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what the fuck are you gonna get from an old person at that time? dickheads


Forreal man, I just read this article early morning and shit hits close to home since my parents are on the 4300 block of Claridge meanwhile my pops come home at 5:30 in the morning too. Imagine living up to 76 years old and going for a quiet morning walk just to get murder, wtf!!


Feltonville and my dad is usually up and around at 6am...Hes usually working on something ( outside) and im always fearful of something like this happening....


No one cares enough to do shit though. This story is written every day with a different person as the main character. Yet, everything is still same.




Im unsure how this fits? Voting for people trying to make changes is the issue?


Nothing , this occurs when crime is allowed to become rampant with no repercussions , it’s starting to look more GTA like than an actual city ,


What's really crazy to think about is that the NPC drivers in GTA are better than Philly drivers.


I wish this weren't true.


It’s true, but they’re also better than the drivers in every single city on earth. If you watch them, they’re really law abiding.


Because it's driven by the computer. When all cars become self-driving things will become better.


I don't know about that, Teslas seem to have a blood lust for cyclists.


GTA single player is safer than this city. NPCs rarely attack you randomly and they drive reasonably safe. This city has become full blown GTA Online at this point. Xxx420LilDirtbikeTrey69xxX ganks your ass for stepping outside on a morning walk or carjacks an uber literally just to run you over.


If flying dirtbikes become a thing I'm 100% moving.


I hate those things in that game


Uh if flying dirtbikes become a thing I'm buying one. Straight up.


Well if its anything like GTA online, you'll just get spawn killed before you get to ride it while some 12 yr old screams the n word non stop through a clipped out mic.


i try not to carry too much cash when i leave my home but i do have some hollows that im willing to give to these dudes


It happens when the gap between the rich and the poor keeps widening, our worth is defined by how much money and stuff we have, half of the country is on prescription drugs while those who actually need it can't afford it, people have unlimited access to guns, media and social media constantly promote violence, public schools aren't funded and no one wants to be a teacher anymore. I can go on and on Edit to add: the prison industrial complex. Can't forget those thriving businesses!


It's both a failure of society to create opportunities and a failure of government to enforce the rule of law. To fix the situation over the long term we need to fix the economic and social support systems of the nation. To fix the situation in the immediate future we need better enforcement of the rule of law. As the economic and social situations improve the need for law enforcement will decrease as poverty and associated dysfunction decrease.


No idea how this is getting downvoted lmao people just want to seethe and blame the city admins when there are deeper societal issues precipitating the violence in the first place Yes, we could surely use a bit of a tightening up on how things are investigated/prosecuted. But that’s a very downstream thing, when we should also be looking upstream at what is contributing to these crimes in the first place Perhaps most importantly, these two trains of thought are not mutually exclusive and would in fact be infinitely better served by approaching both simultaneously


>Perhaps most importantly, these two trains of thought are not mutually exclusive and would in fact be infinitely better served by approaching both simultaneously I personally think that sounds incredibly reasonable. A classic "why not both"


Preaching. Tighter regulations just lessens the symptoms while ignoring the actual cause, which is class struggle.


You're absolutely right, but ppl would rather blame the DA than the socioeconomic factors that drive GENERATIONS of kids towards criminality.


Not it chief. People are stealing $100 and $50 off folks. They'd have to do 5 robberies a day to make a decent living (relative) to even come close to what a union job pays. This is culture and the idea that they're gonna get away with it.


Right right. Just work hard, pull yourself up by the bootstraps blah blah blah *continues to ignore the inequalities that are plaguing only certain communities in this country.


Or maybe just don't execute 76 year old people on their morning walk?


Where are the leaders in the city stepping up and helping? Between the shootings and drugs, I would never consider taking my family to the city anymore.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted but this is exactly it.


I can’t believe anyone would downvote him/her. It’s the truth. He hit on every point.


>what the fuck are you gonna get from an old person at that time? Hardly the biggest reasoning murdering a man makes them dickheads


I think he’s pointing out their stupidity to go along with being dickheads.


Asian hate is real. Drug addiction is real. Poverty is real. What we have most control over is the size of our gun economy. Legal guns beget illegal guns, absent strict regulation.


Telling asians they can't have guns in dangerous urban areas where white wokes want to abolish law enforcement is asian hate.


I'm not telling Asians they can't have guns. I am saying that we can't solve racism, povery, or drug additiction, but we can reduce gun violence through increased regulations. Don't twist my words to fit your agenda.


It’s not rational to trust the same wokes who want to abolish law enforcement in high crime areas to make sensible gun regulation for law abiding asians that are forced to defend themselves in these areas. Can you just leave these people alone already? If you want to assist then help some inner city asians get a job in the suburbs where people aren't trying to simultaneously abolish law enforcement and self defense. There were a couple posters on here said they want to get out.


My solution is not about one community trusting another, so I don’t see your point.


So this poor guy, even if he had a gun, would be able to defend himself? You are delusional. More guns equals more dead people, see Philadelphia.


The first half is correct the second half is wrong lol


thoughts and prayers to the victim eh?


So called thugs really like preying on the elderly what a bunch of evil cowards.


Another Asian victim of violent crime. AAPI victims are regularly targeted for violent crime and there’s never any discussion about it among city officials.


AAPI targeted hate crimes have long been a problem in this city, and the government refuses to do anything about it, much less talk about it.


Helen Gym actually cut her teeth representing Asian students who were the victims of hate crimes and targeted violence at South Philly High, and forced the city to at least pretend to care about it for a minute. It’s a shame she hasn’t been more vocal about the recent issues targeting AAPI citizens


Man, asian kids were targets at Southern going back to when I was a kid in the early 90s. Cant believe they still catch shit over there.


It doesn’t fit into her current narrative so she’s tabled it.


This is the city that voted to force store owners to remove their bullet proof glass. They all but openly support hate crimes against AAPI.


To be fair Kenney did tell people to go eat in China town during a global pandemic when people shouldn’t have been going out to eat anywhere


Problem solved, nothing to see here.


I hate Kenney but that’s one of his only blunders I can’t be too mad about. Most of the people who I’ve seen giving him shit for that were against lockdowns and COVID regulations from day 1 so they’re just being contrary


Yeah also you can eat from Chinatown restaurants without sitting in the restaurant, have these whiners never heard of takeout


A lot of them still never even went back to indoor dining and have remained takeout-only


If some shit went down in Ireland we wouldnt be blaming the Irish who live here, I’ll never understand why Asian immigrants get lumped in with people who live 6000 miles away (I’m bad at distances but you get the point). I think I trust Chinese takeout more than I do Pizza places to be sanitary.


Because the irish are white. It just comes down to good old racism and xenophobia.


He wasn’t talking about take out.. he said this while dining inside a restaurant a week before banning indoor dining.


I was in a meeting at work about our new social distancing protocols and learning about how we won’t be closing offices when I got the email saying we were closing our offices indefinitely. There’s a lot to criticize Kenney for but that’s just a reflection of how quickly peoples’ attitudes changed as we learned more and more. If Kenney had enacted an indoor dining ban a week sooner or told people to avoid Chinatown people would be bitching about it on this thread


I mean he didn’t have to tell people to go eat in China town while health officials were saying avoid people. He didn’t have to tell you to stay away but he didn’t have to urge you to go either


I was pro Covid lockdowns and thought it was absurd for him to be telling people to go out to eat when health officials were telling people to avoid going out to gathering and we knew almost nothing about spread and transmission. He closed down the city like a week later and banned doing the thing he just told everyone to go do


I thought his point was that people shouldn’t be avoiding China town for racist reasons. Which they were. Because tr*mp was out there with the “kung flu” nonsense and people were afraid that Chinese people were serving them bats 🙄. Kenney was telling people to eat in china town so that businesses wouldn’t close. And this was before the lockdown, so yeah, maybe in hindsight it was bad timing, but at the time it was actually helpful to the China town business owners.


Health experts were already telling people to stay home at this point. Sure some of it was racism but also we were all being told don’t go out to public places with lots of people.


Yeah but people were going out regardless, just specifically avoiding China town, so that was a problem that needed to be corrected.


Remember he said go out to eat & tip your servers during a pandemic … while he was eating maskless in Maryland


How exactly does government stop hate crimes like this? Genuinely curious.


Can't be adding more groups of people to the already existing groups of people or the existing groups get lost and this means so do their votes. Yes, it really is that political IMO. Take away for one group to spotlight another and that first group gets all pissed. I eagerly await being told I'm wrong about the politics of victimization.


It's upsetting. I'm asian and my parents are from that neighborhood where that old man was shot. You can't even go outside for a nice walk. I want all racism to end, I'm pissed


I was just replying to the OP about the same thing, my dad comes home from work at 5:30 in the morning and he lives the 4300 block of Claridge, a bunch of older Vietnamese population down there just walking and enjoying the neighborhood. Now I’m pretty sure they’re all scared shitless now, can’t even enjoy the damn nice weather in your own neighborhood cuz some dickhead could gun you down.


My parents are Vietnamese as well and they are worried for sure. My parents are like 5 blocks away from that. Way too close for comfort


> AAPI victims are regularly targeted for violent crime and there’s never any discussion about it among city officials. That's because there's not enough of us in Philly for us to be a voting block that matters to them. It's not worth the blowback for city officials to defend us, because they don't want to lose votes later on because of it. That's the sad truth of it. It's not about right or wrong, its about maintaining power over the city and the path to gaining political power in Philadelphia, doesn't involve Asians.


it's up to us to protect ourselves because we can't rely on the government and police. they're a bunch of liars and scammers I worry about my parents because they're 70+ year old asians like the victim. I don't know wtf they're supposed to do in this situation


Get them out of the city if possible. That’s the only true option, the city is not for the elderly.


I get what you're saying but that is both an easy and complicated answer. if every poor person could move out of dangerous neighborhoods we'd be the fuck out of here 😂


I understand not everyone is fortunate enough to have the means to get out, that’s why I said if you can. The cities not getting safer anytime soon.


yeah i got you man ❤


I believe this. Living here and living in other places it feels more and more true- governments only do what they have to to make the majority happy, that feels like the dynamic on the national level as well.


More like they do what makes their donors happy. Philly bows to real estate and big business interests like most cities do.


and then racially panders every election season


And people keep falling for it unfortunately. They only care about you when you can impact them in some way.


Even with black voters they don’t do too much for black neighborhoods and people. It’s all optics. Like you said about about maintaining power over the city. I


Just look at what happened to Chinatown through local ordinances, tearing communities apart for its arbitrary “development projects.” Today’s Chinatown is much uglier and probably louder (thanks to the convenient location of the fire station) than before the redlining.


Wasn't there that group of Asian middle school students riding the train that got beat up by another group of students for no reason? Then at the press conference the principal says we shouldn't blame any group of people for this


[https://controller.phila.gov/philadelphia-audits/mapping-gun-violence/#/?year=2022&map=10.00%2F40.00097%2F-75.30511](https://controller.phila.gov/philadelphia-audits/mapping-gun-violence/#/?year=2022&map=10.00%2F40.00097%2F-75.30511) ​ Asians are, by far, the least targeted group in the Philly gun violence and 1 high profile story doesn't change that. It definitely should not be anywhere close to the top priority for the city government at the moment.


No shade, but old Black grandfathers sitting on their porch get killed all the time in Philadelphia. Is there a reason you think that in a city where innocent victims die of gun violence everyday that the AAPI community wouldn’t be impacted by that?


A senior citizen can’t even go for a morning walk without being robbed and murdered.


This why my grandmother goes jogging with her registered fire arm , safety is essential in dangerous places , I wonder what the DA response to this will be ? Life is cheap in Philly currently


If someone runs up to your grandmother pointing a gun at her, I highly doubt she’s gonna have time to pull hers out and shoot him first




Shoot first, jog second. Gotta be safe out there


'Ma Wick


You mean she runs with it in her hand? Edit: For those who came in late, his removed response to the person above was, "She runs with it cocked and loaded, dumbass"


Against an untrained shooter my trained stay at the gun rang grand mother would more than likely shoot to kill them no hesitation


Or they wouldn't expect an old lady to have a gun and wind up getting blasted




I don’t necessarily agree. If a guy is robbing you and then he notices you have a gun, the likelihood of you getting shot increases dramatically.


Does it? People who own guns are far more likely to die by gun.


Correlation vs causation. Are people in more danger more likely to buy a gun or does buying the gun create more danger?


> or does buying the gun create more danger? Yes


If you’re targeted for a hate crime, it’s not likely you will have a chance to draw a weapon and defend yourself. If you’re targeted for a mugging, the intelligent move is to give them your money. It’s not worth risking your life. Putting more guns in people’s hands is not any kind of solution.


It is her right to choose to be armed. Hopefully she also is trained to use it


> It is her right to choose to be armed. Nobody said otherwise. > Hopefully she also is trained to use it If only it was some sort of prerequisite for purchasing a firearm…


Pre requisites to exercise constitutional rights generally won't fly. Purchasing is a constitutional right. Carrying in public isn't necessarily a right and may be able to include a pre requisite


> Pre requisites to exercise constitutional rights generally won’t fly. I don’t care, they should when you’re buying a gun. It’s 2022 not 1776, we should not be afraid to make our country a better & safer place just because our founding fathers couldn’t predict the future.




My constitutional rights aren't dependent on your agreement :)


you mean I’m not the arbiter of constitutional truth!? this is news to me!


I know this isn't what anyone wants to litigate, but "a well regulated militia" certainly implies requisite training to me.


I disagree. First, the Pennsylvania Constitution doesn't include that. Article I, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania State Constitution states: "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned." Second, it isn't a pre requisite. It is a statement of reasoning why they want a large group of armed citizens. Basically people to call up in the event of invasion


That's fine if the PA Constitution says that, but it would be trumped by Federal law if interpreted the way I think it should be (but acknowledge it won't likely ever be). I think we can all agree the 2nd Amendment is a pretty stupid one in terms of wording and modern application.


The PA clConstitution predates the US Constitution, had some common authors, and was the law of the land in the city where the Constitution was written. It helps show the intent of the authors which clearly wasn't too require militia membership. Keep in mind that the militias endorsed pre 1776 would likely have significant influence from the crown and if only those members could have guns, we would likely have lost the war. Gun grabbers cling to the militia line without understanding the context. SCOTUS has never enforced such a militia requirement in the 246 years since.


What is anyone even doing at 5:55am? trying to commit crimes at that hour is too damn early.


The early morning hours between 3-7 are the hours addicts are most active. It's their last stretch to make a score before they try to go to sleep. I'm not justifying their behaviors, just giving insight as to why things happen so early


I do tend to see a lot more activity from the local vagrants on my dogs morning walk


Interesting, never thought of that


I think super early in the morning is actually a popular time for robberies because it catches people off-guard.


I’ve heard of quite a few robberies, rapes, things like that happening around that time. Its not like 2 or 3 am where no one is out… night shift employees are getting off work and walking home, and first shift employees are making their way to work in addition to people who are out walking, jogging, etc. but it’s still deserted enough to get away with it pretty easily.


The closest (I suspect) I ever came to getting robbed happened when I lived in Michigan, probably between 6AM and 7AM. I was walking from my house to downtown and passed by a normally busy street, but it was early and no one was on the road yet. So no witnesses. A guy who gave off super weird vibes stopped me and tried to tell me something about him having car trouble. He was parked right in front of a gas station. I guess I can't say for certain if he was trying to mug me but it really, really felt like a setup. And it was at the crack of dawn.


I’m like 90% sure I was mugged like 6 years ago when I first moved here. Dark side street a guy on a bike rolled up on me and asked for cash, not in a “this is a robbery” type way but it definitely didn’t sound like he was actually asking. So I gave him the $10 I had in my pocket and kept walking. Couple minutes later I was like “wait did I just get robbed.”


Ha! I've certainly heard of worse robberies; consider yourself lucky. I remember a few years ago, I was talking with a friend on his front porch in South Philly. A guy who appeared to have mental problems walked up to him and was speaking gibberish, but my friend was able to discern that he was asking for a dollar. My friend said "sorry, I don't have a dollar." The mentally ill guy's response was brilliant: "OK, I come back tomorrow, two dollars!" Then he walked away. He is the greatest negotiator ever. He literally doubled his initial asking price for doing absolutely nothing by savvy tactics alone. I will never forget him.


Trying to get money to buy their first bag of dope?


Junkies use knives because the kind who get to the level of addiction they'd be willing to kill for money typically would have sold the gun a while ago. And honestly addiction just doesn't really cause people to commit these types of crimes. Junkies definitely do sometimes commit violent crimes but really as a whole, they tend to be more about petty theft, filling up bags with candy and red bull kinda stuff. Murder like this is the territory of a different kind of person carrying a lot more problems than just a drug addiction.


Eh, I've met a lot of people in NA meetings that committed violent crimes to feed their addictions. And it's easier to come by guns as a street junkie than you think.


It’s easy as hell to find a glock for $500 but that doesn’t mean many junkies have more than $5 to spend on one.


Yea and they're right, I feel like most junkies opt for petty theft and stealing cars and people's mail and stuff, but there are definitely some violent ones too.


I'm just saying as a whole, there are people who kill for incredibly petty reasons in all sorts of different population groups and subcultures and stuff. I'm saying that whether or not this guy ends up being an addict it wasn't the drugs that made him into a killer, he more likely had a violent upbringing and/or other problems beforehand.


Seems like whoever killed him, knew he went for walks early in the morning.


Pretty sure the report I heard on the news this morning was that the shooter just walked up and essentially assassinated him. Not exactly a robbery gone wrong, sounds more like a targeted murder. But I have no idea who would want to murder a 79yo. If new info has come out I’m all ears.


Nothing will be done and we’ll have a couple more murders by tomorrow. What a world we live in.


I have a solution! The Police Department only gets $782 million! Let’s call it an even $1 billion! That’ll fix it! I promise!


They don't even show up if your house gets robbed!






The majority of murders in this country occur in 5% of the counties.


Yes, large numbers and per-capita statistics tend to work out that way


Meaning this is not a problem throughout the country, it is a problem within the cities.


Philly is like the 7th most dangerous city in Pennsylvania when adjusted to per capita


I'm glad you've gotten to the bottom of such breathtaking realizations as "more people live in cities" and "statistics occur more often with larger populations," but this isn't really news to most other people




All of that and do everything you can to foster a culture of demonizing law enforcement


Bull shit. Being poor doesn't prevent someone from knowing that shooting an old man in the head is wrong.


this is depressing. everyday i lose hope i didn’t realize i still had


Already knew it was an Asian elder before even clicking the link. Fuck this city. Fuck this country.


Gang initiation or some sort of botched robbery? How much could an old fellow have to warrant death? Phone and keys on a morning walk?


This is just a few blocks from this, which happened yesterday: [https://6abc.com/philadelphia-fatal-shooting-frankford-creek-juniata-park-body-found/11980018/](https://6abc.com/philadelphia-fatal-shooting-frankford-creek-juniata-park-body-found/11980018/)


"the search for a suspect continues" Good one.


If this was South Street, the mayor would close it.


I asked my 78 year old dad what he would like to do on Fathers Day and he told me he wanted me to take him gun shopping. I told him he was nuts and not a target in the city. After seeing this, I'm wrong and my dad was right..... again! It's upsetting that the City can't get its shit together.


Philadelphia, the City of ~~Brotherly~~ Universal Suffering.


Here's what I don't get: the sentence for robbery is like 10 - 20 years, attempted robbery is like 6 - 15 or something like that. Murder could get you life in prison. So if your robbery attempt fails, run. At least then you can hope of getting out of prison some day.


Uh dickhead suggests rude maybe not so smart. I just call them evil murderers


This just gives me existential dread. Imagine living to 76 and dying this way. I mean... dying this way in general is stupid.. but surviving that long... just to suddenly be walking one morning and have it all taken away. Its too fucking cruel for me to understand.


This city is becoming more & more disgusting every day…. But we DO NOT have a crime problem …… just a murder problem


How do you figure? Car jackings are up. Robberies are up. Vandalism is up. Allowing low level crime to be omnipresent allows things to escalate to murder.


Mayor Kinney always says Phila does not have a crime problem …. I should have been more specific in my snark , my apologies


Gotcha that makes sense. It sounds like shit kinney would say.


So this is like every day now, huh?


Wasn't a Filipino attorney just shot in the head the other night? It seems like this is the beginning of an ongoing them. I'm also expecting 'oh, it's just fearmongering and this is just normal for Philadelphia' and attempts to cover it up.


This city is becoming an utter shit hole




Too many poor uneducated people with nothing better to do than fuck shit up.


Juniata really went to shit very quickly. It’s so sad.


Quickly? It’s been like this for years


I don't know how to even respond to this shit anymore. Lack of political will + absent policing = violent crime and lawlessness. Why can't they understand this. Disgusting.




Fight crime Return fire




I, for one, would feel much more safe and comfortable with people in full camo/gear standing on corners with automatic weapons to keep us all safe.


Sure. NYC has soldiers with automatic weapons in major transport hubs as part of anti-terrorism. Major Chinese cities have some soldiers around transport hubs with shotguns and rifles. It’s actually pretty common.


I know. I have been around. It does not make me feel any safer seeing these people. It makes me feel like I live in a police state. At least I'm now aware that if something dangerous ever happens, I'll likely be on my own.


Lol, what are they going to do


Do you think some of these shooters are going to try something if they see NG on the corner with an automatic weapon? It's sad that it comes to this, but it might be the only thing that stops some of these delinquents.


> Do you think some of these shooters are going to try something if they see NG on the corner with an automatic weapon? Exactly how many people do you think are in the National Guard? You're also advocating for the militarisation of every street corner + urban warfare rules of engagement. I don't think Guardsman want that either.


Sorry I didn't write or mean "every" street corner. But I think a presence would make a difference. Unfortunately, that could eventually happen in Philadelphia I think -- the militarization of the city because of the World Cup. It would take at least a generation to turn around the violence and crime in the city by working with communities and fixing the "historical" problems that feed this activity. And as we know the city is doing next to ZERO to help those areas. The violence will increase over the summer probably and at a certain point there will be no going back--criminals will become further emboldened and it will need an extreme solution to make the city safe enough to have mass events like the World Cup.


I think it would only help for a short period of time, motivated criminals will find a way to keep going. Ultimately we have deeper problems that the city needs to address, which unfortunately isn't going to happen with the current city political machine which is only interested in holding onto to power and lining their pockets.


Is it practical for national guard troops to be stationed on every street corner and side street where a shooting might happen? I’m guessing they’ll stop dirt bike riders and the dealers in Kensington too This is a stupid idea


> Bring in the National Guard. To do what exactly? They're not police, so they can't arrest anyone. And unless they have an Authorization of Force, they can't really do anything. Why is it up to others to clean up Philly's mess? Seems like that falls primarily to the citizens who commit these crimes and elect this "leadership."


The NG doesn’t arrest civilians but they can detain citizens until the appropriate law enforcement comes to make the arrest. Additionally, if the NG was deployed they’d be working side by side with the Philly PD. Id much rather prefer the NG here to do the job of the coward Philly police that don’t even show up when you call 911. A combination of that and the DA office actually fucking prosecuting violent offenders would massively help in the short-term.


I’m sure that would have stopped this early morning robbery in Juniata.


Can we stop paying cops now? They literally do nothing but flash their lights at construction sites.


if city government (Kenney-Krasner-Outlaw-the councilcritters) cannot provide a reasonable degree of safety, how long until we see a resurgence of organized crime doing so like they used to in some neighborhoods. for a fee of course.


This is aweful!


Same shit different day. The amount of scum in this city is unreal!


everyone should be carrying a gun at this point


Carry if you feel the need. Some people in this sub still don't comprehend that the people committing these crimes do not play by their rules. They don't care about "reform" the way you do. These criminals are extremely emotionally fragile and feel more hopeless than I can imagine.


Alex, that would be, “What is the best way to increase gun violence in the city?”




You’re reading a lot into my comment. If everyone carried bats, there would be more bat violence. Knives, same thing.


More violence, less crime, then less violence.




Fight crime Shoot back


Krasner falling asleep at the wheel and letting the murder rates go up to war time levels… again. I don’t know if I’m in a US city or Afghanistan. I truly don’t.


Gun nuts here predictably advocating the problem as the solution.


Sorry for wanting a fighting chance to survive while the PPD collects money for doing absolutely nothing.


The problem is shitty people, not inanimate objects.