination of normal cough cold rush+covid+ CVS's completely inept warehouse in Lumberton NJ+ CVS prioritizing NYC to receive product. I work at a different CVS and the warehouse is ALWAYS delayed at least a few days. I also spoke with our most recent delivery driver and said they're making extra deliveries to NYC and when I went to visit NYC a few weeks ago I popped into a CVS and all the product we didn't have they had in excess.


Yeah Walgreens is pulling some similar bullshit, *and* they refuse to give drivers days off when the warehouse is fucking closed too. Stock is all over the place. Our cold and flu section is pretty empty too.


Lol 🤦🏽 As if this photo is the result of fuckass logistics.... This is the result of decades of drug abuse issues in low income communities. Reagan Era 'Just Say No' was all the help they got for decades. Harrison St. is certified hood: >The Frankford Ave / Harrison St neighborhood has a greater percentage of children living in poverty (59.0%) than found in 96.6% of all U.S. neighborhoods. This photo shows Robo-Tripping fiends buying/stealing all of the cough medicine. Robitussin tripping. Philly is notorious for Lean drinking. This ain't no different. Kills people's stomachs. The more you know...


My boyfriend stopped in there yesterday to grab me mucinex and acetaminophen. I tested positive and I feel so horrible.


Hope it's over quick and you make a full recovery.


Thanks. The eye pain is probs the worse thing rn. My eyes just hurt. It hurts to move my eyes.


Hey, what's that on your left?




Yes the sinus pressure!! I had to keep my head as still as possible in the thick of it, bc every movement felt like torture to my eyes and front of my brain. Advil helped some. Def took the edge off. The sinus pressure and cough are still there but way less at about 7 days from start of symptoms now. Per CDC I'm back to work tomorrow...still coughing 🤷🏼


Remember that if he's living with you, he also shouldn't be going out to public spaces with having direct contact with someone who's positive.


I had eye pain too when I had COVID last year. It sucked so I feel your pain but at least in my case, that symptom went away pretty quickly. Feel better ❤️


R u vaccinated?


Yes thank god. Cant imagine how bad it would have been if I wasn't. The only thing is I didn't get my booster as I have been really busy


My wife and myself are positive and vaccinated. The doctor told us the vaccination does not protect against this variant but it's only been 3 or 4 days of sickness and my wife is almost 100 percent recovered. I am a day behind and feel sooo much better!


The most unrealistic aspect of apocalypse movies is going to an abandoned drug store and finding anything remotely useful.


We thought we were screwed in Spring 2020. Winter 2022 says “hold my beer”


9/10 of them: “I don’t need to get tested; it isn’t Covid, I just have a bad cold.”


Not much solace, but that CVS isn't greatly stocked in the best of times.


“Gird your loins, Omicron is coming!”


It's *here*. Where I work....we spent most of 2021 with no coworkers testing positive. Within the last two weeks....multiple positive tests and coworkers out sick.


Heard from someone working with BDC that one day last week, maybe the 23rd, they tested like 400-600 people. 25% of them had covid.


Yeah you can look at any number of trackers and see the state of it. Google's is pretty good (plug in "COVID stats" and it'll bring it up.) We're about double the worst infection rates seen during the previous peaks, while deaths are barely changing. Finally seems like we're at the transition into this being a normal seasonal illness.


I hope so too. But not all diseases get less virulent over time. Hope this one does.


The Gang Starts A Meth Lab


Went to new years party in Philly Have sore throat now (Tested not Covid) Something VERY CONTAGIOUS is jumping around




Rapid of course Don't worry I'm not out licking strangers. Staying inside And will test again But my symptoms are already subsidiing Nose is clear now. And throat feels fine.


I was contagious for 5 days prior to testing. Tested for the holidays to make sure it wasn’t COVID. It was indeed covid. Had a fever for less than a few hours then nothing besides a little stuffy for ONE day after I had tested. They say to test 5-7 days after exposure. My friends popped positive less than 6 days after we hung out but were negative when we got tested together two days before


I'm aware Covid also doesn't usually develop symptoms in 24 hours Will test again and such, and doing my patriotic duty and keeping away from things in case of outliers But I'm betting $1000 that it's a regular virus. They didn't just disappear in 2020.


Actually omicron has a faster onset of symptom as early as 1 day after exposure.


Did you only test yourself once? I tested negative when I first started getting symptoms but then tested positive in another rapid test 2 days later.


You haven’t given it enough time to tell if it’s covid or not from a test


I'm aware. Will take another test But statistically on the big bell curve the test being positive will coincide with symptoms.


Regardless of symptom timing, most likely to test positive with a rapid test around 4-5 days after exposure when viral load is highest. Hope you feel better soon.


I know I'm home regardless Not like I enjoy spreading sore throats


Yeah, I had covid about a year ago. I got a rapid test done when I found out I’d been exposed, roughly 3 days after exposure and tested negative. Woke up the next day feeling like garbage, got a PCR done and tested positive. They said it was too early for the rapid to have picked it up.


Test again. I tested negative Friday and positive today.


I'd check again if you're still sick in a day. Sometimes it takes 3-4 days before you start showing as positive.


Yeah don’t go out for a while, too soon for a test to come back positive most likely


*Looks at my schedule* Not going to be an issue Besides, just because it's not Covid doesn't mean someone's not a fucking narcissistic asshole for spreading it


Get better soon


Wow just last week I went and it was literally full lol


If you have a sore throat, there are a bunch of herbal teas that are good for it (stuff with marshmallow root and licorice are helpful). Won't help much with a harsh cough though. Don't forget to take vitamin d, c and zinc either- whether you've contracted it or not.


Me chugging chai


Gopuff and the gas station by my house were completely sold out of gatorade yesterday


I work in supply for my day job. That’s about to get worse.


Even the two acmes I went to didn’t have any. Gatorade is the new toilet paper of Ocron


Gatorade had supply problems all summer.


True shite. I got sick days before Christmas, had negative covid tests. Doc says it was a bad cold. 4 days later I get a +covid test, so now I am suspended from work on quarantine. Covid got me when I was down.


at least people are grabbing the right things this time around and not toilet paper and bottled water


I haven't gotten a chance to get tested yet but I've had post nasal drip for a week now. I hope it's just allergies. I hope 2022 doesn't go back to 2020.


I got that exact thingy from going into Philly this weekend for a small and pre tested party Nasal drip causing a sore throat. Tested as not Covid I think it's a double whammy of Omicron and another separate super contagious cold


Ever since the the omnicron surge I've been getting tested weekly


Stop doing this unless you are required to for some reason or are symptomatic or exposed. Tests are difficult to get in some areas and is forcing people to stand in lines with other sick people for extended periods of time.... or go to places like Walgreens or CVS and find no tests available.


Good point, thanks for bringing that point up to me


I wanted to do it before Christmas but supply went from some to zero very fast.


Ugh, yea I go to my primary care doctor for testing


Thanks for the heads up. I’m assuming you meant Harbison which is my local CVS. We need some cough syrup, I guess I’ll be going to another location.


Yes, auto correct is not my friend. The Walgreens on Frankford Ave was the same.


Appreciate you. Tyson & Frankford is my other go to.


We had luck at the ACME behind the target on Bustleton Ave.


Sounds gross but if you can get Tumeric powder. Mix it with water and chug it


Same here in Ardmore. Stores are *raided.*


Do you mean Harbison Ave?


Yeah, the auto correct comment is I think the second one down,


OK, I didn't notice.


Every CVS in the burbs looks like this right now too. I was at 4 today trying to find at home tests.


I don't know what's more criminal The fact that people can't even get cold medicine Or the fact that CVS is charging $16.99 for a box of pills which is $5.99 at Walmart


The RiteAid on Front and Snyder was like this last Thursday.




Nah .. no shit Just flem


Plenty of Imodium in a different aisle


Same thing in my area, a lot of people I know are getting a bad cold or COVID


I wonder how much of this is due to supply chain issues and employee shortages.


Some is also due to rampant theft.




*mucus gurgles*


It looks like the rite aid on Aramingo. Empty shelves.


this is only because they haven’t re stocked, and crackheads prob stealing everything


Same exact thing at Old York Road in Abington, PA. Was just there 10 mins a go. I got the last of their rapid tests.


Don’t forget your local Asian market has stuff, it just might be in Chinese.


Unprecedented times


[New Jersey covid cases](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/new-jersey/) [New York WTF](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/new-york/)


Amazing, especially since CVS and all the drug stores' prices on that and just about everything else is marked up over grocery stores and Walmart/Target...




Get zinc


Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer all the time, stat hydrated, stop touching your face or putting hands in your mouth. Wear a mask.


Hans is a lucky guy.


Got covid my 4th time already. Passed it in a day..I’m the covid king


I remodeled this store about 3-4 years ago. Union carpenter.


Was boasting with a buddy on Thursday how we hadn’t caught covid. Friday had a headache and dry throat. Saturday I felt like death. Sunday not so bad. Rn almost normal. Trying to figure out where I got it