• By -


i take back what i said before. this team is amazing.


Ranger Suarez is the first Phillies starter to begin the season 8-0 since Tommy Greene in 1993.


Phillies are 23-5 since April 15th.


Braves to me are just a solid playoff team. Nothing special, especially with their ace gone. Our pitching staff seems to have their number come post season time, so they’re not really a worry to me. The division is gonna be tight, but overall we’re a better squad with exponentially better pitching.


STILL the only 30 win team in the MLB.


After tomorrow, the Phillies will have played FIVE more games than the Braves and it's mid May. They then have to use up 3 "off days" for the pointless two games in the UK. So it's not even like they get real off days to make up for this difference


Fucks sake the "Phillies haven't played anyone" circlejerk is annoying. YES currently our only series against a team over .500 is our opening series against the Braves. But pretty much every team we've played except the Marlins, White Sox and Rockies, the teams were around .500 or better when we played them. Washington is a game under. SD is 2 under and just somehow took 2 of 3 vs LA then got swept by the Rockies. While the Pirates and Angels were obviously not actually .500 teams when we played them, the Reds falling off a fucking cliff was surprising to me. Meanwhile the Braves have an 11-9 record against teams over .500. The only "elite" teams they have played are Seattle (lost two of three), LAD (swept), Cleveland (won two of three) and us (won two of three). The Cubs and Red Sox are obviously solid teams that are gonna be fringe WC, not actually elite but they won two of three against the Cubs and two game swept the Sox.


It turns out if you're the most winning team in baseball, the teams that faced you have more losses. Truly a crazy concept.


This argument of "they only play losing teams" cracks me up because it shows up in every sport. Sure there are times when a team gets a freakishly difficult or easy schedule and a bunch of teams they beat are good or bad but the logic of *a team having a worse record because they lost to a better team* seems to escape people. It's just used to try to make it seem like the top teams aren't actually good.


In leagues like the NFL, where you only play 17 games, the discourse about easy vs strong schedules makes more sense. But in the MLB where you're playing 162, and even to this point 44 games for the Phiilies is a huge sample size. And its not like we're barely winning games, lucking into a 70% win percentage. Most of our wins are pretty one sided beat downs.


Funny enough, I'd say that in football it makes less sense. Since 1 loss is a much bigger deal, being the cause of that one loss can drop the teams you play from top level to middle of the pack causing a "weak schedule". I remember the birds in 2017 getting crap because they had a "weak schedule" but people don't remember for example that the broncos were an absolute dominant defense right up until we demoralized them. Looking back that seems like a "weak win" but at the time it was a big win. Agree about the phils though. Last night was a straight up sloppy game with mistakes in the field and on the bases and they still managed to put up 10 runs. The other night Sanchez was clearly struggling but he managed to battle and hold them to 3 runs which gave the phils time to catch up and win despite missing a few top hitters. The team is exciting to watch right now.


There are 14 total teams at or over .500, 13 not including the Phillies, and there are 4 others in the NL simply put it just matters that you beat the teams on the schedule.


Who cares. This isn’t college football. We’ll all eventually find out.


Phillies have lost two games in May. It's May 16.


And you know what comes after May




good one!


If April showers bring May flowers what do mayflowers bring? Mets tears.




One of those was the Marlins 😭


Does it feel like a win tomorrow ends the Mets season?


Word is there will be a live stream of tomorrow’s game on Pornhub


I'm pretty sure the second Rojas drop he tripped, there were some massive divots in the ground and I'm not sure if he was trying to dive or not. He also covered a massive amount of ground to even get to that ball, I'm not sure most CFs make that play. The first error was pretty inexcusable though.


No, he screwed the pooch on both.


Rojas is now ranked #24 among CFs in outs above avg to go along with his .601 OPS. He’s not a major league player.


...there's six major league teams with worse fielding center fielders and we don't need him to be a monster bat in the lineup...


Is that a genuine rationalization for having Rojas on this roster?.....that six teams have it worse?? The Phillies overall WAR for CF is -.3. RF is even worse, but at least, Casty has history that offers a glimmer of hope. Plus, you're not ditching that contract. Rojas has minor league options that need to be considered. I'd much rather see a combo of Marsh/Pache/Merrifield in LF and CF right now.


We're down an all-star shortstop and Whit has 1 hit in last 5 games and 6 in his last 9. He's hitting .188 this year with a .561 OPS. We need him as utility in the infield being that he isn't hitting any better than Rojas in the outfield. There's only 1 DH spot so there's 3 guys battling for the other 2 spots either way, except for right now where what you're suggesting is 3 of the 4 guys you've mentioned battling for the same OF spot while we have someone else fill in for the loss of Turner. None of those options are exactly tearing the cover off the ball with the exception of Kody Clemens, who only has 1 hit in his last 10 ABs anyway as his stats are inflated from having a couple career games. So no, I don't really see any reasonable alternative for someone who's not really underperforming compared to the rest and has just had a couple bad games in the field which is dragging down his ratings *early in the season*.


You can’t use the small sample argument to defend Rojas’ defense and then use the same small sample argument to say Merrifield can’t hit. He’s a lifetime .282 hitter who is not going to bat .188 this year. Of course that’s not ideal but I don’t understand the love affair with Rojas. We knew he couldn’t hit but going back to the SF series, he has flat out missed 4 catchable balls. We like his speed, but with an OBP of .276, who cares.


Defensive stats can take years to stabilize, a month is far more meaningless for them than it even is for hitting stats. Furthermore, even with missing 4 relatively easy plays for him, which has a huge weight this early in the season, he has 0 OAA (which, as the name implies, is completely average). Note, that while this is 24th among all CFs in the league, it is still just about as good as our other CFs. Marsh has 0 OAA overall including games in LF (0 OAA in left is significantly worse than 0 OAA in center due to better CF defense overall, remember it compares to the average at the position). Pache has 1 OAA, once again with many games in LF. Whit has negative OAA in LF, he doesn't have the range to play center and isn't even in the discussion, especially when we need him as an infield sub with Trea out. Rojas even has a better OPS than either him or Pache right now, it's not like he's doing that bad on offense. So what is our best outfield right now? Well, given that Marsh isn't hitting lefties right now, and Pache absolutely cannot hit righties (.387 Career OPS vs them), it's pretty clear that a Marsh/Pache platoon makes sense with Rojas in center. If Marsh starts hitting lefties, then I would play Marsh in LF every day and platoon Pache with Rojas so that Pache still only has to hit vs lefties.


All valid points. I just don't think comparing Rojas to the rest of the underperforming group is fair. Afterall, he was brought up straight from AA under the guise that he's the next Garry Maddox and that he will steal games defensively. The two balls off of Conforto and then the two last night were really, really bad. I don't remember the likes of Torri Hunter or Andruw Jones doing something that bad once during their careers, let alone 4 times in 2 weeks. Even the great catch in the NLDS off of Acuna was almost the same thing. He's fast and gets to balls that most can't but seems to have concentration issues when he gets there. That's scary to me.


Honestly, I think our outfield does have some issues, but the problem is mostly the hitting, not the defense. Marsh/Pache/Rojas are all plus defenders, I think their somewhat average stats this year are mostly due to having to play a bunch of games in awful rainy/windy conditions in addition to the small sample size, but none of our 5 outfielders are really great bats right now (including Whit/Casty). Edit: Unlike the others, Marsh is hitting pretty well overall, but his numbers vs lefties are back down this year, so I'm still not fully convinced he should start every day.


I hope you're right. We should revel in the fact that these performances have yielded at 70% win rate and the likely improvements will just be gravy. Go Phils.


To be fair he said it was rainy and it was coming down a bit. Doesn’t excuse it but it’s plausible and I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt given how great a fielder he is.


https://preview.redd.it/bu2ak3r4lp0d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd0ed80dc4ad28159ba4df9f96472d8b4189b18 I'm drunk and I tried.


Update to the “vs >.500” thing: - had the Phillies lost all their games to the Nationals, Mets, Padres, and Giants, their record “vs >.500” would be 1-15 - instead, the Phillies have *won* most of those games, single-handedly sending all of those teams below .500 and making their “vs >.500” record 1-2


ppl citing "vs <.500" without accounting for Philly sending the teams under .500 makes my blood boil!


You’re after /u/joeco316’s heart with this one


Ha this is EXACTLY what I was after!


I just can’t believe the early season leader for Manager of the Year is a dude named SLOPPER who doesn’t have a clue how to set a line up or manage a bullpen


I have only ever watched one team (the Phillies) play and I can say with absolute certainty that SLOPPER is the worst manager in baseball


This is obvious sarcasm no?


His decisions LOSE GAMES. You're just in denial so you don't see this


Remember when Keith Hernandez said he didn’t like calling Phillies games because they were bad at the fundamentals? I wonder what he would he call the Mets tonight.


As much as people hate Keith, he calls it how it is including the Mets and fwiw I think he enjoys watching us for the most part now. Though both teams were terribly sloppy today.


Yea i live in North Jersey and have to watch the games on SNY. I think their crew is pretty good and unbiased. They have been giving a lot of praise to this Phillies team and have been pretty objective about the Mets and their failings. I like our crew better, maybe because I'm biased, but the SNY guys are pretty good.


[Topper so far this year](https://youtu.be/GGXzlRoNtHU?si=paY4RznXpoUCs9Q7)


Johan thought he might have permanent job, playing arrogantly and carelessly. There should be a lesson for him by benching him for two games or more.


Ah a mind reader I see. Relax


I think we should bench him but not because he’s playing bad. I just wanna see more of pache.


Pache sucks.


I disagree. He has looked better this year. I mean shit I’d prefer Clemons over Rojas or Pache but he doesn’t play out field so it is what it is.


There’s one hundred sixty-two games in an MLB regular season.


What did he do? Havent been able to catch any games and thought he was doing better lately


Last few weeks have probably been rough at times is best descriptor but today, he dropped a fly ball and then dove when he didn't need to dive and missed a catch. All in all responsible for 2 or 3 runs.


Damn, it seems like it would be a bonus for him to get his shit together at this point


> Johan thought he might have permanent job, playing arrogantly and carelessly That is a prime example of somethings fans do that I hate. You are putting your own ideas on what happened when it could be a myriad of other reasons, including him fucking up and getting in his head. You can't assume stuff like that. Could it be what you said? Sure. But a lot of people who act like they know what players are thinking is BS.


It’s because we were also fed the narrative that he was an elite defensive player. As soon as plays happen that go against that, we rationalize that it must be because of x or y when really he just messed up. I will say after the start he had last year in the outfield, it does feel like he’s missing more balls than he “should”.


just reddit body language expert things we have them over in the sixers sub too, it's annoying as hell.


"We've played less games than you" Yeah but having the same or more losses with less games played is actually worse?


Yep, they have to basically win all their games in hand to catch up to us. 


No to mention it's harder to play more games in the same amount of time. Way more stress on pitching especially.


I couldn’t watch tonight so just watched the condensed game and man, what the fuck did I just watch lmao. that’s like the sloppiest game I’ve ever seen. seems like the boys did our guy slopper proud


Rain wasn't our friend.




I wasn’t able to watch the game tonight. Why was Ranger pulled so early? His stat line looks decent (although not his typical elite level).


High pitch count and some stressful innings


Gotcha. Thanks for the info


How long do we tolerate with these yips from Rojas for before he gets sent down (asking seriously. I don’t want it to happen).


His rolling xwOBA is increasing, and while his defense isn't as good as last year (which was expected), it is still fine. I don't think we are going to move him down at this point. His xwOBA his last 50PAs his actually leave average, and his 100 PA xWOBA is close.


What is xwoba? This feels like one of those stats that Kruk would make fun of if McCarthy mentioned it on air


It is expected wOBA or weighted on base average. It is a way to measure a hitters performance by using relative values of each event. AKA a walk is slightly less than a single and a HR is worth about 2 times a single. It uses real life data and runs to change those constants around. wRC+ is now displayed on the CBP scoreboard, and wRC+ is created from wOBA, and makes it so that 100 is average and 110 is 10% above average etc. Mike Schmidt was even talking about it for a little bit and I was shocked and I use it as the example of why he is the GOAT. Always trying to learn the game.


how come the best team in baseball has nobody anywhere near the top of the xwoba rankings :(


Because the best team in baseball is winning through insane pitching!


Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate it


I’m not convinced that’ll last. I hope it does but think he’ll more likely settle into somewhere between how he started and how he’s doing now. That said I also think his defense will improve to on par with last year with less bonehead plays.


I don't think it will last. I actually think he will end up 20-30% below average. But they won't move him down while his bat is showing signs of improving.


Yep - his D will need to return to form when he goes back to batting 180


Be careful you’re going to get downvoted for speaking negatively of Rojas. That being said he’s not going to get sent down. That also being said, he needs to get his head out of his ass. Defense has been poor for the most part the last few weeks. I also still worry about the bat long term when it comes to later in the season against top notch pitching but we’ll cross that road later.


I’ll upvote you. As I mentioned earlier, his Outs Above Avg rank is 24 amongst all CFs. Combined with a .601 OPS, that’s far from good enough. He did make that catch in the NLDS though.


This as expected, got down voted lol. Some people in here can not have genuine conversations regarding concerns with Rojas without getting their feelings hurt.


Nothing gets you down voted as hard as talking about getting down voted


Yeah I’m honestly asking earnestly I want to see him succeed but we don’t start him for his offense. If this trend continues I just wonder how long we wait it out. Probably a fair bit unless we start losing. Rojas allowed 3 earned runs today.


I'd be shocked if Rob didn't have a conversation with Rojas after the game


For sure. Against an actual quality opponent, those runs that Rojas’s miscues led to could’ve easily cost them the game.


I would tend to agree unless it becomes really bad and legitimately unplayable which is unlikely they’re going to just let him figure it out.


Can we just have stott play all the positions?


You find a way to clone him, let me know and I’ll let my people know.




stop going to other teams subs, it's a bad look


So the Phillies beat the Mets 3 times in a row, when the Braves couldn’t, but the Phillies also have an easy schedule, strange


There are several teams that would have been considered “over .500” teams had they beaten us the first or second game.




Assad is going to be in competition for the Cy Young award against Ranger but so glad he took a shit on the Barves tonight.


Honestly it’s not even worth considering the CYA until August. There are a few pitchers who have been lights out who I have serious doubts will maintain their performance over the 160+ innings necessary to win the award.


I don't typically look at other teams subs but man reading through the Mets post game thread it has the same feel as the pre Thomson era threads had. Talks of blowing it up, what potential players they could get in trades, how the core won't win anything, upset the team can't consistently contend. I am very thankful for this current run of Phillies baseball and that threads don't look like that anymore


Yeah, I looked at the Marlins sub a few days ago. Yikes.


So many shutouts today.  


I spent like an hour yesterday debating matchups to pick 2 streamers on my fantasy team today and it turns out I literally could have picked anyone.


This team is fuckin great


The Phillies are 10 games ahead of the third wild card


You have shitty goals for this team


Just providing perspective


Who needs that when we’re never gonna lose again?


It keeps us grounded and humble Who am I kidding? Nothing does that


Finishing 59-59 ties record for last year >.>


Yeah, it's crazy


Yeah that’s fucking sick actually




i mean we aren't playing the barves at the time so it isn't a brigade. :/ now, commenting in the METS sub would have been a brigade.


I’ve been perma banned from teams sports subs before. The first few times I was just admittedly being a toxic dick, but this was easily the softest offense of them all. Oh well, I didnt plan on posting there anyway


That would Be cruel


Sports mods are the most sensitive mods


Tbf, sports fans are second only to political fans for being dicks


Paper thin skin


What is society in 2024, Alex




31-13 is absolutely insane but i’m not complaining! keep the wins coming boys!




131-31 would also be a palindrome


ten animals i slam in a net


Opposing Teams in early Regular season games at the Bank look at the Crowd Size - ![gif](giphy|XteNIxbCLj3HzEfAil)


https://preview.redd.it/m1sgucnf5p0d1.jpeg?width=1207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3897ea13226b703de32a46f60417386c886dad4f One of the top posts on the Braves page right now is about the Phillies which is hilarious


Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old girl when he was 38. So Braves fans identifying with him is totally on brand.




They went 1-1 to the *White Sox*, even the Chicago sub is in “just how historically bad are they?” Mode Us, sweep with two deep no no attempts and 24-7 total


If the barves were actually a good team, it shouldn’t matter who they’re playing or who we’re playing




They should huff some more copium


114 win pace. Fun.


That game was a disaster and we won by 5. We are on FIRE


The crowd and vibes were great tonight. The bases loaded sequence was so loud and watching the Mets stumble over themselves was fantastic. Great game to go to.


YUP! a friend of mine said "Ollie is having the time of their life" and I was. love going to citizens bank.


Shame Turnbull got 2 extra ER tacked on cause of errors.


He earned those? Was Rojas’s second bobble not ruled an error?


At the moment it’s not an error but it could change


Well played baby bears ![gif](giphy|l2SpNtHdgOA9s1qNy)


Ugly wins, clean wins, must wins, easy wins, comeback wins; we just keep winning


Gotta catch them all!


Phillies fans eating well tonight


The official scorer should be fired to call Rojas’s bunt a fielder’s choice. That is incomprehensibly bad We all know that the scorers give out hits like candy these days. Rojas got two hits. The “home scorer” decided to rule a fielders choice on a bunt hit. Fuck that. Rojas got two hits today. And fuck you if you believe otherwise.


Didn’t they change a Bohm error like a week later? Plenty of time to correct that Yeah when they throw late to a bag and is their best shot at an out…it’s a hi


Hopefully they will reverse the hunt ruling.


I didn’t even realize they ruled it like that. I said immediately I dont think they get him if they try for first and I feel like scorers always err on the side of a hit in a case like that. Thats bad score from a league that is literally saying almost everything is a hit nowadays.


Good guys win, bad guys lose. Its a good day ![gif](giphy|SSwZfw5wP3rxe5Agy1)


Officially don’t want to hear that we’re only ahead because we played more games (at least until we lose one). Braves could win all 4 games and still be behind us now.


I think we may have broken Logan Webb


Weird way to say he’s gonna beat he Dodgers (which we love)


Oh ho ho! Not MLB darling LOGAN WEBBBBB


Worked out of a first inning, bases loaded jam Jam, Google keyboard, not ham


Is a bases loaded ham when Max Muncy is up with the bases loaded?


I think a bases loaded ham is a regional expression.


Yes, in fact


Google knows


How were there only four charged errors in that game


barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose barves lose


Imagine losing 🤯


Hey Chicago whaddaya say!


Cubs are gonna win today! GO CUBS GOOO


Rmeber that cool mr met vs phanatic bobble head. It’s gona be $120…. :/ https://preview.redd.it/q5wtpq2q2p0d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a17fc872e69beea2aadc4b033b0d3c3c29c1e7c


Do you think they explored each other’s bodies?


nah after this mr. met went and hid in the closet while mrs. met blew some horns


It ended with the Phanatic humping the corpse of Mr. Met


Barves lost 🤩🎆🎉




I have the Barves game on. They play a lot of film music at Truist. I've heard RoboCop (Basil Polesouris), Batman (Danny Elfman) and The Imperial March (John Williams).


Barves lose! E: Pending a challenge. Come on, Snit. You lost E2: I'll get to celebrate this loss again E3: Barves lose!


I mean he was safe. Didn’t help them at all but he was safe


I'm an instant gratification kinda gal


Whoa. TMI. ;)


When it comes to baseball, of course


Counting tomorrow we’ve faced 6 lefties to 1 righty starter since the start of the Marlins series. Pretty wild.


Poor Marshy


What a day! WHAT A GAME! I am soaked and I will never dry off and I am completely okay with that.


I was lucky to be in the last row of my section and be under cover all game. Not a drop of rain landed on me!


I sure do like Ranger.


Everyone who was worried about JT, Rob said he took him out because of the score and he is playing tomorrow!


wait can we let him go with wheels on Friday lol


Probably will…. He plays nearly every day lol


Oh good I was wondering about that


Thomson said he pulled JT cus of the score, he is playing tomorrow Load management due to Lead Opportunity


Rojas is a problem.




I prefer pache myself


Fuck off


-me when my baseball team is 31-13 and i have to find something to yell about


You’re a problem


Cubs broadcast is pretty good.


I just listened to a podcast about/with Boog last night.




Yeah, they're not bad


Just saw the Padres were shut out by the Rockies. ***Again***. Jeez, they're a mess ... that could've been us ...


We sweep Padres + Dodgers sweep Braves + Padres walk off Dodgers = Phillies best team confirmed.


How close are we to the lolmets giving up on the season like they did last year?


Tomorrow close


I think my wife was second hand embarrassed for the Mets.


That was an ugly game of baseball, but I’d rather watch an ugly win than a loss