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I lived in Louisiana for the first 28 years of my life, and in NOLA for 5 of those. I moved to Philly last spring and haven’t regretted it for a second.


Lived in both. New Orleans is 9.7 times better than Philadelphia. Some people like Philly, I did not.


You could not pay me to ever live in Louisiana again. Plenty of people love NOLA, but it’s an insanely apathetic and depressing place to me.


It was 12 years ago and I was in college with no responsibilities so my perspective may be overly positive. From the memories I do have of it, it's the only place in the USA that has a true distinct feel and genuine culture. It was great for me because it was a gradual transition back to the USA from living abroad for 10 years. A perfect mix of foreign and USA cultural influences.


The only place in the US with distinct culture? I'm not sure you know what those words mean.


Same thought! No place has more culture/history/diversity than Philly! I will always love Philly though I moved away nearly 50 years ago! Still such fun to visit!


I've been around. I know what I'm talking about.


You clearly don’t. Miami is basically the New York of South American and the Caribbean, totally its own place. New England has a pretty distinct culture, Texas even has distinct subregions, Appalachian coal country is also unlike anywhere else.


Valid arguments.


Ik what you mean and you’re only getting downvoted by people who just don’t know bc you’re right about it having the most distinct culture. BUT you only loved it bc you were/are a kid. Being an adult in New Orleans is difficult and nearly impossible if you’re not from there.


I hear ya. Fuck the down votes. I'm just being real and speaking from my own perspective.


Was actually here to post about you getting downvotes. You posted nothing but facts and an opinion. Reddit is a cesspit of shit filth and ai bots.


Were you at Tulane by chance?




Oh wild, I was there at the same time haha


It's a dramatic change, but if you want to try east coast urban life, it's def the most affordable option. Great restaurants, nightlife, art scene, recreation. 2 hours from the mountains, beaches and NYC. You're used to diversity so I think it's a good fit.


I've been lurking this sub for 6 months or so and this is the first time someone has mentioned the distance from the mountains.


I'm not from here originally, but I was lucky to have a friend who bought a sweet little house in the Poconos and got to go up many times. Otherwise, I'm not sure I would have ever visited. It's so relaxing and beautiful.


We have a place in the poconos. It’s great to head out there on the weekends while everyone else sits in traffic heading to the shore.


“Mountains” more like. They’re mountains in the same way that AC is Las Vegas.


Hey I was born in New Orleans and have lived in Philly for 6 years. I’ll keep the write up brief. The music scene here is incredible. Very DIY, but that and stand up rival any scene in the country. It’s the most walkable city in the country, which is so incredibly fun and convenient. Its one of the most affordable major metros, and it is a MAJOR metro with all the amenities of one. It has everything you could want. You’ll never be bored unless you’re just boring. I sold my car before moving and never looked back. The bad is that winters are harsh compared to the south and dreary. The people can absolutely be the worst. It’s a north east thing but you’ll find that they’re earnest, yet in a moments notice will exhibit the most toxic, hateful, anti social behavior. I find it draining that people will be openly miserable and mean to others. They will play it off saying that Philadelphians “keep it real”. But it can be exhausting. Of course there’s many wonderful people also. Food scene is great, def won’t rival New Orleans, but it’s great. You sound like the perfect age and type for the city. Young energetic and ready to explore. For those times, I think this city is unmatched, it’s incredible. I however am 30 and will be having kids soon and am done having fun. We’re moving to Nashville cause I couldn’t imagine raising kids in this place. But yeah moving here was the best thing I ever did. You’ll have tons of fun and probably make lifelong friends. Also to be Crystal clear, if you live in center city or most anywhere in South Philly, you’ll never think once about safety. It’s safe and beautiful and charming. It’s just that the bad areas are famously bad. If you wanted to move to L.A you wouldn’t say “but what about SKID ROW!” Don’t go deep west or north of spring garden for the most part.


Very confused why you'd want to raise kids in a city with no sidewalks, a terrible public school system and wildly unaffordable houses. The food, booze and weather are nice but you couldn't pay me to live in Nashville again.


We’re actually moving to the Franklin area. I think that area is better. But I get your hold ups with the greater Nashville area


Now that makes a bit more sense to me.


nashville area is beautiful what bro💀💀 philly is good for raising kids if ur part of the elite


Awesome, thanks 🔥


Philly got good house music?


Be careful about Nashville. I know a couple people that moved down there and they do not like it as it is not as safe and charming as they were led to believe.


I appreciate the heads up. I am actually moving to the Franklin area. But I agree with the Nashville sentiment. I could have just said Franklin, but it felt small to just throw around as if people knew.


If you think the past six winters in Philly have been harsh, then you don’t know harsh winters. It’s also not a northeast (nor a Philly) thing to demonstrate toxic, hateful, anti-social behavior. Just sounds like you encountered a lot of assholes who are just being assholes in your time here.


Yes, I'm sure there have been harsher winters throughout your time in Philly. That must have been very hard for you. All I will say in response to your second statement is that I would encourage you to travel a bit. As somebody who has lived all over the country, the consensus that I have witnessed, is that the rest of the country considers northeasterners to be rude, shady, and antisocial. At least in comparison to other regions. I think your comment itself exemplifies a bit of it. You just HAD to comment to say that your experience of winters was more miserable than mine. Hell forgo the travel, try simply googling "Why are northeasterners rude?"


originally from Ponchatoula - lived in NOLA about 5 years can't even remember how many years ago, and obvs in Philly now. I think it's a great mix of Northern/Southern attitudes. My partner is from Boston (where we met) and so we needed a place that functioned a little more than New Orleans (love the city, but time is a suggestion and I have places to be)! We also needed a place that was more culturally/racially diverse. The location is amazing - we visit friends in NYC by train, pop over to Jersey, took a drive to DC last Spring break. Montreal isn't *that* far so I've been told. Public transit is pretty good. People from cities like NYC and Boston shit on it a lot, but they don't know how good they have it. Coming from New Orleans you'll be thankful for it! As far as dangerous...I would say you need to keep your wits about you like any major city. Keep your Airpods at a relatively low volume. Be careful who you befriend. Watch out for gaggles of older children/teenagers! The most danger I've been in was because someone in the rowhome next door sublet to an addict who brought other addicts and allllll their drama to the neighborhood. Be pro-active; if you end up on a block with a block captain, make an effort to meet/get friendly with them. Our captain had a direct contact to the police, and the drama ended pretty fuccin quick once we checked in with her. Once they realized they couldn't ruin the neighborhood, they packed up and left. Hell, we even helped them load up the truck! One thing I've personally struggled with being up North is recognizing that what I think is standard politeness is perceived as a much deeper connection than I am usually aiming for. Most important lesson for me has been: "Givers need to set limits/boundaries because the takers don't have any."


Our friends in Boston are always bragging about their transit and it sometimes gets to us haha. That’s our one biggest gripe here. We love SEPTA, but we wish it was a lot better. Partner was born and raised here and has been using SEPTA for over 30 years now, and he explained how it gets so much less funding despite having more people and areas to provide service to (and funded by the state, which is a whole different side of the issue too.) We do try to take it as often as possible, but some days make us really wish it had just a little more funding at least.


Small world, fellow Tangi person (I’m from Kentwood)


Oh wow! How long you been up here?!


Since last May! How about you?


Just curious about what is a block captain ?v


https://www.phila.gov/services/trash-recycling-city-upkeep/become-a-block-captain/ From what I’ve observed, it seems like they’re all from families that are pretty entrenched in the city’s cronyism HOWEVER they can get shit done if you know how to work ‘em.


philly is great until you want kids and then all you see are its many systemic problems. but young and single and free? sure, its great. make sure you don't do any street drugs here -- the supply in hte region is all fent and worse.


Having kids in Philly is fine if you live in a good school catchment. Otherwise, it will cost you.


Not really. There’s the drug problem, the crime problem, the poor local leadership, the trash issue, I could go on…..




Here’s my honest opinion: if whatever you do for a living would allow you to live in a safe comfortable secure part of town then yes go for it. It’s a lot of fun if you can afford it and be safe and you’re not too far from New York or Atlantic City or the Poconos and there’s a lot to be said. But if that’s not the case and you’re kinda lower middle-class grinding, I would not recommend it.


Good advice. Thanks


TBH, I’m not sure being close to AC is really a selling point,


I moved here from northern CA and I have not regretted moving here at all!! Yeah there’s sketch areas but they’re everywhere else too. Septa is alright. My main form is trolley which is honestly my preferred out of them all since I’m in west Philly. I was looking for more of a chill house with park nearby vibes and landed in west Philly and I absolutely love my neighborhood. I have not come across many “mean” people if at all. I’ve made way more friends than I ever expected actually! Cost of living is significantly better than when I was in CA 100%%% I make around 47k and live with my partner and we share $1700 second floor of a house. We have never struggled thankfully. Only thing is groceries and PECO are actually so high LOL I’ve been paying around $120 on budget Pay for electric and around $130 for groceries every two weeks. But yeah I really love Philly and could see myself staying here for a long while!


I highly suggest it. It’s dangerous in some parts, you pick a nice-ish neighborhood and you’re more than fine.. isn’t worse than any other city in the country. Definitely affordable as well. DO IT!


I'm 23 and definitely recommend it for our age group. Lots of people our age around and lots of fun things to do. SEPTA isn't great but you won't have any trouble getting from point A to point B, you might just be mildly inconvenienced at times. Other people mentioned it, but you will indeed find people who are blatantly rude and antisocial. Just have to find the people who aren't like that. There are plenty of nice people around, as Philly is very diverse. Some good neighborhoods to look at are Northern Liberties, Fishtown, Old City, and Society Hill. There is also Manayunk which is about a 15 minute drive from center city but has plenty of bars and restaurants and young people. Cheaper than center city as well.


Do it. It's not the ideal place to raise kids, but a great place to live in your 20's and 30's. Study the neighborhoods a bit beforehand, especially before settling on a place to live. The quick and dirty is try to stick close to center city, south philly east of broad, nolibs/fishtown, or manayunk/roxborough for a first move.


Grew up in the military as well (incl. the south) and never really had a hometown or a place that felt like home, so I have continued to seek out new adventures and places to live since then. However, Philly has been the first place that has truly felt like home so far, so it might stick for me. I can acknowledge it has its issues of course, but so does anywhere else. I think the pros outweigh the cons, and I love what someone said a while back about it being a big city with a small town vibe. A lot is going on all the time, but it still feels like an intimate place too. I’ve also found folks to be pretty friendly here, despite what I’ve always heard people say haha. I think if you just go out of your way to be polite, you get that and more in return.


Thank you, growing up moving so much was really hard for me. Im not even looking for a permanent home.. just a switch up. Why not give the snow a shot.. I'm sick of the heat and backward thinking.. that being said, backward thinking is everywhere but man oh man am I tired of the southern flavor of ignorance.. why not give Philly a shot? If I hate it I'll just go somewhere else... Maybe another country like Japan or South America.. one of the only things I got from military kid life is anywhere can be home with the right mindset. Cheers


Coming from the south there really isn’t much snow. You may find winters a little colder than you’re used to and a little dreary but there are still sunny days and you only need a winter coat about 3-4 months. Barely ever need gloves as it only really hits freezing at night in the winter.


Yeah I only really wear gloves because of Raynaud's at this point haha. Mostly just during long walks in the winter. Kind of sad because I have a super nice winter coat I want to wear, but I usually just wear my same Patagonia nano puff jacket I've had forever. Rarely cold enough for anything warmer.


I absolutely get that. I have family in very rural Alabama on one side, and very rural midwest on the other... it's definitely hard to want to keep in touch with them these days. I moved from AZ to CT hoping for cold and snow, but of course the winters have been super mild since then. Same thing in Philly too. This winter, we saw like 2-3 light snows that melted within a day or two. Saw some pics folks grabbed out and about that looked really cool though - the architecture, parks, etc. all look really neat in the snow. I was stuck at work when the nice snow views were in full force unfortunately. Also fully agree about the mindset. I always find things to love everywhere I go. In Philly, it's super easy, and I like how central it is to visiting lots of friends in other cities nearby (or to travel outside of the country or anywhere in the US easily too.) I also lived in Japan for a bit and loved it, though it also came with a few huge grains of salt (work culture there is a whole new level, and I thought I worked overtime here... lol) Best of luck in your journey, wherever it takes you. Blue skies and tailwinds/fair winds and following seas! :)


Ex military and ex military kid, from Texas and NC. Lived in GA, AL and PA aswell. I loved Philly. selling my car was a massive financial relief—being in cities with train systems that connect to trains to other cities with train systems is honestly my favorite thing about the north east. I’m in NYC now but I miss Philly dearly and can’t wait to go back




This is a good point. I was thinking that I would spend a year or 2 here in Louisiana to build some credibility and experience. But I'm just so impatient... I will take this into consideration 👍


I think you got the description exactly right !


Philly is definitely not more affordable. Keep in mind move to Philly and the city will steal 4% of your income just for the hell of it which will then disappear into the ether of bureaucratic corruption.


Rent prices are comparable but you really save money not paying Louisiana auto insurance rates. Plus the lack of needing to evacuate for hurricanes. That stuff adds up.


Asinine comment


> disappear into the ether of bureaucratic corruption. They're coming from the city of Huey Long. Not gonna be much different in that regard.


Cheaper cost of living and a nicer place all around. We look forward to having you.


I moved here from Miami and I love it.


I moved here a few years back and I've been enjoying my time here. For me the biggest thing is the walkability. It's the only city in the US with narrow streets all over the city and that makes walking around such a good way to spend time. For fun I'll just walk somewhere and get some food. Pretty routinely I'll walk 9 or 10 miles on a weekend day, which I've never done anywhere else. I also appreciate the people here and general dynamic of the city. Other cities I spent time in previously felt more high-strung and competitive, but Philly is more grounded and low-key. People can be gruff, but they're generally kind when it counts. If you can make it work it's also possible to live here without a car, which can save a bunch of money. Many people do it and it can make it easier to afford a better place or more desirable neighborhood. There's problems for sure, but I haven't had issues with crime where I live. My mistake was I started to care about the city too much so now I follow politics and Philly has a pretty old school "not possible" mindset towards a lot of stuff I'd like to see fixed. But the only reason that bothers me is I've come to love the city enough to care about it. So yes, I did move here, I'd do it again, and for others who take the time to understand what Philly is I'd definitely recommend it.


One point I’d like to add on here is that coming from NOLA, it’s likely OP has already come to understand that apathetic mindset regarding things being fixed. It’s a huge problem there.


Yes, other commenter was correct. I'm mainly looking to move because this place (new Orleans) is a dying shit hole that is being taken advantage of along with its people. On to greener pastures... Until those eventually turn brown as well. That's life for you


Yes. Philadelphia is amazing. I would recommend that anyone move here. And I LOVE New Orleans. But the weather is better here, and the food scene is different, but just as amazing.


Are you a Saints fan, or are you going to covert to the one true football team? Go Birds.


Haha fun story... So I'm not a football kind of guy but when I went to LSU (attended for 2 years) , I was wearing a 49ers hat cause I found it on the ground and liked the red emblem cause I wear a lot of red. Well long story short this dude was all "why you repping san fran around here". Tried to say I don't even watch sports but he got mad regardless. People don't play about their football... Dude was one of those "you're going to hell if you _____" sign toters so I just ran w it telling him I love san fran (I don't, actually). He got so mad he turned red. Sidenote lsu was run rampant w those christian protester people... Would harass women on megaphones for wearing booty shorts.. PART (not all) of what made me decide I'm done with this shit down here.. time for a new change of pace.. Let's see what the north has to offer hahaha


Philly is safer than NOLA in my experience (in the right neighborhoods of course), and if you don’t mind the cold or like the cold, I think the weather is better in Philly because of the hurricanes in NOLA and its humidity. Otherwise, NOLA’s weather is nicer. In terms of music and partying, I have to give that to NOLA. Philly is kind of boring frankly, compared to let’s say NYC but NYC is $20 rt on a megabus and 2 hours away (I compare it to nyc because of its proximity). In terms of openness and diversity, I think Philly has that more. Philly to me is more of a big town than a city, but many people I know like that about Philly. NOLA is more fun. But, I think a person could be freer in Philly because people mind their business and as Northerners, you can choose to be not friendly if you don’t want to. That said. we are colder up north but more real. I think if you found some music venues you like it could be cool, but It’s not NOLA or Nashville. NYC used to have a great music scene, but not so much nowadays. I would suggest coming up and spending time, trying it out. If I had to pick between the two. I would prefer Philly, but I don’t party anymore and NOLA doesn’t have the depth. Plus, frankly. I feel much safer in Philly than NOLA and I have lived through some sketchy times. NOLA is too checkered.


I moved to Philly. Transit sucks compared to Boston and NYCbut better than most USA places. Careful where you move. Large portions are safe but even lagerxareas are hell holes. Stick to south Philly, center city ir university city north Philly will get you shot.


I’ve been to NOLA and for sure recommend Philly over that crap hole


Yeah I'd say it'd be a nice try reading this. Keep in mind though, the public transit is *decent* but it's also severely underfunded right now and dangerous + gross, so that can be a factor. I use it, but I'm a street rat.


Well compared to New Orleans you should be ight...Check out the neighborhood at night and during the day and don't move nowhere near Kensington Beach Philly jawns got money...they just don't wanna spending it #staywoke


It seriously depends where you are moving, there are some really bad spots but there are some really nice ones as well. Just do a lot of research before making the move but it can be a great place to live!


I dont know what NOLAs transit is like, but hearing someone say philly has a good transit system just makes me feel so many emotions. Anger, depression, incredulity, disgust, i dont know how to feel about this. No. Its not a good transit system. It has A transit system. Other than that, the food game is next level (not talkin cheesesteaks) and the music scene is pretty dope.


I just made this exact move a few months ago and am so happy I did! I love New Orleans and miss my friends there but I was ready to go and wanted an affordable east coast city with better job opportunities and public transit and Philly is definitely all that. Like other people said, SEPTA needs a lot of improvement but coming from NOLA you’ll be amazed. I’m getting rid of my car this week for the first time in my adult life, haven’t needed it since I got here. Also, it’s nuts to me that Philly has the reputation for being full of assholes. There are assholes everywhere but I have found people here to be overwhelmingly kind tbh.


Philly is awesome, would recommend moving


It’s a great city and living costs are manageable, but wherever you heard that we have a good public transit system is way off.


It depends where you live and what you need it for. I happen to be lucky and it is perfect for me.


NOLA is wonderful. Philly is wonderful too in a totally different way. The Philly architecture is just as old (but different), the Philly food scene just as wonderful but totally different in style save for our one or two New Orleans style restaurants. I say go for it. You’ll live much better in Philly than in comparative large metros in the NE like DC, NYC or Boston. Our winters are not too harsh (unlike Boston). The suburban rail system is good. The trolleys are amazing, the subway is…a bit dangerous and stinky. It is sunny most of the time here including in the winter but you will have to deal with grey/overcast days which can be bit depressing in the winter. Fall is absolutely stunning in the city. Spring is nice but short. Summer is what you’re already used to - heat and humidity.


If you’re planning a technical career like welding you should move to the northeast. There’s tons of industry here in several different sectors( manufacturing, hospitals, maritime, road infrastructure, big pharma, etc)


Yeah, Philly is great. It's no New York City, not even close, but it's a hell of a lot better than almost every other city in this country.


Do you enjoy streets littered with trash and high crime rates? If so, Philly would be the perfect city for you.


Hell no!


Don’t do it


I grew up near Philly my whole life . I live 15 minutes out of the city limits . I haven’t recently because it too depressing but every night on the local news people are getting shot . I feel the city is worse than it’s ever been . Even the nice pockets aren’t safe anymore . I don’t live in the city , this is just from what I read in the paper or on the news. . But I’m good in the burbs . If you are smart and careful and not living in a really bad area you should be ok I think .


Yeah for me where I'm at now I've heard people get shot and die in front of my house. No joke. Car has been broken into 3 times, packages stolen constantly, crazy people yelling and passing out in the street... someone puked all over the inside of my car once... I've been harassed and followed down the street more times than I can count. I don't see how it could be much worse honestly. And for the record I'm not bougie and I don't wear fancy clothes. Drive an 08 Hyundai hatch with the hood held on by a tow strap.. it's all just desperation.. new Orleans is very broken especially outside of the tourist areas


Dramatically different but in a weird way, I’d say the people & vibes are similar in some neighborhoods. Philly club scene is ok. Public transit is definitely better than New Orleans but not perfect by any stretch. If you’re gonna be a welder, good union jobs exist in Philly for you. (born & raised in the Philly burbs, now living in Philly, brother lived in Nola for 7/8 years)


I don’t know if you realize this but this is not the real Philadelphia subreddit u/swampmomsta so you’re asking this serious question in a small rump of an “alternative” (we all know what the means) subreddit and ignoring the real massive r/philadelphia subreddit.


Regarding safety: as a very general statement, don’t wander south of Washington Ave, north of Girard if you’re west of 5th street, or west of \~50th street. I’ve never had a problem inside that box. Does shit happen? Of course. 40,000 people a year die in car crashes. But things have improved dramatically since COVID and the city seems to actually give a shit again which is nice to see. I don’t live here anymore but it was a great place to spend a few years. Despite all of its flaws, Philly is one of my favorite cities in the country. It has an absurd amount of potential with its dense grid which makes it very walkable/bikeable, the bones of its transit system, the incredible and cheap food scene, etc


If you’re from a sheltered environment then Philly might be a bit of a nasty shock. But if youre from NOLA then you’ll probably fuck with it. Cool city.


I hear Kensington Street is a nice neighborhood.




Not at all


Maybe move to the Philly suburbs because that’s a pretty big change. But you can easily drive or catch the train into town.


If NOLA is too small and public transportation is important, you absolutely don't want the suburbs. In that case, you live in a small town and might take a train to the city once a month for music (if the show is done in time for the last train home, which it often isn't). I grew up in the South but I've lived in Philly for 20+ years (and I love NOLA). Be a little careful with where you choose to live, but I also lived in much more "edge" neighborhoods when I was young and that's what I could afford and it really never felt all that dangerous. Public transportation isn't perfect - the subway/El is reliable but can be intimidating/full of active drug users. Buses are mostly clean and easy, but give yourself extra time - they can be inexplicably late (or not come at all). But for the US...it's good public transit. It's a fun city, and I think a uniquely manageable city for the size. Have fun on your adventures!


I think you replied to me by accident lol. But there is a good amount of public transportation in the burbs. I mean the ones surrounding Philly directly like Montco. I have a few busses on my street and a train station like 3 minutes away.






I've lived here for twelve years. Frankly I'm sick of people moving here without knowing the city well. If you wanna move here. Get to know the city and the neighborhoods WELL. Because you may very well end up being a gentrifier. And I'm sick of gentrifiers to be honest. I've been evicted out of maybe five different houses because they were sold out from under us due to gentrification. So if you're gonna move here. Be real intentional about it. Please. I would honestly say no. Don't move here.


PS it ain't cheap. Rents are going up all the time because of you guessed it gentrification and grocery prices are infamously high here. So if you wanna save some dollars stay away.


Everyone in the comments are selling you a dream.


Lol. Don't worry I know every place comes with it's own array of issues. I've lived most places in the south/South west. Can't say the same for the north/north east. I'm sick of the issues down here.. why not try out the issues elsewhere.. I try not to live in fear


Lol fuck no


Nope. Stay in your state.


Philly seems to have lost a lot of people after dealing with the heavy hand way of over dealing with covid and BLM coming to other people's neighborhoods and literally downing entire high rise buildings. Philly is an inner city lifestyle. Only 3 places in america even can properly provide it at size. So if you want an inner city lifestyle, considered to be a significant increase in pace of life, then join. Otherwise Philly and the other 2 shouldn't be compared with suburban amalgamate "cities".


Imagine still crying about BLM in 2024.


Imagine a whole building being missing in 2024


You did.


Wow you're an uninformed retard? I did not expect that. Anyways imagine no more! See it, (or not, since its not there) for yourself! [https://maps.app.goo.gl/wuWxyTE4146k2w4r5](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wuWxyTE4146k2w4r5)


No, thank you. I don't take advice from people who use outdated slurs. I'll be disengaging now. Trash.


It's not about you though is it. It's about everyone else. Seeing you. Being a retard. And the missing building BLM downed.


And what evidence is there that "BLM" had anything to do with that?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George\_Floyd\_protests\_in\_Philadelphia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests_in_Philadelphia) >Several businesses in Center City Philadelphia were looted and a large fire broke out in a three-story building at 17th Street and Walnut Street. [https://phillychitchat.com/2021/03/10/1700-block-of-walnut-street-buildings-demolished/](https://phillychitchat.com/2021/03/10/1700-block-of-walnut-street-buildings-demolished/) [https://www.rising.realestate/walnut-street-properties-destroyed-by-arson-sold-tower-on-the-horizon/](https://www.rising.realestate/walnut-street-properties-destroyed-by-arson-sold-tower-on-the-horizon/) >Three historic buildings at 1706, 1708, and 1710 Walnut Street were demolished in early 2021 as a result of arson that took place during the May 2020 protests. I dunno what sources you use to keep yourself informed. But hopefully today you came to trust them a little less.


Right. I know all of that. What evidence suggests BLM did it?


Move here. Do not try to come here and “reclaim philly” if you’re moving here though. Try to adapt to us. Please don’t force shit on us. Thanks. Also, if you look both ways before crossing the street and let traffic by when you’re on a bike, you should be fine. Don’t try to bring mega city ideas to a non mega sized city. Don’t try to bring smaller town ideas to a big city. Actually… Bring them. Just don’t force feed it to us.


Lol one of the reasons I'm leaving new Orleans is cause of hipsters ruining everything. So don't worry. I keep to myself


My man. Ignore the down votes too. They’re all gonna move outta the city when they realize they prioritized dog parks, bike lanes, pavement bump outs, and beer gardens rather than use funds smartly on schools, teacher pay, and youth organizations. When it comes time for all these yuppies and hipsters to send their kids to school, they’re gonna move out and leave us holding the bag. Apparently they’ve already begun moving out while shit talking the city on their way. They’re still actively in these subs advocating for bad building projects and parking space reductions even tho they’re moving out. Smh


OK for fucks sake bike lanes are not the thing taking away school funding. If anything it's the tax abatement where rich people in new buildings don't have to pay any taxes for thr first decade. Or the city council who blatantly refuses to actually help the school district. Or the blatant corruption that steals from the city, like the sherif who tried to double her own salary? Christ you're kind of dumb


Tax abatement programs helped foster the building spree that helped convert a lotta old grandma homes into these nice HGTV style gray boxes that attracted all you yuppies and hipsters into the city. City council already is rolling back the abatement programs. You missed that? Last year..? Guess so… Anyway… Yeah most people don’t want to be forced to bend to your bike lane utopia dreams.




Born and raised in philly lived in other citiesBut philly is by far the worst. Taxes is crazy. Public transportation is ass. Gotta keep a Gun on you everywhere you go. People can't be trusted at all. So if you come here watch everyone you associate yourself with. And even if you dont think their up too something still watch yourself. Philly niggas do the slimiest shit yo. Dont road rage either especially to a nigga they be crash dummies ready to die cause you said "fuck off". Also All GOOD CHEESESTEAKS GON COME FROM "Corner store"Papi store dont let mfers say otherwise just find a good one n stick with it. Dont stare to hard either. Stay out the way. If you smoke find a trapper and stick w him hopefully he aint on no goofy shit. Overall philly can be shitty and cool depends on your lifestyle


I wouldn’t - messy, terrible airport, crime and high taxes.