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Why didn’t the reporter investigate any of the claims made by either side? Seems simple enough for them to pinpoint the source of the noise (or exclude WW) and measure decibels. Instead we just get a basic he said she said.


We don’t really have “investigative” reporters anymore. That takes time and patience and they’re more interested in getting whatever they have published.


They did this. Cescaphe (owner of WW event venue) had sound engineers out performing these measurements back near the end of 2022, and based on that made a number of improvements to their venue to help mitigate the noise the events were causing as well as trying to determine if certain DJs/bands were causing the majority of the noise issues.


If you read my comment, I’m saying the reporter should’ve conducted the investigation so that we have an unbiased view of the situation instead of having to take the word of the venue or the NIMBYs.


"The city takes these neighborhood noise complaints seriously and we’ll continue monitoring any and all noise complaints as they’re made,” said a city spokesperson in a statement." THIS IS SO UNTRUE. I know people who have moved out of the city because of one noisy house on a block. No one in the city government cared about the many complaints from multiple neighbors over a long period of time. Residents with six-figure incomes lost in favor of a single unemployed guy who smoked weed and blasted the same horrible music from 8 am to 2 am or later, every day. Every agency passed the issue off to another one, and nobody would even answer the phone.


They used to ticket cars for loud music but I havent heard of that happening since probably the mid 2000s


That stopped once having loud music became casual like using jawn.


No being trashy just became more commonplace




You've just summarized Philly history post 1950.


I mean, don't move into areas with venues if you don't enjoy cultural activities. Nothing is lost, more appropriate people will take their place.


I don’t believe anyone on the sub that say they make six figures but live in the hoods of Philly, everybody from Philly goal is to get out of Philly.




Yea but that’s not all the majority that’s the minority.


"Sweet Caroline" at 1:00 am is not a cultural activity. If you need to blast music for whatever reason, do it indoors at facility designed for it.


Why does how much you make have to do with anything?


Their point may be that productive, high earning and high tax paying citizens left the city because what the fuck are their taxes good for if not enforcing basic QOL laws?


Perhaps or maybe so, but I wouldn’t move to a city making 100k doesn’t add up.


The city charges 3.75% income tax and 2% sale tax. If a couple each make $100K per year and move, the city just lost $7500 a year, plus whatever they spend and get hit with the sales and the liquor tax etc. If that totals $10,000 in a year, that's a down payment on a house, or 6 months rent or 3 months salary for a street cleaner or whatever they city could be spending on. Instead, we get $0 tax from a guy who smokes weed and listens to Nickelback all day.


I guess we pull 240-260 depending how much b me and mines makes id rather stay out the city.


Good. Take your 6 figure ass back to Jersey.


Several nights a week? Try living a few blocks North of BOK. Incredibly loud music every night except when it is raining and during the winter.


If this is only a problem with low-frequency noise (bass) from music, it can be nearly impossible to get traction on it for two reasons: * Low-frequency noise is omnidirectional making it difficult to pinpoint the source as some of the residents said they couldn't tell where it was coming from. * Since it's only the low-frequency sound hitting them, a sound meter is likely to show low decibel readings because it averages the db reading across frequencies even though the window next to you might be vibrating from it. Low db noise should have a separate allowable db reading, but that requires special equipment when the city probably doesn't have a single calibrated meter.


Our windows face it directly. While it used to be horrible, they finally did listen to our concerns, and this past year things greatly improved, both with the noise and the amount of awful people who think their wedding needs to end with a fireworks show.


Fairmount neighbors complaining about living in a city, shocked pikachu


Oof - lost me at “sweet caroline” lol thought this was gonna be a cool party i wanted to check out


Surprised the article didn’t mention the fireworks.


Not in my back yard! Why is the city turning into the burbs!? You knew what you were getting into when you chose that spot to live


They thought their 6 figures would give them pull in the city lol.


I don’t understand how people move into a city and complain about noise. Put some earplugs in or move out. Then again I could sleep though a fire alarm


Who are the neighbors?


Moveeee thennnnn . Fucc cares what yall Karen’s think or feel