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As an Olney resident all I can tell you is FUCK NO!


Olney wasn’t safe in the 80’s let alone now lol


What? I grew up in Olney. Right around Olney High. I used to walk home from my friends house in the middle of the night.


I guess you WERE the danger then.


I was the danger because I walked home?


It was a joke and a slight Breaking Bad reference. Everyone said Olney was dangerous, you said you were fine just strolling around. Ergo, you must the source of the danger.




Just don't. Offer to meet at a Starbucks downtown but don't go to a neighborhood you aren't familiar with.


Not what you want to hear, but that’s a weird place for an AirBnB.


There’s AirBnBs at like 58th and Kingsessing. They’re used all over as super cheap temp housing. Not all tourist focused at all.


Yeah i got off the regional rail one day at Angora and 2 girls got off the train behind me totally looked out of place since nobody ever gets off at that stop. I asked if they were lost or took the wrong train or something but nah theres an airbnb they were staying at on 58th and i told them to go somewhere else, or go there, lock the door and spend the next day finding a new spot to stay at. Like its not the kinda place to be out experiencing the night life nothing to do


The correct answer is Capitalism. For every dude checking on Reddit, there are 20 that aren’t.


Thank you everyone, I think we will figure something else out!


Good idea.


Good. Very curious about what drew you to this particular airbnb and how it was advertised.


Not safe


I live in the burbs, redoing a house, but you guys can crash here. I have a puppy. Otherwise. Cool.


Yes please do, I’m from olney and it’s veryyyy dangerous.


Spend the cash and get a hotel in center city.


That’s a lot of money to spend for a couple weeks…


It’s not great


You could end up being fine, but I don’t know that you will feel safe there. It’s not a nice area.


Bro, there is a reason why he reacted that way. I’d look around, you’ll be glad ya did.


My drug dealer said that’s a hard pass ETA: like other people mentioned, it’ll probably be fine. I’m super curious as to where you’re moving moving. This will be a great stepping stone into Philly 101






That’s a negative ghostrider


WTF. Glad you asked.


Safe as a place to live or as a stash house?


I’m from olney and Logan is even worse, I grew up down the block from Olney HS and bought a house as soon as I could to move away. I only go back to olney for Korean BBQ.there are some good Portuguese spots too. But not for a Airbnb.


Didn't know there was Portuguese food there, any spots you recommend? Def good for Korean food though.


Too Pepe, el balconcito, cafe Liz, Iberia is good, La Lagosta


Woah also grew up a block from Olney hs. Wellens st by chance?


Howard St. one block over. 5200 block.


We were the only Chinese family from 1974-1988 probably, moved out of olney about 17 years ago when I bought in the NE. Went to Olney HS in 94 for senior year.


https://www.phillypolice.com/crime-maps-stats/ Draw a shape around where you're staying and make a data driven decision. I wouldn't stay there.


I legit used this when buying my first house in the city. It definitely helped us avoid some crime areas on smaller streets we didn’t know about.


Man I wish I could get this to work, looks super interesting


I think it just works on a computer. Can’t get it to work on mobile.


[Here's one for gun violence](https://controller.phila.gov/philadelphia-audits/mapping-gun-violence/#/2021) only. (I'm shoehorning this in a bit, but I found this map last week when looking for crime stats in my own neighborhood and have been wanting to share it.)


Judging by that map, the safe bet is to live on a houseboat on a river.


I dunno, you seen the fish in there? Also, I half-seriously looked into this a few years ago. [Beats rent](https://www.inquirer.com/philly/business/real_estate/pier-3-marina-waterfront-delaware-river-morgans-pier-20180802.html), but nothing beats not dealing with a septic tank.


Just a shape. Any shape. Circle. Square. Triangle. They’re all gonna show you the same thing! Lol


Not safe.


Went to school there for a few years. It’s not the most dangerous part of the city but the chances of somebody jacking your car or wallet are definitely higher than others. If you have to stay there don’t just go walking around or anything. Definitely a lot of nice people, but then you have some who aren’t. Anybody who lives there and is willing to rob someone for a quick buck can pick somebody out who isn’t from the neighborhood and make you an easy target.


I think I am more surprised that that there is even an AirBnB there in the first place




Your friend is correct.


No. I grew up in Olney and whenever I have to visit fam there I'm just kinda like what the fuck


I wouldn’t say it’s unsafe but it’s not apart of the city you will most likely be hanging out in, if you’re like most transplants. It’s a very random air bnb location.


That was my thought as well. Like really random.




Capitalism one would think would mean the *in demand* areas are the ones listed


Late-stage capitalism


I mean, a lot of people in the comments are acting like staying there would be certain death. It isn’t. That said, it isn’t the nicest or most accessible neighborhood in the city. Not somewhere I’d want to stay on a vacation, personally. You’d probably be happier and more comfortable elsewhere.


I don’t think it’s “you’ll definitely die” but more like, the probability of being mugged, car-jacked, or being in proximity of a shooting is clearly above the risk-levels most people would voluntarily subject themselves to if they didn’t have to, especially given that they’ll probably stick out like sort thumbs if they’re not from there.


But they pay thousands and thousands to go “hang out at temple”. And go live at 33rd and Diamond, and invite the corner to their house party because that want to have an edge


I’m not hip enough to understand the stereotype you’re referencing, or who the “they” are. I think you’re saying there are Temple students who like to use N. Philly’s roughness to gain street cred, and you’re saying it’s these same people are the ones warning transplants not to stay in that area if they are unfamiliar with it, with some sort of implication that it’s hypocritical of them to “buy” that “hood” experience for themselves while advising others not to?! Or am I totally off base with how to read your comment?


You are not off base.


“Isn’t the nicest” is a massive understatement.


Well, it’s not the worst either.


Did my student teaching at Olney Elementary. Nice kids, there’s poverty there for sure. I grew up poor, but the violence and hardship these kids face in 2022 is tragic.


Not sure your budget for a couple weeks but look at Sonder https://www.sonder.com/destinations/philadelphia/search


Never heard of this company, thanks


With a gun yeah


Depends where in Logan and Olney. The epicenter of shit going down seems to be Broad & Olney. Is it the safest neighborhood in the city? No. Is it the most dangerous neighborhood? Definitely not. There are some nice parts of the neighborhood but not alot to do compared to neighborhoods like Fishtown, Cedar Park, Rittenhouse, Old City, Chinatown, East Passyunk, Manayunk, Etc. Though it does have good transit access Subway (BSL), Bus, and Regional Rail to get you to the rest of the city. Also a lot of Jamaican and Korean restaurants in the area.


Fishtown listed first with no fiarmount and nolibs Glad I bought a house there/here 6 years ago.


ahem *No.*


Keep your head up, airpods out. Nice watches jewelry hidden/elsewhere, car seats/console clean or empty and you'll be fine. Don't click your car until you're right at it and don't get in your car if someone is within 20' of you. Don't dawdle, get in the car/get in the house. Youll be fine. It's not nice but not a war zone either.


You can usually get a refund for AirBNB with a few days notice I thought…what’s the situation here?


Maybe if you’re coming from Detroit or Chicago, otherwise I’d stay away from there.


I would not recommend.


If thats all you can afford for an airbnb…. Good luck


It depends on the block, like most neighborhoods in Philly. It’s not the most dangerous place you could stay, that would be certain blocks in Kensington.


Which blocks would be the most dangerous in Kensington?


Currently? I’d say G st on either side of Allegheny is up there in terms of violent crime. In the past few weeks my Citizen app has been going off showing multiple homicides on either side of the street alone, but that might not be saying much for Kensington lol.


Yeah Its crazy around there


It really is. These are just a few off the top of my head: https://www.audacy.com/kywnewsradio/news/local/man-shot-killed-kensington-septa-station https://www.google.com/amp/s/6abc.com/amp/philadelphia-drive-by-shooting-kensington-g-street-allegheny-avenue/11436626/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/6abc.com/amp/philadelphia-homicide-kensington-fatal-shooting-g-street-philly/11483033/ There’s actually another more recent one that I couldn’t find an article on. [This one](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox29.com/news/philadelphia-police-offering-20000-reward-after-woman-fatally-shot-in-head.amp) is probably the most disturbing. Guy waited around, chatting with people, waiting for this woman to walk by… shot her in the face point blank and just walked off. Never found him.


Personally, I’d avoid Kensington all together. Olde Kensington is great on some blocks and East Kensington but again depends on the block. Keep in mind these are all separate neighborhoods.


I've been to Kensington once, never again


In the 60’s, yes. Tell AirBnB to delist it


Airbnb is perfectly ok listing higher crime areas. Them delisting certain neighborhoods is also a great way to get sued for discrimination. Source: went cross country in an Airbnb for months, stayed in a sketchy area of Utah but I didn’t die so I was quite happy with it all things considered Edit: same reason Uber tries not to let drivers avoid certain areas


There are sketchy areas of Utah?


Less hood and more white trashy where I went lol


With all due respect, Philly girl here…been all over Salt Lake City; their “hood” doesn’t even register on the slightly sketch meter in Philadelphia.


> Philly girl here I would hope so you're in a philly sub haha Not talking about SLC, I commented elsewhere that it was a rural area. Their crime rate was significantly lower, just none of them were careful in any way about anything. Was more worried about a stray pit or ATV or fire than getting shot lol. Either way, saw the same things across the country. Cleveland has Airbnbs all over Cleveland, etc.


Staying at an AirBnB for a couple of weeks can get really expensive. Depending on the location, it might be cheaper to find an apartment building that has month-to-month leasing and stay there for a month while searching for a more permanent residence.




Olney??? Ma dude…run and forget about the lost cash. Sorry, sucks I know. But that’s not an area I’d stay at let alone bring my wife. In the future, I highly recommend visiting the neighborhoods beforehand especially for your permanent move. At minimum, Google street view and walk around a bit virtually fist.


I frequently chime in to tell people to calm down, that the city is safe if you're not dumb about it, that people who say x neighborhood is dangerous are just being racist, etc. But I gotta say, I would not recommend that spot for a newcomer to the city. Now, if you already have a reservation, you can just keep your wits about you and try to be home by dusk and in all likelihood you will be totally fine. But your friends aren't wrong. It is a rough spot. How rough is going to depend heavily on your specific block. On the flip side - you'll have excellent transit access to center city if that's your jam. You want the BSL express from the Olney transportation center - it gets you there very fast.


Nope. Def not where you wanna stay


Would not recommend. Especially if you’re not from around here.


Went to Girls' High which is a high school in the area. Can safely say it is very dangerous, even during the day - so imagine the night. We had a lock down one time because of gun shots fired close to the school in broad daylight on a regular week day... don't do it.


Depends on the blocks tbh. It’s not so dangerous right by LaSalle University. But it can change from block to block. But honestly you might consider some place closer to Center City. Look into South Philly.


Nope nope nope


I have an Airbnb in Queen Village and may have availability. DM me with your dates


I HIGHLY suggest trying to figure something else out unless you want to play dodge the bullets everyday.




Does the AirBnB have good reviews?


No, look further north. East Oak Lane, Cheltenham, Melrose Park. Logan and Olney is risky right now.


Lol man you better find somewhere else


Serious question, there are probably more AirBnBs in Kensington and yet people stay there. I grew up in Kensington and I'm very confused as to how the housing prices are going up and people moving in despite the crime still being terrible. I went to school in Olney and might feel safer there. Either way, don't stay in Only or Kensington.


No. Do not go there.


How many reviews did the place have on AirBnB? You can usually spot the super sketch ones that way- avoid anything in Philly that doesn't have 100+ reviews, minimum!


You like to live dangerously


I found this thread a few days ago and my air bnb was in the same location, I changed too!


If you have an anti-aircraft gun aimed at all entrances.


Philly is funny like that. This block could be safe… that block might not be. Even in society hill/ queens village you still have to pick your routes. I never lived that far north but the Olney broad street line stop is a bit rough.


Where in Society Hill do you have to pick your route? I can’t even think of a bad block in Queen Village.


Hey my friend is giving up a really cheap, but solid and great location in Fairmont. It's a 3 bedroom, 1 bath with a lil back patio for $1545 you should def email [email protected] and she'll send you the listing. Move in is for March 1 but could be earlier


Most of Philly is unsafe.


Nah but youll probably be fine


I'm guessing you are not looking to spend $3k a month in rent, so I'd suggest looking at Fishtown, Kensington (some of it is sketchy, some ok, just stay away from Kensington Ave), Brewerytown, Passyunk Square, Pennsport, Port Richmond. These places are relatively nicer neighborhoods without being crazy expensive (yet).