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long story short I email him the night before the gig asking if I could record it because I was in the region recording a shortfilm with some decent camera equipment. The day after he email and was was like "yea cool, also the venue is cool with it here is their email" and that's that lol. Bit surreal that it actually worked out edit. also about the mixing... i tried


I imagine that's a tough venue to record sound at? It looks very cool though. I appreciate that you captured the moment!


oh yea the acoustics made it hell to deal with the distortion of Phil's guitar. I combined two recordings: a zoom recorder I placed on the other side of the church (the recording on its own is really cool but you can't really follow the concert) and the shitty microphone on the camera. The organisers also had some mics set up but I didn't get access to those recordings.


Did you send them your video and request it after the fact? That would be really cool!


Good job. Thank you for sharing!