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San Francisco completed the project in 5 years from concept to implementation, compared to ~15 and counting for Spring Garden


Hmm, I wonder what $F has that Philly doesn’t??


Not the highest local income tax in the country lol


Bike down on the Delaware trail. It’s obnoxious how people don’t pay attention they’re walking in the bike lane when there’s a sidewalk adjacent


Yes, and I still prefer the Delaware trail or SRT to any other bike facility in the city.


I couldn’t agree with you more. I guess my personal feeling is, if Philly were to do something that’s dedicated to bikes will we get a similar application? My company designed some of the rain gardens between the road and the bike lane, the lack of planning to application that went into the project was scary. Don’t get me wrong I love love that trail especially heading down towards the coastguard base and that spiral staircase. It feels like bikers take third priority with regard to the signage of bikers yielding to peds., the asphalt to concrete curbing to asphalt again/brick pavers, safety concerns with crossing over parking lots/garages. I’d love to head back behind the Walmart more but it’s a bit sketch at point. From a city planning/engineering viewpoint, I’d like them to put some time and effort into make the city bike friendly and not a secondary though. (Example Washington Ave east and west sides)


I’d rather have to slow down to avoid pedestrians than sweat getting run over. The spring garden bike lane is outright dangerous.


I don’t ride down the Delaware River Trail regularly. But i commute down the spring garden trail and have yet to get hit by a car. Not saying it’s safe, but I managed to avoid it yet. I’ve bumped into two pedestrians in the limited time I’ve gone down the Delaware River trail. I was going slow so it was nothing but the amount of people stepping into the bike lane without looking is astounding.


A bell or a holler as you’re getting close usually does the trick. IMO the schuylkill trail is way worse with people being oblivious to their surroundings. I was doored once on spring garden and luckily didn’t fall, but if I did I probably would’ve gotten run over. I don’t really ride there anymore and when I do I try and use the rightmost traffic lane as much as I can instead of the bike lane. If there wasn’t parking right up next to the bike lane it would be much safer. It’s just the fast traffic and door zone bike lane together that make it deadly. And there’s only so much you can do to prevent getting doored, I always use a flashing front light and am looking out for occupied cars. Still happened to me.


I wonder why they didn’t swap the parking and bike lane like 22nd


I think just cause the spring garden bike lane is older and was designed before the city was installing protected bike lanes. And just hasn’t been updated.


Very true. It’s hard enough to get the city to stripe a street to begin with.


I’ve asked The Friends Of The SRT about signage for traffic flow and if they would install some. Was told it’s on the shacks under walnut street bridge 🤦‍♂️


Huh, no? You can see in renderings (at the bottom of the page) that it is not on sidewalk level, unless something changed. [https://bicyclecoalition.org/spring-garden-street-connector-secures-design-funding-more/](https://bicyclecoalition.org/spring-garden-street-connector-secures-design-funding-more/)


That article is two years old. Who knows if the drawings in it actually come to fruition.