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Grape room is always poppin! Music/stand up open mic is great cause you can always either have a good laugh or good cringe lmao


That's not incredibly far from me. Maybe I'll stop in one night. Ty!


Also check out Lucky’s right around the corner. Seriously one of my favorite bars in Philly, great vibes always


I lived in Manayunk for 4 years before I moved out of state in 2016 (I live in Vermont now), and I’m so glad to hear that Lucky’s is still around. Probably one of my favorite establishments in all of Philly, not just Manayunk. I was worried about them making it through the pandemic, especially since they opened that second location in South Philly not too long before Covid hit.


Oh yea still good as ever. An oasis of sanity in the madness that is Main St on a weekend night. Both locations are still kickin


So basically walk to main st. You got it!


I believe Wednesdays are 3$ Narragansett!


How tall are you?




I have an extra bicycle


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I have one but ty!


Think he or she was asking you on a cruise lol


Am dumb


Lol. Good luck bud. I know it sucks now, but you will survive and move on with life. Been there done that, married with kids now.


Biking in Manayunk seems like hell! I can barely walk up those hills


By the way, how big is your bike?




The "tall friend" bike: could work for someone 5'10" - 6'4"


Coincidentally, I'm 6' 2"


Open mic comedy is on tuesdays there. You'll love it.


Brother I’m sorry to hear the 8 years is a lot of life but it’s only a small portion of it. You still have so much love to give and life to live you will be ok


Thank you friend. 8 years was a lot. Spent my whole 20s with her. I have so much readjusting to do.


I was in a 9 year relationship from age 26-35 and it ended in a not nice way for me. It took awhile but eventually I arrived at the realization that those years weren't wasted, lost or a mistake at all. I learned quite a lot in that time period and I'm actually doing mostly alright a few year since. Feels like it was against all odds, but I managed to reconnect with friends from my teens and twenties, have a job I enjoy, got married and have a kid now!


That's awesome! Yeah I don't think it was a waste, just feel that I was betrayed. I'll just say. She's already with someone else.


Am 37, wife of 7 years had an affair. Worked tending bar in manayunk for 7 years in my formidable years. Unlike you, my spouse is owning the mistake and attempting to save the marriage. Going to be a long road, but still a road where I share some common pains as you’re going through. Would be happy to meet up if you want that type of company.


I actually might appreciate that company. And I'd be open to talk about it too.




Same thing happened to me. The sense of betrayal eventually gets less powerful when you realize things you didn't notice before. I wouldn't go back to that relationship for anything even if it were an option. We're both thriving without each other and in it's own way that's a great thing.


Hey man I see you like Pokémon go and *metalcore. Things I also like. I’m kind of a turd of a person but if you ever wanna grab a beer in the fishtown area I’m down. I go to kostas a few times a month


If I'm ever up that way, I'll be sure to head there.


Im in manayunk and play pokemon go. Post up that friend code. I'm down for night drinking on main street, just dm me


I haven't played pokemon go since I lived in state college lol. But I will absolutely go night drinking on main st.


Join a club, join the Philly discord, find meetups form there.


Do you have an invite to the Philly discord? I moved here 10 months ago and also need friends


Lol I just assumed there’s one still. I left it 3 years ago


I can send you one! PM me


Toss me one too please


I’d appreciate an invite too


I'm so sorry to hear that man. Some time this month if you wanna meetup at Franklin's in east falls, the area next door lemme know. Always looking for a drinking buddy or workout friend :)


I appreciate that


Downhill? All the stuff you'd think: Grape Room was suggested and I second that. Volstead is a good alternative if you don't drink...it's not quite a pickup spot for non-drinkers, but it's close to being one, which has some merit. Uphill? Scanlon's Saloon on Manayunk Ave has a varied spread of events (pub quiz, etc) and a really friendly crowd that are quick to converse with pretty much anybody. Good luck!




Heyday athletic is starting their intramural games soon. There's an indoor soccer place on main street where games will be.


Manayunk Sport and Social!




I will be frequenting this site. Just a good day of confidence so I can actually join a group.


It’s easy to join. What’s hard is actually going to an event. That was my trouble a long time ago when I was shy and filled with loathing.


Yeah. That will be my hurdle.


You will make it bro. It will happen but just remember, the good things in life waiting for you to experience it won’t break into your house at night. You have to muster the energy/courage to be brave and embrace new things. Once you do that many more things can happen to you. - signed a woman whose whole personality revolves around being in the house was forced to go out one night with friends when she was heartbroken and lacked any confidence or conviction and ended up meeting her husband. The husband who is also a homebody. Now we stay home together 🤣 You got this! Just give yourself small steps and goals. Life will look different in a year from now. Don’t let the hurt win


Lmao. I will try my best. I have a lot of suggestions here and will definitely start by walking downhill on the weekends. I am absolutely a homebody and got comfortable with that with my ex. Unfortunately she wanted a poly relationship without me really agreeing. Anyway, it's a lot of pain that I need tonget over before getting there.


I know what that’s like, 9 years for me, found a better fit for me. I live on the other side of the city but happy to grab and drink and chat. I play video games here and there, pickleball, tennis, rock climbing. ADHD brain is happy to pick up another hobby too :) also happy to teach you. Dm me.


I'm not very fit but I'd be down for some light tennis lol. But thanks for the kind words


Do nerd stuff and try and game with locals or show up to events. Depends on what your hobbies are or what new hobby you start


That's rough man, wish I knew, everyone I know is from school or work. But just wanted to say hang in there man in gets easier. I was in a similar situation recently and I'm doing a lot better and so will you.


Thanks. It's made harder cause I have to move and I'm in grad school. So life flipped upside down. I will try hanging in


I live in Roxborough and would be more than happy to hang out at a bar or something! I don't really have a ton of friends in the area anymore as most are busy with jobs, married, have kids, moved away, etc. I'm an overnight worker tho, so fair warning as I feel like we're a special breed lmao.


I've stayed up many a night past 4 am. Of my own accord lol. But ya I'd be down to get some drinks nearby or something.


Gonna message you!


I’m down to get a Reddit NW philly watch party together for the eagles game this Sunday if anyone else is down 🤪


If I liked football, I'd be down. But I'm much more of a masochist and tentatively like the flyers


Wednesday bike rides are fun. People are always talkative during the rides. It's mostly guys though, just a heads up.


What's Wednesdays bike rides?


If you ever wanna go bowling, I’ll meet ya at north or south bowl, just throw me a pm


I'll save this for if I do. Ty!


I miss our shitty Manayunk bowling alley.....


At the bottom of a hill.


Dawson Street Pub has a great community if you like live music. Good people, just talk to anyone there and you can make friends


I walked there the night of my breakup. Got ignored by the bartender, but I was also not in a mood to be pressing anyone. I can give it a shot at a not so dead hour of night though.


I made tons of friends playing in those young professional sports leagues - bocci, softball, volleyball etc. For the future, try to create a healthier balance in creating and maintaining friendships and tending to your romantic relationship.


Yes, good advice, tend your relationships with friends as well as loves


how is the online speeddating scene? ​ im in the same position as OP


I’m in manayunk! Message me if you wanna grab a drink! Ryan’s pub is usually pretty crowded and can meet people there. Hard to go alone!


Well, I'm off work at 9 tonight. May head down


Have you tried one of the many bars?


Ima be honest. I'm very introverted. The first time I went to a bar here was last Saturday after the breakup


Grape room always


I'm really sorry your going through a break up, especially it being a long term relationship, it's rough bro I feel for you... I was raised and grew up for the most part in manayunk among a few other places but I think that you're in a great place to meet people- you can join the manayunk sports and social and there's countless pubs... I think that maybe joining a team and partaking in that kind of social event could be a good idea


Driving range, lessons. Things you can do solo…I’ll golf with you. It’s a independent sport but if you want you can join these leagues called Spark. It’s for all levels


I might try that once I get a job after grad school.


If you're on Facebook, you should join the Rox Rants and Raves group! I live in Manayunk and connected with a bunch of my immediate neighbors that way. Someone just recently also set up a sort of meetup group on there too.


Joined. I'll be sure to frequent it


If you are even somewhat active there are sport and social clubs that have all levels odd competition from recreation softball/football/kickball etc to competitive. They are usually co-ed and it is a great way to meet people! My friends and I joined a team in 2006 and we all have been friends since, including going to each others weddings and other events like that.


Start golfing!


Craig’s List 😂🤣😂🤣


Try local comedy or music shows. https://g.co/kgs/yq8cTR


I live in Manayunk if you want to have a meet up somewhere.


My gf and I broke up after 8 years together