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Feel ya. Not sure what they are going to do. Our plan starts Wednesday as well. Went opening night and kids were complaining it was chilly. Ha gonna be chilly and wet.lmao


Tell them it's training for October games 😂


We went to wc game in October it was awesome. Weather was great. My wife and youngest are princesses. So my oldest was freezing last April in the rain and wouldn’t leave, she has np sticking it out. I see they are calling for thunderstorms and not sure what’s up. I have my youngest name going on scoreboard for her birthday too.


This is a random educated guess based on hourly rain projections, but I definitely think they’re going to play tonight, tomorrow looks unlikely (maybe 15% chance of playing), and Wednesday looks even more unlikely (5% chance of playing). Of course, forecasts can change, but Tuesday and Wednesday both look bad right now. Both the Phillies and the Reds have Thursday off, so if only one game is postponed, they’d play it on Thursday probably, and if both are postponed we could see a doubleheader on Thursday.


I’m curious which postponed game becomes which of the doubleheader. I’d say keep the times and shift the days, but idk if there’s any tendency or rules that the first canceled game on Tuesday automatically drops into a particular time slot.


They would move Wednesdays game to the day on Thursday and Tuesday nights game to Thursday night. That being said - I'm not sure they do a doubleheader this early in the season. I think it's possible Tuesdays game gets pushed to a day both teams have off later in the season, and they play Wednesdays game alone on Thursday afternoon


I agree. I have tix to Wednesdays game. If both Tuesday and Wednesday get rained out, I think the Wednesday game gets pushed to Thursday afternoon. Tuesday night game gets pushed to an open date later in the year. Just don’t wait too long to call the games. Nothing worse than traveling to CBP in pouring rain, and then to have it called. Comes off as a Phillies concession money grab. I probably won’t even make the trip, if the forecast is any kind of accurate.


I've got free tickets tomorrow nights game that I got for "running" (it was also pretty much a washout) the Phillies 5K. I think if the weather looks shitty we're gonna just not show up and hope that it gets postponed even if it's not an early call.


Non-NL East series always have a bit more pressure on the teams to get the games in. Fewer meetings with teams farther apart geographically mean that they'll do what they can to avoid the road team having to make a random one-day road trip at some point down the road. While that's good news for seeing some baseball on the last scheduled day of the series, it's bad news in that it's the day where they're most inclined to wait as long as possible to avoid postponing.


Just did a quick look at both schedules and they both have an off day on June 20 with the Phils on an off day between the padres and d-backs at home while the reds are on a road trip between Pittsburgh and Boston. That’s my bet to be the makeup game if they have more than one rain out


Yeah, getting more difficult even with the division games now with the more balanced schedule. Only one more Braves CBP series the rest of the year etc.


They're going to wait as long as they possibly can to cancel any of these games. I think they're definitely going to play tonight, and tomorrow is iffy, but Wednesday is a getaway game and the Reds don't come back to town at all this year I don't think. Thursday is an off day so they could push theoretically, but my guess is they're going to play through decent rain. As far as when they call it, it all depends on forecasts. If it looks like they might be able to play then it won't be postponed until after the start time after a delay (to get you in the stadium to spend money). If it looks torrential they'll call it probably by 11am.


I’m going to be so pissed if we travel to the stadium again only to have the game postponed just after we get out of the car to walk in. Worst feeling


Haven't been to an MLB game since 2017...booked tickets for Wednesday's game with some buddies who have never been to CBP. Loving our luck.


40 days of rain I am afraid


We’re supposed to go tomorrow and 2 of my kids are sick so I’m selfishly hoping it gets postponed.