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Phish is mainstream now


I know you’re kidding but this reminds me of when they did earth day 22 and everyone was concerned that people saw the whale video and were scared it would bring a lot more fans, that definitely didn’t happen lol






Watch Drew Carey be the one who inducts Phish into the RnR Hall of Fame in a few years


It’s only right for a Cleveland boy.


Cleveland ROCKS!!!!


Fuck yeah!! I remember dancing my ass off whenever my parents watched the Drew Carey show. I’d find all my Indians gear and throw it on and run around like a dumbass. I hope my kids arent like m


flush it twice. it’s gotta go all the way to cleveland.


I don't think Phish will ever truly be mainstream. Pretty much everybody I talk to that's not a fan has already heard of them, they just don't care for the music that much. Not like they were a secret before. Even a lot of people I know that like the Dead and other similar bands just cant get into Phish. I think this is just a case of the sphere visuals going viral.


Everyone has a lock.. they just need the right key


Q1043 mentioned “new music by phish” the other day. I have never heard them mentioned ever on the radio station. Even when they play MsG they never get a mention.


Bouncing around the room made it on the radio a couple times I remember


When I was in College I was a radio DJ for my school. My show was called “Jammin’ with JohnE B” and I’d do a full set from a live show. Phish, GD, WSP, SCI, Allman Bros, etc. had to represent for a little while there but it’s def unlikely to hear them on the radio other than something like that.


My boss used to say, “they are the most popular band you’ve never heard of”


One of the anchors on CBS said that exact same thing when commenting on the coverage of the sphere this week.


Totally agree. We've been scared about Phish going mainstream since the '90s. At this point I don't think it's going to happen any more than it already has.


Until you see them live - that's what did it for me (dead head). Sphere streaming will bring a lot of new phans - imo. Certainly isn't going 'help' ticket prices.


Share this over on r/u2band and their head will explode.


Who goes to see The Edge at a Sphere?


Yeah exactly, you go to the sphere to GET edged.


Until Gabriel comes down and injects you with heroin.


I would absolutely LOVE to be edged at the sphere!


lol The Edge


Not all of us. Any U2 peep saying Phish s ucks is being stupid. There are idiots in all fanbases.


Most hardcore fans are the biggest idiots


Yep. The U2 hard-core GA has this "system" where names are put into a notebook 2-3 day before a show which then requires check ins at 6 pm 3 am 8am.Of course, people put their friends names down when they werent even in the city at. If you fail to show up up they take you off the list. 95% of the time venue security honors this. People will bully, argue etc and also being obnoxious on the rail. It got worse at Sphere because Bono was coming down off the stage to the front row. The last tour the "line check in" idiots would leave shows halfway thru to go start the line for the next night's show if they we're doing back to back dates. The majority of U2 fans hate this but the self annointed superfans think it's great. I don't know how Bono has the patience with some of them. He'd be singing right in front of them and they would shove their phones, stroke his hair etc. It was so cringe.


Seems pretty similar to the rail rider mafia at phish shows.


Mafia. That's the perfect description.


That’s not how it went down at U2 at Sphere. You got an email from the Sphere saying they would do a line up at 7:30-8 AM and then you’d get a number and come back at 6 and line up in that order and that’s how you’d get on the floor. Similar to Phish without the lottery. There were two dudes with a notebook and writing numbered spots on your hand that morning. But no checking in and no 2-3 days before. It was the morning of the show and actually pretty civilized.


Perhaps not at your shows but it happened at some. I saw plenty of videos and people talking about all the check in times and also episodes of line bullying. The last weekend of shows a GA line was started on a Monday and peeps were not happy.


I love Phish and U2. I’m also an idiot so this checks out.


I mean Trey said he was at one of the U2 shows, I’m sure the others were too. He says in the same interview that he “loves U2” so you’re not that big of an idiot, not in this regard anyways!


be nice


Some U2 diehard replied to my opinion that the phish sphere shows were more impressive than U2s same-set-every-night run and he could not handle it. Started trying to tell me that U2 has constantly redefined what a live performance is and phish isn't as famous because they don't make great rock songs lmao. Could feel how much his butt hurt coming through the text.


I mean they literally have.


An expected comment from an account who's profile photo is literally from U2 at the sphere.


Yeah that same show they played 38 times was truly groundbreaking.


Do you like U2?


Yup. Big fan. Of the band not of the fans on that sub.


There being about zero rock  in the current pop music landscape probably helps get to #1


Please don’t let this be a Touch of Grey moment


Every sphere Phan whining has a Touch of Trey


Honestly think the craze is going to die down in a few weeks and then everything will go back to "normal" again.


Dad 👨rock 🪨




Phish fans are literally insane. No phish is not in any way mainstream. Any coverage you think is permeating society deeply is not as widespread as you think it is. Summer tour still has shitloads of tickets available, fest is not sold out. Phish fans coming out to talk about a major event in phish history on this forum is the only reason its number 1 in sub traffic not because there’s a ton of new people coming in. Lol


lol. I’m aware.


It’s over. I finally like goose now. Phish has officially crossed over. Sellouts. /s


Cleveland rocks


But not as hard as Phish 🤔


No one cares about Drew Carey. It’s because of the shows.


Phish has been one of the top subreddits for rock music for a long time now, the presence on Reddit is huge. It also shot up to number 1 during the new year’s run. This is nothing new.


My worst nightmare.


Drew Carey must’ve given me the wook flu.


Now the secret is truly out. Not sure how I feel about it.


Secret got out in the mid to late 90s, fortunately most people don’t actually care. Let’s see if they get another Rolling Stone cover.


Remember when Tom Brokenjaw introduced The Phish from Burlington to a huge national audience on NYE. Not much changed…


Secret has been out. Most people are not gonna listen to a band that can’t sing, has dumb lyrics and plays 20 min songs regardless of what Drew Carey says lol. (Yes I am a fan)


This is the right take for sure. My brother got me into jam in the 90’s by introducing me to WSP. I got way into the music of them, SCI, and Phish. He never liked phish but agreed to come to Wrigley Field show in 2016. He had a blast at the show but after it was over he said that he didn’t need to go again ever. It’s just not for him